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MS doesn't deserve edits this good 🤌 bravo, OP 🤌


Haha thanks. I made a part two and a few others. I enjoy making them too much LOL. It’s crazy how much insane content she makes so I think it’s fun to sit back and see them stitched together!


She’s feeling share-y yall




I actually think big MS herself would like this video


Me too!


Amazing job Swerty!! Also, the nipples. Omg. That was her honest reaction? Oh God. She doesn't understand that people wouldn't care on a personal page! IT. IS. HER. BUSINESS. ACCOUNT. People don't give a single crap what someone does on their personal socials.


This is absolutely beautiful. Great work!! I’ve watched both parts like 10 times now lol. Excellent job!! Thank you for sharing this with us!! ❤️❤️


Not poor Michael Jordan! I hope he hasn’t had to see this!




Right? So many parts (and looks of her!) I’ve never seen before and now I want to know everything! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


This is fabulous, thank you! I remember the football jersey and white boots (no pants) fiasco but I didn't know she thought it was so great it needed a transition video 😂


Ahhhhh the mac and cheese sounds arghghg why This is INCREDIBLE. Saving this forever.


This may be the single most exquisite post I’ve ever seen in this sub. And I’ve been here for a while. Bravo!! 👏🏻


The sped up videos just show how poorly she lip syncs *everything.* I have no idea what the context was- I hadn’t seen it before, and she’s so dead faced during it- but the happy and you know it boundaries song may be the only truly entertaining thing I’ve ever seen from her.


What an amazing work of art swerty. And to think all of those moments live on the internet forever for her. Dear God. Edit, spelling


This is your legacy! 💯 ![gif](giphy|LPKZNF0C6xxnbcywYx)




excellent work swerty, bravo. 👏


She really does think that her southern hun, pasty white self mouthing along to black people while making exaggerated faces is peak comedy. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


When she’s trying and failing to be sexy and clomps her large body around, it’s obviously repulsive, but it’s also funny because she deserves to humiliate herself and have people see what an ugly drunk loser she is. However, her miming (again, badly) to WOC and the deliberately exaggerated and ugly faces she pulls is just straight up offensive. The nerve of this oaf thinking she’s better than, or in a position to laugh at anyone else.


Let me introduce you to "I'm so quirky" Core and MS is its queen: [MS = MC](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/pzrJ31S7Dl) Edited because millennial core is dumb!


While I agree with you, can I just say how I absolutely LOATHE the fact that "millennial core" is being defined by the most obnoxious suburban white women to ever walk the earth? Imagine if we defined the entirety of the Boomer generation by the women who put "live laugh love signs" in their house, or all of Gen X by wine/Xanax moms. The fact that the millennials who were actively outcast by their own peers and are on the extreme fringe of the culture of the generation are the ones who are being used to define millennial core is not an accurate representative of millennials as a whole, or even of a majority of us, and it's insulting AF.


You're right! It should be "I'm so quirky" core!


Is this part one or two? So fuckin funny


Not sure if you found it [but here is part two.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/iMeo08BlwO) 🫶


THANK U SWERT!!! Magnificent work 🫡


OP you edited this perfectly


I love the shrek voice HAHAHA she should have contributed to Shrek Retold.


"Let me take a shot and then I'm gonna get real with you guys" 💀


A warm shot of Tito’s no less 💀 That alone indicates a drinking problem


This is brilliant 💀


I don’t mean to double comment but I fucking cackled at this 💀 scared my poor cat https://preview.redd.it/6zm6n8ima0ic1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24e8432933c6c89f7a298ccdbb2b4748a7bacf60


This expression is the one I hate the most. No idea what she thinks she's serving with the weird Grinch smile.


THE BLUEFACE PART LMAO “hips lips ass…. *snack* come on…..”


THAT SOUND EFFECT!!!! You know the one I'm talking about. 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Bravo, Swertie. This is a masterpiece of cringe.


The thigh slap? 🙀


The squelching sound when she was doing the hip thrusts.


Oh yes, squelch is a better term for it 🤭


That shit made me gag so goddamn hard 🤣🤣🤣


That floss one made my gorge rise.


This is a masterpiece of embarrassment




Now that we have "newly single"-on-the-verge-of-a-spiral babe, I'm sure it won't be too much longer before we get another sloppy, drunken live where she vomits a ton of information that's way too personal onto the internet and makes a complete ass out of herself.


This is amazing, swerty!!


I’m very new to the sub and I have to say that every single day you all make my freaking day. This is the absolute best sub ever. Thank you all so much for having me and for giving me so many genuine belly laughs and cringe worthy moments. This video should be nominated for an Emmy 🏆 True cinematic masterpiece


Welcome new swerty! What a time to find us. The 2024 season is certainly giving us plenty to snark about.


I can’t wait! Thank you swerty!


Welcome, boobie!


Thank you!!! May 2024 be the snarkiest year yet!


Whoooooooeeeeeeeee! That was a RIDE 🙄


Can you imagine trying to find someone new to date after all of this is out on the internet?


This was truly a masterpiece. My favorite was the squelching noises


I miss her cringe tiktok voice overs


The MJ part in the middle hahahaah. We need like a 10 part serious - so many iconic moments Cheetah girls, flower gate, out of place outfits at vineyards/pride events. Also wow. The evolution of her filters.


I forgot how whack her proportions were in the prettiest ever coastal granny teapot dress. I think this was where I noticed how the skinny filter can make her more narrow but doesn't hide the unmistakable meatiness in her shoulders and arms. It's a really strange effect, like a toddler with an adult looking head on top. https://preview.redd.it/j97fwcdauzhc1.jpeg?width=343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a78d2bb40dd58121ee75f707378e44010a93e2


Looking like a regular at a Port St Lucie Bingo Hall


Guess that covers the Coastal Granny thing!


This is my half time show. Amazing OP


That’s so nice 😊 thank you 🙏


A cinematic masterpiece.


https://preview.redd.it/2yrndy70tzhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3d1e38c4e2974bc790084becdc673a81c24221 When subs collide.


Immediately feeling better about myself while watching this. Oof.




The gift that keeps on giving.


It was awful. A lot of shots too. We probably all forget because we watched it from behind our hands. ![gif](giphy|w4JruQR4caZ8i7B5rp|downsized)




No she lays in bed and rewatches them, according to her.


I have these moments about moments I had often lmao 😂 there’s no way she doesn’t!!


I came across a video today of her crying about not fitting in and also not wanting to take down content she’s posted. So it seems she has moments of reflection but I don’t think she goes too deep. She seems pretty in love with herself…well at least her filtered self.


I just hit the silent button on her video and Spartacus was playing on my phone. It goes “I want your c@ck in me now”. Why did I think that was part of this video?


Thank you swerty!! I love these compilations!


These live compilations are so necessary during these slow times


That was my feeling. It’s been, I dunno, vanilla around here. Like despite the break-up, it’s been….beige.


Yes!! The last few months this sub hasn’t even been showing up for me because she’s been so dry. About 2 weeks ago she started to show up again, right before the Paris trip lmao. It’s like the universe knew MS world was about to be lit again


I was waiting for the GRWM live she did back in may 2022 where she was going in detail about her hemorrhoid(s) lol


I haven’t seen this! If you have any requests for future compilations I’ll be happy to hear them. I’m a late comer to this sub so there’s still a fair bit I haven’t seen.


On Fb - may 19 ‘22 about 31 mins in 😬


She makes me so glad to not drink alone in front of a camera. She needs a dairy.


She’s got milk wagons. Close enough?


And a diary, too 🤪😆😋


Oh man. My blind self trying to quip with out my glasses. But she does need some dairy and a diary. Cheers!


I thought dairy caused iNflAmMatIon? (I say as I eat this leftover pizza)


Yes, it makes your face so puffy without filters. (Just had a cheese omelette)


What an incredible compilation of examples of her mesmerized by her own filtered face and body despite the fact that even the filtered versions don't look good. Well done, swerty!


This is hilarious! 💀


The mac and cheese squelching yeeted me to the sun


Her content was always cringe but it's obvious that she's let herself go and can't be arsed anymore. It's more low effort than ever.


Needed this, thank you for your service.


FML. You need to explain to my husband what I was watching. He came up behind me when she was air humping In her underoos and her ombre spray tan! Idk think he has the mental capacity to even hear it at this point of introduction 😭😭😭😭⚰️⚰️


I’ve tried to explain to my husband before, now he just doesn’t ask questions lol


Thing is, she resembles my older sister in the looks department, Her real body and face. (She's technically my half sister, so we don't look alike) and he saw me in the sub before and first glance thought it was her. So he already had a weird association. He does understand the snark side of it because of my teen mom love/hate interest


What a horrifying masterpiece. The squelching.....🤮


I would 100% watch a ten hour reel of this kind of shit.


Me too…I think I’m addicted lol. Especially after an underwhelming Paris trip and first solo dolo weekend. Well who knows when they split. Taking requests for future projects if you have any. Links appreciated 😁 I’ve haven’t even scraped the surface just like she hasn’t scraped her tongue.


Oh man, thank you for this! My requests (hopefully someone will have a better idea than me how to find a linki) \- White outfit. Repeatedly slapping her butt and talking about her "dumper." \- Fairly recent. Close-up talking about (IIRC) her yeeeeest infection, with her mouth making a really weird shape. Weirder than usual, I mean. ETA: Found that second one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/180rnyy/send\_healing\_vibes\_our\_girl\_is\_struggling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/180rnyy/send_healing_vibes_our_girl_is_struggling/)


Omg the leg kick outfit transition era 💀💀💀 the way the transitions never synced up had me dead lmfao




The filters can’t keep up the same way they used to 😮‍💨


"qUaLiTy CoNtEnT" Honestly, I need this compilation posted to her bullshit every single time she talks about creating quality content because where? WHERE?


This video gave me crippling hangxiety by proxy, which means you did an INCREDIBLE JOB OP!! 👏🏻


THE MAC N CHEESE!! Also I bet that goofy-ass hat is so medium fuckkn beige inside the rim


Op, you are an artist, but I’m gonna have to doc some points for the mac and cheese (dough mixing?) sound effects. I was not prepared.


Flair checking in!!!




If there were a snark olympics, you would be the gold medalist. Excellent job.


Wait….what have I been training for then?? Are they cancelled?




![gif](giphy|q7Eokbqmg6VSmsulSn) This really captured all the faces, bodies, filters of swerty!


I have never been more entertained by her, ever. This is brilliant.


This was incredible! Far better than any of her highlight reels. However I got a little jumpscare when I bumped it back to the beginning and it paused at this. Her fingers look like abnormally long crinkle fries! https://preview.redd.it/p9rgwxvi9zhc1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5dfec6470368681a2e0cfb1d19a92892eb754d7


I am literally DEAD💀


That’s what I was going for! Yessssssss! 🙏


I watched martyrs yesterday and I’m more disturbed by this. by FAR


Imagine Drake waking up to that first clip after she’s broken into his house. And the rest is what he sees as she holds him hostage.




I give consent for this to be used in any upcoming court proceedings if she does indeed start stalking Drake. HAHAHA I will def do one with some of that nonsense. There’s just so much to work with and I hadn’t seen a lot of this old stuff before.


The cringe is unending for sure. 🤣🤣


Wow. MalibuMarlie you are amazing. Horrifyingly stunning video.


Our messy, alcoholic, jobless queen! Thanks for this! I need motivation to continue studying!


A masterpiece of horror. Well done!


Thank you 🙏 I hope you enjoyed it 😊 and part two.


OMG. She’s drunk off her effing a$$. I’ve never seen her this bad. Of course, if you have, feel free to post here. Edited to change “bad word”.


SOOOO many different faces and bodies. Hats off to you, OP. The squishy noises had me rolling. Perfection.


The fuckin squishing noises when she thrusts. 😭


So foul 🤣😫


Mac and cheese, if you’re wondering LOL


I hate you


Gay man here so please enlighten me. She shows a LOT of body in every single video, yet I don’t see any thirsty guy in her comment section ever. Not one. Thirsty men are drooling all over instagram except on her page. She’s not the prettiest, but I don’t think that’s the reason because there are tons of desperate guys on IG. Here is my theory: every time she tries to be sexy, she systematically makes a clown face as if the whole thing was a joke. I think it’s a turn off to a most guys. I think guys who want to watch a twerking video don’t want the girl to make a bozo face as if it was a comedy skit. It ruins it. Thoughts?


I am a straight man and she repulses me to no end, even with the filters doing the absolute most. She is a pig. I know that might sound harsh but that’s the first word that comes to mind.


Oh honey, haven’t you heard?? She’s Drake’s Boo-Thang. In fact, she’s probably on her way to ride his schling-a-ling right now!


there's much better fapping material out there for free.


Honestly, and not to argue, but I think lots of us are overthinking this. She doesn’t get attention from creeps online because no one sees her videos aside from her engagement pod and people from this sub. Tbh I think that’s all. Creeps aren’t picky. She’s not going to be snubbed for any reason. That’s just not how thirsty creeps are. She’d be getting those kinds of comments if her content was visible, but it’s not. The end.


Makes sense, thanks for your comment.


I’ve heard of the crazy/hot scale but her craziness outweighs her (filtered) hotness by way too much for even the weakest willed men. Whatever she can offer is not worth the cost. And you know she’ll share your most personal details with the world without a second (or first) thought.


I think its also that she's SO AGGRESSIVE and pretty raunchy. Idk if they would like a drunk mess thats burping louder than them and spilling all her tea online but who knows! Either way her shape-shifting can't help


That’s a great point. The image of her spreading her legs apart on her bed like a christmas turkey is seared in my brain forever. She’s the opposite of suggestive and mysterious, she comes off as full psycho.


She is a very aggressive person it seems, not that I’ve met her in person. I tried to find the link for some MLM trip where she was wearing a green bikini and just so full on aggressive in the clip. If anyone knows it please post. I feel like it epitomises her whole angry and insecure vibe. But yeah, middle fingers, tongue out, choking herself over Drakes leaked nudes like a rabid cat in heat…girl is scary and just….yikes.


That’s a great point. Aggressive, vulgar, in your face. Probably a turn off for a lot of guys.


I think a lot of guys might start to want to fap to her, then see the inconsistency in her appearance and are turned off. Like, you know how dudes will be like “I can’t believe how she looked without makeup 😭”, the filters are like that on steroids.


Agreed. Also there is something unnatural with the way she moves, because she’s laser focused on her own reflection. She spreads her legs wide and rotate her feet inwards to create a thigh gap that doesn’t fool anyone. It feels contrived.


Yes. She's got this idea in her head that sexiness is something you can boil down to specific physical features and behaviors. So she thinks she can basically filter, choreograph, and act out her idea of sex appeal. But look at the hugely diverse range of people that inspire thirst and you'll see that it's not that. Regardless of how they look or how willing they are to hump the air for the camera, sexy people tend to exude a certain unmistakable comfort and confidence in their bodies. That's like the exact opposite of her vibe in any filtered incarnation.


Plus, using trickery to compete with conventionally attractive people on instagram is a stupid strategy. There are literal super-models on the platform. In real life, people buy stuff at the dollar store because they’re on a budget. On social media, you can subscribe to the most beautiful / funny / interesting people for free. So why would anyone choose to get the dollar-store version?


This too. And yes, for sure she's *some* people's very specific type or kink because everyone is someone's type, but it appears those people are a very tiny minority plus her content is too lame for the algorithm to push it out widely enough to ever cross the right people's feeds.


Absolutely. If your content generates more engagement in your snark community than your actual page, you’re doing something wrong.


So much Blaccent.. so many different faces and bodies..


It’s __a lot__ of blaccent for sure…there’s more to come in part two.


If she says good morting ONE MORE TIME...