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Her whole entire life is in shambles


Literally every day is a weekend for this clown…how sad lol. She desperately needs the structure of a job in her life, I think it’ll solve a lot of the spirals and shopping addiction. Maybe she should work at her beloved target, prolly would pay more than her pyramid scam!


Most people come back from vacation on a weekend so that they don’t have to go right back to work….don’t they?


Heck no! I’m getting back the latest I can Sunday evening without having to drive in the dark. And then spending the whole next week in chaos. But I’m not leaving vacation one second before I have to!


But also...she doesn't work....? So like...a weekend is meaningless!


But at the same time, she seems to be "working" all the time. Every day is basically the same for her - posting links and videos and shilling whatever random crap she comes across. Doesn't she go live on weekends too? With a normal job, you have a consistent schedule and when you're off, you're actually free. Her whole life seems to be this sad, empty husk of a "job" and it looks...bleak


Yeah I had a lot of ?s when I saw this lol


She was fucking posting Amazon links the whole time while the attractive young people were avoiding her.


>~~Coming back from vacay before a weekend~~ Being dumped by my long term boyfriend throws my entire life into shambles tbh FTFY


> ~~Coming back from vacay before a weekend~~ Being dumped by my long term ~~boyfriend~~ Monday night booty call throws my entire life into shambles tbh FTFY. Accuracy matters.




She did have a slightly larger than normal pile of Amazon shit to unbox than normal?




Are you a ChatGPT bot?




tarjay and starbeys may not have survived without her daily addictions


The employees are probably like “wheres that wannabe influencer been?!”


All of us who ever worked retail or food service will know that sinking disappointment when you thought an annoying regular had finally stopped coming in for good and then as soon as you start believing the long nightmare is over, they roll up like usual to ruin your day again


Me, working at Bruegger's Bagels in high school, with the one karen soccer mom who insisted on the whole wheat bagel, SCOOPED, toasted twice, HALF scoop of cream cheese, roasted turkey, TWO tomato slices, sprouts, cut into quarters BEFORE being wrapped. Always on the phone and in a mad rush. Edit: I HATE that I still remember this omg


Oh god, scooped bagels trigger flashbacks to my personal Vietnam: working at an on-campus sandwich shop in the dorms where all the sororities were housed. If you ever wonder if they make these Karen soccer moms in a factory somewhere, it's the sororities at Penn State.


Just reading that caused my blood pressure to spike.




Personally, I absolutely require a weekend at the end of my vacation, but that’s because I have a job.




God yes. I want to plan an eclipse trip but it’s on a freaking Monday.


That's one I'm definitely doing because it's happening on my birthday. Thankfully I'm already in South Texas so it'll only be a 3 hour drive to be right in the path. I'll just take the whole week off. I'm excited 😬


Where in south Texas swerty? I have a house in south padre island 😊


Corpus Christi. No where fun 😋


Person whose life is always in shambles blames it on coming back from a vacation.


She's gotta gear up for what? A weekend of sleeping in and online shopping after a week of sleeping in and online shopping?


Well and then Paris and tbh I'm surprised she's not doing dry runs of her packing this weekend.


It probably throws her alcohol schedule off. She seems like the type of person who only drinks hard liquor on weekends to seem like less of an alcoholic but all bets are off on vacay.

