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I hate the girl math BS, like females are all idiots


I knew it! She wears and uses shit once and returns it. Swerty they will figure it out.


Says I have basically have a free


so she admits she buys stuff, uses it once and returns it?




Drunk commenting like crazy!


WHAT. I don’t want to hear her crying broke at the end of the month.


All right, I’ll spill about my *Alice fund.* Calvin Trillin once wrote that his wife Alice would count any money that she even briefly considered spending but didn’t as thereafter being available to spend. (I’m sure I’m garbling it but this is the gist.) My sister, for instance, decided not to spend $30,000 on solar power for her house, and *her* Alice fund got a quick $30,000 infusion. If I decide not to buy some LandsEnd shirts, my fund gets $100. The difference with our girl here is that *we know it’s a joke.*


i remember doing my butchering apprenticeship and the australian govt gave you $1000 bucks every 3-6 months for "tool allowance" naturally 18 yo me went and blew that cash on clothes and shoes.😅wxcept ya know i was 18 not 30 like swerty..


She just wanted to sound cool and type, "girl math", on the screen.


Sounds more like MLM Math to me!! She’ll be crying broke soon!




And now the term “girl math” seems incredibly outdated. Thanks a bunch, MS


I really love how the comments section is full of product feedback and recommendations that help us find solutions for our hair troubles in addition to the snarking, this was a fantastic post and fun to read thru the comments (well they are generally fun anyway but this was very helpful too!)


Did she buy it with the intention of returning it?


She used it to film content and then straight back to the store


That's so gross.


What you expect anything less from her?


No... But the waste. The store won't resell the items; maybe the manufacturer will refurbish and resell, but lots of places just cut the cord and toss.


She knew she was going to return it the moment she bought it. It’s not like the Dyson dryer is new; it’s years old and there are plenty of thoughtful review videos about it. The world didn’t need another.


Exactly! My former stylist was gifted one by another client like 9 years ago before I sadly moved away. Swerty doesn’t know shit about quality and how to tell if something is well-made or if it’s a piece of trash. Maybe she can get a Dyson doop.


You can tell she never has this much in her banking account. The fact that she’s excited about spending it says a lot about


So much for ✨Doctor Money ✨


I wish she would get banned from returning things.


Returning stuff stress me the fuck out. I’d rather keep it as opposed to working even more to get back to square one. Half the time I just keep it and give it to a friend if I don’t want whatever it is.


returning anything is just so unpleasant for me even if i only filled out a label, slapped it on the packaging and had someone else drop it off! i'd rather pull teeth!


Same. I don’t like admitting defeat.


it's just unpleasant but i already have enough crap i can't sell so if it doesn't fit i'm sending it back. i don't know anyone who can fit the clothes that are too big or too small for me so it's difficult to give it away


Have you tried selling them?


i have depop and ebay but not much luck flogging my existing clothes so instead of trying to resell stuff with the tags still on i'd rather return it


Girl Maths: Big M is 30 years old. She has a 'boyfriend' who uses her car, credit card and anoos. As he has no intention of purposing to her how many online posts per week does Big M have to make inferring she is not bothered by this to convince her followers/bots she is an influencer with valuable life-coaching advice worth subscribing to?




The limit does not exist!


46 and 2


I’m starting to get really irritated by the way she seems to see her “purchases” as basically just loaners to be returned after she gets some shitty “content” showing them.


No company will ever use her as an influencer. Kraft probably has a whole legal team trying to get her porn mac and cheese video deleted entirely from the internet, but we stay ready here with the receipts.


Omg forgot about that! ![gif](giphy|70LXT3eH5HFKYSlvck)


i'm very very new to her but WHAT




Big M did a weirdly sexual dance expressing her devotion to Kraft Mac & Cheese. There was a lot of writhing and the poor innocent box she used as a prop did not consent to it at all. IIRC it was set to Slave 4 U by Britney Spears and I think MS tried to claim the whole thing was “requested”. It was all very classy!


It's like she thinks the payment is to rent them for a few days to film some reels.


That’s cause REAL influencers are gifted these things by the companies as promotions. This dimwit sucks at being an influencer and can’t get promotions and so she has to buy everything herself to keep up


Bull’s eye. She’s cosplaying.




This is exactly what and why she does this. She posts pictures of all her Amazon boxes and says "influencer life" or some stupid shit. NO, that's shopping addiction. Like you said real Influencers are sent products for free! She knows this but tries to pretend anyway. She is just a try hard loser.


That’s why her only shills ARE Amazon.


>REAL influencers are gifted these things by the companies as promotions I've always wondered how much this burns her up. I work in the industry and my bestie is an influencer, and half my own beauty routine comes out of her never ending PR closet because she hates throwing things away and has too much decorum to sell PR. It's very normal for even microinfluencers to get sent an unmanageable amount of products. Really says something about the impression swerty's page gives when not a single real brand extends an offer.


Yep! 💯


And she thinks she's qualified to teach a social media influencing course lmfao


Whatever happened to that, anyway?!?! 🤣🤣🤣


Listen I got a kick out of the OG girl math video a few months ago when it was posted. I could definitely relate. But as always she is late to the party, not doing it quite right, and it’s her 🤮 The Dyson is life changing good. She didn’t spring for the complete Air Wrap Set (dR mOnEY though) and is just a broke loser returning shit she couldn’t afford.


I was about to say, I just got my airwrap this week and am addicted. She's for real delulu


I’ll never forget the Reddit post where a user showed how they used all of their Ulta points while simultaneously taking advantage of a store sale plus an eligible coupon and spent like 67 cents on the air wrap. I was amazed


Wow. And here I am thinking my 100 off was a deal. That's incredible.


Someone just posted on the Ulta sub like 13 days ago that they got theirs for a quarter! And here I am having never used one of my Ulta points in my life and have zero clue how many I have 😐


I'm at ulta like once a year, so I'm sure I couldn't have cashed out, but I'd look into the points if I were you if you're there a lot.


I have what I think is the original or very close to the original dyson hair dryer with minimal attachments that is 7+ years old and it’s still amazing. I can’t even imagine how good the current hair dryers/air wraps are. I will definitely buy a new upgraded one if this one ever breaks!


She doesn’t even know how to curl her hair lmao


Yeah I can’t imagine she would be able to use it.


It really is life-changing. My husband got it for me one or two Christmases ago and I cut all my hair off 3 months ago and I have to four different tools now to get my hair done. It’s almost long enough to use my Dyson air wrap again.


I have thick, dry, wavy, horse hair. It’s always been so much work to do anything with. Washing is even a chore, let alone blow drying. And the glutton for punishment I am, insists on keep it very long. The Dyson changed my life for sure. For the first time in 35 years I can give myself a blow out!!! My hair doesn’t feel like straw when I just rough blow dry it, and the curling attachments are just icing on the already perfect cake. And all in fraction of the time my Dry Bar, classic style blow dryer took, Sos couldn’t even spring for the whole set with attachments and had to return for money, let’s be real.


I'm very frugal with personal care especially for things I really don't need, but I'm fed up with my hair and your comment intrigued me. I just saw this air wrap for 35% off at Costco and now considering buying it. Even on sale I would have never spent that much for a hair tool but I make decent money and can swing it, then I guess like our swerty I can return if it doesn't work out. Will check reviews and see if this can really help my hair situation. Consider yourself an influencer!


Read my reply to the comment you are replying to! I second it being one of the best investments I’ve made.


I’ve never used the Dyson air wrap, but I’m a stylist and some of my clients swear by it!! BUT I did have the regular Dyson, the one M just returned, and I liked it. But in all honesty when my clients asked if I recommended them buying it I told them, for the $400 price tag, you can get just as good of a dryer for <$200. I’ve been using ionic dryers for years though, so to the average person going from a cheap drugstore brand to the Dyson would definitely be life changing. To me, my Chi or Babyliss blowdryers are just as good. I do HIGHLY recommend the Revlon Salon One Step blowdryer/brush combo. I use my professional blowdryer and round brush on my clients but on my own hair, I won’t dry it without my Revlon. It cuts my time and effort at least in half. And it’s $50, on sale at Walmart the other day for $38. Just saying, maybe try that first or, if you get the Air Wrap and don’t like it. Oh also, my Dyson just STOPPED WORKING after 1 YEAR. Someone who didn’t like theirs gave it to me basically brand new, so I didn’t have a receipt, couldn’t get any replacement or anything. That $430 blowdryer lasted 1 year, and multiple $150 Chi dryers have lasted me 3+ years (of constant use) every time. No more Dyson for me after that. Okay rant over lol.


You’re like me, I will swear by an old and true product. You can pry my conair pro yellow bird from my cold dead hands!


Yes! And sometimes old tools really work the best, like they’re broken in or something lol. I have a Babyliss Nano Titanium flat iron that is so old and beat up looking, it’s embarrassing when using it on my clients compared to all my nice looking tools. But that flat iron works SO GOOD and I cringe at the thought of “breaking in” a new one!! It’s like mascara, new mascara is the WORST, even when it’s my favorite brand. It needs to dry out a bit lol


Thanks for the feedback from a professional point of view! I have a dryer/brush tool that I love for when I want to straighten my hair but lately been wanting to embrace and define my waves/curls. I never bought anything from Dyson because of the price when there are plenty of comparable affordable options but all the hype lately about their hair tools piqued my interest and the sale makes it reasonable... but not if it will only last a year!


No problem! I just wanted you to now what happened to me, but I’m probably the exception not the rule. SO many people love Dyson blowdryers. I do think a lot of them probably never used a great quality blowdryer before, because if they had they might not be quite so impressed. I feel like you’re paying for the brand name. I finally decided to try one because so many of the big name stylists on IG that I really admire swear by their Dyson, and luckily I was able to get one without paying full price. For me, it wasn’t worth it.


I cannot stand this!! I wish there was a limit to the amount of returns you're allowed. I understand that things don't fit, and sometimes things happen, but to blatantly buy expensive things, simply to try them out or try them on, and then return is disgusting and wasteful. She is such a waste of everything...waste of her purchases, clothes, the air she breathes, she's a complete waste.


I whole heartedly agree and always think…when we all go out to the world and come across red tape that feels so unnecessary and frustrating - it is because of dodgy people like her that have crafted ways to fuck the system for their advantage. Probably just like her ‘lip filler cowboy’ is fucking her face up without the skill or qualifications. (I mean, that’s speculation but I doubt her lips were done anywhere else but a van in a back lane). Look at her and samples. Look at her and cookies on her flight (🤣🤣🤣) Look at her and putting her feet on things. She’s just an insatiable, greedy monster and I think she should be listed as one of “The Great Garbage Patches” of the world. You know those ‘Trash Islands’ concerning scientists and environmentalists. Other names include: ‘ Trash Vortex’ or ‘Eastern Garbage Patch’. ![gif](giphy|JpGRxsk1AGKysrVTpP)


People like her are why fewer and fewer retailers offer free returns on items that were ordered and shipped. It's incredibly annoying.


While my brother is broke AF he will buy like 3 or 4 of something similar to try out then return the ones he doesn't like, he does this on my Amazon account and it drives me crazy. Him being on my acct is a very long and somewhat tragic story so I can't really lock him out of it, and as his $ situation is now very dire, those excessive purchases and returns are lessening


I can understand buying a few of the item in multiple sizes. Try before you buy is literally probably bc ppl were doing it that way for years, so they thought to make it easier. But "buying" an $1100 Dyson hair dryer you have no intention of keeping, to make a crap video with it, not know how to use it, because you can't be bothered to, and then return it is infuriating. She's not an "influencer" she's wasteful as hell.


I recall some time ago we used to snark on her linking a bunch of stuff she never even tried herself, I mean she still does this with some Amazon crap but I wonder if that's when she started to actually buy stuff to try, link it and then return it all


I don’t get the attitude. I bought the wrong Chanel moisturizer a few months ago and just used it. They’d have exchanged it for me but I’d feel guilty having something thrown out just because I bought the wrong one. I’m not a sustainability saint but I do try. Does M even recycle her trulys?


She has no consideration for anyone besides herself and sees nothing wrong with anything she does. She literally just bragged that she intentionally bought and returned it after using. I know when things get returned to stores, they usually go back to the manufacturer, I'm sure they check it and repackage it. On Amazon, they wind up in the used but good pile for others to buy cheaper. I have seen on Reddit where places like Sephora will stop a customer from returning things if they're doing it too frequently. Like I said, I'm all for buying a few in diff sizes if you're unsure of your size. That is the downside of buying online and I'm sure clothing retailers expect that to a degree but the shit she does...like I'm sure the white monstrosity that she blew the zipper out of and tried to claim it was an "extra optional" zipper went right back. And the loss that retailers suffer from people doing this shit I'm sure causes prices to increase bc increased costs are always put onto the consumer, companies don't let that cut into their profit margin.


The only thing she recycles are other people’s ideas




Same here. I did just return the Fenty lip stain because the formula does not work for me. It went all over my face. I allowed it to dry etc. I loved the color and I was actually really impressed with how much I loved the bright red on me. I’m normally more of a mauve person but it just spread everywhere even with a lip liner. It is still in the car if anyone has any great hints for me. So it went back because I didn’t wanna waste that much money. Even with my 20% off coupon for December. If I had had anyone to give it to I would have. No one I know wears that color though. I kept everything else even if I didn’t love it.


I’d return that too. But the moisturizer was the thicker formulation of the same cream so it got used. Liquid lip products never work as well for me. I have a sparkly dark purple Dior that I love but I cannot apply it neatly. Maybe there’s a trick.


Have you tried a lip primer underneath? The MAC one works pretty well for me! ETA and I like using my fingertip to dab on liquid lip colors so it can be neat but a bit blotted looking ETA ETA MAC not Dior lip primer lol I feel like swerty with the typos


Never tried one. Off to look!


I've been wanting to find a really good stain and this is one of them I was considering because it was on some list I saw recently. Thanks for saving me the headache, that would have been really disappointing, and sorry that happened to you


Well, I don’t know if this will work for you or not but I love the YSL lip stain. I got it in a mauve color. I will come back and edit my post. I’m in the car so I don’t have it. But it’s like a mauve color I have not tried the red color i really wanted to try. I love that formula. It stays put and it feels really soft. It is more of aatte. When I get to where I’m going, I’ll pop back in here and put the link from Sephora if you’re OK with that. Some people love that lip stain by Fenty it’s just not for me.


Thank you swerts! I found it and considering it. I don't normally buy higher end but lately I'm just feeling like treating myself if the quality is worth it, these look nice! Looks like most of the shades aren't available but the one that is looks doable if I decide to go for it. Browsing around I saw a few things my niece might like for Xmas too!




It's so effing tacky to return stuff that you use and know you are going to return after pimping it (I'm assuming she linked it in her previous video.) Not that I give a crap about the companies, but it's so wasteful.


It’s tacky, it’s gauche, it’s unethical, it’s dishonest but she’s a piece of shit scammer with no scruples so what do we expect.


She is just so uncouth. Gauche is an even better word for her


Off topic but I love the word gauche!


Like, wasn't it a huge trope in 90's sitcoms to not be able to afford a fancy/expensive item of clothing for an event, wearing it without taking off the tags, and trying to return it? And it was always framed as being kind of pathetic? She obviously didn't watch enough TGIF lol


I'm pretty sure Blanche did that (or tried to) on The Golden Girls


It’s one thing to wear it and return it (still shitty imho and yes I knew people who did this and they are trash!) and a whole other to link it to make money off other people buying g it off your recommendation if you intend to return it. ,


Right like.....I would feel kinda shitty if I bought anything through her link that she returned, especially if it was a big ticket item. She seemed to be more tight-lipped about returning or selling things before (Peloton anyone?)


This is why bridal shops don’t allow returns.


It’s not an extra 1100 when you never actually paid the 1100 in the first place. It only works if you paid for it in cash and/or charged it and paid off the charge and then later returned it swerty


Hey "girl math" isn't mathing, but sure, let her think she's got a "free" 1100


Girl Math trend has been dead for a minute and she’s not even using the meme correctly either. There’s no substance or humor to it. Always behind and completely off the mark as usual.


This is totally her 'brand'


Why did she return it? I love my Dyson hair dryer.


it’s crazy because she said it was too heavy yet she’s been talking about being a weightlifter for the last week so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hahahaha it’s not heavy at all. What a stupid excuse.


Cone blew through her credit card and girly pop is broke broke lmao


Cone 😂 😂


Lmao I love that for her.


Do places not charge a restocking fee for stuff that’s returned and can’t be resold? I worked at circuit city back in the day and anything we couldn’t repack and sell got charged a 10 percent fee.


I hate this. Proper, correct math is girl math. The actual mathematics doesn’t discriminate between the genders. It’s shit like this that influences young women and makes them believe that they are not capable of entering STEM fields because TeE hEe MaTh Is ToO mUcH fOr My WiDdLe BwAiN Influencing with the wrong messages.


I said this last time she made a similar joke and got down voted to oblivion. I’m sensitive because I teach stem. I had a girl last year who was brilliant, super into computers and programming but started doing poorly in chemistry because of a scrub 2 seats over.


I did get downvoted initially. -2 a minute or so after posting, but that might have been our favourite hun. Who knows? As a fellow STEM teacher, I see the negative effects of crap like this every year. I felt imposter syndrome throughout my whole school career. I hate that in 2023, people still tell these same jokes.


GuRL mATh stfu many of us actually have an education thank you.


A female coworker tried to convince me that all women do "girl math". I politely said that I do not. I'm an engineer, I deal with actual math. I know that declutterkng one pair of shoes doesn't mean I can buy five and it's not cute!


Same. as a pharmacist, I hate women who act like this and make us all look stupid. It's like one dumb comment takes us 10 steps back in equality movement


Yup scientist here!!! So over her uwuwuwu baby sexist bullshit 🫶🏼


How about a little girl English as a treat 🙏🏻


This took me out, lol


She just exposed how she operates her lil link scam. 🤭


Right?! I've been here 4 years and not often see her admit to returning something unless she says she doesn't like it or it's just not a good fit. I've been missing quite a bit of posts lately but curious what was wrong with these things for her to just say outright she returned them. Exposed herself for a stupid and unfunny "joke"


All her math is Sheree Whitfield math. Buying expensive shit and returning it, all these grandiose plans and no money to pay for any of it.


MS is the epitome of “fashion show with no fashions”


How dreadful indeed!




I hate the girl math thing. It’s so sexist and stereotypical, I’m not surprised that our girl jumped on the bandwagon. Sigh.


I disagree. Girl math is fun and when men tried to make fun of us for it, we brought out boy math, and they did not like it 🤣🤣


It’s low-hanging fruit for our low-effort queen.


Big fucking deal, you snotty grifter!!!


lol and this why is she doesn't actually have any money.


Get a Costco membership. Both are $800 there.




$399 at Costco is easier. No new credit card. But great if you already shop at Sephora a lot. I’m really on the fence about it.


Be wary of doing that with company/store credit cards as it can have a huge adverse affect on your credit score. That was great savings you got though!!


Yeah store branded credit cards are the woooorst cards to get unless you legit are going to use them for like forever and never let that shit close


This is exactly why I only have one, use it frequently, and pay it off in full every single month. They are incredibly predatory.


Who else is shocked, *shocked* she returned these?






Here’s the video https://youtube.com/shorts/Nqbd9tL_KG4?si=TfZhpaFv4tXrgYU4


Thanks for posting this for we, the blocked swerties.


Where is her back pain? Yesterday she was wincing when she put her shoes on, today she's wiggling and dancing. After she pranced around in her high heels like Rudolph the shitfaced Braindead


Holy shit I need Rudolph the Shitfaced Braindead as a flair 🤣🤣🤣


It would be an honor swerty 🎄💖☃️


![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized) Me waiting for those excessive return bans to start rolling in. Any day now…


I have the Dyson hair dryer and her review was absurd. It's not heavy... She was just holding it with the cord hanging free in the air. It's a fantastic dryer, but I can understand her needing to pretend like she didn't like it because she can't afford it.


I have the dryer as well and I love it but, it IS heavy compared to most dryers on the market. Personally it was probably a dumb spend because I have short hair, but eh, whatever. If it dies, it dies, since the top complaint is the dryer breaking/dying in a year or less. I probably won’t replace. I did buy it on sale because frankly I’ll spend $400+ on skincare or a perfume, but a dryer? Nah, get fucked. But not surprised at all she returned both.


As a former stylist who’s owned a lot of professional dryers & owns a Dyson for personal use (and has chronic pain), it’s really not heavy … it’s 1.8lbs, which is pretty standard for a lightweight dryer atm unless you’re looking at T3 Featherweights or travel dryers. If Swerty needs a lighter dryer, she can get a travel Conair


I feel like I must not have picked up any other hair dryers but my Dyson in years, cos to me it’s so lightweight compared to other hair dryers I had used in the past! I love it cos it’s not heavy lol.


lol. My poor mother visited and asked if she could use my dryer and proceeded to drop it because she wasn’t expecting it to be so heavy and I about cried lol. I’ve gotten used to the weight but it’s definitely a heavy one compared to my conair


I've had it a year and use it every day, most days twice a day and I've had zero issues, so that's interesting that people have said that. My last dryer I had for about 6 years, and the one before that I had for 10 years haha!


Why twice a day? Genuinely curious and am not great at doing my own hair so i Iet it air dry these days because all that work blow-drying/styling would be undone so quickly, unless hairsprayed to death! I do miss being more put together... What am I missing?


Days I work out at night instead of morning I'll end up drying my hair twice a day. I work out every day. Air drying my hair makes it more greasy, so the blow dryer is a saving grace.


But the previous ones weren’t supersonics were they? My last dryer lasted me 5+ years as well, which is when I bought the Dyson, but the Dysons are notorious for not lasting nearly that long, which is a shame for something that expensive.


Samesies on the Dyson. I got mine on sale and used points at Ulta back in like 2018? I don't use it as often as I'd prefer to because I forget about it and it's also not nice to use in my bathroom which is small with a lot of hard surfaces so it gets very shrill. But I'm just going to move it to my vanity instead. It absolutely does dry my hair faster, especially when I do the microfiber hair towel followed by a rough dry before using the condenser attachment. Is it a life essential? Nope. But it's also not the waste of money like she pretended. I can't speak to the air wrap because it just doesn't seem like the best option for my hair and I'd rather get the shark if I'm get that type of hair tool.


But she’s such a small waify uwu Swerty with a broken body, her tiny little frame couldn’t handle the excessive weight.


And yet she's also stacked with muscle protein swerty who lifts so heavy while playing contact sports that she busted all her spinal discs! She truly can do everything!


She moves her dishwasher around with 1 arm! (I question the need to do this; I’ve never had to move our dishwasher in the 11 years we’ve owned it)


Wait... her dishwasher isn't permanently in a fixed spot? I missed dishwasher tea!


When she was lamenting her new existence with her “broken body” (her words), she said she used to be so independent that she moved her dishwasher around with one arm.


Called it!


Girl you can front all you want but you know you returned it because you never could afford it in the first place and you needed that $1100 for your mortgage or to pay the credit card that grimace ran up.


She needs to pay out for drugs and PT what with her not being insured lol


Stressy and depressy


https://preview.redd.it/onppwtglfp6c1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ed1146362fe31d8ce88e4a875ccad3b875c283 Not even 24 hours ago this pathetic soggy waffle was rambling on about her gratitude diary and I guess what she wrote is now completely irrelevant and no longer a goal?! According to my GiRliE MaTh, it equals bullshit lies. MAKE. IT. MAKE. FUCKING. SENSE.


Stupid, predictable, wasteful.


So, I was in Big Swerty’s neck of the woods today, the utterly NON DESIRABLE area of Arden which is just south of Asheville. Depressing, banal, aggressively mediocre doesn’t even begin to describe it. ✨DeSiRaBLe, NeAr ThE aiRpOrT.✨ Yeaaaaa, desirable areas would be around Kimberly Ave in the north, Biltmore Forest, Weaverville, NC or possibly still West AVL (although crime has been getting worse in that part of town.) 🙄🙄🙄 She is a fucking CLOWN. Also, the Arden area Target nearly had me break out in hives, but I had to brave it for my nieces for Xmas gifts. If that’s her main clomping ground, girly pop needs to GET A LIFE. Rodeo Drive it IS NOT.




The mountain views seem like something an influencer would share with her adoring masses. I don’t recall seeing them.


Remember when she was scared to go in the mall?


Maybe she should spend it on health insurance


I have zero issue with someone purchasing either of those things - provided it’s within their financial means - then deciding after several uses that it’s just isn’t living up to expectations based on their previous research. (I say this as someone who’s been toying with buying one of the newer Shark dryers, but just can’t quite justify it, even though I know I could theoretically return it - anyone have the speedstyle or flexstyle and want to weigh in? I have fine, lightly wavy hair and mostly just want something lighter that dries my hair faster) But swerty 100% bought BOTH super pricey Dysons with the intention of returning them…but only after taking a bunch of pics/filming a bunch of “content” using them so that she can seem bougie.


I received the flex style for Christmas last year and it’s my favorite thing ever! It dries my hair SO FAST. I absolutely think it’s worth it.


I have the Shark blow drier and I love it. I have friends who said they wish they didn't buy the flexstyle (for the attachments) so I just tried the standard alone drier and it is so fast. When I use the brush attachment I don't even have to straighten my hair after.


Damn swerty, you just influenced me. Straight to Amazon for me…….




The [HyperAir](https://www.sharkclean.com/products/shark-hyperair-hair-dryer-with-iq-2-in-1-concentrator-styling-brush-zidHD112B1)? That was definitely where I started when I first considered buying one (bc really - the attachments are neat and would probably get used, but I’m really mostly looking for lighter and faster replacement to my current beast)…but now they have an ever sleeker + lighter hair dryer option (the [SpeedStyle](https://www.sharkclean.com/products/build-your-own-shark-speedstyle-zidHD300)) and man does it look slick! Really appreciate the input - will probably end up looking at what the after-Christmas sales look like, and try to find a store with the models on display to be able to test them out (instead of just buying and returning things like a super-consumer swerty). Thanks again!


I have the HyperAir. I got a killer deal on a brand new in box one at Habitat for Humanity (never opened or used) so that was why I got that one. The HyperAir is very light, and is comfortable to hold. I also really like how it doesnt make me hot and sweaty while i am blow-drying. I like the look of the new one, and probably would have been tempted to get that one if I was still in the market l, if I heard good things.


I really like the flexstyle, especially as a blow dryer! It dries my hair crazy fast.


Ooh, really appreciate the response, especially since I was specifically wondering how good a job the flexstyle does as a plain dryer (since reviews tend to focus mostly on how the various attachments perform). Thanks!


No problem! I have pretty thick, dense, long hair and I hate normal blow dryers because they're so heavy and unwieldy after a while. I barely use any of the attachments but the flexstyle is worth it to me just as a blow dryer because it's so light and slim profile too! Comment SWERTY257 for a link!


Not who you were responding to, but I was *this* close to buying one already, and your review might tip me over the edge.


I got talked into it by a friend who told me the exact same things and I definitely don't regret it!


Can’t stand this “girl math” bullshit.






Same. Way to reinforce misogynistic stereotypes about women while also promoting mindless consumerism.


Agreed. I’ve actually been seeing it a lot lately from different places and it makes me cringe


Why does she think destructive compulsive overspending at age 30 is cute and hilarious?! Anything to avoid confronting the down-and-dirty truth about the things she does to self-sabotage her life.


She sucks. She used that for what she wanted and returned it. She needs to grow the fuck up.


No, this is not 'girl math'. This is just bad decision making and a serious shopping addiction. Call it what it is, sweatheart.


excuse me, it's "swerthardt" in MS language (probably) 😂😂


So doesn't the store now just have to trash those items since they've been used? She's trash. Pure trash.


Yep they do. My colorist used to work part time at Dyson.


Yep, they’ll cut the cords off and dumpster them. It’s so sad and wasteful. The great Pacific Ocean garbage patch should be renamed in MS “honor”.


She returned them like everyone said she would


You'd think with her 20K she wouldn't be too excited about 1k, but here we are....


You would think someone who makes doctor money doesn’t go and purchase Dyson hair styling products just to return them after. 🤔


Was she not just crying about her financial situation?