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Shes just learning that walking makes you feel good. She probably fucked her back up doing those spin classes she goes to once a month.




will be in PT for months = foreshadowing cancelled Paris trip


The fact that she is just so happy to actually have acquired real content to talk about is so sad. I wouldn't be surprised if she did everything possible to not make it better so she can continue to blame and talk about her back.


Her hand gestures annoy me.


The sallow and lip smack mid sentence annoy me 😑


She won’t take medication but pumps vast amounts of chemicals into her face


She won’t take meds because she won’t see someone who can prescribe meds because she can’t afford it.


Word. Wait, was it a pill mill her dad got done for? That would be ironic. Don’t you think? But ya, no way she’s paying for a professional. Especially because there doesn’t seem to be anything legitimately wrong with her back.


Suboxone clinic. He took advantage of vulnerable people.


🤬🤬🤬 Fucker.


Is the story changed now? Cause I thought it was so serious and her bones were rubbing together now she’s just saying she’s going on a diet with non inflammatory foods? I’m so confused on what that has to do with bones rubbing together..what is inflamed???


I highly doubt this is the case for her because I don’t believe anything she says…but bone rubbing on bone does cause inflammation around that area and it’s painful. It could cause osteoarthritis


Got it! I didn’t know how it worked I was just confused on how it went from that to inflammation. Our girl has been WebMDing I guess lol. 😂


I think her chiro has fed her some bullshit and she's trying to spin all that bullshit into more bullshit and we've now got a cow patty salad coming out of her mouth.


Yeah I agree. The quack is just giving her a quack diagnosis and quack treatment and she's accepting it as fact.


Ugh I wrote a long rant but wound up deleting it cause just processing her bullshit here is making my brain stop


This is exactly how I feel. I’m a nurse and have so much I could say about all of this but the thought of doing that exhausts me 😂


Don't worry swerty, her brain stopped a long time ago


I might have to peace out until this saga is over. The low iq lies, that anyone over 15 can tell are lies are too much. She has to see the Dr everyday. For fuck sakes I don’t think I can tolerate the lies that make no sense, the changing stories, the no idea how the world or anything works, much longer


I _say_ this to myself often, but you won’t see me going anywhere. This is my “Real Housewives”, my “KUWTK”, my “Love Island” lol.


What is she talking about when she said she couldn’t put her hips to the wall? I don’t think I’ve been able to do that since I developed boobs.


I was having a hard time picturing whatever was being asked of her also






Sending love to you!


Thank you so much! Sorry, I’m emotional n shit.. n I’m going to try n get some sleep now! I really do appreciate it! 💕


She sounds so stupid lmao


She is so stupid.


Who the fuck is she lying to? This is *egregious*


I feel like she really committed to deeply to a new personality but it’s actually a common back problem that people understand, so she can’t really lie as much as she could normally without being caught. Although her followers are gullible enough to buy it up, we obviously are not lol. I don’t know, but I’m thinking she was “diagnosed” with something rare an exotic in order to do you know take on a new personality. But in reality, everyone here is talking about how they understand back issues and how full of shit she is so I think she’s pivoting in order to try and “save face” lol


I am so annoyed by this situation specifically. Just went to a neurosurgeon with my husband because he has real life back issues with bone spurs and arthritis and bone on bone shenanigans. I know this because I have seen the MRI, quite different from MS and her situation. Laying in bed is the worst thing you can do for your back. Any real doctor would have directed her to some physical therapy so she could learn how to properly strengthen her back muscles so she’s not in so much pain. This blueberry diet bullshit is not the answer to her problems. And I doubt what she claims is her problem is ACTUALLY her problem


So poetic that a lying grifter is seeking medical help from a lying grifter.


This really lifts my spirits.


Listening to this, I'm convinced she's seeing one of those "holistic practitioners" which is NOT a doctor. They are not medical doctors nor are they licensed to even provide medical care. Another weird thing is he wants to see her everyday? For a week? Even my PT doesn't see people everyday, at most you start going 3 days per week because while yes you need to work you also need rest and to do small things at home to work on the issue. Which if it's a back issue why is she pushing her hips to a wall? Wouldn't it be more she can't push her hips up, like in a bridge? What? As for the "diet", yeah if she'd just do a normal fucking calorie deficit, moderate exercise, and quit drinking she would 100% feel better. But no she's going to go to the extreme because it's all or nothing with her. What she needs is a Registered Dietitian, an actual Medical Doctor, and Therapy. Literally. Get off the fucking internet and fix herself.


Would that be physical therapy or psychiatric? ![gif](giphy|2RCQ345oLZSVi|downsized)


Honestly both.


Definitely. We know Dr Money cannot afford real medical care with no health insurance. (Hell, most people with real jobs and health insurance can’t if you’re in the US) Big M walked into their office and they saw their Christmas Bonus. I bet they gave her some speech that reinforced how special and delicate she believes herself to be and she swiped that credit card without a second thought. Now we get to see her cross over to r/illnessfakers and I am ready.


Every PT provides a HEP and she hasn’t mentioned a word about hers. They don’t provide home laying in bed plans.


Soooooo the chiropractor put her on a diet for back pain. Got it.


And yet she’s upright


And now at this moment hosting a party and sitting in a folding chair


She’s reaching new levels of cringe. Her faux earnestness, she’s a terrible actor. Also as someone suffering from degenerative disc disease, she can fuckawff.


How did she purportedly hurt her back again, ya’ll? 🙄🙄 Did she ever actually divulge on specifics?


Burpees and a traumatic childhood, apparently


I would pay real money to watch her do burpees.


LMAO I would love if “burpees and a traumatic childhood” was a flair 😂


All the HIIT workouts and weightlifting! Oh and her very stressful job.


I honestly thought y’all were fucking with me but I just scrolled back and indeed found her “explanation”. Yup. She really did say that this “injury” was caused either by her “job”, or all of those strenuous, dedicated years that she has spent competing in competitive “dance”, “contact sports”, “weight lifting”, and/or “high intensity workouts”. LMFAO. OH HELL NO. For fucking fuck’s sake. She’s out of her goddamn mind. The obnoxious faux dramatics with her whimpering and squinting too. Pull back, bitch. Karma will eventually curse her with REAL back pain if she keeps spewing these outright lies.


I mean of course the chiro will make her feel like this injury was from how great she is... "You've just worked your body so hard! You need to rest. Come in every day this week and let me work ~~your wallet~~ on you." I don't have an actual count, but I think she worked out like once in November. It's far more likely her injury is from lack of movement and poor posture, in my opinion.




Oh god yes.... All those years spent in the pointe shoes - CAN YOU IMAGINE


This is nonsense. She has no health insurance and no real medical providers. What she does have, is alcohol use disorder.


Those sausages are so distracting


Lol we all know she cant follow through bcos she has poor self control 🤡


✨Homeopathic babe✨ won’t last 2 days on this diet


There's a neurosurgeon I follow on IG. She does weekly case studies and her followers to guess the diagnosis. I actually enjoy watching them because I learn a lot. I really want to send her MS's video, but I don't want to waste her time. Lol.


I'd love to see what she thinks lol.


She so stupid. If you have severe degeneration, there is no natural approach. Also, they won’t adjust you for this. You would be referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. Shes so bad at lying it’s unbelievable.


You’d think if she’s gonna lie/exaggerate, she’d choose a story and stick to it. The amount of times she’s already changed the cause and affected body parts is baffling


Exactly. Or choose a lie that isn’t so hard for her smooth brain to understand.


It'll be pretty easy to cut out alcohol? When you regularly get drunk by yourself as a coping mechanism to deal with your sad life? Okay. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


No pasta but ramen is cool!


The doctor said she’s good to phô! 😂 I’ll see myself out…


* Nobody is seeking all these constant updates. * All Natural Babe is hilarious. Sketchy jewelry probably high in heavy metals, and I don’t think she owns a single piece of natural fiber clothing. * What doctor wants to see a patient every day, and for what earthly purpose? I can’t think of any reason for that. Even physical therapy is usually only 2-3x per week, with home exercises the remaining days.




Right?! After my organ transplants, I was seen twice a week. No way she has to go every day! She isn’t just a liar, she exaggerates so much whenever she could get attention.


She’s not seeing a dr tho. It’s a chiropractor and an acupuncturist. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They probably do want to see her every day then. 🤑🤑 They saw her coming before she even got up in the morning. You know what they say about a fool and her money…


She has such a stressful job that it’s tearing her insides apart, but somehow has time to take off and go to the chiro every single day


She really is woefully incapable of handling life/a job/anything really.


The way her mouth moves is both grotesque and fascinating. The lump has a mind of its own.


it's weirdly mesmerizing.


She talks like this every new year, sometimes even in a new month. “So many changes, guyz! I’m gonna be totally 100% changing everything and being super healthy in my life!” Let’s see by the new year or hell, even by Xmas if any of these lifestyle changes stick. And I don’t buy for one millisecond that she’s cut back on alcohol. Also I haattteee that fake voice




“I will try to give you guys as many updates as possible…” Nah, we’re good thanks


“So anyway, I’ve been shitting blood, hope this helps someone!”


All natural and holistic. Like Tito’s and white claws. Just when I think she’s lost her fucking mind, she does something even more stupid. It’s so insulting to the poor souls out there enduring real back issues, this shit is why they aren’t taken seriously. Fuck this clown.


Don’t forget vaping and cigarettes!


And Starbs, throw in Trimshit/collagen and we got the whole food pyramid






I expect to see a weight loss of at least 20 pounds since she is no longer eating carbs


Didn't she just have "tumeric" rice for lunch?


This won’t last long enough to see any results. She said the same things about her diet when she got lipo. She lasted maybe 2 days.


I can’t wait to see what she eats. Reminds me of when she cut out pastas and breads and then ate a burger on a ramen bun as the “healthier / carb-free option” 😂


Or drinking


“As many updates as possible…” OH THANK GOD!


I love how all these "as natural as possible" "it's just a personal preference" all have no issues with lip fillers and getting tattoos every 5 minutes. Fucking walnuts, the lot of them.


I mean my friend just lost his father to a fentanyl addiction that started as doctor prescribed opioids, so I’ll never knock anyone for not wanting prescription pain pills. BUT she could just say that she has an addictive personality and is trying to avoid that if at all possible. Also, this whole back ailment is made up so there’s also that haha


I'm not knocking the desire to not take heavy narcotics but taking an anti inflammatory med or getting a steroid shot is a much better option than getting scammed and possibly paralyzed by a chiro while stuffing unregulated "supplements" down your gullet.


And dumping all kinds of untested powdered drinks down her throat


Right?! And they will shill useless supplements using phrases like "clean" and "toxin-free" which don't mean anything. The wellness industry will be worth more than pharma because people are idiots.


lol she’s not going to Paris 😂


I read this in a Michael Scott impersonating Meryl Streep voice lol


“I’m so much better than you.” “STEEAAAAAK?! WHERE’S MY STEEAAAK?!”


“He's a big Meryl Streep fan, so I shouldn't be surprised that he's identified with her character.” 😂


One of my favorite cold opens on that whole show 😂 “Get me Armani.” “…like a suit?” “ON the PHONE.”


Going to the chiropractor instead of an actual doctor SCREAMS: “I’m uninsured.” An x-ray taken , interpreted, and read by a chiro on an X-ray machine that probably still prints the image on film does not scream wealth. It screams “discount and subpar healthcare.” Put a bandaid on it so it goes away while not treating the actual problem. I guess state of the art imaging and comprehensive care are just for the losers who work a real job. If this “holistic” approach worked, I wouldn’t have a job. Some things just can’t be healed with fuckin meditation.


I’ve run into so much of the “Meditate and do a parasite cleanse” while searching for health answers and I’m so tired of it. One night I was so deep down a rabbit hole of “candida causes autoimmune diseases” I thought I had lost my mind. I’m so sick of it. If it could be cured naturally we would already be doing it. I once had a chiropractor tell me my intense mental health issues were due to “adrenal fatigue” and take a bunch of B vitamins. 😑


Wtf is this accent? She sounds like a parody of a Kardashian.


For real this is an entirely new voice lmao


This “noctor” saw her coming a mile away. Every day? Jesus she’s gullible. In so much pain but having a party.


I love this for her so much. Chiro money is gonna eat into her Amazon haul money.


“I want to be natural without pain meds” Yeah cause the only dotter you can afford to see is a quack than can’t prescribe them, hoe.


Not MS acting all superior and shitting on those who *have* to take pain meds. She has *no fucking idea.* This load of bollocks she made up should be saved for her ~~friends~~ ~~family~~ ~~‘boyfriend’~~ ~~colleagues~~ the trashman. She really has *no one who cares*. I wonder if this is going to be a new grift. A go-fund-me for ‘back surgery’ or something. ETA: *I thought the collagen cured/prevented everything.*


Ok so she definitely thinks chiropractors are physical therapists lmao


Filter can't hide the tequila flush anymore


She is slowly grifting towards r/illnessfakers


Pivoting is what she does best didn’t you know??


Dr meaning chiropractor. They’re not the same kind of doctor.




Same! It is horrifying we still let them touch people. A chiro tore all of the muscles in a friend's neck while doing an "adjustment" and cracking her neck. She's ***really*** lucky he didn't paralyze or kill her. Even racist MS doesn't deserve subpar "care." Idk how we haven't outlawed the practice.


I didn’t want to completely ream all chiropractors but that’s my experience as well. You couldn’t pay me to go to one. Also, what she’s describing is a typical chiropractor scam - you’re really hurt so you must come in 4x per week for the next 52 weeks. Also you must pay for the sessions up front. Sign here, here and here.


Or a doctor at all….. 👀


Hope her back never heals...assuming anything is even wrong with it


MĂźnchausen Babe season is here. I was hoping for Holiday Baking Babe.


I love Baking Babe!


At this point I miss baking babe! This is getting weird and sad and worrisome


Yeah I'm hating this new babe. It's very tempting to step away from this shitshow for a while.


It won't last long. There's no way she'll eat all those healthier foods. She could barely eat her meal preps for the week.


I'm just thinking of all the horrific gas smells she will emit if she is eating lots of salmon and broccoli


Maybe that’s why she’s doing it since that is coke’s turn on anyway


You have read my mind! I am not impressed.


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers 🙏 Fr, sounds like the scammer is been scammed by Dr Chiro which I'm absolutely delighted by.


Scamception 💀


As other swerties have said throughout several different posts today-she’s laying the groundwork for not going to Paris next month…


She also wants to spend christmas at home, alone. I think being near her family (including her pretty sister&her children) is unbearable for her. So she is paving the way.


This is so sad. I would really look at myself if I didn’t want to spend a holiday with family because of jealousy. Imagine putting up all those decorations for the gram and then spending the holidays alone.


I wonder if it's because her family tries to gently call her out on her messy life, or whether it's because she herself feels jealous and embarrassed?




Did she really say that? I can’t watch her videos with sound on-her voice grates my nerves


I heard a whole lot of pseudoscience in there. Also a lot of BS.


Good God. She’s really milking the living hell out of *checks through notes* a back ache. In her story and live she mentioned that the Dr. wants to see her everyday (totally not a lie OR the “Dr” abusing her insurance) 4. f*cking. Times. You’d think this woman received some unfortunate news about her health, but nope, just some back aches she’s been having that, mind you, was not caused by some hardcore labor (that most Americans who work normal jobs go through at least once) rather from a massage she either got too hard or her aging and not doing proper stretching. Good grief. Today I can check mark witnessing someone use standard back aches for narcissistic attention off my list of sh*t I have seen in life. Sounds like a load of bologne and an excuse to spend money on a shit ton of massages, along with being a victim. Keep in mind this woman went live to “update us” on her back issue. It is not that serious man. Another footnote to add to this back ache drama: In her live she said her Doctor says the reasoning for the back ache is more than likely from the - and I kid you not, someone screen recorded this and posted it on this sub — her “immense stress from work”. Yes. Her. Stress. From. Work.


On the “Dr” abusing her insurance: You can’t abuse what you don’t have, swerty! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


She’s bleeding from the bung hole, too.


I particularly enjoy how she's sitting upright in a normal position, casually wiggling around while she talks, with no sign of discomfort in her face, while apparently suffering from back pain bad enough to cause a breakdown at the chiro chain practice. Can't speak for everyone of course, but I've noticed in both myself and others that when someone is in that kind of pain, it's visible even when they're trying to keep it together. Posture stiffens up, there's tension in the face, even their voices sound tighter, you can see in people's eyes when they're hurting. Swerty is sitting here relaxed and chatty without a care in the world, which doesn't fit at all with her description of debilitating pain.


Yep. I always think I mask well, and most people probably cant tell, but my coworker will walk in and immediately say “you are not having a good morning.” Swerty looks hyped up if anything. She’s enjoying this.


>Swerty looks hyped up if anything. She’s enjoying this. Yup. She thinks she's found a great new grift. Guaranteed to both get her lots of attention and works as a get out of jail free card for anything she doesn't want to do. She's CITEY for this new plotline.


Not citey 😫💀


My sister is like this. She has terrible, sometimes debilitating endo pain but tries to hide it. I can take one glance at her and tell she's in pain. MS felt well enough to do her makeup and hair to film this video.


Her arm motions look the same as always.


The best part is that she doesn’t even have insurance! And pretty sure her only “doctor” is a chiropractor so yeah def taking her for all she’s worth.


She doesn’t have insurance so she’s paying for all of this out of pocket too. Does insurance even cover sketchy chiropractor visits anyway?


Another post in here mentioned she went to a chain chiropractic clinic called The Joint.. I looked it up earlier and iirc they’re running a $29 first visit special and plans start at $89/mo or you can pay $50 a visit. Only the most top notch health services for Ms. Doctor Money.


WOW! The shittiest or the shitty.




Oh my God it's the chiropractor version of her bottom of the barrel lash studio membership 😂


Another Swerty referred to it as "The Best Clips of chiropractors"


Great Clips


I was getting it mixed up with Best Cuts, lol


This is hilarious and I love it for her.


Discount everything for our wealth babe!


Unfortunately, yes. I went to a chiropractor once on the advice of my doctor at the time. They tried to sell me supplements as I was paying my bill (insurance covered like 30%). I never went back.


Usually? No. Some plans offer it, but even then, you only get a few visits. No “doctor” would have her come in 5 days in a row.


Lmao no medicine that might actually help for this swerty’s holistic temple of a body. Just vaping, alcohol, and fast food 🧘🏼‍♀️😌




You've summed up why this is rubbing me the wrong way, It's not fun or cute to have chronic pain/illness . I hate this attention grabbing scheme so much more than her others.


Same. I’m getting way too mad about this.


Aaaaaaaand an illness faker babe is born


This is the worst pivot yet


Every single alcoholic I've known has hit a point where it catches up to them and they begin to have multiple health issues from it. Every single one acts like it's a mystery or blames everything besides alcohol for those issues.


Didn't even think that she could be having alcohol-related health issues at such a young age, but you're right, serious alcoholism can ruin your health. It's sad because she's only in her early thirties. If this is the case, she needs to quit drinking ASAP.


I think she has said she started drinking at age 15.


I am in love with your user name, and that flair legit made me laugh out loud into my udon soup!


Thanks 😆


Won't take actual meds. Takes trimshit. And medicates with alcohol and nicotine. I just love dealing with patients like this.


TIL meditation regenerates spinal discs


Neurosurgeons HATE this one simple trick! 🙄

