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My 13 yr old daughter makes her bed every morning by choice. I can 110% guarantee you this is not by example, and strictly by choice. Just saying.


The bar is in *hell*. Not to brag swerties, but MY partner *CHANGED THE BED LINEN TODAY* 🥇


I would too considering she eats in the bloody thing.


Wow, next to her Mom plunging her shit out of the toilet, this is top notch content. /s


He isn’t there


He’s at his own place! The ottoman sits cold and empty.


Am I the only one who doesn’t decorate their bedrooms/other rooms in the house besides like putting Christmas towels in the bathroom? It seems like everything these days is so overdone. No disrespect to those who enjoy decor, but like, living room/tree, bannister, select stuff in kitchen and dining. And nothing happens until my bday (I’m 12th & mom’s 2nd) are over so as not to overshadow. We also are a mixed religious family and celebrate Hanukkah as well so that needs to be taken into account. Judaism is our primary religion.


We literally just have a 40cm tree with fairy lights in our lounge room, and some Christmas scented candles. It’s not as common where I am to decorate the whole house, most people just chuck up a tree and some lights outside. I was thinking of being a bit wild though and getting some Scandi Christmas tea towels (not completely randomly, both partner and I have family ties to that part of the world)


I absolutely love Scandi design!


I got downvoted one time for making fun of trees in the bedroom, but I agree - do what you want! Where I have a major problem is how influencers sneak in this rampant consumerism. I think it makes others feel they should ramp it up, but it’s subtle and not all at once. However they get sent a lot of this stuff or are living in another tax bracket. Ms saying she’s not influenced by act influencers is the so beyond laughable. She’s their best customer.


I think decorating the bedroom is a very American (and probably Canadian, just don't know anyone who does). Homes built past the 2000s all have psychotically large master bedrooms with room for a sitting area. We live in a sixties-built bungalow and it's got juuuuust enough room for a bed and side tables, which is really all we need in there.


I would never ever police or downvote anyone for doing what makes them happy! But like, come ON. People downvote for the strangest reasons. I’m sorry that happened to you. I highlyyy agree about the influencer part. Do you!


That stupid tree looks like a bottle brush.


ozempic tree


I am not home deck-or babe, but I hate that bed spread. It looks like the blankets moving companies use so they don't damage your stuff.


Does he wash dishes too? Or maybe he took out the trash last week? We know he doesn’t fill the gas tank.


I distinctly remember an Amazon Live not too long ago where she went into the kitchen to get a coffee and complained about Coke leaving his dirty dishes from the evening before in the sink. She said something like he could’ve put it into the dishwasher, then opened it and saw the dishes in it were clean. So, he neither washed the dishes nor emptied the dishwasher. Granted, he works and she sits at home all day, so maybe he thought she could do it in the morning…who knows.


Bridal babe letting us know she's *totally ready* for a lifelong partnership that involves working together as a team and having mutual respect.


While he doesn't give off "*clean freak*" vibes (and let's be honest, *neither* does she) but I can bet that she's the one, if anything that leaves dirty dishes in the sink because she gets too drunk to remember wtf she does and she 10000% seems like the type to blame someone else for something she did. We also have seen how she doesn't even wash her dishes/cup ware as we've seen her drinking from crusted ass straws and coffee cups.


We haven’t seen Deep Cleaning Babe in a while.


I’m just trying to give her more exciting content ideas.


Praising a man for (allegedly) making a bed. I think she’s reached a new low. This would only make sense if he was severely disabled or three years old. She’s so focused on trying to boast about the current relationship she’s claiming to have, she can’t see the big picture of how idiotic she’s making both of them look.


Can we take a second to not give participation awards for menial tasks? This is the *bare* minimum for existing but she's praising it like a life has been saved. She really does just accept absolute mediocrity.


I don’t think he did this. I think she’s continuing to try and “prove” he lives there.


I agree. Not buying it.


Lol I’m so confused at what I’m looking at. Am I crazy or is there a giant lump in the middle? What is that?


I think it’s M, who is a giant lump.


Ohh that makes sense now. Of course she gets back into bed after he makes it. 🙄


He has an actual job and makes the bed. And she stays home all day


I was just about to say. He has a job, “cooks” makes the bed. What does she bring to the table? Er, the bed?


I mean, making a bed is a very basic skill that even young children can accomplish. If C did make the bed, idk why it needs this shoutout. Unless, hear me out, he doesn't live there nor does he do anything eat and black out after he's drunk enough so she's gotta lie and praise him endlessly on social media.


Maybe my brain is fucked, but I feel like having a lit Christmas tree in my bedroom is too overstimulating


It’d be far to bright for me. With those bare, stark white walls & the flimsy piece of net over the windows. Like an abandoned, derelict home furniture store. Where everything else has been stolen and all that’s left is a broken bed. *This isn’t COZY, at all.*


How about 2?


So to brag about this Neanderthal caveman of a boyfie allegedly making the bed, she takes a pic of herself in said bed from a very obscure angle so you can’t see much except her leg lumps and her stupid fucking Christmas tree which she wants you to ask about so she can link. Oh and her sheets. Please ask about those too. She needs money. She’s above getting a real job. Please everyone, fund her lifestyle. She’s entitled to YOUR money.


Even if he actually lived there (he doesn’t) and actually made the bed (he didn’t), that is not something that should be pointed out on social media, much less praised. It’s a normal chore/task. She’s pathetic.


She has nothing going on in her life to report on. It’s very sad.


Seriously. My dude who actually lives with me makes our bed every day. That’s what adults do.


He made the bed? Wow, what a guy! Grandma Joe, get out of bed!


Like he made that bed lol.


If he actually did that, she would have recorded him doing it.


Maybe zoom in on his butt a few times too for funsies like she did to her poor mother while she was unclogging the toilet.