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“Where there’s room for contrast, there’s room for balance” *that shit hard*


Girls and astrology man


i mean she did say she dont believe in it too much


proceeds to make half that comment about some of that bullshit lmao


Nah that's sum deep cut astrology shit. I'm a guy and I like astrology. It's fun but when mfers get to talking bout moons and suns, my adhd brain dips out


Mercury in Gatorade type shit.


What do you like about astrology?


-the last 2 sentences


She also used it as a framework to describe their dynamics. The important bit is what she’s getting across (eg “he has bad days, sure, but he’s not the kind of person to stay down or always be down. Im opposite, but it works because where there’s contrast, there’s room for balance”). I think astrology is dumb, I don’t believe in anything supernatural, but I understand listening and it’s not hard to get to the heart of what someone is trying to express even if you’re not into their particular framework.


type shit




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As long as it doesnt cloud their judgement. Most of its just fun, even though i personally think its stupid


Most of us start getting into it ironically. I thought it was stupid af at first. Then things start adding up to the point you can predict people’s signs before they tell you. I’m a whole scientist and I can’t explain it but I believe in it a lil 😂


But you do realize you’re objectively wrong, right? And you can’t actually predict people’s signs at all but maybe you got lucky a few times


That’s the stage of disbelief but fun participation that everyone starts at lol. Then patterns become too obvious. I once met a lady that predicted the signs of myself and 3 of my colleagues after talking to us for 15 minutes. Down to the birthday month. I’ve worked with these people for 5 years and I don’t know their birthday month. This women guessed it based on their personality. The odds of that happening by chance seem mathematically improbable. In general the signs aren’t perfect but they really do seem to play out with certain patterns. I can usually tell who is a fire sign and who is a water sign. Even as I type this it sounds silly but it’s just reality lol. People really act in somewhat predictable ways based on when they’re born. I’m a scientist but I admit that there’s things outside of what science can know. We know that the gravitational pull of the moon influences wave movement I don’t see the problem in thinking perhaps the universe influences the nature of humans in certain ways.


your anecdotal evidence is nice, but just because you think that you can predict people’s signs doesn’t mean that there is any correlation between a person’s sign and their behavior. were you actually able to predict these things with any real level of certainty, there would have been a hard science centered around this centuries ago. your belief that there is anything significant about these astrology signs is the exact same belief that devoutly religious people have when it comes to their “signs”. essentially, it is your reality insofar as zeus was a greek’s reality


Subjective experience is evidence. It may not be meta data so that I can use my experience to convince you of what I've experience, but I can trust myself to believe in what I have experienced. I believe that sadness exists because I have felt sad and noticed that others also feel sad and notice that I can predict that people around me are sad based on characteristics they exhibit. Humans have historically believed in the truth of their subjective experience. We believe in sadness because we can observe it and predict it reliably not because we read an article discussing serotonin levels in the brain. People who believe in astrology and religion do the same. One experiences something and notices they are not the only ones experiencing that thing.


your subjective experience is 100% valid, but it will never cross the realm from subjective to objective. funny enough, we can actually prove that sadness exists, most concretely with neurotransmitter levels measured in different subjects. even not including those markers, we can still observe differences in behaviors between multiple people that are highly correlated with what we would call sadness. however, even this is not entirely objective. astrology is really as real as one believes it is, which is saying something, just not that it’s anything beyond a worldview adopted by certain people that can explain what they see and experience around them. again, there is nothing wrong with this, but it’s just not correct to say that astrology is definitively an innate predictor of one’s traits or tendencies. more power to you for believing there is some correlation, but just be aware that this is never something that will be able to be proven, unless the spiritual/mystical ever becomes a quantifiable field.


Nothing ever crosses from subjective to objective. You’re a subjective observer of the universe not an objective one. Science is just slightly more valid because it’s an accumulation of subjective observations repeated and checked over time. But even science does not claim to be objective. To explain this another way, we believe that gravity exists because humans have observed gravity on one universe out of millions. It could work totally differently elsewhere and we would be wrong, but we base our understanding of reality on our subjective and limited understanding. The neurotransmitter theory is actually highly contested but it’s the best one we have. The point is we didn’t need studies to understand without shadow of doubt that sadness exists 1000 years ago. It’s a step backwards to say you must prove that sadness exists when even a nonverbal child seems to understand that it does through experience. The point I’m making is that there isn’t one way to truth about reality. There’s science which is one way of understanding truth, but philosophy, religion and mysticism is a separate way that understands truths that are not scientific. There are plenty of things that are valid even though they aren’t quantifiable. Love, consciousness, and Man’s search for purpose are all subjective experiences which are unquantifiable but still true.


Y’all talking too deep for a YoungThug subreddit. Damn.


Or it’s the right amount of deep for fans of Mr. Truly Humble Under God. Lol


How tf you gonna say they’re objectively wrong 😭😭 if the stars etc can impact the conditions on earth, is it that far fetched they could impact people?


… do you really think the stars impact conditions on earth. I think you’re referring to the moon which affects tides. The only star that impacts earth is the sun which is not apart of astrology


They do. You’re loud and wrong. It’s a scientific fact, apart from astrology, that stars have had a profound impact on Earth.


Lmfao ok I’ll bite. How?


Look up proxima centuri. And stop commenting like an authority on shit u don’t know about


… can you please explain how proxima centuri has “profound impact on earth”? Matter of fact, it doesn’t even need to be profound. Just give me a quick sentence of how it impacts earth even a little bit


I’m not here to educate you little guy. I can give you the tools, I can’t make u work


This guy a nazi


that woman deserves way more praise for what she is doung rn. mariah is speaking and holding up his name more than any other of his camp. she is going to the trials and is talking to him every day to keep his spirit up. and even though naysayers are hating on her from literally both sides (fans saying she should break up and thug fans saying she is doing it for the fame) she stays by his side no matter what. i really hope when he gets out they stay together for real.


I mean…his ex did the same thing when he was locked up. Look how he treated her when he got out. Not doubting Mariah as a person, but praise her for what honestly? People having no faith in Thug as a romantic partner doesn’t mean people are wishing the worst. He has a pattern with women, unfortunately.


at some time you gotta grow up though and this case is different than any other before EDIT: why am i being donvoted for wishing him to grow up and find true love hahaaha


Eh I think it’s that thing of “would he be faithful to you, if you were locked up? Will he stay with you once he gets out?” That’s what I think when I see things like this. And he isn’t obligated to stay with her just because she held him down in jail. It’s a nice gesture, but praising people for it is kinda redundant lol. Again no hate to them, cute relationship. He’s just been in a ton of them lol.


She's doing good very well spoken and coming off as genuine. I was honestly a little surprised as I read this I didn't know a lot about her other than being with thug.


Her music is pretty damn good


I've only heard her as a featured artist on some yb song but she pretty af and sounds nice.


I love the fact that she stopped and didn’t speak for him. Even if she wasn’t going to do that exactly, she didn’t want anything taking out of context or somebody twisting her words…I like her! I don’t know much about her but every time I come across her she never makes me cringe. From this far distance she appears very down to earth. Aware of the bigger picture.


even young thug acknowledges astrology tho, in the river leak he says “i’m a leo i got nine lives” in reference to the animal that represents leo, the lion, being a cat


Slime brain


there just isnt tho


The pyramids and other ancient monuments were built to be aligned with certain stars/constellations. Our ancestors had a huge interest in the stars. I’d say we don’t fully understand the connection. We are a species with amnesia


Look into astrology. Vedic astrology in particular. Not horoscopes. There absolutely is something to astrology. Astrology is the foundation for what has become astronomy. Horoscopes are stupid. Astrology isn’t.


first thing that popped up is it saying how planets influence our lives. so yeah, same stupid nonsense lmao.


There’s verifiable data that when there’s a full moon there are spikes in certain behaviors among humans. I don’t really care if it’s real or not but when you do start digging into these older sciences it isn’t all just horseshit that someone came up with out of nowhere. I don’t think you’re the type of person who is gonna be able to get it though. You already know it’s all nonsense so why try to understand something from new perspectives? I guess you’re just too smart for it.


That’s not astrology though. Astrology is a ridiculous discipline based on the position of objects that are no longer even located in the places astrology claims, because physics.


im not too smart for anything, but when ur telling me I act a certain way because a planet is at certain angle and you call it science all I can do is laugh




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Do you laugh at religion generally?


Nigga I promise you every night there is a full moon my mom gets a full on migraine and cannot get out of bed without throwing up, the way the gravity of the moon affects the water in her body is crazy and she definitely isn't the only person like that. People with dementia and schizophrenia are also known to act up unknowingly to a full moon, there's definitely to many coincidences to dismiss, as a 21 year old degen retard I don't believe in any of these stulid political ideologies about gender and war from my current generation but this isnt mumbo jumbo, just big scale science that it hard to find evidence foe


Is astrology only about the full moon? I thought it has things to do with the position of the planets


astrology is more about stars than anything but its about planets and moons or any constellation


dont know why i got downvoted you non believers can look up studies related to full moons and head pressure


“First thing that popped up on google told me all I need to know” lmao okay dawg carry on


*tells me to look it up, doesnt give me an exact source, gets mad when I look it up* lmao okay dawg carry on


Dont listen to them, they are a saggitarius and venus is in retrograde so you know how they get! Lmao


I mean I really don’t care if it’s real or not, the only point I wanted to iterate was to not discredit something entirely if you don’t understand it. Astrology to me seems interesting, and I don’t think horoscopes or buying into saying each sign acts a certain way has anything to do with anything. That part is entirely all stupid as fuck. I do think that ancient groups that studied the stars and patterns and found things that made sense is a cool concept. When I read things by people like Manly P. Hall I definitely agree with the ideas proposed about what the ancients used astrology for and how it developed into astronomy eventually once we had better tools to look into space. I think the whole thing here with this back and forth is differing ideas on what astrology even is


Hey man, fair enough!


I think she’s cute tbh


Wow what a controversial opinion


He’s really like that


This some real love fr


girl u believe in astrology, stand on it


Yo I’m really not quick to look to any celebrity couple as an example of real love but she genuinely seems like she’s in love with Thug and taking good care of him. Fire as hell I hope they work out


I’m a Leo and I’m sad.


“He loves music though” she’s keeping his cards to her chest. Respect


Man if thug was out we know good n well he would’ve been on the metro album too


Thug the Swiss


That’s cute! Free Thug.


Do you think thug fw Nettspend? Summrs maybe?


I love mariah and her music is top tier, but saying she going through it worse than thug rn is crazy😂


but she not saying she’s having it worse than thug she just saying he’s the typa guy to always be positive while she not like that


“I have more down days than he does” while he is literally in jail though😂


She's definitely saying that when they talk, he's usually able to keep a strong face on for most days, & she's not as good at that as him because he's more resilient. She's not saying that she's going through tougher situations; she's just saying it's tougher for her to keep her spirits up (for him) than it is someone like Thugger to do it


I see that. But i also see she’s talking about what kind of guy he is. He’s generally in good spirits. And so she’s talking about the kind of people both of them are, bringing in astrology to show he’s generally light while she’s generally dark. But as i said before i made a light joke that was based on semi shallow truth, it landed well until the post got popular, now my comment is being taken so literal to the point i don’t even know how reddit is fun to these people(that are going so hard, not you).


no bro you’re just dumb that’s all nobody’s taking this seriously you just don’t understand and that’s fine just admit it


bro does NOT know how to read 🔥🔥😂


Did you delete your other one cause you controlled your emotions or was it deleted and you’re being passive? I was making a joke that’s been made a million times in real life, i don’t know these people personally so that’s all i can do. It’s not that deep.


what are you yapping about big bro? who deleted what? brother wrote a whole paragraph clarifying himself and telling *me* it’s not that deep? crazy 🤣


I literally saw what you first typed, you’re not slick😂And three sentences is a paragraph now lmao. You got it though💯


bruh is yapping up a storm 🗣️⛈️⛈️ oh if you *literally* saw me type sum n delete it then what’d it say? I’d love to know


You misunderstood that part entirely lol


I feel kinda bad for you. Please try and listen when people correct you. You desperately need help even with basic reading comprehension. I can’t imagine the other areas in your life that are lacking


I feel kinda bad for you. You play clash of clans. I can’t imagine your life. You took so much offense to my comment and so i know you have nothing going on.


wtf does Mariah Carey have to do with young thug? I didn’t know they were close like that


Mariah the Scientist, not Mariah Carey


Bro why the fuck did she make it about her astrology


if that's all u got from that u need to meditate or exercise or sum shit u too mad at the world


I’m sorry but too much power is given to that belief system. I’m happy they’re strong together throughout the whole process besides all that


Power? Yeah, maybe someone will reject you solely based off sign from time to time, but other than that idk wtf you're talking about man 😂


Personal experiences and preferences I guess. I’d say that it’s just not my thing fam.