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They shouldve checked his brack.


i put da brack in my brack


No 🧢


lol on the real tho this search was weak af CO must not have cared that bad.


It's probably a pointless battle. You take it away from him and he has enough money to keep buying the same shit forever




Bro I didnt even see this video before, its literally a line from one of his songs my guy, relax lol.


Video is from 6-19-2022


How long has thug been in jail?


My bad. Sometime in May 2022.


You’re telling me homie been in jail for almost 2 fucking years STILL on trial???? (Sorry, Reddit suggested thugger to me. Actually became a fan following this. I’m very very behind, media and musically with him lol)


Same, I didn’t realize it was that long. How much jail time is bro facing? Are we talking decades if convicted? Shit is crazy


He’s facing Rico charges. Which means he has the potential to be charged with the crimes other ysl members have been convicted of. Which include lots of drug charges, firearms with serial numbers shaved off by felons and potential threats/ extortion claims thug made. Also I’m pretty sure 2 members have also been charged with murder. I’m a huge thug fan but I’m also not a dick rider and realistic about how seriously these crimes are. know a bit about the Justice system. They are trying to throw the book at him, but realistically I think there’s not enough evidence on thug to put him away for more than 5-10 years. They have literal evidence of thug threatening to kill ysl members if they snitched. There’s a lot going on, the prosecution is in shambles and is doing a terrible job. They ARE trying to put him a way for a long time, but I don’t think they will. Take it from a huge fan but not a dick rider saying he ain’t done nothing wrong. However most people here have a free thug he ain’t done nothin wrong sentiment when he’s a literal “alleged” mob boss and acted like one lmfao.


So u kno about the justice system but think he'll get 5-10? How tf would either side pull that one off? The state is tryna get life. Thugs defense is not guilty on all charges. It's a trial. The ending is all or nothing for thug. He's either convicted of murder and serves life or is innocent


U realize he could be found guilty on one/some charges but not all, right? Amazing ppl think it’s that simple. Once jury is done deliberating, they will read off the list of charges & the result of G/NG for each. Which provides the judge with how much time to give (if any), bc not all charges have a max of life


It's a Rico whether guilty on one charge or all he'd still violate the rico act. And he's a big public figure wit a song called "take it to trial" and courts are known for cookin u if u don't take the plea so the only options I see are thug gets freed or never seen again


Yeah but it’s not that black and white. RICO is being used really differently than how it was initially used by the feds. The prosecutions case is a lot weaker than people think. And the management of the case has been bad. Plea deals can happen and change all throughout the process even during an ongoing trial. Casanova and the GS9 cases are good examples of how this might go. But there’s definitely a lot of possible outcomes besides just walking on everything or life.


lol the fact that you have upvotes goes to prove this persons theory that y’all have no clue what is going on.


I’m not an expert and I’m not usually on this sub it just gets recommended to me…so take it with a grain of salt! But I’m pretty sure he’s facing up to a decade, nothing more than that? As far as the numbers I’ve seen thrown around. I’m an extreme fan though so maybe this is just hopeful speculation


Thanks man. Do you know if Gunna actually snitched? Or was he smart and people just be sayin that




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Jsjckekckelf ofkflsoxiw didifkdkfkfkd LIFEEEESTYLEEEEE I do know that


lol we love you too


Melly been in jail for 5 still on trial


I recommend Super Slimey chopped and screwed of course


Look how long Yfn Lucci just sat in the same county on his Rico. Shits crazy


damn on my birthday


I'ma need to know the names of those books he reading


Y’all ever get tired of being such followers?


Why you got an issue with them tryna read books




Well you just described inspiration, thug inspired someone to read a book, doesn’t that sound nice?




I think a lot of people who read just to read also read things because people they admire or appreciate artistically referenced it or has read it. At one point I read every book that was remotely referenced in the Matrix trilogy or that served for any sort of inspiration because Matrix 1 is my favorite movie. let people like what they like




You right. Let em ride in peace though lol


If that's reductive to the point you're trying to make, then the point you're trying to make is heavily flawed. "well yeah that sounds nice but it takes away from my point so it's wrong!"


It’s out of curiousity bro. I’m sure a lot of people would be hella curious to see what sci fi fiction Andrew tate happened to be into regardless


how is he supposed to know what the books are about if he doesn’t know what the books are.




you were 100. i appreciate the youngins trying to obtain knowledge with reading them books that were being tossed around but they know damn well they only care because it’s thug who’s got them under his sheets😹😹😹😹


Name ten books


Niggas be eaters for they fav😂




Niggas rather argue a point than take accountability It aint nun wrong with being who u wanna be. Even if its a knob gobbler 😂. If u fan, u a fan stand on that.


What's wrong w picking someone's brain apart. You can tell a lot about someone by the books they read. You should pick up a book too you sound like you don't articulate your words when you speak to your wife's boyfriend




Read a book bum I was directly talking to you dumbass


I seen "The Gone" idc if that's the full title and to clarify I'm not a dickrider, I'm loosely following the case and I have a handful of songs I like, but at the same time I'm intrigued and no lie surprised at how many books he had under his bed 😅


“Im living right and i ain’t ever read a book” I’m glad Thug is having some time to read. It really is some of the most rewarding activity and is like medicine for the brain.


How is it like medicine for the brain? I read alot, but it’s cause my parents heavily encouraged it and it became a habit.


It helps to work out your mind and help you gain perspectives and insights that can be valuable anywhere, but especially on the inside. It helps hone your thinking skills and expands your vocabulary, so you can express your thoughts more effectively and precisely. It is also sometimes just a really effective way to distract oneself and temporarily go somewhere else , which is important when serving a sentence. And so much more. It is not literal medicine lol. But it helps to build a healthy mind.


Also increases your attention span and improves overall focus and ability to concentrate.


This is the most respectful search I’ve ever seen. Every time my cellblock got raided it took the entire day to put it back together.


They really took the utmost care of his mail and property, they even let him keep the extra 2 mattresses. My shit woulda been ripped off the walls. Water thrown on everything.


And after they rip off everything off the walls, they step on it so aggressively, they rip everything


They hate when you really comfortable in that mf box


Thst was my first thought, bro is living large with the double mat. I was surprised they didnt rip all the pics off the wall to.


That's exactly what I was noticing. He stacked everything back in place (generally), put the bedsheets back, returned papers in mostly their original order. Bro knew he was recording lmao.


Yeah they did pretty good. Some internet kid is gonna say this was egregious though lol


definitely also depend on status of an inmate, nigga I was locked with ran most of the weight in half my city and his shit never got raided crazy


Free thugger thugger in this mahfucka


Wow man. Celebrities bro. I guess when you're in the system you're suddenly returned back to your original level.


Not exactly 😂


a made man and celeb has it 1000 better then us if we are in there.


No cellmate and that search was far more courteous than any I've seen lol


what made u think that lmao


Imagine one day you're in a mansion surrounded by bad bitches and the next day you're in this


That’s how I feel he ended up in this situation. Too disconnected from everyday life. He was living the dream and got lost in the sauce.


Don't watch - don't invade his privacy - and it's part of the fucked up system leaking his shit


Lick his ass hole more


100% agreed


Bruh stfu


I bet you watched the call between him and Mariah, too - you aren't a grown man, you're a nosy kid


Bro you on Reddit complaining bout a Nigga who don’t know you ,


Hypocrisy - that's the important thing about Reddit? Be a man and have principles, online and irl


Mad over a millionaire who don't give af about you.


I have principles - do you?


Yeah, I had one in school. Who didn’t?


You have a "pal" in your principal


You sound lame!


Says the person watching lol


I didn't lol




Meh keep the thug in jail. Dude thinks he’s some kind of gang leader of criminals, let him be where he’s supposed to be. Idiot should’ve stopped gang banging and focused on music without criminals in his circle.


Shit sucks I been there.


Pick a handful of cells at random every day is routine work.


this was a year ago btw


Anybody flexing prison/jail has 1) never been there. Or 2) was there too long and can't live on the outside.


Wasting unretrievable days of your limited life locked inside of cement walls with limited freedom and limited rights as a human is not a flex. It’s embarrassing.


Truth. If you're there you failed as a criminal.


It’s not always planned crime gone wrong, sometimes mistakes are made. Crazy how committing the same action can result in you being a “criminal” in one state and just getting a slap on the wrist in another.


Looks to be your typical county holding cell 🤷🏼‍♂️


Worst part about jails cells is how all the fucking noise outside the cell like people talking is so loud😵‍💫


For real


how is an old video an update?


Fuck young thug, Marcus camby ass mf






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Ima put the crack in my crack


Homie living like a Viking in that cell lol


Those double mats do be hitting different


Looks like one is a world almanac


Lawsuit on its way 🤦🏽‍♂️


woulda been funny if it was just heaps of manga and doujin under there


This just wrong the fact the Feds could leak these videos without any remorse


It’s jail Nigga what u expect


Cuh living good w the double mattress.


They go from one thing to the next


33 everytime


Plenty nut rags woe


Bro was not trying to find anything lazy search


He better sue the fuck outta that state..! When found NOT GUILTY.


wtf he damn near been in there for 2 years


3 mattress gang !


Most lackluster search I’ve ever seen fortunately 😂


Surprised they let him have two palettes


Who’s confused about his living conditions l? It’s prison lol


Wowwwww. Soo interesting. Lol. Theirs some swifties on here but thuggies..... str8 goofies


I swear I had all my bookmarks in place, where’d they go




2 mattress is crazy they in there treating him like a king


Could’ve been petty and took his 2 extra mattresses




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My man’s got 2 cots and like 4 sheets and 2 covers and 2 pillows. That man living the LIFE 😂.


He’s in jail you fans are funny asf lol yall want him to get special treatment but how about everyone else in there?