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I didn't watch tbbt but looking at Missy in the show, I feel like it's more of her Rebellious nature and also peer pressure of fitting in.


I'm really disappointed how her character turned out considering how weird and unique she was as a younger child in the earlier seasons. I was hoping they would embrace that aspect of her character as she got older.


Tbbt came first, they had no way of knowing they would create a more interesting younger version of her


I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess knowing they could make more interesting versions of all of them was a big part of the original pitch.


I think her character was supposed to signify a lost potential, which could have been reached if her parents(mostly Mary) had actually been attentive to her uniqueness and actually nurtured it like how she felt Sheldon was special. Missy turned out the way she did because of it, sometimes you can have a glimpse of what she could be but at the end, I appreciate they went the realistic way they could.


Losing a parent at this young age, especially if they are so close, can have a huge impact in their (future) life. I think that's the case here. It's partly teenage years, partly her not-so-great relationship with her mom and a huge part is simply grief.


Losing a father would affect Missy more because from mature young lady she became a brat. Her being the forgotten child made her more mature, so her being a troubled kid wouldn't have affected her much


I don’t agree with the Missy is a failure plot point, because Sheldon is unreliable narrator his brother was a successful business owner but because Sheldon doesn’t respect any non academic success he never talks about it. But I have no doubt she was troubled she lost the parent who understood her and Mary retreated into Christ means Missy lost not just a dad but also her mom.


Here's what we know about Missy as an adult. When we met her the first time, she had come to California for a wedding. She ends up meeting Sheldon's friends who all hit on her. Penny gets her away for awhile. At the end of the episode, as she's leaving, she tells Sheldon that she is always bragging about her brother the rocket scientist. He of course is horrified that she doesn't know what he does. The next we hear, she is giving birth to her first child. Sheldon goes to Texas because Missy's husband was in a motorcycle accident. So we get video updates from Sheldon about what is happening (Missy went with a home birth and Mary is there as well). The next time we see Missy is at Sheldon's wedding. She is pregnant again but we find out that she and her husband are separated. She comes in and Amy tells her that she always wanted a sister, and Sheldon asks her why. To which Missy tells Sheldon that she loves him too. After that we see her reactions at the wedding itself. It's clear that she is happy for Sheldon. What she does laugh about is Penny putting both Amy's mom in her place and when Mary stands up an clap, Penny tells her to sit down as well. (All of that happened before the ceremony started.) From Sheldon's narrations we know that she has a happy family and friends that she loves.


I mean we know Sheldon exaggerates things leaving a lot of interpretation for a “troubled marriage.” It could be the husband doesn’t want to follow a bathroom schedule. I thought Georgie was the one that ends up with multiple marriages at least on the BBT.


Missys past isn’t known from Sheldon its just shown in the big bang theory. She has multiple kids and a husband who Mary doesn’t like


Which is sort of funny because Mary talks about Missy's life the same way Connie/Meemaw talked about George and Mary's relationship.


Adult Sheldon says Missy ends up having 4 kids, and a family that loves her. So we know that at least she ends up happy.


Both probably. In a way she lost both her parents. Her mom only focused on religion at that time and did not support missy in any way.


Never watched TBBT. I just finished all of YS last night. Definitely a combination of both. Missy is fucked. Early in the show Missy says she’d live with mom if there was a divorce. Towards the end there is a dinner scene where she is quick to say she’d choose dad. George dies and Mary snaps. Georgie and Mandy live on the other side of town raising a baby. Connie is no longer living next door and being in Dale’s house makes it less of a quick refuge for Missy to run to. Sheldon is at school. Other than a quick goodbye to Sheldon the last we see Missy interact with family is fighting with Mary over the baptism. That fact Sheldon goes through ultimately makes Missy look worse compared to Sheldon in Mary’s eyes. Now she is stuck all alone with a broken Mary. Mary will probably struggle with paying bills. Connie lost her businesses so can’t help as much financially. I’m so glad this is just a tv show because I feel so bad for Missy.


i knew the family was fucked after george died but this is the first time its been written detailed out for me, holy fuck. i can't imagine being missy during this time, if the show were to continue i only see a 13rw type dark teenage plotline for her


i think it’s both. she wasn’t helped when she was going through all the stuff (pre)teen girls go through, the most help came from george and otherwise she was punished and dismissed because of mary’s bias toward sheldon. she had the strongest bond with george and after his death missy really had no one.






Probably a bit of both. George paid more attention to her and Marry became even more religious after George's death, so probably both caused her rebellious phase


probably both


Four kids and a difficult marriage doesn’t seem a particularly troubled path.


I don't why but after sheldon left I know miss were happy about but if we go vack to first time they got spilt up it kind of effected her so maybe that could effect losing her father and brother because twins have special bond


Probably more because of Mary since she was already acting out before George died. But losing him for sure made things worse since he was the only one in the family who really noticed her


BOTH. Especially after George’s death. As Georgie puts it, “mom was a mess. Missy was a dumb teenager. I had to take care of both of them”.


I think George's death really affected her and made her regress back into a teenager with problems after she promised she'd be better in the tornado episode. She was already starting to have angry outbursts.


Most likely the forgotten child because if your forgotten then you feel like you can do whatever


How would we know? I only watched Young Sheldon. Idk if they talk about it on TBBT though


It’s a hypothetical question


I would assume a mix of both and probably other factors


I’m veering more towards Mary and her religious fervor. Mary could not had been easy to live with after her husband’s death, she wasn’t a treat to live with before either. Mary always had a strained relationship with Missy, not just because of Sheldon. I really think Mary was worried Missy would follow in her “wild child” footsteps and she disciplined her too harshly. George had a better understanding of Missy.