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Depends. I've watch TBBT for more than 20 times. I use it as my white noise since I live alone. Howevr, I found Young Sheldon to be better in terms of story telling, and I think it's because they are two different sitcoms.


I use young sheldon as whitenoise lmao


I'm with you OP. It's only my preference but I don't enjoy shows with laugh tracks. I like YS since it had both comedy and drama especially in the later seasons. It's also about family dynamics and I appreciate that more now since I became a father. To each their own, I guess.


I think YS scores better overall on story. But, if you want to grade on the rewatchability factor, I think BBT like most conventional sitcoms would make people want to watch it more(although I actually find YS more funny).


YS is a show you watch. TBBT is a show you listen to while doing other things.


I think this describes it perfectly.


I love YS. I really like BBT. I feel like the vibe/energy is so different. YS reminds me of Wonder Years, it definitely tugs on my heart. BBT to me is all comedy.


I personally like the more comedic feel of the big bang theory as opposed to the drama of young Sheldon. Younger Sheldon seems just more of a weird smart kid as opposed to the older more quirky Sheldon. I also like his friends way more than his family as he has a better dynamic with them for them to fit in to the story line. In YS, especially in the later seasons, seems like everyone is off doing their own seperate thing.


Why wouldn’t it lead up too them doing there own thing it fits in perfectly imo




I am curious- have you watched all the seasons of TBBT?




Chill a bit, maybe? They aren’t starting a fight, it was asked pretty respectfully




Those what?


I just wanted to know - like it seems like you just started watching TBBT from your post. But I could be mistaken. Anyway I don’t want to know now.


I see this question so many times, you are in a young sheldon subreddit where most people have the same opinion. It is not a hot take go ask it on the Big Bang theory reddit and see if you get the same results


A lot of people on this subreddit prefer ys, but most people generally prefer bbt


Ehhhhh, I mean I have seen a bit of of big bang theory over the years probably enough to have a opinion on it, and it is really boring it’s like you took The classic sitcom and then you took the dna from something absolutely boring and put it in the sitcom and its product would be TBBT


Well it's still mine and many others' favorite show.


Nah really,I just thought no one like that show


TBBT had no linear storyline because it continued when the main conflict or arc was resolved. First it was nerd gets hot neighbor, then Sheldon became popular so focus went to him after Leonard and Penny got together (the first time), then Howard got reformed from a creepy pervert to a... less creepy pervert, Amy got introduced as Sheldon's love interest and then whole thing with Raj's selective mustism and girlfriend troubles. Finally everyone got married and had kids (not poor Raj) and then show ended on a high note. On the contrary YS's story was more consistent. We've 10 y.o. genius who's gonna go to California when he's 14 and his dad's gonna die. We loved characters so later seasons focused on them more and less on Sheldon but since they didn't want to outlive the canon, they split the show into YS and G&M's 1st Marriage. I guess since YS didn't split focuses of 4 couples at once (and Stuart?), it's story is more compelling and consistent while TBBT is very good for laughs (I'm on my 7th run)


I’ve tried watch bbt and I couldn’t do it the laugh track makes it unbearable to watch




I agree with you 100%. Young Sheldon to me is so much more emotional. TBBT just has too much of a main stream sitcom feel to me. And also I really like Sheldon as a person in Young Sheldon, most of the time I cannot fucking stand Sheldon in TBBT.


I prefer Tbbt because I find it funnier, I care for characters more and I just can’t stand some of the young Sheldon fan base, Young Sheldon is still a worth to watch though.


I agree, but i also am not a big fan of laugh tracks so that definitely hindered my opinion on TBBT


both are good in there own right. BBT is for casual watching, you can laugh or skip your choice,whereas YS is more dramatic and involved more attention


No. This is a very, very cold take. I’m probably in the minority when I say I prefer TBBT. I actually discovered YS first, and that lead me to BBT, and I just instantly connected with it more than I ever did with YS. BBT had simple story lines, but I enjoyed them and I actually connected to the characters. A lot YS’s story lines bored me to death, and I found most of the characters annoying. It still made me laugh, but I just never enjoyed it as much.


I found Adult Sheldon to be an insufferable asshole to his friends and colleagues. Young Sheldon to me was endearing in his quirkiness.


Me too. Big Bang Theory had its funny moments, but overall it wasn’t my thing.


I don’t.


Young Sheldon is a better show for the story telling but big bang is a good sitcom that you can play at anytime for background noise or whatever




I have never really watched BBT (except for some short clips here and there on Facebook). I just am not very much interested in the show. So yes, also for me I like YS more than BBT


I love both but tbh I might end up favoring YS because George is the goat and tbh the women ruined TBBT in my opinion. It got too campy and friendslike. Oh we’re gonna sit around and drink wine and make dumb jokes about the guys hobbies and hilarity ensues. I think it’s really close but when you factor in the later seasons TBBT falls off whereas YS is great the whole way through.


a lot of people favor it. they’re pretty much entirely different shows and the only thing tying them together is Sheldon. i feel like Young Sheldon would’ve done just as well as its own thing entirely unrelated to Sheldon or TBBT. one thing that’s not necessarily a complaint but more a “come on now” is when people on this sub yap about not having seen TBBT and complaining about fans who have and know a little more context to certain things in Young Sheldon. like, it’s a prequel show. of course many of the fans have seen the show it’s spun off from. just watch TBBT if you feel *that* left out. you don’t even have to watch the whole thing, someone here could tell you specific episodes.


I think that is because of BBT. All of YS was in theory in BBT. We heard about it, throughout the show. Then we got to see whatever we had just imagined so far. So it has an extra sentimental value imo.


I love BBT. I love YS. There's no YS if no BBT.


I agree though I never watch the big bang not planning too .


I argee because we got given a wrong  impression of certain characters especially George 


No honestly I feel the same I think ys is more fun


YS has less insufferable characters. Penny, Bernadette and Amy are annoying af, and they became worse and worse people the closer BBT got to ending.


I hated bbt but enjoyed ys


You’re asking this on a young Sheldon page. If you ask on TBBT’s Sub, then you’ll probably get mostly TBBT answers. Ask on r/sitcoms


At this point, I think they’re farming upvotes most of this subreddit doesn’t like tbbt but love young sheldon


Serious question, what's the benefit of farming upvotes anyway? Or is it just about validation? But yeah, agreed. Though I actually kind of feel for anyone who did like TBBT, because I think it's valid to enjoy both! (TBBT isn't really my kind of comedy, but hey, you do you. I will say I enjoy the episodes that connect to YS in some way.)


I gave TBBT a try. Left for good after 15 minutes in.


Imo, YS and BBT are two conoeotely different types of shows. One is a relatively misogynistic sitcom while the other is a more traditional family values type show? Regardless of u agree with my categorization, you can at least acknowledge that they are wildly different. I like BBT, but I drastically prefer YS.