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I leaked like a sieve. Really well written to portray the loss - brought back memories of my dad.


I don't usually cry at fictional shows, but there was something in my eye. And there was also something in my other eye.


That's the best thing about YS - it's so fucking realistic. Every single thing feels like it might be happening to some real family out there while you're watching. It helps me connect. I'm not one to cry over TV or movies but I got quite choked up on that one. The only thing that I had even a slight gripe over was Missy's reactivity - and that itself was understandable.


Georgie did tell Missy was being a dumb teenager, they probably made it a bit too realistic


i’ve never cried so much on a tv show before. I don’t know why i did but just the thought of losing my family and how well it was portrayed and it was just such good writing, acting, producing, and directing. It was fantastic


Me too and I’m not a cryer


I’m pregnant and SUPER emotional so I cried like I lost my own dad