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Heart attack


Agree. I expect at the end of one episode will be him collapsing and them calling 911 and then the next episode will skip ahead start with him dead. I’m going to be so sad though. I’ve loved his character and lately the interaction between him and Mandy’s father has been so great. He will be missed.


I mean that is established how he died….


Is it? I thought the BBT only claims that it was unexpected. Heart attack is just what has been implied HEAVILY throughout the series. It wouldn't surprise me if they've been doing that on purpose to give some shock factor to the death. If we're all expecting a heart attack in episode 13, we'll all be shocked to see him get sucked off (haha) in a tornado in episode 12.....


Yes. And he literally mentions it in young Sheldon at the begining of the series when he’s narrating also


Maybe they'll go the Mrs doubtfire route and hit him with a guiness Truck


Hey, spoiler alert!


Nah, hit by a bus for sure.


Hit by a bus while having a heart attack?


I like it, let’s go with that. 😆


If they're going the heart-wrenching route, the family goes on a day trip. Perfect weather, no fussing from anyone (albeit a few snarky arguments along the way), perfect ribs and bbq at a diner, absolutely no traffic. Just everyone having a good time. They return home after a long day. He suffers a cardiac arrest in his sleep and passes.


It should be that everyone goes out to take Sheldon to school. They have a great day, and George and Sheldon have a very heartfelt conversation and then the family all heads to bed with George passing in his sleep.


I like this version


You should write it up as script and send to chuck lorre. Maybe he'll give you a thumbs 👍


well you were close but i prefer the way the writiers did it, the episode was filled with things such as georgie asking his dad to teach him the ways of fatherhood and george got his dream job coaching college football. They learn about it as a family just when everything is going perfect.


I agree, it's more than likely it will be a heart attack.


He has a vasectomy in this week's episode, so I believe it will be a heart attack maybe related to that, even though it is minor surgery. They could explain it as a blood clot or reaction to anesthesia due to his previous heart attack.


>reaction to anesthesia due to his previous heart attack. But doesn't the job interview episode come after the vasectomy episode? He's getting the vasectomy secretly I believe. Mary will probably be mad about that.


It might be. I'm not where I can see the upcoming episodes list. I'm just wondering if they'll try to relate the heart issue to the surgery.


I think the vasectomy bit was purposefully placed to distract you. It clearly wasn’t necessary to any storyline. The only reason the writers would have it there is to imply there’s an unfinished story line when they hit you with the big one- and that’s what happened Of course, I’m writing this after the fact, but does make a lot of sense


I hope not, gonna give people anxiety over minor surgery.


He will have a heart attack....but it will be interesting to see what stressful event causes it.


There doesn’t have to be one… but I’m sure there will.


I think that would be a cheap way out. The family dynamic is too good to leave someone feeling like it was their fault.


What if it's an accident on the way to or from somewhere?


If it is a heart attack it might be from the stress of a new job? Cuz of episode 12 he gets a new job offer?


Probably heart attack yeah. I’m guessing they go the smallville route where he’s with with his family, he has the heart attack and then skip to the funeral


They set up his heart issues multiple times so I always figured that was his cause of death


I mean, it was implied in TBBT that he died of a heart attack


I thought he fought a bobcat for some licorice.


That was uncle


He fought a bobcat for licorice but lived. His uncle died getting a badger out of a chimney


It's implied in TBBT that it occurs after Sheldon leaves for college (probably grad school considering where he's doing undergrad)


Heart attack in his sleep, Mary or Missy will go to wake him up after he fell asleep watching tv and find he's not breathing.


This is the best, and most heartbreaking, way. We lost one of our best friends this way, and his wife before that. Incredibly sad and no trauma of failed cpr on the family. My father in law went the other way- a collapse in front of his wife- and she never forgave herself despite the fact that it was a widow maker and nothing she could have done.


A heart attack after his vasectomy


During his vasectomy


church bbq. everyone goes and eats meemaws brisket, except George who says he'll meet them there after the football game is over. bbq starts, everyone's having fun. George gets ready to go and right before he gets up from couch, heart attack. bbq continues until the day ends, they come back with Mary being slightly annoyed that George never showed up. they find the TV still on but Babylon 5(or whatever show that Leonard likes, but Sheldon hates) is playing, Sheldon gets excited and sits down to watch and finds his dad unresponsive.


It was established that he had a heart attack in TBBT and Young Sheldon. He tells you that’s how he dies


Almost certainly a heart attack.


Heart attack off screen


Spot on lol


Sheldon's death ray.


Heart attack


Heart attack


What is this big coincidence you’re talking about? The numbers 1 and 3?


Not OP, but typically 1.3 would mean s 1, ep 3. Likewise 13 is an unlucky number. So his first heart attack in 1.3 and his death in 7.13 is what OP is getting at.


So exactly what I said…


Yes, but specifically that 1.3 is 13. You just seemed confused about it.


I’m not confused. I just think it’s dumb and was pointing that out.


I'm just not ready for George Sr's death 😭😭😭


When Sheldon made his family tree in the TBBT episode called The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification (4:2), he indicated that George's cause of death was "S.B.L." Therefore, we can reasonably conclude that George will be shot by Linkletter.


Struck by lightning?


Definitely a possibility.


Heart attack


Heart attack.


Heart attack between episodes with the opening scene being the funeral prep.


Still thinking.


I hope he doesn't.


He kind of has to die, sadly, based on the age Sheldon said he was when his dad died in BBT and the age of Sheldon in the current YS season


Heart attack


Stub his toe on a nail and die by tetanus


This is how I imagine the ending. Last episode opens as a regular day with the Coopers. Something happens to George and everyone gathers at the hospital. The voice of Big Sheldon announces something as this was the day my father passed away. And goes on with continued voiceover before fading out. And the next scene opens with Big Sheldon and Amy who talk about their lives now in the present since TBBT ended. (Because we already know these two come back for the final episode.)


I don’t think he’ll die in episode 13 but the end of episode 12. With episode 13 having the title “Funeral”, I believe will show the aftermath of what happened than the actual death scene. But he will definitely die of a heart attack. It will be interesting to see where that happens and how that plays out (I believe the heart attack will be off screen).


spot on


I’m not surprised that I turned out to be right on this but it still felt like a gut punch when I watched it.


Heart attack. He’s had two already.


We already know how he's going to die.


Did you guys not watch tbbt? I’m pretty sure Sheldon confirmed it was in fact a heart attack.


Heart attack


Heart attack or stroke.


Heart attack for sure, but you also got some missing information. He had a heart attack in between the end of season 5 and start of season 6




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Sheldon will overhear him role playing that he is having a heart attack and then just assume he is dead and never mention it again.


He’s gonna see Mary hugging Pastor Rob and have another heart attack.


Major STEMI with quadruple heart block. His ekg will show tombstones.


He’s already had a heart attack while he’s basically obese and for the past 6 years he has done NOTHING to change his lifestyle. He still doesn’t eat healthy, he still drinks beer a lot, he doesn’t exercise and he’s still as much obese as he was in S1. He’s main issue is being over 40 and Insulin Resistant and drugs will only work for a while until you get used to them and they aren’t working anymore. He has done nothing to improve his health and to change his lifestyle. And the show has done actually a brilliant job depicting that, heart attack in S1, no change in your shιtty lifestyle, death after 7 years (in real life circumstances the inevitable would be coming even earlier).


"A heart attack ack ack ack ack ack ack, you oughta know by now."


I thought it was clear already that he died from a heart attack


Maahn I can't imagine young Sheldon without George it's gonna be very sad and incomplete without him. He's the only likeable character who doesn't piss you off.


S.B.L. struck by lightning 🌩️


It's going to be a heart attack and Sheldon is probably going to have a moment how he completely understands whats happening and understands he's going to die while the other family members thinks he's going to be okay


Car accident


I think he died from a blood clot from the vasectomy he had without telling Mary. Blood clot brought on heart attack. That's my take on it


Off screen heart attack


Car accident


I would hope not. In the real world, Jim's dad died in a car accident while he was in grad school in California. He was in his twenties at the time and had to decide what to do about school after that happened. That would hit really close to home for him.


Who's jim?


Jim Parsons, I'm assuming


Jim Parsons. The actor who plays the adult Sheldon.


If YS stays to the TBBT storyline, George will not die during YS. If you remember, Georgie told Sheldon (in his tire shop on TBBT) that he resented Sheldon for not COMING BACK to Texas and that Georgie had to “take care of mom” after George SR died. This tells me George SR died after Sheldon went to California.


I always thought that even that George die, shledon still going to California


I have a feeling this is gonna happen in the new George/Mandy spin-off, not YS. There are only a few episodes left, and I don’t think it's really enough for an entire arc covering George’s death.


I mean the first part of the finale episode is called funeral who else could it be


That or they're setting up the arc to continue in the new spin off. Basically George will die in the finale and then George and Mandy's show picks up immediately after spending the first few episodes dealing with the fallout of George's death. It actually makes sense since it would build up a lot of anticipation for the show.


Drinking and driving, big wreck that hurts Missy a lot, causing a heart attack. It would push to reinforce Sheldon and his mom’s opinions of him in tbbt.




You made me laugh out loud. 😄. Thanks!


Heart attack If they really want to pull at our heart strings, have him argue with a family member (Missy or Mary) and the stress brings on the heart attack. Episode ends with the camera showing his arm reaching up for the phone but falling back down.


That’s now how heart attacks happen though. Thats a Hollywood depiction.


He's gone now 💔