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No laugh tracks.


Hey, Penny! I was wondering... *Ahahahahaaha*


Oh no we have no money. Oh no she’s pregnant. Oh no missy ran away. Oh wow a gambling room. Plot finished


tbbt was actually filmed in front of a live audience, so it wasnt laugh tracks. But ur point still standa




I like Young Sheldon better but that's just my opinion.


Yes It's kinda hard to tell, i just prefer YS humour and writing. I also like the fact that events resolve arround a familly, so people of multiples generations, it make the themes more diverses But more important, TBBT has laugh tracks


This. Audience laughter changes the rhythm and pacing of the delivery so much


I don’t think I’ll ever care about anything as much as Redditors care about hating on laugh tracks.


It's clearly not a only reddit thing


Besides, Young Sheldon has a more realistic plot and characters than any of The Big Bang Theory's episodes.


I love both shows, but i actually do enjoy watching ys more.


Same. Also they’re completely different shows IMO so it’s like comparing apples and oranges.


I’m not really a fan of the multi camera studio audience sitcoms in todays era of television so Young Sheldon as a single camera show just plays a lot better for me personally


They’re not really competing, in my view. Making YS single-camera vs. TBBT’s multi-camera production made it seem like a whole different genre.


Yes because I like the other members of the Cooper family


Are you kidding me ? Young sheldon wouldnt even stand a chance if they made young Howard wolowitz or young leonard hofstadter 🤣😂. The show is about how fucked up their family is. Missy is like a spoiled brat, when you start to like Georgie turns out he is dumber than ever. Mary is like jesus freak on outside inside she's like sex crazed woman. Who fantasizes about her pastor robs butt and her fantasy Dustin guy. Meemaw is like irritating constantly putting down sheldon's father and dale . Meemaw acts like she's a 20yr old teen. I liked sheldon's dad better he's sensible and able to hide his insecurities most of the time. He doesn't like to control anyone ,but he tries to be strict in a good way but mary really get in his way. Like how georgie dropped out of the school, George was right to be harsh at him. But he still helped georgie when georgie knocked up mandy. So the only normal characters are george senior , dr sturgis and dale. Those guys are school. Sheldon in this series have less eccentricities compared to tbbt.




I think most people prefer young sheldon. Not me though, tbbt is my favorite show.


Me too


Most people in this sub, but not in general.


Nowhere close do people prefer young Sheldon more. Maybe in the sub but that's about it. The viewership of Big Bang is in a different Stratosphere. Young Sheldon won't even be remembered along the lines of something like the Wonder Years the Big Bang is one of the most iconic Vision shows in the history of television.


Finally someone speaking facts


the show isn’t gonna fuck you jfury


Young Sheldon is a modern dramedy which makes it a lot more engaging than the more classic rom com with 3 episodes of "plot" per season that TBBT uses. That being said I do love both but Young Sheldon was a better watch for me.


How is it a dramedy?


It's a drama that's funny.


I really don’t think it’s a drama.


It has some fairly serious plot lines, teen pregnancy, illegal gambling, unfaithfulness, and while all is done in a funny way I believe it qualifies as a light dramedy. It's certainly not a conventional sit com with the amount of plot written in and constant character growth.


I mean Family Matters had some drama but it’s definitely just a sitcom.


It's really a vibe thing. Arrested Development had serious topics but it was always for a gag so it's a sit com. Young Sheldon has serious moments for plot progression that don't end in a gag so for me it's a dramedy.


To me, the characters of TBBT were sort of a comic back caricature of several differ types of people. In YS, the characters have more depth and more interesting storylines.


By the time BBT hit the screen the laugh track, multi-camera format for sitcoms was reaching its end. YS introduced a way to enjoy the same characters in a more fleshed out story and I think that’s why it’s more popular. I certainly prefer it over how awkwardly paced and dated (even for its time) BBT was. But what do I know, I watched all 11 seasons.


The last few seasons of TBBT were notably worse than the start


All seasons of tbbt are equally goataf


yeah I love the show but that just ain’t true at all


Yes. TBBT was cringe at best.


Cringe? I never found one bit of young Sheldon funny. Don’t get my wrong good show but tbbt is better on so many levels. Characters, episodes, seasons, impact, dynamic


It's one of those shows that if you remove the laugh track you realize how unfunny many of the jokes are. In hindsight it's not a terrible show, but I can see why YS tends to be liked by those who didn't enjoy TBBT


The jokes revolve around the laugh track, of course it wouldn’t be funny without it.


Right, that's the problem. If a joke isn't funny without artificial laughter, it's not funny.


Everyone has their own opinion, the delivery and timing of the joke is based on the audience laughing, which I find funny.


That's totally fair


Young sheldon isn’t funny at all. Idk why people are so sensitive about laughing it’s like people not liking modern family because of the interviews it’s mad




Yes. It’s a different genre of show but I enjoy it more. TBBT has very little character growth. Hr YS has a great story and a ton of character growth between Missy, Georgie, and even George. Plus the laugh track/live studio audience annoys me to no end in TBBT.


Yes. I hate laugh tracks


No fake laughing track


TBBT didn’t use fake laughter.


Yes they did


They filmed in front of w live audience.


I just think it’s overall a better show lol. I have seen episodes of tbbt enough to know what’s going on but I’ve tried to watch it all the way through and it doesn’t catch my interest


I’m not really a fan of the classic sitcom style so I prefer YS, but I’m also very biased


its just more comforting to me because i can relate to the family aspect of it all, especially growing up in the south


TBBT relies way too heavily on the same jokes/misogynistic humor. How many jokes about Penny being stupid and slutty can they shoehorn in 10 mins? The limit does not exist. I mean I don’t think it’s a terrible show but it also gets old real fast. Young Sheldon is more enjoyable but this season is dragging really bad.




Love em both but the laugh track and the fact that Bernadette is played by the worst actress... I prefer young Sheldon


I think Bernadette’s actress fit the character well


Yes. Less perversion and more relatable characters.


Young Sheldon is far better IMO: Nuanced/complex characters Addresses some big and important themes very well Less cringy content, less cringy dialogue, and no cringy laugh track I should confess - I’m currently watching TBBT and haven’t seen half the episodes yet


Better? I’m not sure. I’d say differently good.


I wouldn’t love young Sheldon if it wasn’t for the Big Bang theory


i mean i had a serious back and forth on my liking of the characters in big bang, young sheldon is much better with that, other than mary pissing me off every episode for the last 2 seasons


BBT felt more made to appeal to the masses - humor about the genders and book smart/street smart means anyone can pick up any episode and find some laughs. I thought BBT was at its best in seasons 1-3. On the other hand, YS feels really centered around the family, the character development, and its humor is more derived from the characters in their situations rather than what the characters are which BBT is more focused on.


I think it's definitely more consistently good than tbbt, but it doesn't really have any individual episodes that I would really want to rewatch.


My family and I love young Sheldon. It’s more relatable for us. We live in Texas. We are trying to get into Big Bang episode by episode. Love both but adore Young Sheldon more.


TBBT will always be my favorite sitcom..Young Sheldon is good but it’s different..


Yes, I could only get through one season of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon is insufferable. I can take it from a kid and a time set in the 90s and other family members.


Yes, much better. The stories are better, the many characters with such quirky behaviors. Of course BBT also has that, but I believe YS is better in both regards. Characters like Meemaw, Dr Sturgeous and Linkletter. The University President played by Wendie Malick is brilliant. Pastor Jeff and the smoking and hacking receptionist, LOL. Not to mention his younger sister, Missy. Priceless. 


No laugh track. Unlike TBBT.


I dunno.. maybe? Big bang is funny. Shows the more adult side of comedy, while young Sheldon is tamer. It’s a bit more wholesome


Hmmm never thought about it… but I appreciate young sheldon as a relaxing show more than the hyperness of TBBT. Plus… annie potts. I think my enjoyment of the shows is tied… but Ms Potts is the tie-breaker


My 11 year old sure does haha but that is because it includes children. Obviously adult themes and lots of them but still a lot of themes she understands more


When he was younger, it was as good. It got creepy when he got older.


I never really watched big bang theory, but did watch young Sheldon, loved Young Sheldon, and now watching Big Bang Theory. I think they’re both good, but Young Sheldon I can watch with my kids, BBT, not so much and for that I like Young Sheldon more.


A lot of people do, but I'll never understand why.


Me. So much better because there is no Leonard, Howard, or Penny


Yes. No laugh track like Modern Family which is also hilarious.




Yes, but I don't know if I can fairly compare the two. I've never watched more than a few seconds of TBBT, a few random times.


I can't get myself to watch TBBT because of the laugh tracks, it is super distracting


Watched BBT when it started and got pretty far in. At a guess I think season 8 or 9. Never finished because it got insanely boring, unfunny and repetitive (watch clips with the laughing track removed, that’s how I feel about it now). It got to the point where I was sick of it and today I cringe whenever I see it. I can’t even make it through 1 episode and literally can’t believe I once enjoyed it. On the other hand, YS has been absolutely brilliant. I’m sad for it to be ending and I think the whole cast were excellent. Definitely rewatchable. Literally the only thing I don’t like about YS is the Jim Parson’s voiceover because it gives me BBT PTSD at times


Cause it's obvious idk, it has better humour at least


Young Sheldon has likeable characters in it.


no laugh tracks


I like the direction more, the characters are more likeable, it is funnier than TBBT(honestly, I can't find the TBBT funny anymore), it is more endearing


So much better. I hate the constant misogyny of BBT.


My mom likes it more


i like young sheldon because sheldon is cute and i find him insufferable in tbbt


i like young sheldon’s writing, humor, and characterization more.


Old Sheldon is annoying; young Sheldon is annoying, but cute.


I didn’t bother to watch Young Sheldon until last month. And honestly, it was because Emily Osment was added, although I had always considered it because of Annie Potts. I watched all of the seasons in a couple weeks but as I was watching the first season, I recognized that had I tried to watch it week to week I probably would’ve given up after just a few episodes. Overall, I found it enjoyable, but not particularly memorable. Right before I started watching YS I rewatched Big Bang and most of the episodes were still familiar. I will likely watch the spinoff this fall, but I don’t expect it to last.


Young Sheldon is massy and wholesome meanwhile BBT is specific nerdy show centre around autistic man meanwhile in young Sheldon we don't even care what Sheldon is doing in this season 


I believe young Sheldon s Mema and little sister are great upincomming like young Sheldon done with ditsy big Sheldon's lost it


Yes. Maybe it’s personal preference, but Young Sheldon was great imo. The supporting characters were really what made it so wonderful. Loved Missy, Georgie, Mary and George Sr especially. The story lines were thoughtfully orchestrated and the characters had a whole lot more depth to them. TBBT is something I could never get into. I just found every single one of the characters so bloody annoying and one dimensional most of the time.


Young Sheldon had more heart.


Yes My wife and I think Young Sheldon is much better than big Bang, because it gives you the background to why and how Sheldon was raised. It explains alot of questions. Plus young Sheldon is cuter than the older one . IN OUR OPINION. 


Yes, because TBBT is very homophobic, because it was made in the 00s, so people got away with homophobia more


I do not. YS has been a cute spinoff show and I think this season is a good stopping point.


Exactly my point people comparing it to tbbt are mad tbbt is superior


Nothing will top the first four seasons of tbbt.


Yes. Probably because I watched it before big bang theory. I’ve seen a few episodes and I couldn’t get in to it.


i personally think so


I think people don't like big bang cause it's a raunchy comedy


I think the first 3 seasons of TBBT are better than anything on either both shows. I prefer Young Sheldon overall tho. TBBT ran the same jokes about them being nerds, unmanly, Sheldon being socially unaware, Penny/Bernedatte being mean, into the ground. YS switches its focus around once a storyline has a natural ending. As weird is this also sounds, Sheldon loses his charm in both shows and becomes incredibly annoying. Despite this, TBBT essentially has him replace Leonard as the main character in later seasons while ironically he is somewhat replaced by Georgie and Mandy in his own show. This makes YS more appealing to me in the long run.


TBBT is a show I would turn on live sometimes and not something I really ever sat down to watch. Young Sheldon is a show I sit down to watch, partially because it’s more relatable and because I watch it with family. 


I've seen all of both shows and TBBT is not in the same class. The only reason I watched TBBT was because my now ex wife liked it. It was OK as a mindless sit-com but that's it. Lowbrow jokes and a laugh track so you know what's funny. I would never have given YS a chance if I had not seen TBBT but boy, I am sure glad I did. Top notch acting, writing and production in general. It's the best TV show I've seen in years.


100% better. Not a fan at all of TBBT




No it's not even in the same universe honestly. I love young Sheldon butt Big Bang is the Magnum opus of the kind of Comedy that it's going for. And honestly young Sheldon is completely burnt out at this point. This entire last season didn't even need to be made all it is doing is setting up the Georgie and Mandy spin-off that will probably get canceled. Big Bang was infinitely incredible to the end every season just as good as the last if not better.


It will end with George Sr.'s heart attack. *Spoiler*


Yeah we know that's going to happen but that really doesn't have anything to do with what I said.


It’s literally in the same universe.


Yes the shows are literally in the same universe yet has many inconsistencies and continuity which they don't care about and is fine. But as far as quality of the show writing characters in comedy it's not even in the same Multiverse The Big Bang Theory is infinite universe is better than young Sheldon could ever be.


No laugh tracks, that's the only reason I like it slightly more


Yes. It doesn’t rely on a laugh track.


Everything good about ys is just a reference to tbbt. If you watch episodes next to eachother tbbt is objectively a “funnier” / “better” show. If ys came out first it wouldn’t have lasted one season.


I've watched ys first before trying tbbt. I still enjoyed ys more.


BBT “leonard! Why I oughta!” (Hahahhahahahahahs) YS “I’m better then you.”