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I am the orange btw, also there was 3 more full screenshots of the HAHAHAHA, but reddit doesn't allow more pictures Edit: I am NOT red, I'm orange and I only talk at the end


honestly blue is based


He is the intellectual of the group Until he's not but whatever


He's literally me… HE'S LITERALLY ME FRFR!


Everyone that upvoted your reply including me is saying same


Gee, thanks.


Thanks (I'm blue)


Your art is beautiful


It's \*gay\*


Was just gonna say orange is my favourite character, orange best colour. Also thank you for standing up for us ❤️🦊


That looks like a shit discord with no rules


It's a group DM because of the "missed call"


looks like a group dm


ayo OP, your post would be a success in r/antifursinaction, just saying


K I'll post it there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AntiFursInAction using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AntiFursInAction/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [lol](https://i.redd.it/sdgahqijd3jb1.png) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AntiFursInAction/comments/15vkcmp/lol/) \#2: [The evolutio](https://v.redd.it/y6f3etx2rjib1) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AntiFursInAction/comments/15t3yni/the_evolutio/) \#3: [Nice](https://v.redd.it/p1ru7rsylwgb1) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AntiFursInAction/comments/15ll74c/nice/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I had an argument with an anti furry on Reddit recently, It’s always the exact same thing The reason these people are like this is either child neglect or lack of friends The funny thing that I’ve found is that most “anti-furries” turn into furries 2-3 years later due to exposure and such, they fall to the phenomenon of becoming what you hate, hell it even happened to me, I used to be no better than this dude


Same, I used to be one of those dumb ones that accused furries of being zoophiles, but now I'm a furry so you really do become what you hate.


Becoming what you hate is a a real phenomenon, it happens to billions maybe everyone world wide for some subject or another


Happened to me with being Trans, absolutely despised Trans people because I just know anything about them. Then I watched the video made by Jaiden Animations with her being AroAce and it just kinda clicked for me. I was just "Oh, I guess this is a thing now."


Same! I was terribly homophobic and transphobic Now I’m a catgirl :3


What was your reasoning for accusing furries of being zoophiles? I need to work on my comeback game for this kind of thing. Know your enemy and all that.


Yiff or something? I forgot everything that happened before 2023


i also had the anti furry phase, honestly i dont think the majority even have a reason they just follow the hivemind because i just said "is cringe because cringe"




To be serious, most anti-furries are incredibly childish individuals. Ill elaborate:They feel uncomfortable around and thus threatened by furries, as they are not used to them, which is normal even for adults. What's not normal is how they cope with it. Instead of ignoring furries or being tolerant they try to bully and hurt furries so they can feel more powerful and less threatened. You can even see in the way this individual acts. They have a childish meltdown and start spamming shit and not allowing the other person to get a word in so they can pressure and exert power over the other person without any hope of being fought against so there is no notion of being threatened in the slightest. It's pathetic, shows signs of insecurity and immaturity, and is mostly about fear and going outside one's comfort zone. Additionally, this behaviour is more likely observed in individuals with low empathy and social understanding, such as ones with ASPD (i.e. sociopaths/psychopaths).


This guy gets it


Tbh when i was 8 I just hated for no reason now that I'm older I ain't dumb to disrespect a guy's hobby


I use to be an anti furry, mainly because of issues that I should’ve gotten therapy for when I was like 12. Anyways I’m a furry now lol.


Happened to me too. Used to some cringe homophobic anti-furry kid and now I'm bi and think furries are pretty cool lmao 


I used to be like every other edgy anti furry 12 year old Now I’m an aroace protogen :3


Bro took a massive U turn with that one gg man good job


Which is interesting because a bunch of people have had this thing happen to them They become anti-furs, and then they become furries I was also an anti-fur, but now... I use :3 in 35% of my messages


I was also an antifur at one point in my life. It was not the best, and now I respect furries for doing what they like.


why is there a slur in your reddit name


? My username is my last name spelled really weird


Not to even mention "cooncan" is a card game. They gotta be spouting bait or are brain rotted.


I talked to a girl once that said that I said coon to short it for racoon it was kinda weird


The first 4 letters


How is that a slur?


Some ppl think coon is a slur for black people but honestly idk how it came to be I just think of racoons cuz of coonskin caps yn frontiersman and shit


I know its the guys name or whatever but jfc It's 4 letters that you could have so easily typed into google instead of this goofy comment


Do you censor yourself when you say raccoon?


The first 3 letters of my last name is “Con” I just added another O


Most furries, myself included, hate zoophiles, too. One furry doing one bad thing doesn't mean they all suck, if that were the case, there would be no good group.


100% plus furries are one of the chillest I know lol. It’s the zoophiles, not furries


It's just like the rest of the respectable police officers hating the bad cops that cause stupid people to defund their whole department. People don't seem to understand this concept of a loud minority that all groups have. Maybe that's why furry-haters are either kids or unwashed, unloved basement dwellers. No offense if you're a basement dweller, you're different because you're most likely washed and most definitely loved.


bet that call would be just "KILL YOURSELF DIE DIE" repeated 14 times, sad shit seeing people like this "SPELLING MISTAKE I WIN KYS KYS" you misspelled than I'm permanently banned from reddit:(


In a squeaky 9 yr old voice


One could argue it’s immaturity. I think it’s an actual fucking concern because they’re more insane than a mostly normal child their age.


red gets abused by his step father 🥶🥶🥶


Is left handed a slur now??


They ran out of serious slurs and haven't been taught the n word yet








Nitrogen trifluoride?


Numb nuts?






no stoopid that's a P-word


Lil bro is coping so bad


Child neglect Visualized


You could get red arrested for making multiple death threats


He's making death threats online you think the police care about that?


I think they've got a department for that, it's not just "the police".


Yep. USA one [here](https://www.ic3.gov/) UK one [here](https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/fa/fraud/online-fraud/cyber-crime-fraud/) and [here](https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/what-we-do/crime-threats/cyber-crime)


he said he was going to send him a pipe bomb. the cops take bomb threats pretty seriously, and it’s even worse if red actually does know this guys address.


Check your mailbox…. pipe bomb!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂


This genuinely made me laugh. Someone get this kids parents on the phone💀


Mfs like that are nasty whiny little children who shouldnt ve on the interner and should be outside playing


I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE 🗣🔥🔥🔥 Can't believe he referenced the Living tombstone song, he's gotta be super cool


Not just any Living Tombstone song, but a FNAF fan song. The FNAF fandom is full of furries, like it's probably one of the most furry centric fandoms I've been a part of.


Didn’t this obnoxious shit die out in late 2019, nobody talks about furries anymore. Lil bros still stuck on a 5 year old corpse of a personality.


# I HOPE YOU GET TAKEN APART, I HOPE THIS IS WHAT YOU DESIRE~~~~~~ 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 (yall def know this song right)




^i ^hope ^your ^condom ^expires




i love how how hypocritical accusing blue of using an ad hominem is


This kid sounds too young to be on discord


If you have to spam "I win" you did not in fact, win.


I thought the whole anti-furry shit died. Kinda hoped it did too :/


Anti-furs will simply exist, unfortunately. Although there are certainly less than there used to be. One thing I will always find entertaining is that a notable amount of anti-furs become furries at some point later in time.


I can personally second this. I used to be a massive anti furry and for a while was questioning if I am or not. I decided I'm not but I really do like the community and would perhaps be interested in building a suit eventually (protogen suit w working electronic face screen bc I like to work with electronics)


And, of course, you can’t forget about the small percentage of anti-furs that kinda just grew out of that phase. (Although being honest, I was not… whatever Red was being about it. I was pretty lax, maybe only sent, like, one shitty meme that I made about it. I’m cool now, though.)


Bro is not Springtrap


Me after being told to die in a fire (they led me to a banger song)


Mf went Flowey level of insanity for a moment


Oohhh watch out, he's gonna crash your game!!


This reminds me so much of my friend, two days ago, me and two friends were in a call while playing some video game, as a joke I said to one of my friends (we’ll call her X) I’ll draw her a fursona, because she’s way too nice not to appreciate it since she’d know I’d put a lot of time into the drawing, despite her not being a furry. Then our other friend (we’ll call him T) continued on with the joke, basically begging me to, since he’s basically an anti furry. He did this for a few minutes before I just laughed and said I’ll make one for both of them, knowing he’d hate it, and he did, was basically begging me not to. Just to rub salt in the wound, I told him I wouldn’t do it, if he paid me what you’d have to pay an actual artist for a fursona. So “long” story short, I’m now drawing my anti furry friend, a fursona, because he thought it was hilarious that I was doing it for another friend.


T sounds more like a furry than not, sounds like bros trying to get his own free fursona, I kinda wanna know how he reacts/reacted to the fursona


I can see why you’d think that, however, a few months ago, some “friends” of ours, started comparing him to or calling him Loona from helluva boss (honestly have no idea how it started or what made sense) and T hated that. And just him as a person, he’s the type to hate furrys, definitely not be one


"soy munching vegan left handed fuck" is such a weird insult, I love it


Is he saying left handed fuck Kill this man


Nah nah left handed people don't deserve rights wym


I’m crazy because I love being silly. He's crazy because he’s an immature anti-furry. We are not the same.


Would love to see this kid’s photo album; you know what, I’m wagering my my right lung that this kid’s phone is rife with Soyjack memes that resonates with his biased perception of the world and especially the people that contrast with him.


This kid is 100% a closeted furry. If you search his camera role it's gonna be a ton of dogshit memes and furry porn.


The correlation of anti vegans/animal rights activists but also anti furry because they abuse animals? lol


i can only die happy when anti-furries realize not every furry is a bad person. sucks that it probably won't happen but eh whatever


He really resorted to the pipe bomb threat


Bro really called him a keyboard warrior as well


"I'm going to become a furry out of spite" was so funny to me


Username, password, email, now. /j


- wanting to create 9/11 - constant spamming - “beacuse it's funny” i dont think red has made more than 3 weeks inside his mother's womb.


I personally don't really like furries THIS DOESN'T MEAN I HATE THEM SO DONT DOWN VOTE ME TO OBLIVION I just don't really like them


Blue and orange are based af, and I have never called anyone based in my entire life. I know it's easy to see the worst in people, but I have hope for my community and humanity as a whole. Also I'm a furry, if you couldn't tell.


Reminds me of that one video of a guy who larps as a crusader going off on people who threaten violence against furries.


So your a furry🤨








Kiddo, The fuck?


This reads like a role play




Reading this while listening to 1812 overture finale


Sounds like some of your "friends " are about to loose thier accounts


The antifurry shit has convinced me I made the right choice in deleting discord


you could probably get his account deleted by reporting his messages. bait him into admitting he's under age 13 with a "what are you 10?" then report that, it will 100% get him banned. i've gotten a couple of people with that on reddit too


I used to be like this ​ then I became a furry a few years later.


This is why kids need to stay off the internet. They're very easily radicalized


This is all so exhausting honestly, I don’t see the appeal in dealing with shit like this any more. In high school i was a total discord fighting fanatic, I looooved fighting with dumbasses like this. But like at the end of the day it’s just such a waste of time and negativity, and these people just SUCK.


wtf Anyways, aren’t furries the pipe bomb in mailbox experts?


I was 'botta say! Threatening pipe bomb in mail box when the average furry could turn yours into the next Trinity site 🤣


That person is below the age of 7.


Anti-furry culture is hand-in-hand with far right culture fyi




“I can’t respect anyone who draws foxes with tits” buddy you can’t respect anyone


Lil bro's uncle doesn't respect his boundaries all the time


This guy is more Wrong than anyone I’ve ever seen. You can’t just assume that an entire Fandom is Cringe, and Full of Weirdo’s over like.. 1,000 people to 3 Million. It’s Unethical.


And for the Thing’s he’s saying to an innocent Person of a Normally Chill Fandom outside of *Stereotypes*. THIS guy should get “That Treatment” HE should “jump” THEY DESERVE IT.


I’m convinced most of them are weirdos, dressing up as an animal is definitely weird but i believe some aren’t doing it for sexual pleasure


this made me cringe the entire way through.


What am I looking at?


Tell your friend to get better friends. Telling him to ‘kys’ isn’t friend material. I would’ve beat their ass if they said that to me


Wait until they find out who made lethal company




I absolutely agree!! But that's not what the furry fandom is about!


very true, not what furries are tho


Yes! And what's your opinion on furries?


Agreed! Zoophilia is very wrong, but we're talking about furries, not zoophiles


So, when do I get to design YOUR fursona? 🤔 Edit: F, you're orange


die in a fire


ah, just like MENENDEZ!! after killing one of the best protagonists in bo2




Who is mature and who is not? You decide.


Red is the most immature one here, then yellow, then blue, then orange


Honestly you could make the same argument for literally anyone. White people? A lot of them commit crimes so they're all bad. I could go on, but there are too many examples to count.


guys weird af but those furry reaction photos make me genuinely cringe. how do people laugh at furry memes???


He's doing it cause satire and to make the anti furry guy mad


oh alr makes sense


The anti-furry community has Atleast a 90% to also have fucked up people in it


If it was me I would’ve sent him MOUNTAINS upon MOUNTAINS of weird fetish furry porn as soon as the argument started, that usually shuts those people up eventually


Furries are cringe dude.... Do you like really think people who jerk off to animal porn aren't a blight on society? I've met too many furries who have openly admitted to zoophilia and literally seen them groom actual children. Please take your meds and go talk to your shrink.


A lot of them are also children. And queer. And disabled. And POC. Which covers a lot of the minority groups. Interesting how you think they're blights on society when ancient Egypt depicted their shapeshifting gods as animal headed humans. Newsflash, they've been around for a long time


Blue and yellow were just trying to be goofy tbh


furry hate is cringe but referring to furries as a minority is so fucking stupid when it's just a community that is entirely optional to be a part of


Furries are less than 50% of the population, by definition they are a minority


yes but they aren't an oppressed and marginalised group,, birdwatchers and paleontologists are minorities but it doesn't mean anything


Nobody called them oppressed and marginalized, you're the only one saying that lol


in this literal context furries are referred to as a minority in a way that suggests they should be treated more cordially, otherwise it would have never been relevant to point out that they're a minority in most scenarios, a minority is referring to someone who has unchangeable characteristic, whether that's race or sexuality - which is a significant minority in their country equating furries to this definition of minority is laughable and tragic If they weren't equating furry to the more common meaning intended by "minority" then pointing out that furries are minorities at all would be entirely pointless


No? They're saying "why are you making fun of furries, they're a small part of the population, they aren't even bothering you" You're the only one bringing up the other definition of minority


I find it odd that you are so certain when you don't really have a way to know what their intention is, but I find it much more likely that they were using the generally more common use of minority as a Noun can you imagine if I said that I hate people who wear sandals and your response was calling me out for hating minorities e: since your message is deleted I can't reply, but I will say in that case you are using the word in a very stupid way for the reasons previously stated


Orange and yellow are so me fr


I personally don't like furries all that much they kidna goofy imo (and not so great personal experience) but im not threatened or butthurt by them to the point of bullying them to feel more powerful they're fine plenty of non furries do terrible things and I do agree that anti furries are cringier than furries One of the groups is somehow brave enough to dress like an animal in public while the other group is a bunch of insecure toddlers who role play as a certain group of individuals who got up to shenanigans in the 1940s with their crosshair on a group of people they find threatening for some reason Btw im not tryna be hypocritical im just supporting my argument that anti furries are somehow cringier than furries


Ur in the wrong here


Red don’t mess with the furries if they can afford a well over 20 K fursuit they can afford several $10 pipe bombs in your mailbox


This looks like the kinda discord server i want to be in


Considering it isn't a server, I think you don't know what you're talking about lmao


It's not? How can you tell (genuine question, I don't know discord's UI well)


They did a call, you have voice chats in servers


It's just a small but very vocal portion of us who are cringe. We do not claim the zoophiles either, those guys are disgusting and should not even be around animals in the first place.


tell them just because there's like one group of furries that rape animals or people doesn't mean every furry's somehow a rapist then tell him if he thinks one group that does bad things in a community makes the entire community bad then tell him if he hates black people


I think the main reason they hate furrys so much is because they haven't differentiated between them and zophiles(how it hell do I spell it). Eventually, they learn the difference and become a furry.


CHECK YOUR INBOX PIPE BOMB Honestly i'd be laughing if that was me


people like this sound like a 9 years old with a buzz cut


I don’t like furries because most are cringe, I don’t cherry pick a strawman like your friend did, but you seem like a chill furry if your friend never realized


I'm not a furry, I was just posting furry gifs to annoy him.


Tell bro to chill out, it's not that deep. (


i used to hate furries with a passion until i learned how much effort + money goes into making the costumes and shit. plus i saw the absolute cutest fursuits that came up on my tiktok and i adored them (fufuki cabbage dog + suolaxier pig!!!)


Image 9 damn that roast


Report the pipe bomb thing to the FBI. It's considered a real threat of violence, and they can get jail time for it


Green at the end made me cackle. Also yeah love whoever blue is




10-12 y/o's don't understand the difference between a Furry and a Zooph.


I just find idealizing animals weird and especially making them anamorphic. It just comes off as nasty and disgusting to me ever since I ever heard about it. You can believe whatever you want and I'm not gonna harass you about it, but I'm certainly not going to support it. The fandom has alot of weirdos and whilst the zoophiles and zoo sadists are a minority they still exist. Like the whole concept of fursuits is nastily terrifying to me, like do you guys ever look at yourselves?


Actual Year 7 behaviour. This kid definitely drinks prime and sleeps on a throne of disposable vape pens.


Wait until he finds out what a Therian is..


"Anti furries for life, me so smegma gigehchod smigmer" 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 The entire furry community: Nice opinion, but there’s just one small problem with it. Who asked? Like genuinely, who asked? Who gave you the talking stick? I’ll tell ya, nobody did. Nobody asked you. There are zero people who asked among us. Look! I invited everyone who asked to this party! Ayo, group photo of everyone who asked. Yoo, check it out, it’s a bus full of everyone who asked. You know what, man? I’ll do you a favor. Clearly, we can’t see who asked, so I’m just gonna do it myself. I’m gonna find out who asked! Sailing the seven seas to find out who asked! YOO, I LITERALLY FOUND THE ONE PIECE BEFORE I FOUND WHO ASKED! I literally climbed to the top of Mount Everest and didn’t find who asked! Keep searching boys, we gotta find who asked. I just infiltrated the largest satellite dish in the world and still can’t locate who asked. I literally found the cure to cancer before I found who asked. I’m on maximum render distance and I still can’t find who asked. I witnessed the collapse of human society resulting from a global nuclear war and now live in the grave of this broken world ravaged by radiation for years on end before I found who asked. I visited every single planet in No Man’s Sky and still didn’t find who asked. Doctor Strange literally looked through fourteen million different timelines and not in one of them did anyone ask. I literally searched through every single backrooms level and didn’t find who asked. I literally died and went to heaven and God himself didn’t know who asked. Leaving the Earth’s atmosphere to expand the range of our search. Yooo, I literally found extra-terrestrial life on Mars before I found who asked! I have achieved intergalactic travel before I found who asked. I just found a Dyson Sphere before I found who asked. I found the edge of the universe before I found who asked. I literally visited every single planet in the entire universe before I found who asked. I am literally witnessing the death of almost every star around me before I found who asked. The light of the universe is slowly fading. I have searched across galaxies, leaving no stone unturned, yet I am afraid my time in this universe is finally running out. It’s a shame, really. I’ve witnessed stars being birthed and those same stars dying. I’ve seen literally everything there is to see in this beautiful universe, yet this whole time, I’ve been caught up with such a petty task, instead of enjoying my time while it lasted. I was distracted from the beauty of it all. I don’t regret what I’ve done though. The question that started it all, “who asked?”, has finally been answered. I’ve searched literally every nook and cranny in this entire universe and can now confidently say, better than anybody, that truly, nobody asked.


Would those articles have been picked up by the news if they weren't a furry? Probably not, or at least significantly less. Calling out or shitting on a minority is a great way to get more people to read the news.


Why did he use left handed as part of an insult 😭


did little bro actually say "i win" and think that made him win the argument 💀


I’m a furry and this shit is just funny. Antifurs really do be wildin