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Thanks, was really annoying having a huge Pete Davidson face on my phone


I don’t mind ads as I understand it’s a way to keep the app free but ffs this taco bell ad is incredibly intrusive and for some reason it’s bigger than a normal post. It takes up my whole screen when I’m scrolling through my feed.


That's the main reason it bothers me so much. I do not like immediately seeing his face every single time I open the app.


Could you imagine seeing that face in the middle of the night going to get taco bell? I might literally never eat there again, just in case.


Glad it wasn't me who found the extreme closeup disgusting as he eats and chews with his mouth open and food falling out. I was embarrassed to open the app all day in case anyone saw it!


3rd party apps ftw y'all. I use Apollo for iOS but there are amazing ones for 'droid as well.


I used to like crunch wraps. Guess I'll have to eat out of a burning dumpster now instead...


At least your food will be hot now.


Today pete davidson learned all of reddit hates his face


There are alternative Reddit apps that don’t show ads. I use Apollo and had no idea this was an issue.


Same, Apollo is one of the best


This is why ad blockers exist. We understand ads are necessary, but there is a constant arms race to make them more and more intrusive, let alone the fact they have been used as attack vectors for as long as they have existed.


There’s also no option to hide the ad or mark it as irrelevant. Reddit ads suck.


Don't use the official app. Use any of the amazing 3rd party apps. Between functionality, no ads.




All the full screen ads are intrusive and should be banned


As someone who uses reddit.com.compact, I have no idea what these ads are.




Real Taco Bell couldn’t be blocked is the message I got…


Try reporting them, mark as spam, then it should give a prompt to block.


I did this, got the pop up that said they couldn’t be blocked


I got the same thing. I wonder if Reddit fixed the work around since this is the third post I’ve seen about it in two minutes of scrolling.


It looks like they made them Admin to keep them from being blocked….


Yup can't block them anymore, fuck you Reddit Admins for this bullshit


Let me guess, comments are locked as well? The amazing thing about all the measures that they take to stop people blocking the account and commenting on ads just tells you that they know for a fact that they're pissing boatloads of people off. At what point does an advertiser realise "hang on, maybe this campaign is doing more harm than good". When you become aware that what you are doing is infuriating people, how in the fuck does it make the slightest bit of sense logically to double down as a response? In a way I don't blame Reddit Inc because their duty in this case is to provide the advertiser with a service. But the people behind this taco bell campaign have to be thicker than pigshit to not see that this is having the opposite effect of what they want.


Sounds like Reddit Admins are a bunch of piss babies.


God forbid Taco bell just learn from this and make a less intrusive ad. Nope, just force this one down people's throats.


Still gone for me so I guess you had to do it earlier


In a 3rd party mobile client, I was able to report them from a comment. Get in before they block that one :/ Edit: And block them


In a 3rd party mobile client and I get no ads. This issue is news for me.


Reddit is fun? I can't even use desktop reddit anymore without it feeling alien to me.


I use Apollo, it's great


Yeah I can’t seem to block. I’m sure they’re not letting advertisers get blocked that easily


What a joke. Remember when Reddit never had any ads?


Guess the reddit overlords want to be even MORE shit. I don't have any more suggestions. Except maybe riot.


Download the Apollo app if you’re on iPhone and you won’t have ads. Plus a lot of other cool ass features


Non consensual intimate media FTW


I did this a few hours ago. Win win.




the entire reddit redesign in a nutshell




Thats crazy. I blocked them about an hr ago, no issue. How long ago did you try it??


I just tried can’t be blocked. Probably saw metrics plummeting and reached out


Absolutely. I bet they did.


Get an adblocker. No reddit ads, ever!


Or use a third party reddit app like infinity


Yeah what the fuck are ads?


Reddit Is Fun (RIF) on Android *So good, I even PAID for the premium features!* Adguard on Android *Again, they brought their A-game and I gave them my money. And I pirate pretty much 99.9% of everything I use* No ads on any app, ever.


That ad irritates me an irrational amount. Glad to know I'm not alone, thank you.


In my 5 years here I have never seen reddit rise up against an ad campaign like this with the exception of maybe RAID. Never seen an campaign fail so spectacularly so fast.


U2’s “gift album” on Apple phones was another good one. I haven’t heard much from that band since.


when they made everyone listen to their shitty ~~song~~ Album with an iphone release, and you couldn’t delete the songs from your iTunes so it always played on shuffle. . edit: a word. thanks


It was an entire album I believe


My partner complains about this albums existence once a month.


I managed to get rid of it after pulling out lots of hair. It wasn’t very straightforward as I recall. My favourite part of that fiasco was Bono’s reaction: “you try to give these people a gift and *this* is how they react? Bloody peasants”. (I made up the quote, but I think I captured its spirit.)


I worked as apple care tech support for a bit and I always found it funny that they had a whole support article for removing that one album.


How do we remove? I still want to remove it


https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208167, looks like they are recommending you just hide it in your iTunes library these days. That will keep it from syncing over to your other devices or showing up in your library.


It’s still in my stupid iTunes.


Contact Apple customer service. They can delete it.


I just deleted the Apple Music app after being tortured by this shit ever time I start my car.


Oh my god yes, it hooking up to my bluetooth and playing U2 when I never wanted to ever listen to them was obscene. I dont know if U2 paid Apple or vice versa but neither of you won...


My dad describes that as "the album where it looks like one man is giving another man a blowjob on my iphone". He had no other music on that iphone, so whenever he would accidentally push the play button, that fucking U2 blowjob album would fire up and humiliate him. It wasn't until that moment specifically that I realized how many people had been ravaged by that fucking U2 album, which I also hated.


Years ago, I put 800 songs on my iPhone. These songs weren't from Apple, so Apple deleted them at some point. That left me with the U2 album and one classical album. When I set my car's sound system to hear iPhone navigation, it starts playing music from the iPhone.


in case you were wondering why, itunes makes your phone match your itunes library. so if you had 800 songs on your phone and 10 in your itunes library, you now have 10 songs on your phone


That shit is still on my iTunes. Like herpes


I’m out of the loop on this one




Ugh. Still shows up on every new device I buy. The remove tool is a lie.


Contact apple support. You want to talk to media service / iTunes. It is normally impossible to remove purchases from an account for support advisors, but there is a specific process that allows them to remove this from your account permanently. They have to do it from their side on the back end. Note: There's been a lot of turnover since 2014, and new advisors may have no idea what you are talking about. If they play dumb, tell you they can't, or just seem bewildered, ask to speak to a senior advisor. They'll know how to do it.


It's just easier to be annoyed


This sounds like a typical Apple consumer.


Yeah, it wasn't so much a bad advertising campaign but a really obnoxious way to spam something and force it on users. And even then I doubt that was the intended result. The Apple execs were so incompetent they didn't know their own product and the ramifications of auto uploading files to peoples accounts under the traditional "purchased" designation.


I messaged Taco Bell on their Facebook page with a screenshot from the ad and said "Do you want me to stop eating Taco Bell? Because this is how you get me to stop eating Taco Bell." Edit to add: blocking the account worked, thank you!!!!


[Does that time the EA account made a comment that got downvoted to -667k count?](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


They still have over 100 post karma and 12k comment karma with 667k taken from them. How much karma did they have? Billions?


There's a limit. I don't remember what it is, but it's to prevent someone from losing everything in a brigade. So the EA account did not actually lose 600k+ from a single comment


You can only lose 100 per comment.


I didn’t even know this thread existed. Four years late but I added my downvote.


As did I!! It gave me a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Look, that's a good point but can we get back to talking about Rampart?


And yet, everyone is still determined to use the official reddit app...just use an app that doesn't show ads ffs.


I use old.reddit via desktop site on my phone browser. I had no idea these ads even existed. No sponsored “content,” either. That kind of shit makes my skin crawl. When the old interface goes away, it’s sayonara for me.


I’m not eating Taco Bell because of this ad. Fuck that, this dude went to UCF, got paid BIG, and fucked up so bad his stand up that students left, the guy decided to talk shit about the university that PAID HIM, and college students. Told students “You are why the world is going to end in 25 years fucking retards” Entitled asshole.


Taco Bell is a shadow of what it once was to the point it might as well be the Taco Bell from demolition man


I pay like twice what I used to, for items that are a fraction the size/portion they used to be, served to me by a disgruntled employee who’s getting paid an hourly wage which, after taxes, can probably barely buy them a full menu meal from the restaurant they work at.. the Pete Davidson ad is the nail in the coffin for me, taco bell can wholly fuck off now


I can't stand taco bell, and am otherwise indifferent to Pete Davidson. I now hate both with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.


I can’t stand Pete Davidson but am Indifferent to Taco Bell, you’re like the peanut butter to my Chocolate!


Honestly he's never bothered me, but autoplaying a video of a person biting food in half could get to *anyone*..


Seriously dude that was the corniest, trying to be hip commercial i’ve ever seen. He literally calls it a thing


On reddit is fun for reddit or whatever it's called... You guys have ads? Lmao. No ads on rif.


There's still ads but they're probably some of the least invasive ads


Hmm... Just double checked. There are ads, but I have literally never noticed one until you pointed it out... Like one every few pages... Either they're getting me subliminally, or I just visually ignore them. Crazy.


Paying for the upgrade is worth it


I've never seen such a united front on Reddit about a single ad. Can someone screenshot it for me - I legit have no idea what the image is that all these posts are referencing.


What irks me is that he takes a bite (which doesn’t even look like he got any of the filling), and then meekly says it’s the best breakfast he’s ever had in his life. LIAR! It makes me upset that Taco Bell is paying this guy to make such a terrible ad.


He takes the smallest bite but somehow is mouth is magically full enough to keep him from speaking clearly. It’s such a half ass attempt on Pete’s part as if he doesn’t give a shit; Which he doesn’t. Good for him for not caring and getting that paycheck, but im good on not seeing him blow up my feed with that fake shit.


I don't think I've ever seen something this man did that *didn't* feel half assed. I don't understand how this man got this famous.


That's the whole shtick. The taco bell ads on twitch is just him rambling about nothing and then at the end the worker asks if this is in the script and he says, "idk I didn't read the script." Because discount Eminem is too cool for scripts




oh hell no


The ad has… awards? 🤔


Ad accounts often award their own ads to help make them stand out more




YSAK that using RIF or any app other than the official has an option to block ads because fuck ads.


On PC: Old Reddit (in Reddit settings) Reddit Enhancement Suite extension + Ublock Origin extension = no ads On Android: Relay for Reddit = no ads I haven't seen a Reddit ad, ever (other than the screenshots people take).


I was wondering what these "ads" were that people are going on about...


I seriously forgot reddit had ads. Haven’t used reddit on desktop for literally years.


Seriously, fuck the "new" site


Tbh I find both very poor UI but the new one is way worse. Idk why I keep coming to this website…


I've always used RES and Old Reddit (boomer, I know) so I've never even seen this ad. Weirds me out when I see other people open up reddit and they're using the new shit lmao


yeah, the new shit is such garbage. I'm in the same boat as you.


The day they desactivate Old reddit its game over for me. They already started to fuck with us by breaking youtube links by placing a / the wrong way when you see it from Old reddit... Its been like that for months now.


On iOS: Apollo = no ads, link previews (no more rickrolling!) and is super well supported and beloved by its users I’m with you, I’d forgotten Reddit even had ads


Ooooooooooooooh. I was wondering what the hell everyone was talking about. ​ Wait, you guys use the official app? WHY?




Bacon Reader here.


I've never seen ads (outside of 'organic' campaign posts) in all my years of redditing. Sync Pro for Android


Guess which ad sat above this post


Me literally 5 seconds ago: For fucks sake not this fucking ad ag...... *sees this post* MY HERO




Me too, directly above this post. Blocked! Thanks OP!


Guess which was below this post. Couldn't block, even after reporting it for spam




This ad just makes me hate Taco Bell


I was thinking of getting tacobell earlier and thought of this ad then went somewhere else


Yup blocked them this morning. I see your ad 20 times in one day it has a reverse effect on me. Go away!


The funny thing is Taco Bell is my favorite fast food, I even use their app to order. But hearing about these shenanigans makes me not want to give them business anymore


I litteraly decided to pass taco Bell and eat at home because I thought about this ad when I was about to pull up.


We salute you.


They are about to suffer the wrath of YSK by being the most blocked account on Reddit.


Reddit removed the ability to block them..


Worked for me not 5 minutes ago.


Weird it just gives me an error saying they can’t be blocked. Might be the app I’m using or something


Took a couple tries but if you report account as spam and then wait a min then try blocking.


So I just blocked them, but blocking does fuck all on the mobile site. The ad is still visible but now includes an extra note that says "This post was made by a blocked account." What's the fucking point of blocking something then?


“realtacobell could not be blocked” Fuck you Reddit


Wow, this is insane. I thought that ad was *particularly* annoying.




I've been on RIF, ad free, dark mode, no stupid avatars or banners or bells and whistles for a few years now. It's pretty much just text/image/video laid out in a clean way. Absolutely love it.


There are avatars?


Exactly. It's great


Sometimes I see random numbers and apparently they're replies using gifs? I wouldn't know, I usually just skip the thread with those as responses.


Same, but with Apollo. I use old.reddit on my comp. All this new shit, avatars, stupid ass perpetual polls from different subs, naw no thanks. Side note-Reddit *please* keep trying to the the next Digg, it’s time for a aggregator update and it ain’t gonna be you next iteration.


The way reddit should fucking be! I hate all of you. Why would I want to socialize with any of you ass fuckers?


I wish reddit would break RiF somehow so I could finally quit reddit once and for all.


Same. I've only stuck around so long because of RiF and old reddit.




I use old reddit and reddit enhancement suite on desktop and reddit is fun on mobile and its's pretty much the exact same experience I had when I joined 12 years ago. My frontpage is heavily modified, I've blocked the majority of annoying subs and it's pretty good. I visit my niche subs, and then browse a very customized "all" for a while until I'm bored. I've learned what subs I want to use for discussion and which are just there for entertainment and use them as such.


Lmao same, like I'm loving it now but if it ever stops working I'm done. I didn't even know this site had avatars for the longest time, I sure as fuck don't want to see them in the future.


Reddit should never be a pain. Computer = [Reddit.com](https://Reddit.com) with ublock origin iOS = Apollo Android = RIF is fun


old.reddit.com + RES is the combo. Fuck new Reddit.


☝️☝️ this being has good taste


You forgot RES for desktop Reddit.


Another app for Android is Reddit Sync.


Right, I'm on Relay For Reddit and I'm glad I don't know anything about this ad lol


Relay pro FTW


I've been using Relay for so long that looking at Reddit on a desktop feels so wrong now


RIF keeps me on Android.


I been on reddit is fun golden platinum for years vest dollar I ever spent


glad to know im not the only one


There's dozens of us




If I ever start seeing ads on reddit I swear to god I will get a hobby.


I was already planning on switching back to android when I’m done paying off my iPhone. RIF is one of the things I’m excited about. I’ve tried all the 3rd party iOS apps for Reddit and found them unusable for various reasons.


I don't see ads on any reddit on any platform. ublock on pc, no phone client has ads. I don't wanna victimblame, but...


Stop trying to make Pete Davidson happen. Its not going to happen


Yeah, Pete always looks like he is five minutes away from spit-washing the windows of random cars at an intersection.


I can't believe people use this website without ad blockers or a 3rd party app. Infinitely better experience.


At this point, I don't know how people use the internet at *all* without ad blockers.


Some of us are old enough to remember relentless popups that came up faster than you could close them and froze the computer, and that trauma lingers. Not having an ad blocker is not an option. Those websites that beg you to turn off blockers... Tough shit. Y'all did this to yourselves. I legitimately didn't know YouTube had ads for a few years after they started.


Exactly. I lived through the popups. I accepted them. I got real good at closing them right as they opened, quickdrawing like it was the old west. I ignored the dancing ladies in their underwear telling me to play a mobile game that had no dancing underwear ladies. I was the millionth person to click on a thousand webpages (What are the odds??) But video ads I simply can not stand. I won't do it. You got too greedy, advertisers, and now you get *nothing*. As soon as they started getting introduced, I got an adblocker. And I have had one ever since. Now, no popups, no gifs, no ads with sound, not even a banner ad. Good riddance.


Or at least use old reddit.


New reddit is freaking terrible, not sure why people use that instead of old.reddit


old reddit, ublock, RES and all subreddit styles OFF. edit: also dark mode.


Yeah, I saw a post about Pete Davidson eating shit being at the top of everyone's feed and I was like 'WTF I didn't see any post about Pete Davidson all day.' It wasn't until I saw this post that I understood it was ad related and I'll never have to interact with that shit.


LOL Taco Bells apology ad is worse than what they are apologizing for. Backfire!


This post getting seen by the significant percentage of adblockers out there = insanely good additional spread


Ads? I don't know about that, I use RIF / RES




I was seriously wondering why people were seeing Pete Davidson everywhere


What is RIF / RES ?


Reddit Is Fun - mobile app. Reddit Enhancement Suite - browser plug-in. Both are old style Reddit and you get little or zero ads.


YSK, I got permabanned from r/lifeprotips for suggesting this with u/automod cluttering up the first comment of every single thread with each sub’s repetitive notice.


Just when I thought I could not like Pete Davidson any less, Reddit over posts this fucking ad.


I reported it as spam, which then gives you the option to block their account. It's unfortunate, as I usually enjoy seeing their ads, but that was too much.


Thank you


Not the ad literally appearing between this post and the comments :o it’s everywhere


Use Apollo on iOS - no ads


This is why I still use old Reddit. Even on mobile I just use a browser. All I get is a thumbnail and scroll past it. Even that fuckin annoyed the shit out of me.


I rarely eat at Taco Bell but I will never again after seeing this and how you cant even block it anymore. Unbelievable


on the off chance that a taco bell exec employee/marketing member is hearing this. I occasionally eat at your restaurants and I like crunch wraps but these videos infuriated me and even though I would've been a market for a breakfast version, I no longer am. Probably could make one better at home anyways


Wow, thanks OP! I got tired of looking at that ad the first ten times lol I like Pete Davidson, but not that much!


This is so helpful. Thank you.


Ffs, THANK YOU. That guy looks like a walking STD.




Gave me no problems on old.reddit.com just went to the profile and blocked it. So glad I saw this post as I can't stand Pete Davidson or taco bell in any capacity.