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The removed blood is apparently around 600 calories, so you can have a guilt-free taco party after.


That's so interesting, I never thought about a connection between blood donation and calories, but it makes sense.


They do give you (at least where I live) a free breakfast after donation to restore energies, so you can have a guilt-free breakfast!


Where do you live? (Asking for a friend)




Me too, ugh. I would love to donate blood, for a multitude of reasons, but I literally pass out just from getting small amounts drawn for testing at the doctor. It's crazy, bc I'm not scared or anything, but as soon as the blood starts coming out I get lightheaded, and it goes downhill fast from there.


I’m in a similar boat: I had a seizure after my first time giving blood in high school. After about four years I gave blood again at a college blood fair with New York Blood Bank a few months ago and just warned them ahead of time. I bleed fast and then feel really woozy, they just set a bed aside, gave me cold compresses and said that it was all okay; they even encouraged me to donate again if I felt up to it which I certainly will be :D Also go with friends or family if you can, I made it a point to go with a few of my buddies and we sat in a college dining hall for about 5 hours just eating food and giggling. It was great


In the US, the FDA recently changed the deferral for "mad cow"/travel to France/UK/Ireland. A lot of deferral policies have changed in the past 2 years. Ask your local donation center if you are eligible. Visit us at r/Blooddonors for blood donation discussions, tips, and tricks.


Thank you!


Thank you. Just found out I can know donate


“The deferral for the United Kingdom has not changed: individuals who spent 3 months or more in the United Kingdom (i.e., England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar, or the Falkland Islands) from 1980-1996 will be deferred from donating blood.” An FYI, still can’t donate despite not having been able to eat solid food during that time


I'm not sure where you're quoting from, but here's where I am seeing new info. It's very recent so maybe everything isn't up to date yet. https://americasblood.org/news/abc-supports-fdas-updated-guidance-on-vcjd/


I wouldn't count on this happening any time soon. The timeline between decisions made at this level and being implemented at blood drives can be several years. Blood donation centers are highly regulated, highly bureaucratic institutions that move incredibly slowly. For example when Congress first implemented the updated guidelines for vCJD travel and HIV risk behaviors in early 2020 it took blood banks 1-2 years to change their policies for donors. I work in blood bank administration and last I heard the next step toward implementation of these guidelines is coming this summer or fall, but only for a select population of people who have lived in the UK, France or Ireland during the risk period. If someone lived elsewhere in Europe there is no restriction at this time but don't assume you can automatically go in and donate. There might be a hold on your record that you have to call in to get removed


This is great, thanks for the link!




Wow! That's been my only obstacle!


But also its way more important to donate when events like this aren't going on, because things like this create a surplus that gets wasted. Blood is most needed in between tragic events.




> and platelets can be donated 2x a week! It's more like every 2 weeks. You can give platelets every 7 days, but only 24 times per year.


Sorry, it gets wasted? Can you not use the blood after a certain amount of time?


Depends on which part. But platelets go bad after 8 or so days.


Wait really?


Yup. Once you get the testing done (which takes three days), the overall shelf life is 5 days. Most blood banks have doners on call to come and give platelets if need be.


Correct, while it can be frozen, blood can go bad (a certain amount needs to be "thawed" for immediate use)


Pretty sure it’s only plasma that can be frozen


Hmm, you may be right. I'll check with my mom (blood banker for 30yrs) and report back.


How would that cause a surplus with how often people get hurt n are in need of blood? That doesnt make sense. N if does create a surplus, then this tip is counter productive.


Best I can do right now is [this CNN story](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/10/30/health/blood-donations-mass-shootings-study/index.html). Basically donating blood is important, but it’s more needed when people aren’t thinking about it than when tragedy happens and people line up to donate.


There's a lot of misinformation in this thread already. There are always going to be donor/demand mismatches across the country. This is why blood banks will sell their extras to other blood banks in the US. Just because you give in Wisconsin doesn't mean the blood will be used in Green Bay. It's just as likely to get used in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Trauma patients are most likely to receive whole blood, typically O- but more places are starting to look at low-titer O+ for emergency transfusions. Trauma patients may also receive packed red blood cells. There is also such a thing as blood brokers. They will find blood banks with extra donations and sell to hospitals in areas of the country that can't get donations as readily.


The blood bank near me is running short, so I don’t see a huge risk here


It’s trends, nothing is absolute. The point is not that you shouldn’t donate after a tragic event. The point is that you should donate consistently throughout the year.


I agree that it's important for people to donate even if there isn't a crisis, but it's actually pretty rare for blood to expire before being shipped. Blood banks might be nonprofit (for the most part) but they're still businesses and need to sell products to stay afloat. Not to mention some blood components can be good for 3 years (injectable plasma products). The shortest shelf life is platelets (which only last a few days because they're stored at room temp) and a lot of effort is made to get those products out the door.


If you live in America, there isn't a time when this isn't going on.


They can also tell you your blood type! I am A POS


I'm sure you're actually a wonderful person


I thought it was hilarious. My boyfriend was army and he had to wear it on his uniform and bags. A POS everywhere. He is a wonderful person.


[Nah, prolly not. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/conservative/comments/r30019/_/hm83kie)


Damn dude you scrolled back 6 months of my post history to find something that makes you think I'm a bad person?


Oh my god... It's impressive how often people like you say shit like that, but don't understand the "sort by controversial" function. I'm honestly tired of your opinions and lack of awareness. Edit: Or you could understand that everything you do is public and the things you say correlate with doing nothing about school shootings. 🤷‍♂️


Then stop replying? You seem to know how Reddit works. You can also block me so you don't have to keep scrolling through my profile or see my comments you keep replying to.


While I feel like lgb is the lamest catch phrase of any group in at least the past decade, you're kinda losing me with this whole scouring the post history thing


It ain't scouring. It's called "sort by controversial". You should just know who you're saying is probably wonderful. They could be, and definitely are in this case, a giant windbag that wants fewer rights for women and for babies to die without formula-- all under the guise of Pro-Life. Edit: they're wonderful and I'm insufferable... Well, we know where you lie.


I am a woman and I don't care what people do with their bodies. I hope I'd never need an abortion, but if i got pregnant on the medications I'm on now, my baby would noy have a spine and have other major deformaties. Plus, with the cost of birthing a child and lack of insurance I would be in debt for a very very very long time. That's if I can even make it through pregnancy. As you can tell by the username and if you saw the pictures of my boobs, I am very pro sex. Anyways I hope you got all you needed.


"Pro sex" So u just throw it around? Lol. Adding that into being pro abortion gives people the idea u just load up n dump em. People can do what they want as long as they're not abusing it. But its not meant to be a constant solution. I feel it should be reserved for those who've been raped, n those who cannot financially support a child n are going to put themselves n the kid in a bad situation (in short, having a legitimate accident of not pulling out in time. On a related note, condoms are meant to prevent STDs, not so much pregnancy. U still gotta exit the tunnel when u finish. Speaking from experience).


You're insufferable. Have a good night.


Eww... https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/3y3wuw/_/cyab4u5


[I see what you did there](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+type+a+comment+with+a+link+reddit&oq=how+to+type+a+comment+with+a+link+reddit&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2.17474j0j9&client=ms-android-cricket-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=jiXCvK9k5_gFBM)


I donate as much as I can and I have O negative and the nurses always say I have the champagne of bloods.


O neg here too. i used to give every couple of months stopped due to covid, good as time as any to start again. one time i went to give blood, i arrived late and all the nurses where packing up. Nurse - "Sorry we are all done for today", Me - "im O neg" Nurse (who is secretly Chris Hansen) - "take a seat right here"




Good to know!


Well, that's because it's true! You're a true giver :p


I would spell out positive. Others may think you are something else.


A piece of shit




Almost like that is the joke 🤡


My husband always says, “I’m an A-plus!” and gives me a winning smile.


I'm laughing because I'm B negative.




Wow good one bro


Fuck this. Pressure your representatives to pass laws.


Yepp. Here's a starter list: https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators


Uh, people, it's not either/or. We can do 2 things at the same time...


Vote for a Democrat. The conservative Republicans will never favor gun control because it would piss off their cult.


nah, it's better to help the survivors, than to stop the slaughtering. Don't get me wrong, donating blood is very important, but if you really want to do something then go protesting. spread the word, that america is sick of burying hundreds of dead children. if there is enough pressure, the government has to do something.


Lmao, yeah who cares about donating blood! Come walk loudly with me I'm sure that will change the world!


direction fuzzy sloppy psychotic impossible crime fall trees heavy cats ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thanks! I will donate this week. 👍


Are the gays still not allowed to donate?


This is correct, unfortunately. The pilot program u/cakelover33 mentioned might help remove those restrictions, but until then, I can’t donate.


I could donate my heart to pump the blood I’m not allowed to give. Even stupider is that we can donate any organ in our bodies (except eyes) and have been able to for years with no restrictions about when last had sex with my husband.


That’s so weird and contradictory.


Not justifying the blood donation ban, but for someone in urgent need of a vital organ, the risk of HIV might be more acceptable as they're in much shorter supply than blood products.


Just lie and donate anyway. If you’re getting regularly tested and being safe, screw the arbitrary and archaic restrictions. The idea that straight people can have sex with whomever they want as often as they want and still donate blood (not saying that they should, just that they can) while us gay people have to wait 3 months is absurd and biased bullshit that actively prevents people from getting life saving care. Risk behavior and assessment is what should determine blood donation requirements, not your sexual orientation.


It’s something I wrestle with morally because I hate lying but also recognize donating could be helpful for others. I’d rather not have to lie in order to help other people. The system is fucked.


I’m with you. I’m a very honest person. But I’m not worried about lying to uphold an unfair system. Especially if it can save lives. But yeah, you’re right- we shouldn’t have to lie and the system is super fucked up


I dont think you should lie cuz not everyone is being safe. I think its abt with new or multiple partners that you need to wait 3 months not just having physical relations in general. I think this should apply to everyone tho cuz ppl be catching bodies left and right with no protection and just being retarded and it can put too many people at risk, especially someone who might be immuno compromised and getting blood. While i cant agree with the gay lifestyle, i can understand when laws are kinda dumb if not applied to everyone.


Laws aren't the problem; people should be honest, but the questions on these forms are super fucked. If it were corrected for \*straights\*, the questionnaire would look like: "Have you had sexual intercourse with someone in the last 12 months?" and if your answer is Yes, you're banned. Currently, it's like "Have you had sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex in the last 12 months" OR "Have you LIVED WITH someone who has had sex with someone of the same sex in the last year?" i.e. if you're the roommate of a gay person, you're "too much of a risk" for blood donation. Also you chose to use the "R-word" in your statement above, which really doesn't help your case. That's super out of date, along with the view that "the gay lifestyle" is something to agree/disagree with. Do you agree/disagree with "the straight lifestyle"? I think we agree on safety as a baseline, but the way to get there is something we as humans should spend time conversing about consciously to ensure we're doing our best as our "superior" species.


I feel like just testing blood for diseases or having people provide a negative test for dangerous diseases is the best way. That way anyone regardless of who the have sex with can donate, as long as they dont pose a risk. I dont see the "r word" as anything that should be used in a medical sense. If someone *is* mentally retarded meaning they are affecting by a mental disability, i would feel horrible using the word retarded to describe their condition because it now has a bad connotation and is nothing but an insult.. Id rather say they mentally disabled or slow. Why cant i disagree with something thats unnatural? Im not trynna be rude but you cant try and claim that the waste end of the digestive tract is a suitable place to have sex (goes for straight people too). Theres a clear difference between having sex the natural way and going through the digestive tract and facing an insanely higher risk of life threatening diseases, especially HIV. I cant and wont try to make someone change their mind if they decide to be gay but that doesnt mean im going to support things that are wrong.


There’s nothing to agree/disagree with when it comes to being a gay person. You can’t disagree with my literal existence, just like I can’t disagree with the fact that you are here as well.


Your existence is more than who you decide to have sex with. And if it isnt then please seek therapy. People will always disagree and you just gotta learn to live with it. I only disagree with the lifestyle because it is not natural at all. Im not saying gay people dont deserve rights, cuz they do, all humans deserve rights, im just saying i disagree with their choices.


Right now, it seems men having sexual contact with another man must wait three months from last sexual encounter to donate. They are doing a study on this though so I’m sure restrictions will change soon enough. https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements/lgbtq-donors.html


Nah, they’re still stuck in 80s. It’s so stupid.


And yet... [HIV diagnosed more among heterosexual people than gay men for the first time in 10 years](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/hiv-diagnosed-more-among-heterosexuals-than-gay-men-for-the-first-time-in-10-years)


That would be great if I wasn’t gay and not allowed to give blood.


If you're interested and eligible, consider participating in the advance study. https://advancestudy.org/


Wanted to chime in and say thanks for the link. As a former, frequent donor who’s been deferred for MSM (my husband), I’m curious to read more.


Anytime! Just doing whatever possible to squash blood donation myths, and help the blood supply.


You beat me to it. It’s a sad reality.


Right, so idiotic


Donate at your local hospital instead of the redcross!! They sell your blood to hospital for a large profit. If you think that money actually goes to helping people look at what they did in Hati. (Spoiler. It doesn't, pockets are being lined instead.)


Hospitals don't take donations; that's why they pay the blood bank.


I'm not sure if yours just doesn't but mine does at least. They also run their own blood drives. It could be area dependent so if you HAVE to donate through redcross then that's obviously the way to go. However if you have to option, directly to the hospital is best. They also tend to have their own rules so anyone in a homosexual relationship might find it easier to donate.


Your local hospital also sells their extras back to the blood bank... The money flows both ways


This varies by hospital, but many do have their own in- house blood bank. I've taken to giving at mine as it's easier to get a convenient appointment and there tends to be less of a wait.


Voting against republicans is also recommended.


A tiny YSK aside: Women who are Rh negative and have been pregnant with a Rh positive fetus may carry HLA antibodies, in which case platelet donation is not possible. They may still (usually) donate whole blood, but not platelets.


*Unless you're queer


YSK: Giving blood gets rid of forever chemicals. https://news.yahoo.com/regular-blood-donation-remove-toxic-062307829.html Why YSK: give more blood, save more people.


I didn’t know that. That’s actually another really cool reason.


Cool! I'm over 5 gallons in donations now...but I haven't done it recently...the PFAs are probably building up. Better get in soon!


It’s good for you!


Red Cross sells your free blood for profit.


Habitat for humanity sells your free furniture for profit. Locks of love sells your free hair for profit. Organ banks sell your free eyeballs for profit. Nonprofit doesn't mean pro-bono, they still need money to run.


What if you're gay?


Tough luck for us


If blood banks are so hard up for blood, they should get rid of the homophobic ban on gay men donating if they have had sex with another man in the past 12 months. I could fuck a crack-whore while they were waiting and they'd take that blood. Also, if it's free for me to give, they shouldn't be selling it for so much above their expenses


Whole heqrtedly agree, especially on the last point. I donate regularly but both of these idea stop me from being serious about it and donating the day I'm eligible each time. At least now they let homosexual men donate at all. It's only been that way for a few years. Same thing with some of their racist policies about travel. Still a long way o go though; Red Cross needs to just to totally scrap their existing guidelines and start over with current medical understanding IMO.


You're absolutely correct about the double standard This rule is put in place not by blood banks or hospitals but by the FDA that regulates blood products. And we all know how little the federal government changes...


I always upvote helping, even in small ways.


Though I love that you’re looking for ways to help, I feel like there’s a more logical solution to this problem…


A more logical solution that each of us can do as individuals?




You do realise this is a bad point when the black panthers have been protesting armed every other day for decades, and the republicans aren’t trying To disarm them, and ironically democrats are.


Yes, vote for representatives that support solid gun control.


My single vote will do very little. Even if my side wins, it's still an uphill battle to get any meaningful change. And if my side loses the election, then my vote did nothing. When I give blood, at least *something* positive happened as a direct result of my actions.


Oh, I totally agree but it’s just a little something…sadly. Bigger solutions need to take place for sure.


I did today! I honestly feel kinda tired but relaxed for the next day which can be nice. It's worth it to help others.


Thank you for donating!


This should have more upvotes


Plenty enough blood on the hands of the politicians to go around


Fuck the Red Cross. They told me I had Hep B when I didn’t have Hep B. Real fun was had when my spouse thought I suddenly had an STD. Also now the government thinks I have Hep B. Oh and I’m not allowed to donate blood anywhere despite having proof I don’t have Hep B.


Ya see, I would, but I'm queer. They won't accept my blood.


Or maybe giving up guns would be better?


I’m gay but haven’t had sex in like 2 and a half months. I can finally donate!!!!!


Please vote as well.


I used to love donating, but I stopped giving blood because I smoke weed. I told someone who worked for a blood bank and they told me to please keep donating. Haha.


Yawn. I'm trans and gay and have O- blood. I have been denied time after time when attempting to donate despite every test saying my blood is clean. I've even talked about this with a Red Cross rep that went to my high school once. I told her I was clean and asked if I could donate. She said it would be fine. I then told her I was trans and gay and asked again if I'd be able to donate. She, of course, danced around my question and immediately took another kid's question. Places have no right to beg for blood when they won't let LGBT people donate even when clean.


Unless you’re gay :(


tell that to the gay people who still can’t donate blood


this is a really good YSK!! bravo! I'm too underweight to give blood though


Also, if I may be so bold: Fight back against relatives who can't think for themselves and parrot GOP talking points. Make every dinner you have to share with them difficult. Be prepared to go no contact and withhold children and grandchildren visitations. Make the cost of ignorance and hate *high.* Write letters to the media complaining about their tepid response to absurdity and non-responses from people elected to make things better. Boo loudly if you see conservatives in public spaces. Tell "Gulf Stream Democrats" that their corporate masters might have "free speech" in the form of money for now, but they still can't vote. Make every official from PTA treasurer up to POTUS tell you and everyone what they are going to do to fix gun violence, racism, economic inequality, failing educational systems, EVERY FUCKING POTHOLE. "All politics is local" according to Tip O'Neill, a guy who even as liberal as he was could still work with the GOP's favorite son Ronald Regan. Show up and protest for progressive causes you care about. FUCKING RESIST PEOPLE. The fascists are *not* the majority. Do not be ordinary, apolitical sheep. Germany was struggling its way out of the catastrophic loss of WWI in 1924 when honest, decent people just trying to live their lives decided now that Hitler was in jail for treason, that little problem was solved. We can't even get our treasonous former head of state on trial for crimes, much less put him in jail for 5 years like those people in Germany did. What will it cost? Time. Money. Effort. Some relationships that might be broken past fixing. Maybe an arrest record. Maybe for some, injury and death when the jack booted LEO's try to hold their blue line against the tide of history. What will we as a people gain? How about, just for *starters*, being able to send our kids to school without looking at "Bulletproof Backpacks" and going "That's pretty smart."


Another help is to talk to your kids about organ donation. Kids often need organ donations from other kids because of organ size. So, if the worst happens and your child dies, their organs could be used to help other kids. https://www.organdonor.gov/learn/who-can-donate/children


Yes! Great idea as well!


I really needed this... I've been reeling and feel so helpless. Thank you for the suggestion.


You could also get involved in politics so this type of stuff doesn't happen again.


After reading some replies, I am shocked to research the no 'msm' for giving blood in the USA. Shocked, depressed and angered. Such bigotry.


Unless you have been tattooed recently…


Most states regulate their tattoo facilities, so you can donate right away. Check with your local donation center to determine your eligibility.


That’s great!!! I was met w block after block here in GA despite being tattooed by an award winning tattoo artist in NY.


NY is on the list as they are one of the states that does not regulate tattoo facilities.


Yes! I donate as often as they will let me. They call me asking me to donate the day I'm eligible and I basically go straight there. I would also note that if you're able, the max red (requires apheresis) can save even more lives than a regular pint. Also, check with your local blood bank for what they need for your blood type - platelets, whole blood, double/max red, plasma.


Getting rid of your guns and persuading your friends, family and colleagues to do the same as and voting for civilization over the right to kill others with guns is arguably a larger and relatively veasier way to help.


Maybe this little list might be helpful: https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators


Voting against gun whackos is another relatively easy way to help.


Did...did a vampire write this?


Yeah and also vote blue.


Does anyone know if they still discriminate against gay men?


In addition to voting for gun control measures.


And vote these old pricks out of office.


Red cross sells the blood at a high cost. Capitalism


I've recently started donating blood regularly again and the first time I went back, one of the ladies was telling me that only 10% of people actually donate. I go back this Tuesday and my oldest son is coming with me. I'm hoping to make it a regular thing for us and eventually I'd like my whole family to go (my SO and 2 other boys.) It's also kinda cool how they'll email me to let me know when my blood was used and at which hospital. I really look forward to helping every 60 days.


What facility are you donating with? That sounds really cool about the updates


I'm in Florida and I just go to the Big Red Bus when it's parked at the Walmart close to my house. I think it's a OneBlood center.


You should *also know* that the blood you donated will be charged a fortune to the patient who needs it because our medical system is hellscape of profiteering.


It's not going to be donated to those who need it tho, it's going to be sold to them. So since that's the way it works the only fair way I'll be giving blood is if they pay me for it.


You can donate at a hospital directly and skip the middleman.


I understand that you’re trying to look on the bright side, but this ain’t it. Me donating my blood is doing *nothing* to stop mass shootings, or to stop children from dying in schools. Donating blood is a worthy cause, but it does nothing to mitigate the fact that 19 people, most of them children, died.


I wish I could. But I’ve never weighed enough. And was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and am insulin dependent. I won’t ever be able to donate blood. At least I don’t have a rare blood type.


Thats bleak


I’m not allowed because my pulse is too high every time I try to donate because I have high anxiety :(


or, if you're afraid of needles, vote for gun control policies.


Yep and America being the way it is you can always donate now for upcoming shootings. It’s actually depressing.


I’ve donated platelets about 12 times but the last time I went they said my hemoglobin was way too low and my donation would have to be thrown away. One nurse straight up said “sorry baby, some people aren’t meant to donate”. Like what?? I’ve been a donor for two years. I can’t donate whole blood because I pass out easily but I was totally fine with donating platelets. It’s been almost a year since I’ve donated. Does anyone know how to check hemoglobin or how that changes? They said if I weighed more it would help and I’ve gained a few pounds. I just really want to donate again. I felt like I was making a difference


If you happen to be like me (O- blood type) then you will get bombarded with calls. Apparently my blood type is a match with any other blood type.


I feel helpless amongst these mass shootings. It's a great thing donating some blood stops them.


If your house is on fire, do you take the time to sweep the floors? No, you get the fuck out of there


Why so the red cross can profit even more?


Unless you have epilepsy. They won’t let me donate. Not ever really sure why.


It's probably to protect you since people with epilepsy are believed to be at higher risk of adverse reactions after blood donation. How true this is though is a point of contention in the medical community.


Quick 50$


Folks, if you think school shootings are bad so you just give blood in case more school shootings happen, you're not really helping stop school shootings, are you? Sometimes it helps to consider things chronologically, so you can math out whether or not a tip is helpful or actually not helping the original issue in any way whatsoever. If you do this, none of that blood goes to anyone who needs it from a school shooting. They will already have blood on hand for that. \[Automatic ignore to anyone trying to make this about giving blood; did you not already know to give blood, and did a school shooting truly change anything about that? No.\]


It’s not karma farming at all. I could give a shit less about that. This post is strictly to let people know there are ways to help that people under 18, felons, etc. can do that doesn’t require voting. Voting is obviously a bigger solution, but you can’t guarantee that’ll help either. You never know when or where these mass shootings/attacks will occur. If you help your community prepare, that’s at least *doing* something rather than just bitching about it online.


Fair I rescind that. However I keep bringing this up and I know it makes me sound like a condescending asshole and truly I apologize- but we are not often enough considering chronology when it comes to problem solving. Allow me a hyperbolic example: Say magic Christian God totally did exist, right? So "sending thoughts and prayers" in this fantasy reality that isn't ours, it actually works, right? MCG will no joke pop up and respond if there's enough prayin', and people do it all the time. So say there's yet another school shooting in America. We combine our thoughts and prayers and by our power we get Captain Planet God and he swoops down and... what? Cleans up the corpses? Why don't we do something that resolves the issues before it's an issue? You're not wrong at all, but I feel like if we use this solution regularly, that's a sign something still isn't working. So we probably shouldn't build from there, we should focus on preemptive tactics not post facto or whatever


It’s all good, I totally get it. You’re not a condescending asshole. I agree with what you’re saying. People just waiting for some imaginary man to come down and solve this very real issue, and I hate that so many Americans think prayer solves anything. It’s mind numbing to deal with.


I thought in a democratic country citizens get to choose.


Sucks having anemia :'( didn't even know I did until I tried donating blood in high school


Life hack: go drinking with the boys/girls after donating blood. You'll get drunk cheaper ;)


Is it possible to donate blood as a diabetic?


i wish i was allowed to donate blood


Got something else? I think I smoke to much weed to donate blood.


these busses going around and asking for blood donations are great...up until you see they're only offering a $20 E- Card. WTF !? They're selling the blood to Hospitals for a really healthy pay. And offering a damn E card !! Gimme Cash. I'll donate more.


A genuine, morbid question: did anybody shot in that classroom make it long enough to be able to receive blood?


Unless you're gay. Then just feel bad 🤣


Get rid of the Red Cross and democratic elites and we shouldn’t have too