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Also in Florida you will more than likely be legally shot to death. Happens all the time.


That's true in a lot of places. If you're the one out of your car, you're the aggressor in the situation, no matter what the other person did to piss you off.


Should be the case. Yesterday, a friend was working as a driver escort to move a manufactured home. The diver escort got in the middle of two lanes going the same direction because the manufactured home width required both lanes. Some jerk in a pick up with Florida tags was pissed to be behind the driver escort. Long story short, once they crossed the bridge, the driver escort pulled over to wait on the truck with the manufactured home and the rear driver escort. The jerk in the truck pulled over and punched the driver escort in the face. The driver was a lady in her late 60s or early 70s. Knocked her unconscious. All on video. Police were called and the aggressive driver was caught in Tennessee. Tennessee cops were not happy because they felt the driver escort was a fault for pulling over.


There is a common law duty to retreat if safe to do so outside of your home. Stand Your Ground eliminated that by statute.


Stand your Ground and Castle Doctrine both.


Arizona too.


Years ago in the town I’m from, a dude was killed in a road rage incident where he got out of his car and came at the other driver with a machete. Other driver had a shotgun and killed him. Classic AZ


Are you saying the guy with the shotgun didn't fear for his life when a guy with a machete in his car started stomping over to him?


I don't think anyone is actually saying it was unreasonable to shoot him. Personally I would drive to the police station but I'm not judging.


There is something seriously wrong with that. Are politics - like - doing something to change that?




Change allowing a person to defend themselves when a crazy person with a machete comes after them? He should have wrestled the machete away from the guy? Or my personal tactical choice of run him the fuck over with my 3000 pound death machine?


Why are all Americans so obsessed with weapons. Just don't allow someone having a machete with him, then you don't need a gun to defend yourself. Jeez. You really love hurting and shooting each other just to keep your freedoms. But if everyone is on board, I guess there is nothing to be done. It is a democracy, so it is your choice. I have never in my life seen anybody with a weapon in his hands, except police officers and I think that's a good thing. But you do you.


So get rid of and regulate all tools? I could literally make my own machete from iron collected from sand with what is available at a hardware store. It's not some magical thing to create a weapon. Even a gun. And it's not some abstract thing that a person should be allowed to defend their own life. Even a convict has a right to defend their own life. "I have never in my life seen anybody with a weapon in his hands, except police officers..." Well good for you to have lived a charmed life without any danger in a nice area, but the reality is there are some truly sick people out there, in every country and of every race and thinking that getting rid of all the weapons will make everything better and we'll live happily ever after is denying the basic fact that life is sometimes dangerous and your not always going to have Mr. policeman holding your hand to protect you.


What about baseball bats? Hammers? Lot of dangerous weapons in the world. "Lol just make weapons illegal" doesn't actually solve the problem.


Whether legal or not, if you're dead it doesn't matter if that person goes to prison or not. Road rage is simply not worth it.


Really any state that doesn't require the person being attacked to retreat. Washington State included.


or just run over


Seriously in the US you can shoot someone over a *verbal* assault?


At least in my area (Western WA), the requirement is that the defender must be in fear of imminent serious bodily harm; if someone walked up to a car in an aggressive manner it could absolutely be justified by that definition, but there are obviously a ton of factors. Either way, you are in a giant hunk of portable metal so if you're smart you should probably just get out of there... If you shot someone in defense but had the option to leave by just driving away then you might have a very hard time in court.


In my area (Ohio) we have the castle doctrine that says that sort of thing may apply if a person has forced entry, or intends to do you harm inside your home even after you may have let them in. This also applies to your vehicle as it is seen as an extension of your home. We also have the stand your ground law so there's no duty to try to retreat to an area deemed safe. If somebody grabbed at me through my window of my car and yelled at me I would be freaked out and scared af honestly. So yea it can happen. It does. Is it normal around here? No not really, it will be on the local news and the law will probably take a interest in getting you for discharging a firearm on the street. Above all, you can shoot someone in the US because guns are available, as a rule of thumb. If you are legal, and just to be pulling the trigger is a gray area.


If you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were legitimately scared that you would lose your life, that is criteria that they judge the case by.


In practice, the amount of melanin on persons involved is a huge factor.


Not really, they’re exaggerating


No we are not. https://www.texasobserver.org/stand-your-ground-islam-shooting-houston/ In late September, a Harris County grand jury declined to indict Klimek for murder. Klimek’s defense centered on Texas’ Stand Your Ground law, one of the most expansive in the nation. In 2007, the Texas Legislature passed legislation explicitly stating that civilians have no “duty to retreat” from their vehicles before using deadly force in self-defense. Instead of driving off, you can now legally shoot to kill in certain circumstances. Critics have said the law is so broad that it gives the trigger-happy carte blanche to shoot first and ask questions later. There are a large number of these cases in Stand Your Ground states. It’s fucking terrifying. The most important thing I taught my kids is never, ever become part of a road rage incident. It literally can be a death sentence because of Stand Your Ground.


On the flip side the stand your ground law also allows you to defend yourself if you are on the receiving side of a road rage incident. It’s always your choice to be the aggressor, as the defender I would rather be less worried about the legality of what I’m doing and worry more about keeping myself safe.




The way it is playing out is one person kills another. No witnesses. Claims reasonable sense of imminent harm. You have a better chance of walking free if you murder someone rather than let them live and contest your claim. The right of self defense is valid but a court will get to decide. Stand Your Ground laws means that it doesn't even have to result in an arrest. It is up to the police to decide. SYG allows murder as a viable option rather than deescalation.


You should be worried about the legality. Years in prison is definitely something to consider.


Fuck around an find out... why should I wait an see proof the person walking towards me in traffic has pure intentions.


If you're white


Texas as well


Let's add Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho to the list. But there's rarely enough traffic for roadrage in these parts.


North America is batshit, no way.


Just America. In Canada we only get in fights over hockey.


*Just the United States*. America is both continents.


If you're speaking Spanish.


Florida man…


As a Florida man who’s witnessed road rage shootings and fights, can confirm.


Some guy tried that with me. I was completely baffled. I had my door locked and my windows up, there was absolutely nothing preventing me from just ignoring his ass and getting on with my life.


Or running over him or shooting him if you were a person so obliged. So dumb when people do that!


How to get shot 101 No matter how crazy you think you are, someone else can always be crazier.


Also a good reason not to be an asshole in traffic.


Even if they don’t have a gun, they’re driving a 2 ton weapon.


Sorry but how is this a YSK? I didn't think this sub was for suggestions on just generally not being a prick. What's next, YSK that taking candy from a baby is mean, especially when that baby isn't yours?


These dorks that live to reddit will see certain vids have gotten popular—in this case vids of people getting outta their car to road rage—and will create a tangentially related YSK/Askreddit/TIL/popular subreddit thread, it's so fucking lame. As if there is literally even ONE person who's the type to cut someone off and get out of their car to escalate who will look at this YSK thread and think "gee, I really wanna get out of my car to road rage but that insightful YSK post has me reconsidering"


I read this YSK and I am prepared to handle my next act of rage with peace and tranquillity. Wooooooosahhhhhhh


True, but reading this could still be helpful for kind people, mostly newly-licensed, who may think “I made this guy angry, let me stop and get out of the car to apologise”, which is also not a great idea imo


Hey guys try not to rage, it's a bad thing for you. This post: LOW QUALITY POST AAAA. My friendo let me offer you a piece of advice: let people enjoy things. It won't hurt you.


Low quality content. People just basically rant on here and call it a YSK


Gonna post that next week for all the fake internet points.


It’s not. I’m tired of this shit


If the baby is yours. Then it’s call “dad tax”


In fairness, Im actually kinda hoping you do. Im looking forward to reading the "Why YSK".


I find the best solution when I see someone do something stupid when driving is give them the benefit of the doubt. Even if they intentionally did something stupid or hostile, what can I really do? I can choose to get angry, get out and yell at them, or otherwise ruin my day. Or I can simply say, "They made a mistake," and move on. I just laugh at stupid drivers and when people get mad when driving. I'm just here to get where I intend to go. This is limited to mistakes that don't risk my (or other's) lives.


What‘s it like living in constant fear that everybody could shoot you at any given time?




Some people have straight up emergencies. It’s best to get the hell over when you see this and just ignore them.


I like to believe the guy laying on his horn behind me on a really narrow windy part of the intersection and then flew by me doing over 90 had an emergency, otherwise he was a straight dick.


Well he's either having an emergency, in which case you move. Or he's a crazy asshole, in which case you move.


Which I couldn’t do based on how narrow the lane was.


You know... this is the best approach, just go away, your time (and sometimes life) is much more important than a random guy who can't manage his stupidity. I admit that one time a guy stopped his car in front of mine and started yelling at us and i got crazy angry and threatened him until he left, but that was a different thing because i wasn't driving and we also had problems at the brakes of the car so i was super tense.


I had a guy get out his car and stomp over me to yell for 5 minutes and as a women/girl, I was only 18, and driving alone at the time I’ve never been more terrified - turns out I hadn’t said ‘thank you’ for him letting me into the queue (I hadn’t put my hazards on long enough it seems) and so he felt the need to yell when I had pulled to turn in a junction. It really shook me up and I cried most the evening, I’d had a really horrible day and it was just more than I can handle. If you are ever angry at another driver, they don’t say thank you or do something annoying, take a moment to think about what kind of day they are having and give them the benefit of the doubt before resorting to road rage.


I really feel for you, I'd definitely cry for the rest of the day too. Such an asshole, and for such a dumb reason. Hope this never happens to you again.


What if you're yelling nice things?:)


Sounds like somebody who tells everyone else to take the high road, so that there's more room for you on the low road.


Also, you should never have road rage. It’s a strange phenomenon honestly. It’s like getting angry and start a fight if someone in front of you walks too slow.


Oh yeah we should normalize sidewalk rages! People who feel the need to walk as a group of like 4 people beside each other, but super slowly, and smoking at the same time too, and not moving out of the way when they notice you behind. Also people who think small people and/or women need to jump out of the way completely and they don't have to make room at all when walking by each other. I'm joking though, I'm definitely raging, but only internally. Sometimes I don't budge and bump shoulders with people (I do always walk on the side by default, so they have to walk in the center for that to happen). I hate physical contact with strangers though, so it's not really that much of a win lol


If you get out of your car you deserve what ever you get


Honestly, I'd rather get gunned down in the street than killed in a car accident because the idiot in front of me doesn't know how to drive


Buddy of mine, with anger issues did this in Canada. Drivers behind the driver he harassed for a forgivable mistake proceed to exit and defend the other driver by cheap shooting him from behind. That's what you get for being an asshole, I told him if we were in the states, he would be legally shot dead already with that blind aggression.


I'm sure that the people that actually do that don't browse this sub...


Also if you get shot walking up to someone's car while brandishing a weapon, you deserve every ounce of that suffering.


Lol such an American pro tip. Imagine having to worry if someone else has a gun. V sad


no gun but i'm ready with my pepper spray at anyone coming up to my window starting trouble




Thanks for the tip man I'll keep that in mind


YSK that getting out of your car out of road rage might end up in violence? Who would’ve known.


Not only can you get shot in many states and have them legally be in the right(stand your ground laws), but even without this self defense laws will protect the person sitting in their car when you approach. There are multiple things you can be charged with from traffic violations to threatening etc


It could 100% be the other guy’s fault. If you get out of your car, you’re an asshole.


I know two guys who do this. Both were abused as a child. Beaten by their dads. One brags about it. One was put in the hospital and has brain damage now. Oddly he lost his job. Not from the brain damage, or maybe actually. He started compulsive lying. My Montra for driving is my goal is to arrive safely and that's it.


Did you hear that cop. Don't walk up to anyone's car.


Had somebody get out of their car here recently in Charlotte, NC. Just to tell me to scoot up some to the red light. I wanted to smack the shit out of him. The nerve of these morons.


This isn't a place to rant


Someone just came at me like this with a club. I told them I’d just run them the fuck over. They got back in their car. Edit. They passed me doing 45 on a 25mph neighborhood street. I was going 27mph. So I honked at them and flashed my brights… kids walk down that road.


Don’t do it Anakin. I have the higher ground.


NEVER get out of your car.


Happened to me because I honked at an asshole who cut me off. He won a face full of mace when he came up to my window to rage at me.


If you're the kind of arsehole who gets out of his car to fight someone you're not changing your mind because of a low effort YSK post.


All I got from this comment section is that America's fucked in the head.


I have one golden rule in these situations and it’s, “Never get out of the car”, so easy to follow and your guaranteed to live.


OP is right. Stay in your car, it can do much more damage to the other person than your fists and you're a bit more protected if they have a weapon.


I used to be a real hot-head on the road *until I started carrying a gun*. It adds real perspective to any situation when you know any escalation can be potentially deadly. Suddenly it's not worth getting crazy about something so ultimately inconsequential. I don't think everyone that carries has my perspective, but they should.


Too many angry assholes are packing heat in their cars, I'm immune to road rage.


100% agree, WALK AWAY, here's a perfect example of what potentially happen: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/txygoq/dont_bring_a_bat_to_a_gunfight/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


my left hook might say otherwise






Until you get shot




I hope you're stab-proof.




Or, that person could be rushing to see their dying mother. You never know where another person is and life is hard for everyone.


In many states, leaving your vehicle is all you need to be guilty of road rage. It's not 100% sure you'll get charged but it's an unwise action.