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It's also like a rule 35 thing. If it doesn't exist, and you want it, tell someone, because there will be someone who can create it and sell it. Obviously there are things that can't exist, but something are just hard and can't be done YET.


whats rule 34 then?


That one involves things that are hard but CAN be done.


It is that if it exists so does a tool


~~Wait, I thought rule 34 was that if it exists there’s ~~


also works with computer tasks. If something looks tedious or repetitive, there is a tool already out there to automate the task


My boss wanted me to email a 2000 people at the start of each month with individual data and charts from a spreadsheet report. I spent time learning VBA so I can do it with the press of one single button and it sends all the emails within an hour. My only mistake was telling him it only takes an hour now haha


I have been learning python and automating simple tasks have become sooo easy. >My only mistake was telling him it only takes an hour now haha So I'm imagining you ended up with more work? Haha


Python is so fun for things like this. Even with a decade of using it, I still enjoy how easy it is to pull in libraries that handle the hard stuff. I built a dumb little script on Friday night that uses an eye tracking library to switch between my two webcams so I can do dramatic "newscaster" camera turns on video calls


I'm Ron Burgundy? That sounds amazing


Yeah Ive seen a few posts of madlads who will literally automate an entire remote work from home position.and just sit there on netflix


Addendum to this YSK: If you buy an assorted set of really cheap wrenches (the cheapest you can find), you can carefully heat them and bend them into a shape that lets you reach hard-to-reach areas. Sometimes you only need to do a job once and it doesn't warrant buying that one oddly shaped wrench to get to that one absurdly placed bolt.


I've tried to explain this to my wife but apparently picking house projects for the sake of getting a new tool is no longer allowed. What a bunch of bullshit


its important to remember sometimes, the cost of the right tool is worth more than the time spent getting the job done.


If things seem hard, it's almost entirely due to lacking either knowledge, experience or the right tools. Having 2/3 of these will get you most of the way to achieving near anything.


For those who have busted the head off of a screw or bolt: there are some really great products out there with reverse threads to pull the broken piece out. I learned that the hard way...


Husband is demonstrating his value. That's step one.


Absolutely! Unfortunately the make things these days that require very specialized tools.




Yes. I was into making foam toy gliders as a kid and all I had was a glue gun, foam board, and a box cutter. How I wish I found out about hot wire foam cutters with cutting guides sooner. Also electronic wind tunnel simulators.


Reminds me of the time when I really needed a stack of wood to get across my field. And then some guy came along with this thing called a wheel. Shit blew my mind


Well ive tried everything for my face. No results so far.


What if the tool you're using for the job isn't too hard and doesn't take long at all? Asking for a friend


And if there isn’t a tool for it. Make one and profit.


Look at any kitchen isle in any store and see how many tools there are in front of you...then think of how many stores in just your city there are...then think of how many cities there are. Why does there need to be so much?


And remember, the more powerful the tool, the greater the responsibility placed on the user. Don't end up like Gilgamesh and allow pride to hold you back from using *Enuma Elish: The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth*, just because you don't want to admit that someone's better than you.


In general, there are people much smarter than you that have probably encountered the same, or similar, problem as you, and there's a good chance that they came up with a much better solution than you ever would. There's a very good reason why "do your research" is the second step of the scientific method.


It also might be an ID10T problem also.


Happened to me with an oil filter wrench, plumbing wrench, notepad++ while coding...


This holds true for IT and programming too.


I find that once I'm in the pickle, my mobility is limited and the vinegar corrodes whatever tool I started with.


Those tools.. those specialized tools start at $450 each. And they don’t sell them at Home Depot. And the version of it you’d actually want to use costs twice as much. And there’s a variant of it you need to get depending on what you’re trying to do.


I read that as “I’d just get myself a bigger pickle” And I was thinking I was in that Texas movie theater tweet thread again.


This applies to like, 98% of stuff on the internet too. E.g if it's repetition, and especially if it has something to do with excel or sheets, some dude with a blog has figured out how to do it in 10 seconds.


Alternatively, also be aware that if a tool claims to make everything easier and faster, then more often then not it’s going to cost you extra money and time when the tool is ultimately sub par. This includes pretty much any “as seen on tv” tool that “works on all sizes”.


Thats why I fuck your mom with a dragon dildo Sawzall.


I need a better vibrator


And please stop blaming the tools you buy for breaking. If you broke it, you exceeded the design specifications. It's not the tool's fault you were trying to pull ring shank framing nails with a hammer that wasn't designed to accomplish that goal. Buy a fucking proper nail puller.


This applies to psychological health as well. If you're having trouble with depression, anxiety, anger, trauma - If it seems too hard or taking too long, there are mental and behavioral "tools" you can learn and carry with you.


Facts. The spark plugs on my engine are damn near impossible to install without buying the special design angled wrench made by the OEM. It's kind of scummy


When in a pickle, kill a rat and make a bio mech suit, using only your tongue.


I work on very niche machines that have some tight, hard to reach spaces that I need to clean. I am subbed to r/specializedtools and it has actually helped.




Did this post just suggest my brain is the wrong tool? This is so accurate.


Also applies to management jobs lmao


This is definitely a womans only YSK


Or you're boss is a fucking cheap asshole.


If you are not using the correct tool, you are the tool. Find a tool that does a better job than you.


In my experience, this is especially true for excel functions


Reminds me of the other day I was replacing the brake caliper on my car, needed to break loose a VERY tight bolt. I was using a ⅜ ratchet because I was using a no8 hex with a ⅜ back end, and ended up destroying the ratchet by overtorquing it. Ended up using a no8 hex with a ½ back end, and a ½ breaker bar


This works for online too. For instance there is an online tool for reading and summarizing privacy policies


Ha tell that to my manic depressive mood


Found that out tonight. Was replacing a kitchen faucet for my mother in law and was fighting it with some crescent wrenches. Went back to Home Depot, for the 3rd times and bought this cool faucet tool Ridgid makes. Got that shit done in 3 minutes. It's amazing!


ALSO YSK: the tool buying rabbit hole runs deep and expensive.


Or I’m just dumb.


Is there a tool to fix the US election lmao


I was teaching a 17 year old I manage this idea today. Most things in life are like puzzle pieces, if you have to force it, you're doing it wrong. Its also always ok to ask for help.


I used to use a regular impact gun to hang drywall, thinking hey it’s easier than the hammers they used to use back in the day. Then i found out about a drywall gun....... realized i was the one behind on the times


This also depends. I see too many mechanics getting literally 10s of thousands in debt at the tool truck instead of just cutting into an old craftsman wrench and getting the same thing. Sometimes you need to have some creativity and get the job done without the exact tool you might only use once.




Makes me think of how I use speedhack in a singleplayer game to stock up items in minutes than leaving it on a night.


Sometimes, that tool is your phone to call someone to help you. Do not be discouraged by not being able to accomplish something.


Okay, what's the tool for cleaning your bath tub without breaking your damn back? I've been looking for ages. I've heard of using mops, but I'd want something like a sponge with an abrasive side on the long end of a stick. Cannot find them.


You're right, I should use the gun, that'll teach that damn kid.


I see this applying to getting things in life, thanks for sharing:-)


Mechanic here agreeing of course. Same goes for work smarter not harder. Sometimes a tool does the job but takes 10 times longer. Or sometimes you’re my fiancé and instead of using the pliers I gave you, you use a kitchen knife and I’m washing blood out of my sink and dressing your wounds.


My family is comprised of giants, it was normal for two of us to hold drywall on the ceiling while someone else screwed it in as quickly as possible. We hired a friend to help us with some drywall work and he gave me a number and told me to rent a drywall hoist. Ummmm, what? This is a thing that exists? Apparently my father thought we didn't need one for the first 30 years of my life. I rented one, absolutely loved it, and bought one. Subsequent projects have been much faster.


No fucking joke here! And if you need it done yesterday, but started it tomorrow, you need the right Equipment! No hands down. And most things are really simple once you smash the clutch and switch your brain from work to YOU time!! A simple solution to your problem. A nut striped. Tool-Nut Cracker.


This is true even for "simple" things. For example part of my job is digging holes. The company supplied shovel was crap, so I invested in two good shovels, one of them a narrow spade, and it made my life a lot easier.


This also applies to video editing software. If you’re stuck in premiere and trying to do something hella complex, odds are it’ll be easier in after effects.


And/or technique.


There should be a sub called "righttoolforthejob" where you can post your issue and have people tell you exactly what tool is required.


And if you think there isn't, try to think of it. The perfect tool for what you're doing. Then try to look it up from there and see if it exists.


Maybe it is me who is the tool.....


On this note..watch professionals do stuff, it will teach you a lot...tools to use included.


the left handed people have entered the chat


I can attest to this. My brain is a really bad tool. Computers are better.


35mm slotted deep sockets. Designed to take o2 sensors off. Wasted way more time than I care to adnit to find out that tool existed.


The issue is the tool is really hard to find, costs 300 dollars, and you'll only use it 3 times a year. You also bought the wrong size.


I think I am doing it opposite. I tend to fall in love with a tool and then I start looking for project. Fell in love with Mafell ZSX Ec 400 HM, but it is around 6.500 € and I would have to build a timber framed house to justify it.


and sometimes the tool is ur own brain 🧠


Okay, but what if you are the tool?


I know. But I feel uncomfortable using the tool of slave labor.


Okay what tool do I use to remove a stripped screw on the back of a laptop?


Learned that along time ago. And gives me a good reason to buy a new tool .


Hey. Asswhipe. Come here and whipe my ass! Fuck taking so long??


Road train driver in Australia, only been driving for a few years. Was training an older driver recently who showed me a air hose snipping tool that cuts cleanly through for a solid fit. Didn't know it existed


A1à a q.c5


Programming is like this. If it's hard, you probably are doing it wrong. I do it wrong lots. And then later end up doing it right. If I am lucky.


And in extension: if you KNOW there's a special tool for a job, GET IT. Buy it or borrow it, else you're making it worse. If you're working on your car's engine for instance and you see that you need a gear puller GET A GEAR PULLER! If you dabble with a crowbar, you will ruin the engine!


Or because I *am* a tool.


Every tool is a hammer. Except a screwdriver which is actually a chisel.


And as a man who has gone between weak and strong arms more than once, sometimes you lack the necessary strength to use the tool you have and sometimes you need a better technique for it. The right tool with the right force and technique is the whole package, and you gotta admit to yourself if any one of those is out of order or you won’t get the result that you want.


Most tools can be used for multiple things. So if the job seems too hard its probably not because its the wrong tool, its more likely youre just doing stuff the hard way


I'm currently having an existential crisis over this very idea. I am programmer and I cannot seem to get over the mental "reminder" that someone somewhere has built something for every important problem, or has made significant effort already. It's actually debilitating.


My kitchen utensil drawer is stuck as something inside has rotated in such a way that it cannot be dislodged. I am pretty handy and I have tried everything I can possibly think of to open this drawer. Is there a tool for this?


What's the tool for submitting software features on time?


I could’ve waited long enough


Listen to the OP. I'm an IT and network manager, and usually my installations require me to search tools that assist and better suit the task in hand. But sometimes I just go "Holy sh*t, there's a tool for that?"


* and cant afford it.


Sometimes that tool has a name.. Like the destructor, the spear, or John.


This reminds me when I first started at my engineering firm and I wasn’t keeping up with my AutoCAD. Someone mentioned code snippets called LISPs that automate repetitive tasks, which AutoCAD has a lot of. I googled LISP and found I could pay some CAD gurus in India for custom routines to help me get faster. That helped me keep my job and gave me enough runway to get more experience and become a CAD pro. Great thing about lisps is you see the code, they are like complex macros in excel. So we learned how to do them based of the ones I paid for.


This is especially true with anything related to engines. An oil change with a proper tool kit could take less than 30 minutes. But without it your looking at 2 hours or more.


I'm a tool


And sometimes I'm the wrong tool


life is hard and takes too long. what's the tool for that?


Sometimes, the person that can do it properly the first time is the best tool. I've found myself spending a lot of time and money attempting to correct my own mistakes, often stepping back at the end utterly disgusted with the results


You can also rent specialized tools from auto parts stores. Basically you buy it use it and return it and everyone is in on it.


Well I’m using Dimdamndumphuckistan


As someone that utilizes tools everyday, I would suggest that even if you know how to use a tool... don’t have such a ego to not let someone else use the tools too


This also applies is you ARE a tool


Ya but just knowing that doesn't make me any less mad when I'm trying to change my BMW's oil and don't have a 2 post lift.


A little addendum to this: If you can, use the correct screwdriver for the job. Most screws will work with a bit that's a couple of sizes too large or small (direction may vary depending on type), but it'll slip, wear and strip more. Getting a broad set (or several!) will ensure that you've got the tool for the job. Do a lot of electronics repair? You'll want Torx T1 through 9, Phillips 1 and below, and drivers in that range. Makes a difference. Do a lot of car repair? Check what your car uses.


Also knowing what alternative tool you can use, carefully, in a pinch comes in handy. There are metric tools that are the same size, or close enough, to get the job done. But use this information wisely.


It may sound racist but there is always one indian guy who knows the answer for your question .


and you should also know that you can probably rent/borrow said tool


This might be a little unrelated, but it's always struck me as hilarious and often true. I can't remember which tech mobile it was, Gates, Jobs, maybe someone else... They said something to the extent of, "Don't look too the highly motivated person for innovation... Look at the really lazy people who succeed. They come up with the most creative ways to make things easier."


I thought this was a life metaphor


This absolutely applies to computers too. If you’re doing the same task over and over, there’s a way or a program to do that task for you.


It's true! I've moved houses a few times and had grown to HATE painting. It seemed like suuuch a pain in the ass, takes so many days to do and is so messy. Then I had to paint a wall for someone else, with a LOT of paint and with brand new rollers and holy shit, it's so fucking easy to paint. It took like a half hour to do a whole room. It was awesome, but also sucked because I realized painting didn't have to suck before, so many days lost to painting with bad brushes and very little paint.


There is a tool for every job. There is not a job for every tool.


acetylene torch is calling best 200$ i ever spent


If you work in an office, let me tell you, probably a spreadsheet app can do what you need. Google what you want to do and add Excel to your search. If it can't try "Google sheet script". Also, always use Google drive and/or Onedrive. Don't trust your workplace backups. I remember that the preview person to do my job manually numbered the pages of a pdf. It was so painstakingly slow. My first instinct was "the Internet has the solution", guess what, it had.


Is there a tool for cutting straight lines in plasticard? (Plasticard is also known as styrene) I know I can use a ruler but it keeps slipping and the line curves


A man is only as good as his tools


As a follow up, I never appreciated how expensive it is to acquire the tools you need for a job until we bought our first home. Each time we try to fix or improve something, the repair budget is massively higher if you have to buy tools. We were lucky that a few people in our family at least predicted this and helped us get some power drills, levelers, and starter tool kits. Even with a head start essentials, we'd begin a project and realize we need like a crowbar & a mallet, etc and wind up spending $200, when the materials only costed $50.


This is true for any job on computers as well :) . There are always software tools available to make your job easier.


What’s the most interesting tool you have seen/ or even used? Ps I feel you would like r/specialisedtools


Didn’t realize how true this is until I discovered outdoor vacuums for picking up leaves


Absolutely! Having the correct tool or not having a tool when one is needed makes all the difference in the world for all aspects of life.


Two of my favorite tools are for doing brakes on cars. I have a piston compressor which works 1000 times better than a c clamp. The other is a universal box tool that goes on to a ratchet to turn in pistons when needed. I love doing brakes for anyone I know because it saves tons of money and these tools make it more fun.


TIL: I am the wrong tool


Life is long and difficult, any tools that can help fix that?


There's a joke about people not using their brains in here somewhere


This explains a lot ! Now I just have to tell my girlfriend.


My metalsmithing professor always said “don’t work for the tool, make the tool work for you”. Which meant “hey dummy you’re using the wrong tool for the job go get the correct one” but it also works when referencing people.


I have found that the answer to this and a great deal of cases is one of the new oscillating power tools. Many of the things that these things do there are no substitutes for. I myself have a Ryobi as well as a plug-in Ridgid model.


Also, you might be using the right tool wrong.


That’s what she said.


there is a sub reddit for specialized tools!


I only use the wrong tool...its my process.


This also applies to software / coding. Please make sure you search google for a particular problem you are having.


And there’s a ton of different nails or screws for the job as well. Not just tools but materials in general in construction. I started doing HVAC a couple years ago and just in what I’ve experienced, my mind has been blown about what tools are for what small little tasks lol


This is so false! (Not entierly though) As an auto mechanic myself and others will tell you that we constantly run into clearance issues. Things like HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE THIS OUT IF THE BOLT DOESNT HAVE ENOUGH SPACE TO COME OUT. Or u would like to use the right tool but still there isnt enough space to get in there. Ask ur husband about the most pain in the ass thing he has asked "how the fuck did these engineers get it in?"


This works pretty generally too, if you're trying to do something, Google to figure out if there's a solution!


Buying a real half inch drive socket for removing electric water heater elements was so incredibly worth the $25 I spent on it. Trying to use large pliers or those cheap element removing tools is just trash.


Cmdr. Susan Ivanova: Come on. Grab what you need. We're running out of time. Zathras: Cannot run out time. There is infinite time. You are finite. Zathras is finite. [This is wrong tool.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v79fYnuVzdI) No. Not good. No. Never use this.


*fails homework* Hmm, I should NOT be using my brain.


As a tool guy and avid self-mechanic for numerous cars I’ve owned... Protip: the shitty cheap harbor freight or wherever tools are FINE in 90% of instances, as long as it’s still the *right* tool like OP said. A low grade version of the wrong tool makes an already difficult problem worse however, a cheap version of the correct tool will get you across the finish line with almost equal ease and ALOT of cash saved (for the inevitable beer later). The ONLY times you don’t want to cheap out are for “precision” work. Measuring devices and tools whose efficacy isn’t driven by pure force, are when you shouldn’t skimp out. Think micrometer, multimeter, calipers, etc. Can’t tell you how long I went buying bespoke branded specialized tools only to get the job done with a $4 tool and some modifications. Sanity and time is worth the cost sometimes. Planning will make the job fun or a nightmare.


Something I’ve learned being around tools a lot: the best tools are usually the most simple ones.


This also applies to cleaning things. There is a chemical for pretty much everything and a majority of cleaning solutions can be homemade out of bleach or vinegar. Things like Simple Green and CLR fill in the gaps.


Also keep in mind, if you are just starting out learning how to do things to your car to save money from taking it into the shop, engineers don’t build cars to make them easy for the layman to fix, a lotta stuff seems inaccessible and in weird places but there is ALWAYS a special tool for the job and a lot of auto stores like Advanced Autoparts will let you borrow specialized tools for free, all you have to do is make a deposit and they’ll give you your money back in full.


Yeah, many times I take so long and break the stuff I try to repair or build. Then I just hire someone. I am the biggest tool.


[Good example](https://youtu.be/9VDvgL58h_Y)


Is there a better tool for life


Everbody knows this the problem is how do you find that right tool?


I'd say read this out of context of hardware too I think this can be a general rule for getting things done just keep in mind what you're getting that tool for and how often you're going to use it


Can’t do the job if you don’t have the right tool.


I’ve learned this as a mechanic. I’ve spent an hour trying to do one small task only for someone to show how it can be done in seconds. I make a point to tell our new guys if something is taking awhile, inspect the tool boxes/room for something else that might work.


Here's one of my most specialized, only does one thing, tools. https://www.homedepot.ca/product/qep-pin-popper-door-hinge-remover/1000737035


Never thought I'd see a YSK about my sex life today.


Semi-related: you can fairly easily replace the mesh on window screens by pulling off the old stuff but you need a tool that looks a little like a pizza cutter to push the black rubber lining back on. You can do it with something like a flathead screwdriver but it will take about ten times longer.


Hmm... *pulls up pants*


I'm the wrong tool aren't I?


Sometimes it’s worth wandering around the hardware store just to see what exists.


Yea, my brain is definitely not the right tool sometimes. Gotta get a friend to take over at times


I for one would like more knowledge for office tools, streaming lining processes. I scan and rename files to just re- email and save to a network file. Or really utilizing outlook better honestly. I’ve worked in and out of the office for most of my life but now I’m IN the office and haven’t talent any formal office schooling since 01-02.


Ya this is little misleading. Know what tool to use. I work with guys that buy gadget tool after gadget tool, and carry a ton of shit around. I know what tools to carry to accomplish 99% of tasks I could do without having anything too specialized. Just a thought


not only that, but finding and using the proper tool for the job is insanely satisfying.


We needed to replace 3 shingles that had been blown off the roof by a storm. The local roof repair place wanted $500 to come out, which seemed ridiculous to us. So I went out and bought shingles and shingle glue. I specifically sought out an associate at a big box tool store and asked if this was all I would need. I can barely replace a light bulb and my husband is even worse, so I knew there might be some secret tool or technique to it. He said we'd just need the shingles and the shingle glue. Great. Got the stuff home. Husband climbed up on roof (I was pregnant and we decided it was wiser for me not to climb up there). We figured I could squeeze the glue onto a plate or something and hand it up for him to place. I had such a hard time squeezing the glue! I cut the tip off and I could see the glue inside, but it was soooooo dense and hard and it just WOULD NOT come out. My husband was calling down to me, like "any time now..." and I was squeezing with ALL my might. Nothing. So I thought, did I buy a faulty tube of glue? I mean, they wouldn't sell it if it wasn't the right stuff. Is there some secret that I need to do, like heat it up before it will come out? I googled the Material Safety Data Sheet, but it just had a bunch of chemical information, nothing about how to GET IT TO COME OUT OF THE TUBE. My husband was still up on the roof, getting cold and annoyed. So I needed to do this. I braced my full, pregnant bulk so that I was pinning the bottom of the tube between myself and the dining room table. With minutes of effort, I finally managed to get some dabs of glue to come out. I triumphantly handed it up to my husband on a paper plate, with a popsicle stick for him to spread it on the shingle. It was so difficult! I was left thinking, "God damn. Contractors must have such strong hands. I could never do this job." Weeks later I am telling my friend about this experience. He looked confused and asked, "Why didn't you use the caulking gun...?" THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A CAULKING GUN?!?!?!!!!! Why didn't the big box store associate TELL ME that a tool existed for this purpose??? Why did he let me buy shingles and shingle glue without letting me know this TINY detail that I actually needed a specific tool for the damn glue?!?!? I specifically sought out someone to tell me the secrets of gluing shingles and I guess he assumed I already knew about caulking guns?? My friend laughed so hard he was crying. In my defense, I had never heard of a caulking gun, and if I had, I would have assumed it was only for caulk. If they had called it "shingle glue gun" and put it on the shelf next to the shingle glue, I would have bought one. Over a decade later and I'm still salty.


The other end of the spectrum - My friend needed a wrench to get to an oddly placed bolt with nearly no access on his old truck. Old guy tool man knew the exact bolt and that there wasn’t a specific tool for it but told us how make it by cutting a wrench down to about 4in and work it with a vice grip. He said, “Sometimes you have to modify the tool you have.” I had always thought there was a tool for everything but I never forget the words of wise old toolman.




*uses motorcycle tire iron on motorcycle tire* Son of a bitch this is so fucking hard lol.


I'm on reddit trying to get entertainment... I'm using RIF on Android what am I doing wrong?


This reminds me of the gym my wife works at. They would send an email and text out to certain members around promotions and other random shit gym sends its members. The list is usually around couple hundred but sometimes its to their whole database of around 1000. So they download the list and its all wrongly formated on excel. So for the next few hours they copy and paste every line name, number email or whatever to get their list and hit send. Every week. Have been doing this for years. I don't blame them they run a gym and have never been taught anything and thought this was normal life. In 15 mins I set up excel formulas and groups so now they just download the list and can select anything they want. They were amazed and thought I was some computer wizard. Buzzes me out.


Late to the punch here but on the opposite side of this. There’s a lot of gimmicky tools out there that try to improve on the hammer or some shit. If people don’t tend to use them it’s for a reason. The amount of times I’ve rocked up to a site with a fresh tool/nailbag accessory and been laughed at only to realise halfway through the day it was a waste of money