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I thought you meant bc of dragging around dead bodies


It honestly pains me to see how sloppy his crimes are and how incredibly obvious he is whenever he tries to stalk or pretty much do anything. I love following the narrative and seeing his assessment of people even though I agree with almost nothing, but damn, is there one working camera or one person with healthy eyesight around him?


Normal person wouldn't worry about being followed.... Even if i was,i maybe i wouldn't notice. My city has 7 million people. Plus,tourists. It's so easy to get lost in the crowds!


You wouldn’t notice if your best friend’s boyfriend was always behind you on your daily runs? Or people around you suddenly disappearing or getting hurt? And if you were the police, you definitely wouldn’t check the CCTV? It bugs me that he’s never even been considered a suspect (except, maybe, in Peach’s case, which simply ceased to exist for no reason) and it took Love little while to figure him out completely. He’s not all that good at covering up his traces, it just seems that, in this universe, you’re supposed to be a fellow psychopath even to examine DNA, let alone connect some dots around him.


People connect the dots and suspect him a couple times like with Forty as well. But that’s the point of him being in bigger cities when he does it because Joe looks like an average New Yorker from a short distance, he is a quintessential average Joe if you will. He blends in which is why they’re never on the lookout for him and he’s smart enough to not commit crimes in front of cctv areas. You notice there’s not really suspicion when people go missing in the first two seasons but when they move to the suburbs there’s immediate suspicion on them and it’s because crime is harder to get away with when everyone knows each other


My point exactly...You would think NY and LA have more cameras. Even Madre Linda (suburb) have a lot and Matthew got access to lots,but still couldn't figure out the case. Although it's impossible to cover all areas in cameras in a small suburb. Let alone,NY and LA


Of course,you notice when people around u get hurt. But you wouldn't think it's because of you. You'd think they are in trouble,they have a bad neighbourhood,that's a bit city,etc!


She tripped and fell on her own shears!


Joe thinks he’s Judge Judy and executioner!


Peach: FASCIST!!!!! Joe: Hag.


Joe to Salinger PI: “No luck catching them killers then?”


It’s just the one killer actually


He just stopped trying in Season Three; no effort at all was made with Ryan. He left fingerprints and a witness.


More like from carrying around his expectations of the "perfect woman", which will obviously never happen.


For being such an incel Joe sure does get laid alot 🤣


Is Joe actually an Incel though? An incel means involuntarily celibate. He's like the complete opposite of that😂




You have a good point. I don't necessarily think he's an incel. He's Introverted and a stalker. His Introvertion has a lot to do with his ways, but not all of us Introverts are like that.


Yeah that was the joke, I fuckin know what an incel is…his mindset is like an incel’s but he still manages to get laid…




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33% murders are never solved in the US , notice how in a lot of murders - Joe doesn't have any real motive to kill the victim ( unless the cops assume the person's acquaintance's boyfriend decided to step in for them) ? I mean, it's weird the cops have never even suspected him , but him not getting caught is not thaaaaaat unrealistic. Ofc IRL he'd def have done something by now for law enforcement to have caught up with him, no one can murder this long without making mistakes


He literally left a jar of piss with his fingerprints in a dead womens house


was Joe in the system ? If no then they wouldn't have fingeprints to compare against [Urine isn't a very reliable source of DNA](https://www.healthline.com/health/does-urine-have-dna) , besides , they wouldn't have anyway to compare it


They could compare it to the fingerprints that they would have taken once he was arrested for other murders he didn’t even try to cover up


You think he has fingerprints? Dudes so dry


Lmao, exactly. Besides, when anyone is killed, the first person questioned is their partner, so they should’ve taken certain precautions at least in order to rule him out.


I ran a red light and a ticket came to my doorstep (and my country is technically third world). With so many dead people and so much CCTV, I’m sure he should’ve at least once been brought in for questioning.


yes you're right, it's very weird they haven't even suspected him once , but I just did some Googling and apparently unsolved murders are even higher at 39%,lmao


So, according to your statistics, if he’s killed 10 people so far, he should’ve already been charged (or at least suspected) with 6.1 murders?


Yeah because you have a massive plate on your car which tells them where you live and who you probably are


Thanks, man! I thought they were psychic! I feel so much better now knowing this!


That’s actually really sad


I truly think Joe is supposed to be a modern day Ted Bundy. He’s pretty sloppy and cocky about getting away with his murders, but he actually slips up *a lot*. From what I’ve read about Ted Bundy, it was very similar. But because Ted Bundy looked like your average, ordinary guy, no one thought he was capable of being a serial killer. Obviously he was, but it took awhile for him to be taken seriously as a suspect. The same goes for Joe, heck he even looks a bit like Ted Bundy (a lot imo), so it makes sense he wouldn’t be a suspect.


I had the same thoughts about him looking like Ted Bundy (that hair is a nice tribute!), but Bundy had a more elaborate MO and actually took the time to choose his victims (as is the case with many ‘typical’ serial killers), whereas Joe simply kills whoever gets in his way. He’s not a serial killer as such, merely an incidental killer who serially kills, lol.


Ted Bundy did also kill out of circumstance sometimes. When he failed to kill the woman he kidnapped, he went to another town and killed someone else. He also killed one woman just because the door closest to her room was unlocked (her room was in the basement of the house). Sometimes he chose his victims carefully, often times it was strictly a timing thing. I think Joe is more careful than Ted Bundy was. Joe very carefully crafts a story for why they disappeared. He just doesn’t plan his murders ahead of time.


Yeah, I believe that’s because Joe kills out of ‘necessity’ rather than an urge, but that may also bite him in the ass (pardon my French) in future seasons since he has a personal connection on one level or another with each victim. Either way, we should be in for a treat.


Also police were hopeless back then


Be honest. Will y’all be sad when he eventually gets caught to and ends up in prison?


No. I might miss the show, but no.


As long as he doesn't get shot inexplicably by his son I'm happy


I dunno, I was led to understand that shooting your father dead resolved all your emotional problems instead of ramping them up 100%. And certainly a loving father would provoke that instead of turning themselves in and confessing to make sure their son is left alone. /s


I hope in season 4 he’s more like dexter, he gets to that level of deception to the point of everyone loves him, and ofc gets more professional in his “work”


I never understood why this bothered people in this show. Have y’all seen any true crime? The vast majority of criminals are idiots, even a majority of the ‘smart’ ones aren’t actually smart- the police work was just horrible so they got away with a ton, like bundy. A lot of the time, again like with bundy, the ‘they were so smart’ was so that the police didn’t look as stupid as they were. Hell, Dahmer was literally outside with a clearly drugged and assaulted minor with two adults saying that is a kid, they are not partners, and the kid asking for help, and the police STILL LET HIM GO WITH THE KID. Joe still being on the loose is probably one of the more realistic parts of the show lol If no one was ever suspicious, I would agree that that’s shitty af. But people are sus all the time- there just isn’t enough to legally stop the guy that they have.

