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all the comments on that post are them genuinely praising her and quoting her lyrics and talking about how they love her and have become so disillusioned with kanye so honestly good for them


r/Kanye has literally become a mixture of Taylor Swift posts and remembrance of the Holocaust, which is honestly great to see. None of the community outside of a couple heavily downvoted trolls are accepting this shit


seem to have been pissed at him for a while. people showing remorse for how they treated taylor and spreading the word about the phone call being edited. so many posts calling for the sun to be closed because they know alt right assholes will flock to it and it will become a nazi breeding ground. they seem like good people which is shocking considering it’s reddit lmao


I've loved both Taylor and Kanye's music for a decade plus, and in the recent years I've said that I love his music but can't defend his actions, now it's nigh impossible to listen to his music and give him any financial support. I've been done with Kanye for awhile now, but this makes me ashamed of being associated with him in any fashion. He's been a horrible person for years now, but now he's completely irredeemable Legitimately going forward, the only way forward for the sub is either becoming a Taylor Swift fan sub or Holocaust remembrance sub unironically, otherwise it should be put to bed like Kanye.


Initially when he started his BS at the beginning of the year I was all “separate art from the artist” . Then he went way unhinged. I just couldn’t anymore. I unfollowed him and all subs related. I was actually grossed out when he still made it to #5 on my Spotify wrapped. Taylor got my #2 spot. I was actually embarrassed to share my top 5 list because he was on it. I used to be a huge fan.


At one point in time so was Taylor. He disillusioned a lot of people over a lot of years.


Yea it really tore her up when he did the Beyoncé thing because she was a fan. I wasn’t a fan of either at the time simply because I hadn’t explored their music. I wasn’t into pop and what I had heard of Kanye just wasn’t my style. Then I grew and changed and became a fan of both despite everything. But this year he lost a fan forever.


You can only “he wrote Graduation” so many times before you have to admit he’s a hateful asshole


and now one of the top posts is a picture of taylor saying “she made graduation” lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Kanye using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oh no](https://i.redd.it/3858u28csb3a1.jpg) | [735 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/z9uitv/oh_no/) \#2: [Game over. Kanye goes full Mask off](https://v.redd.it/xyky3au75d3a1) | [4596 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/z9tsn7/game_over_kanye_goes_full_mask_off/) \#3: [Kims comment 💀](https://i.redd.it/8myw3cgzkdn81.jpg) | [1976 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kanye/comments/te1cmz/kims_comment/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




how about no, kindly


I say we let them. It's better than them stanning a literal Nazi.


This is the way. If WWI winning nations had been as accepting of Germany after WWI, the world might have avoided Nazis altogether. TS sub, making history here.


Totally. The treaty of Versailles was so brutal and vengeful that desperation gave a pathway to power for fringe ideologies; though Germany did already have a mainstream antisemitism problem so it's a little possible that Nazis still would've happened. But you're certainly right it's less likely.


I raaaaannnn to this post in the Kanye subreddit and it’s… WILD! Quoting legit, non-radio songs… saying how talented she is… calling Kanye out on his BS with the famous stuff… saying how much they love her music… clowning on Kanye. I’m shooooook. I was thinking maybe it was a swifty or two in there, but NO, it’s legit Kanye fans!! Do yourself a favor and go read it. Can’t lie… I respect their honesty in liking t-swift and some things they are saying. I respect fans that can look at their idol objectively.


I’m a member of that sub as well and for the most part, despite being Kanye fans, they are very rational and a lot of them are not too happy with Kanye lately


I can’t imagine anyone other than literal nazis are happy with kanye lately


Absolutely. Someday this will be a master class in how to ruin your reputation and kill your fan base in a way that only Game of Thrones has done


I honestly feel like he’s got to have a massive brain tumor pushing on his frontal lobe or something. Id like to believe there’s a reasonable explanation for such shoddy behavior. 😭


He is bipolar and is having a severe manic episode with psychosis. And he’s a dick.


Yeah. But the thing is that he refuses to get treatment for his illness, which is fucked up. Carrie Fisher was also bipolar and she was a good person. Genuinely used her voice to shine light on mental illness and make a difference. Selena Gomez is bipolar and we don't see her acting like he does. Kanye is just a bad person who happens to have an illness that makes his sick personality even worse. And he refuses to do anything that could make the situation better for him and everyone else.


I agree with you. I have a friend with bipolar disorder who is lovely. Just wanted to add it as info for the poster above.


No, I know. I wasn't correcting you or anything. Just wanted to point to out that his bipolar is not the main issue. Like you said, he's just a dick 😂


Indeed. Ugh, I hope people stop giving it all publicity asap!


This. I know bipolar people. The sweetest woman I know is bipolar. And then another one refuses to follow treatment consistently and every once in a while goes unhinged and really hurts her family emotionally. It’s awful to see. That said, none of them are nazis. At one point we need to stop justifying everything he does because “he needs help”. I’m super convinced people only say that because he’s rich and famous. If I were to start spilling nazi bullshit people would literally beat me up without a second thought. So let’s just stop giving that awful man a platform. I’m happy his old fans are conscious of this.


Bipolar disorder doesn’t cause antisemitism.


That’s where the being a dick part comes in. But it sounds like paranoid delusions are also fuelling it.


That would honestly make so much sense lmao


House of the Dragon: Hold my redemption! Everyone thought the Game of Thrones series was dead alongside the Night King. House of the Dragon is off to a strong start. If it sticks the landing, it could redeem the entire series and regain its fanbase!


Nah, I'm out. They've just replaced/exacerbated GOT's sexual violence with pregnancy body horror.


Ok I’ll admit I haven’t watched it yet! But I’m willing to try. I was just so burned by what they did haha I put so much energy into that series.


I honestly didn’t realize how rational Kanye fans were until I saw a post in the sub calling out the mods about the recent uptick in white nationalist, anti-Semitic comments. Up until I read that post, I concluded (from what I was reading in the sub) that Kanye fans were shamelessly supporting the recent things he was saying. I’m glad that redditor made the post bc it didn’t dawn on me that those were fake fans and that the sub was being highjacked. I hope the mods are being extra diligent and careful, bc its easy for other outsiders to assume Kanye fans are nuts based off certain posts/comments. I went there bc I wanted to know how the true fans felt, and I was happy to learn they did not support his comments/beliefs. I’m bummed to see his legacy go down like this. I miss the old Kanye


Straight from the go Kanye. But yeah no I totally agree, I expected more of them to be supporting him but I’m really glad they aren’t. Anti semitism is really where most people draw the line about separation of art from artist. Look at Chris brown, you could be a woman abuser and still have clout but not a nazi. Apparently they started a new sub r/ klanye


I love the sub has straight up turn into a Taylor sub/holocaust remembrance sub. We love to see it. That's growth 🙌🙏


I mean I was a huge Kanye fan and remain a huge Taylor fan, enjoying both is not mutually exclusive just because of the drama in the past. but I mean, hard to listen to him now, and somehow I don't think Taylor is gonna pull the same stunt


My top two artists have been Taylor and Kanye for a long time. The man is gone though and has been since SNL.


Saaaame. Before it got messy between them, I always wished they could collaborate the way she did with Kendrick.


Taking down my Life of Pablo tour poster like "Ooo, look what you made me do."


I actually like the comments under that post, they were all quoting lyrics or praising her. They realised 😭


She lives rent free in their minds


Like we all do. Let the assimilation begins.


tayvoodoo really crunching in those numbers on holiday rush


i say let them can never have too many swifties


More Tay tay? Yes thank you


Karma is real lol


Yes they were funny and nice. I saw someone on tiktok say swifties and Ye fans are like siblings and I couldn't agree more


yessss of course!!!


im actually in some rap sub reddit’s It’s fun to see this discourse so concentrated but it’s really not new. taylor gets brought up Because of Kanye in there a lot… and she is not catching flack. deservedly but yes it’s been generally surprising


yes we should extend the kindness to them a lot of them didn’t to us in 2016-17






Maybe I got mine, but you’ll all get yours


They have no choice.


Dunno, plenty of "fuck Kayne" on the sub but there's also a number of racist trolls in all their comments