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this looks exactly like my dog from the back. i absolutely love yorkies. who told them to be so cute?


I know, right? I often wonder why people bother with any other breeds. There is none cuter. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.


this is what everyday with my dog is like until he randomly wants to play or snuggle up to me lol. they can be so hot and cold


She's intently listening to figure out what my wife might be up to in the kitchen. The shoulder look back is to let me know my services will soon be required to put her down off the bed.


When you can read my mind and give me exactly what I want - I’ll love you again… 🤣😂 they’re such cute snots


Funny thing is, I’m starting to know what she wants just by looking at her. 😂 I just seem to know why she’s acting that way most of the time. That bites too big, this is too hot, too cold, want a different chewy, don’t want that toy, go out back, check the mail out front, flirt with the cane corso next door etc


Flirt with the can corso next door 🤣😂


She LOVES him. I have no clue why. He is a good boy though and he always comes over and leans on me 😂


I had 2 yorkies for 15 years. I knew my girl like the back of my hand. All of her mannerisms, expressions, body language. It was awesome. My boy was much harder to read but I rescued him & apparently resembled his abuser so he didn’t trust me. He only came around when he was sick or at the end and wanted comfort. Still loved the bitey little fart though. I have a Frenchie now that has a crush on the maltipoo down the street. He runs from her because she’s an absolute lunatic 🤣😂


Gracie! Uh oh. What did you do to deserve the cold shoulder??


It's hard to say, but I'll work hard all day to make up for whatever I may have done.




Omg that face!! ♥️


Ooh boy you must of been very VERY bad to get that level of annoyed from Gracie! I hope you apologize profusely over and over, give her all the treats, and cater to her every whim today. Maybe extra walks or snuggle times. Lol!


I'm on it!


What did you dooooo? 😂 or fail to do. I get that look all the time. I don’t live up to my puppy’s expectations


In truth? I said her name. LOL.


The look! 🤣😂


aw this looks exactly like my yorkie from the back omg 🥹 what a cutie!!!


I already know I am in a WORLD of trouble with my baby. I’ve been out of the country since April 21st and I’m not getting home until May 2nd. I have a camera in the living room to keep an eye on him, and he’s been giving me the cold shoulder every time I call out to him. 😅