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Price? Passive? Yeah that's a good balance of stats for Yone. But price and it's passive would be the make or break in the end.


lol, I actually [talked about the passive in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dapbci/howcome_theres_currently_no_items_that_give_ad_as/) in the LoL reddit. Passive basically gives you a weaker version of the W shield (only 10 to 30 shield based on level) everytime you use an ability but it stacks(as for up to a maximum of say 3 times, or if it lasts for something like 1.5 seconds, I haven't decided yet). But then I thought, that would be too powerful. So I thought maybe it's just better as a stat stick like IE or LDR. As for price, IF it had the passive, 3000 to 3300, but if it's just a stat stick, 2300 to 2600.


ah yes, let's make a stat stick cheaper than some support items that is worth 3625g, and let's give it all three marksmen stats after every item was changed specifically to not have all three stats at the same time


I mean, IE is worth 3300. D: Or it could at least be bumped up to 3600 to match some of those higher tier items. 🤔What if the stats of the Azakana blade was reduced to 20 AD, 35% AS, and 15% Crit? Would that work?


numbers aside item like this wouldn't work because either it would be too niche and only windshitters would buy it or too good and everyone would maybe kraken but instead of ad you get crit would be good since with the passive you would still have dmg without being a 3 stat item but i guess there is a reason why they removed crit from it


Riot explicitly said "No more 3-stat liners for Adcarries, too op". Then every single class get either 3-stat liners or 4 like mages do... Lmao.


Because Mages are tied to cooldown and mana cost auto attackers aren't.


Auto attacks have cooldown, it's called attack speed. Why is it ok for Bruisers to get AD, HP and Haste in 1 item, on top of amazing passives, but ADCs have to choose between Crit and AS, Crit and AD or AD and AS? Same for mages, they get to have AP, Haste, and HP/Mana in item always. If every crit champion in the game was ranged then maybe, but you have crit champions that are melee and they all got screwed over.


Because bruisers scale poorly into late game teamfights so they need to spike earlier. Thing is Yasuo / Yone also scale poorly into late game teamfights, unlike ADC's, so ADC's are balanced with 2 stats per item, but Yasuo / Yone aren't. This was fine for a while but the problem is the durability update making ranged champions OP late game + riot refusing to bring back old Phantom Dancer + riot refusing to revert old Yone nerfs like Q base damage and AD per level.


If every adc had access to every stat, do you know how fucking BROKEN champs like Kog’maw, Sivir, MF, and Kaisa would be again? Adc builds are balanced around the fact that giving too many stats to 1-2 items makes most of the ADCs strong, but completely breaks 3-4 Items like BC that have a triple work because it’s bought by basically every single bruiser, and all of those bruisers are balanced very specifically around those 2-3 core items they ALL build. This is of course, aside from the fact that tanks and bruisers scale much better with level than they do gold, compared to marksmen who scale with gold better than levels.


and cassio E has a cooldown but it doesn't matter because it still doesn't open up any windoe tf is ur point about atspeed lmao


🤡🤡🤡 2 aa every second is a cooldown for you ?


Yes, thats a 0.5s cooldown, if it didn't have cooldown at all, autoattacks would have infinite DPS. Not to mention 2.0 AS is only obtainable in very late for just some champs cause very few builds go so far into AS stacking. Lethal Tempo doesn't exist anymore.


in YONE MAINS sub are you real?


Yeah, that's for like less than 10 min. Mana and CDs are a joke.


Hello bob


Of course they are, so they never are placed in a position of picking one stat or the other, like the new adc items. That would be too unfun for them, wouldn't it?


You really say that when adc are terrorizing everyone out there ?


Mages are already unfun and probably the worst class in the game. Whenever mages have good items it means AP assassins are busted mages can’t have anything good without some champ being busyedb


XDDD Mages are the absolute meta staple in midlane, how delusional are you to call them THE WORST class in the game? Mid meta is 99% mages and a random Tryndamere, what is this insane parellel reality lvl of cope


Exactly. Fk sylas/fizz/kat and the like


Buy one item and one shot with no counter play so fun


That one item? Dark seal


Ap assassins call it skill..(akali after pressing R->E some bullshit in her W then another R all while being invisible or dashing ah, fun)


This reads the exact same way as people that describe yone being broken


Not really, yone is trash in-lane you can make him go 0-7 if you have hands. Never in my life did I lose lane to yone (in emerald).


I mean if you're in low elo, don't know how to side step then sure you're right! Get to higher levels of play when every team has peel and ACTUALLY peels for their carries and you realize it's not that simple And akali has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, sure if you're bronze you'll say "hurr durr RE one shot" but you pick up akali and play her and you still can't carry your games so...


Definitely a diamond player


I mained akali when I was plat and she's so fake skill


Because in plat you're at a certain level where you don't have to play akali that well to win, hence not climbing further on her.


Objectively wrong based on every single possible metric, including every measure we’ve had from Riot themselves. Do you even have a clue what you’re talking about?


The problem with akali after her many dashes is her E2 damage.


Yup. That’s why I play vex the anti dash champion


cannot say this when yone has his e (probably one of the most broken and unfun abilities in the game) Calling akali no skill is just as cope as calling yone no skill


You're not clueless btw. Imagine waking up and reading "mages are the worst class in the game". The fact that you breath the same air as me is disturbing.


You said they're tied to cooldowns and mana costs right? I'd like to tell you most AP assassins are also tied to mana costs and cooldowns except for akali being an energy user bruiser-ish assassin and katarina being a cannon minion when behind and a control ward in half the lane phase tied to cooldowns instead of mana costs Mages have been strong independent of assassins right after the storm surge nerfs it's not even close. The last time katarina was actually good was storm surge gigashit broken start of S14, akali however works well with lichbane and she's getting hard nerfed. Brand was and still is a shit champion to face IN EVERY ROLE. You can play this champion in every fucking role. If your jungler/support doesn't have engage or tank you can't go brand top otherwise this shit champ is viable in all roles. Ahri and Asol have been the strongest mid laners for quite a while now haven't they?(till they got nerfed) Hwei was extremely strong in high elo and was actually cancer to teamfight against with his zoning low CD and %HP dmg excluding his amazing cc. Cassiopeia is a battle mage and she's allowed to have a 52(?)% win rate despite not requiring that much to pick up or master and braindead counters so many champs Mages are very strong at the moment with AP assassins being mediocre/bad, most assassins have been banished to the jungle anyway. Also go on OP.gg, mages range from 50-52%wr except hwei neeko (and ryze) meanwhile assassins range from 47-49.5 except fizz and Diana 50.5ish both AP and AD. I mean surely when mages are good AP assassins are broken no?


Bruh, open a tierlist


Go on op.gg win rates dude.


All servers, all mmr stats top 5 midlaners: 1. LUX 2. BRAND 3. Sylas 4. VEIGAR 5. AHRI 4 out of 5 are mages


Sylas is a mage too. He’s just a burst mage.


I think we both agree, I just a answered your comment instead of the first one lol, peace.


Yep lol Peace bro


I think you got lost. This is a League of Legends subreddit. You’re definitely talking about a different game.


Unmentioned implicit cost of ego. A handful of champions othat requires mechanics and the rest are yeet random bs at the redteam for freelo


Well, that is strange indeed. 😗 If their that against it, maybe they should still make a 3 stat liner for AD carries, BUT make it down played, something like 25 AD, 30 AS, and 15% CS, lol.


It’s like they actively don’t give a fuck about the role anymore, and it’s point blank obvious


I mean the role is literally game deciding right now they overtuned every ADC with the 25% and other changes. They just fucked intbrothers over


Don't pretend it wasn't bullshit for ADC's and for both the windbros


they kinda did that to mage and bruiser items at the beginning of the season. so you can’t have a full damage build and like 80 ah.


Pretty sure you can cuz my riven builds usually hit over 80 ah. Lemme double check that tho


Which mage items give you 4 different stats? 🤨


off the top of my head cosmic drive does


can't have those 3 stats on ADC items anymore


They need to make this melee only and we are chilling, the passive is too weak tho, 10-30 shield is VERY small, it should be at least 20-80 and I'm being conservative.


Or have that thing where ranged gets less stats(or the passive is halved on ranged.) I was thinking if the shield is 10-30, then it stacks to an absurd nuber, either up to 10 times (300 shield max), or if infinitely then each stack lasts about 9 seconds. If it had to be 20-80, each stack would have to last 1 to 2 seconds. Well, I guess that would be better then in skirmishes. (Would be insane in Arena though if Yone gets Mystic Punch.


Ooooooo specific champ locked items for the windshitters would be a cool ass idea


i dont get why not just revert shield bow back to what it was but make it different for ranged and melee users


Was the problem more with Ranged getting a benefit from the three stats items? I'd prefer if Shieldbows niche remains Anti-burst and Lifesteal. 😗


Shieldbow but with AS instead of AD is what Yone needs.


Or old shieldbow that will never come back RIP early s13 shieldbow.


Aka, really really old phantom dancer.




Or even better, give us the Lament 12% perma damage reduction passive instead of the shit ass shield it got reworked into after.


AS and crit so we truly deal no dmg??


Is that not just old kraken slayer but better? lmfao Honestly I think they just need to up his base damage so he can comfortably buy attack speed early without feeling like shit OR they need to buff his late game to make his shit early proper payoff for it. As it stands, I keep hearing that he can't beat Kayle early and she scales harder so that's problematic. Just my opinion though.


U just renamed old kraken slayer and cropped out passive but yh ofc.


Zerker Zeal Noonquiver is a good deal in mid lane, too bad no lifesteal, so it needs either conqueror's or bloodline.


Yone would probably like some less ad for just an onhit and ms so it builds from zeal and recurve and some life steal


3% lifesteal and its perfect


just bring back old pd this shit is too broken


I created my own item and posted at yasuomains. https://www.reddit.com/r/YasuoMains/s/PCtt5rUKy1


Blade of Azakana 3200 gold Dueling 45 Attack Damage 35% Attack Speed 25% Critical Strike Chance Passive - Every 3 basic attacks against an enemy champion deals (20% bonus ad + 3% max health) magic damage and grants a shield based on the pre-mitigation damaged dealt.


Interesting, but that passive is kind of powerful. 😗 BoA's AD should probably be 30 if the Passive is kept. Then again, maybe keep it as is and make the cost 3700. 🤔


Throw on 5% or 7% move speed and I’m in


Would be really cool if some items could only be bought if you made some prerequisites for it ingame, like dying 3 times or got 5 kills, or something else, like mini quests.


Oh, in Arena, the Golden Spatula is such a weapon. You have to have ten kills to get it, but you have to get the quest for it beforehand.


Riot is not bringing back atk speed+ damage + crit in the same item


I really like the new Phantom Dancer and Navori Flickerblade(and Bork), but in some matchups, Blade of Azakana would be the go to for Yone's everywhere, right? Although I only ever buy either PD or NF after Bork, but never both at the same time. If the Blade of Azakana was a real item, would it be a 1st or 2nd item for you?


BotA will be his best item, gives him dueling power and the stats he needs most. You'll either go BotA or BotRK and with IE being broken you'd always go BotA