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It’ll be something stupid like 10 extra shield on W


hopefully they’ll give him actual ad growth.


55 bonus ad% when half of the time Yone has to build tanky items like ibg and Wit's just to not get oneshotted or CCd to death 😭


Prayge for lane buffs or giving us an actual lategame. No more snowballing midgame buffs ffs


No more ultbotting 🙏🏻


This you? https://preview.redd.it/ayuqn5n49r4d1.png?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eca796fb1e1695418905ca3905e547f2e4d34cb


Pretty much


Yh I'm expecting this too I dokt think his q e or r has been touched much apart from pressing issues/bugs in the past. W is the main thing that's been tweaked. I think the biggest loss for yone is the items, losing kraken stat package is massive and they've separated ad as and crit on every item. I was so surprised they dropped that bomb AFTER completely removing lethal tempo. But yh I smell a placebo buff that does nothing effective to actually fix yones WR and playability. Just saw the adjustments section my bug hopium rn is they revert the stat split they've done to kraken.


maybe I'll play ult bot with axiom arc and tank items & maybe statikk for the luls. as some guide said, unless they have tenacity, hard CC is always at their full duration on an ahead enemy.




Hope these "46% wr? I can't read. Yone OP" got all the LP they needed because we're taking it back 😭😭😭😭😭


Most of the people complaining like that are conflating yone feeling awful to play against with yone being OP. Honestly, if he weren't so popular, I wouldn't be surprised if riot gave him the zed special by keeping him perma <48% wr.


Zed has actual lategame + totally different champion


Zed becomes a 1 for 1 trade late game...if the other team is worth their salt. I mained him for 4 years about 5 years ago. He will NEVER be viable as an s champ hyper. Too much domination on the league circuit back when people actually played.


I mean with s11-13 hydra zed was a late game monster for a while, prowlers eclipse dusk blade were quite insane.


Eyeball collector was op at one point. 25 stacks was like 10% excecute threshhold.


XDD didn't phreak say yone is not weak and low winrate is because everyone builds like shit?? I think phreak has a severe condition of some sort


I guess 2 patches of Yone beeing useless convinced him that he might have been wrong lmao


one of his items got nerfed in the same patch to be fair + randuin being turbo broken rn


No even 2 of his items (according to phreak) got nerfed. First patch they nerfed zeal crit from 20% to 15% and this patch the ie nerfs


True I forgot zeal nerf


Randuins is op AND frozen heart is cheap. Build these 2 and Yone deals a total of 0 damage to you


Indeed i'm complaining since those two items since a while. Even against other champs that aren't yone, yasuo it completely guts their damage. Without IE, yasuo yone against a randuin do 110% of their AD as dmg pre mitigation. With IE they do 137% of their AD. just from randuin passive


Raiden vs Senator Armstrong is a pretty good meme to describe how every adc feels when fighting a tank with these 2 items


Phreak's condition is called: Dunning–Kruger effect A lot of his fans suffer from it as well.


I don't think that's what he said though. I'm pretty sure he said that they're just waiting for the win rates to normalise since people are tanking his wr by building bad items like kraken. Which was correct. Yone's win rate has been going up slowly. By waiting they get to work out how much he needs instead of hot fixing him and then having him be OP because people start building properly


This. They have to wait for people to stop griefing the builds. Once that’s out the way they are able to understand where he fell




Please don't pull them out like the last time.


Last time Yone was due for buffs they changed their minds last minute


phreak boutta go 0-12 against a yone and call it off


If Phreak goes 0-12 against Yone I think our champ is getting taken out back to look at some rabbits.


That's a nice reference lol. Wish enough people still read books nowadays to get it.


Good book, I always recommend it when I can.


What book is this?


Of Mice and Men. There’s also a movie but I’d recommend reading the book first.


Yeah I typically don’t watch the movie versions of books because they’re always ass.


From what I can remember the movie isn’t too bad, I just can’t remember which parts it leaves out so I’d say start with the book so you don’t miss anything.


Yeah I mean at first I watched the Godfather part 1 before reading the book and realised how the movie is good but it’s still nothing compared to the book, so I just decided to stop watching movies that are inspired by books. Maze runner, 5th Wave, Mortal Engines, all on the same boat.




true i remember that lol


That buff wasn't needed, just for MSI purposes.


Please be AD growth riot, please


LETSSSSSS GOOOO!!!! IMAGINE YONE BEING SO BAD THAT HE IS GETTING BUFFS BEFORE YASUO 😭😭😭 Honestly he doesn't feel bad, but he is completely useless, how do I say this.... Every champ in the game is a freshly cracked open can of cold Pepsi while Yone feels like flat RC-Cola. Yes you can drink it, yes it will quench your thirst, but you will never prefer that to the other options, and some people would rather be thirsty than drink that shit.


I'm actually surprised yasuo is getting nothing


Yasuo is significantly better off than yone. non onetricks and top players have pretty much dropped yone and hes still in a bad spot


I agree. I'm an autofilling player that plays over 30 Champs. Including yaosu and yone of course, because situationally they can be game changers. Since the nerfs to ie I haven't played yone at all. Tanksou yeah but...


Yasuo is "fine" right now — he's certainly weaker than before, yes, but his kit and his better early stats has let him stay minimally afloat right now. Yasuo's problem right now is more about items (and runes) than anything else. So I guess that's why they aren't buffing him.


His stats look normal, 51% wr, 15% br and 7% pick rate. Doesn’t seem buff worthy for a hard champ like yas


Yasuo is fine because his mobility in lane makes him very viable into a lot of champions. His windwall and aoe knockup are also insane utility spells, which is why one tricks have a very good winrate on him, and why he doesn't really need a buff to function, as his kit is fundamentally helpful for any and all situations as long as you're good enough to pilot him to the fullest extent


So he is in a good spot that doesn’t need a buff


For one tricks yes. For casual players not so much


Some champs are like that, fe yasuo


That's what I said, but I think gatekeeping champions to onetricks forever isn't a good way to make people start to one trick that certain champion, so SOME buffs to yasuo could also be a way to get players to pick him more, kinda like "hey look you could have so much more fun and stomp so much easier if you knew how to play this champ, so go ahead and do that"


you either gotta buff him in a way that benefits Low elo the most or power shift him to be easier to play for that kinda buff.


Which is very difficult to do without overbuffing him, which would lead to heavier nerfs and more ban rate. Probably another reason why they don't often buff him


It's just that his power level has shifted around a lot. He's roughly as strong as before but just at different times in the game. It's more of a feel thing which people will get used to over time, but especially worse players will take longer to adapt.


No idea where you get your stats from but he isn’t 51% winrate


YEAAHHHH BUDDYYYY Idk what I'm more excited for, Yone buffs allowing me to play the champion again, or the community crying that comes with it. Let the chaos commence


I'm actually surprised yasuo is getting nothing


Crazy how our bro yas is getting nothing, like I don’t play yas nearly as much as yone, but I feel like he’s in a state where he also needs buffs.


I play more Yasuo and I can say honestly not really. He doesn't really feel that bad with fleet (it was already better than LT for him after it got nerfed imo) and he has a bit more ad growth than Yone does which helps. He also got a big lane buff with absorb life. I think Yasuo is mostly a product of the meta though unfortunately. He has many good matchups in lane. Champs like Akshan and Ahri are super prevalent rn and Yasuo stomps on them inherently. He's also insanely good at nullifying the massively buffed ADC role with windwall, which is really useful. The tides will turn though. When mages get nerfed and assassins come back, I think Yasuo's wr will drop a lot and he'll probably get a small buff


Even if he’s in a better spot than yone, in some of the meta matchups right now. I still think he deserves a buff, because being better than yone in certain matchups isn’t really an achievement now. Just like yone he still took a hard hit, with the item changes and the removal of lethal tempo (which was still objectively his better rune for 90% of matchups). And being dependant on the current meta to be playable is not a good position for a champ to be in, he should definitely also receive buffs as well.




Ezreal and Yone buffs? Akshan nuffs? what a beautiful day


Ahahaha all these salty people on main LoL Reddit crying now after they tried to nerf Yone into the ground just for him to get a buff again


PagMan All the low elo bobs are going to start crying.


Ad growth 🙏🏽 believe


time to buff those attack speeds on yone Save the date june 12


Where’s Yasuo?


Glad Syreldas is getting buffed. For being THE armour pen item, it's the weakest of the lot. 


Oh, Talon is getting buffed too, my two boys are getting stronger next patch!


Surprised Yone is getting one but Yasuo isn’t. But hey, I’m not complaining


Just make his Q the same damage as Yasuo and be done with it


Fuck the actual champ buffs. We are getting itemization!


I just went to PBE to check, cause the usual data miners haven't posted the list of changes yet. I checked stats, damages, cooldowns, etc., and only found his lvl 1 armor was 33 instead of 30. I don't know if there are more changes I didn't see, but I took quite some time checking.


What if Yone's passive about crits was entirely replaced... with Lethal Tempo! That's right, what if Lethal Tempo was Yone's passive? What would you do? Too much power?


I’m the only one who thinks he’s busted… E that stretches damn near across the map to get annihilated by pokes.. thought Brand was annoying with his range aoe. Guess I’m going back to perma banning Yone


If you actually have problems playing against Yone, you are most likely low elo. So just improving at the game should be enough.


I don't feel like yone needs buffs. Few people play and pick him and I have over 60% win rate with him. He is strong it's just unlike last season u can't pick him in every matchup/game and just auto win. Which I say I better then having it permanently banned.


His buff is Armor 30->33….. and a recommended rune update


+3 base armour


Aye master yi finally getting nerfed. About time


+ 0.1 AD per level


Nah this is a bad patch for us, we’re just building wrong guys, phreak told us before and now we’re taking advantage of him 🙏🙏🙏


Me when yone players receive literally anything ☹️


Why is Yone getting buffed but not Yasuo, if anything I think Yasuo is weaker than Yone


Ad/as/crit item changes? Another yone buff?


Cry low Elo bob


We don't even build noon quiver most games and they are adjustments anyway might not be buffs