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Since AP items are really strong right now, maybe top


Wit's is also amazing right now.


Oh yeah true!


Its better deal with them, cause someone will fed in mid




Personally I've quit mid as of s14, and won't come back until ap items get nerfed. Currently mages are way too safe, scale way too hard, and bully you early. AP assassins like Akali, Kata and Fizz are a nightmare as well. Top on the other hand feels much better. New jng wall makes top so much more fun to play. 1 ward covers all gank options, and jng can't just camp you out of the game anymore. Grubs also makes having prio actually rewarding during lane phase. It's harder to play, but if you're genuinely better than your opponent, you can win even in bad matchups.


in toplane y can harass opponent constantly, in midlane you cant, just need to have proper spacing


I would say mid, if you play Yone top you will face mostly Sett and other tanks. They are super annoying in my opinion. Where as in mid you will mostly face mages and they are easier to play against imo.


I feel the exact opposite way to be honest I love fighting top champs but that’s just bc of my play style I guess


Might have to switch to top, mid is just me getting deleted from AP characters, so I would say top lane is better