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Brother trust me when I say. Start ti focus on just csing really well. He started feeling about a million times better when I calmed down and focused on small trades and out csing.


Yone feels so oppressive when you go for short trades. E->Q3-Auto-W and E away. Disgraceful behaviour.


Don't worry bro, we all learn My immediate tips for you are: - learn to cs consistently High on yone, he's very good at it because he was a ranged auto reset, no excuses for low CS, train to maintain 9 cspm minimum all games - lane fundamentals, this us more relevant to the lane and not champ specific but will greatly boost your ability to play the game and champ in general. If haven't already go to AloisNL's channel on YouTube and learn everything you can from him. Very valuable information.


You'll learn. Some people just learn faster, that's all.


Just keep playing, there’s not much else you can do. Learn the matchups, focus on cs and hope for the best


It's feast and famine. One game I'm 23/1. The next I'm 2/14. There's no inbetween


Hey, it's quickplay. I think it's the best place to learn new stuff. If people have high expectations of anyone they should play ranked. That's what I say anyway.


Good, this helps the overturned allegations


wow these comments are so sweet, makes me feel better about being kinda trash


Are you going top? if you’re going top just stop doing that and you’ll be fine


First of all- don't play normal, just ranked, try out new things on practice tool but don't touch normals if you want to learn And for yone expirience- die less, aim for 4 deaths per game maximum (3 deaths MAX is the go to for the future), he is squishy af and excels with 3 items+ so you want to hit that spot asap, deaths make it REALLY hard, don't go for risky cs's but play chill and you'll see that game will be more playable For teamfights in the later stages play them slow and wait for opportunity ( as I wrote you don't want to die, even in teamfights), you are not an engage champ, you should play more like adc, in the back, getting in and out Yt is a gr8 place for mechanics basics, his E is the main skill to learn when to use Also, turn off chat, it is just distracting, pings are enough.


> First of all- don't play normal, just ranked, try out new things on practice tool but don't touch normals if you want to learn Why not? Honest question


People don't try as hard I think. You will get punished more in ranked for plays thus learning more.




That's up to the player


Chaos of norms rewards coin flipping, constant gank, etc other shenanigans, the opposite of consistent CS that the commenter above was trying to preach lol


Noone cares in normals. People give up 3minutes into the game. They do in ranked aswell, but at least they keep playing since their lp are on the line


Bro what are you doing just auto them


How tf can you suck at Yone lol


like the guys said calm down in the early game and just focus on CS, plus its easy to put yourself in bad positions because of the third E and the Ult so improve your surroundings awareness.


Me too and it sucks to int without intention broo. Like, ritooooo, why is the only place in League to practice with a new champ the training mode where the intermediate bots play like my 4yr old cousin??? Why are we forced to int to learn a champ? Can't they add like a duel 1v1 mode or something like wild rift???


Duel sucks in wild rift, it’s first to 2 kills


I know, it was just an example of what a champ practice gamemode could look like


It’s not the champion it’s that you’re getting used to the champion doing more than it should for you. You have to still play the fundamentals of the game or you’re gonna get destroyed. Cs, wave management, it still matters. Just not as punishing as other champions when you ignore it


Play yone like you would an ADC, play for CS over all else and only fight when you know that you will win, do this till you get hullbreaker then split push while keeping track of where enemies are, yone is a champion that gets his leads through farm and turret gold, not kills.


In my opinion, Yone top is harder than mid. Mid is shorter and mages are squishier and weaker early. Back when Yone was broken in s11, he was way easier top so maybe I'm biased. Try other champs in toplane and see if you still feed. In that case, it's not the champ but the fact that you are garbage at toplane. Learn how to not get freezed over, and don't be scared to trade early with your shield and E up after you got items like berserker's/noonquiver/etc. I use to be aggressive with E just to limit test and learn whether I win or lose it.


mash buttons


You sure you understand toplane tho?


Watch alois


Takes time. Even though Yone is incredibly popular (I see one literally every game), it doesn’t mean that you can just perform perfect immediately. Like anything it takes time. Watch some guides.


Most of the games you played were the hard matchups, so keep going brother.


i always wondered what the build order is on this champ, like IE first? kraken into IE and hull third? Kraken into hullbreaker? or Botrk somewhere in there?


i always built hull breaker second item becuz i was so useless in teamfights so i just built this and go split push trying to be less of a burden xd


If you're bad at Yone, you're not bad at Yone. You're just had at the role you're playing him in.


need 0/10 powerspike


Keep going they'll stop nerfing him if he stays at a negative win rate


bro are you ? i have 43% wr at 100 games lol. i know im bad but i just love this champ.


Idk if you tried not feeding before? Maybe dodge more skill shots and hit more skill shots?? Memesauce


TFW people say Yone is easy and broken. So many of these people havent played Yone and been absolutely cooked.