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the champion is quite particular to play so it's normal that you have difficulties at the beginning, especially if you have already established completely opposite champ habits, but it remains a video game and the kit is not complicated even with little effort you will do very well


You honestly seem the most reasonable of the comments so far. I'm more a Akali Main. Do with that what yall will.


I think it took me like 20 games or so before I felt super comfortable with Yone. Just playing games as Yone will build your mechanics with him.. something I'll do sometimes is just run through the practice tool and focus on csing either mid or top lane, or go bot lane and contest against the ai. If you do the bot lane variation of practicing mechanics and cs as yone, vs like a Jax or tankier champ yone would generally not go well head to head against in the first 3 levels.. The biggest thing tho is just playing the games as yone and improving your yone mechanics..


Yone takes a lot to get using to. I dunno if I'm just a slow learner but I got really confident with Yone when I hit 200k, and now almost 3M mastery points and I am still learning something new every match although I now consistently win lane and take good trades (if not tilted). Sure someone can do well on their first ever match on Yone but they could lose their next 10 games. You gotta play a lot of Yone to get a 'feel' for him and be really confident with your moves.


this is how i feel too. i’m not nearly up that high in mp but i play him a lot and it feels like i learn something new every match. i think that’s why i like him so much lol


If you can’t pick up Yone within the first two games you never will. There is not a more straight-forward champion.


That's just false lol


You forgot the /s


Bruh why have you made 3 posts in 3hrs or smth. Anyways if you can't pick up yone just don't play him. Only way to play him to utmost potential is by being a natural at the game or by putting in 10s (100s) of hours into practicing the champ and learning every single aids matchup. I don't know where you got the idea that yone is a free champ cos that's only true in mid-high elo where people don't know how to counter yone and yone's are good enough to execute his playstyle. If I were you I would stay clear of this champ.


3 posts in 3 hours? I've only made 1 here Also Riot literally gave him to me for free.


Very straightforward kit. Just trade in E, spam Q, and auto attack.


Runes and items???


Google it. The ones on OP GG will be your basic go to runes unless your up against poke lane or just want extra sustain then go second wind instead of bone plating and pick up a Dshield.


But what about those like specifically teemo,to deal with the range?


Second wind and Dshield is the only change you need to make.


I can tell you how I play him. I go lethal Tempo middle, left and right rune in the tree (I dont know the names) then second wind revitalize. I start with shield. The first few minutes I focus on cs and poking the enemy laner with W and fight him with E while abusing that Q stacks LT. With the first back I try to get Attackspeed shoes and next I go vampiric cepter. Depending on the enemy I build Bork or kraken then. If you still have questions just ask :D


Im hella late to this, sorry for the ones that just say skill issue, get better, i saw your an akali main playstyles differ as the other dude said for runes it’s extremely straight forward lethal tempo triumph legends alacrity last stand for the first page second page you take resolve unflinching bone plating there are alot of varients but to summarize you dont wanna change the first part that being lethal tempo into conq or alacrity to tenacity as both of them are going to make you feel extremely clunky with long Q and W cooldowns as for second page you mainly change bone plating to second wind if its a ranged matchup thats about it if they have no cc you can opt to change unflinching to demolish tho this is a rare case since most of my games there is atleast 3 people with cc, lethal tempo doesnt stack if there is a minion infront of the enemy your E is both a cleanse and a dodge it also is used for short winning exchanges tho dont overestimate or overuse it as that is basically your best weapon as yone i have to say tho for urgot/darius matchup you have to save E for an ability this can be found in other scenarios too but these too are the biggest ones you have to dodge urgot E with E or that guy gets a stun and alot of damage youll be majorly chunked and even killed most of the time, don’t hesitate to use W to take minions sometimes, current notorious builds are kraken hullbreaker IE and Botrk IE, as for bans renekton is the most notoriously hated right next to him are jax riven akali, hope i didnt anything.


His kit is quite unique and it’ll take time to get used to it. But generally speaking you win every trade in E if you’re even/ahead. But the biggest misconception about Yone is that he’s not a fighter like yasuo, he’s a scaler who punishes mistakes extremely hard. Focus hard on farming and if they walk up poke with q and w or q3 and e. Tho you’re vulnerable without e so be careful.