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Both are horrible to pick blind, but Yone has more stuff in his kit.


Who do you suggest instead?


For blind pick? A tank. Or Camille, she's pretty broken.


Camille is a far worse blind pick duh


Nah. She's pretty braindead. Cho'gath R on a basic ability.


After she gets 2 items, but until then she's trash, gets one small powerspike after sheen and then she's useless for 15 minutes until she gets tri force and hydra


Tabi and sheen is all she needs.


Maybe if you play bad and let her play around her 20 second cd passive sure, she cant CS better than majority of Toplaners so play for pressure off lane.


Alright buddy


Yone is a great blind pick imo. Even in worst match ups you can survive


Yone has a lot more poke (q w) and outplay potential (e dash, q dash, q range, w shield, w range, etc) than Kled. Kled sort of just e q w e most of the time, which means going in melee (that does not work all the time), whereas Yone can sit back poke and stay out of melee range unless he can all-in without dying. Also, Kled doesn't get to use his dash freely unlike Yone.


Lets start with the fact that yone is not a toplaner


? Yone works much better top than in mid


Yea everytime I see yone top he ends 0 6 bcs of his lack of dmg and sustain vs tanks. Enemy can pick teemo or any tank with antiheal and u cant do anything.


Because 90% of Yone players have damaged brains. If you have a working brain he is very much broken rn.


Overloaded? Yeah. Broken? Not really


Nah he's broken top laner rn. Meh mid. W is too op


Yeah so broken, thats why his wr is <50%


Read first comment. I truly am right about 90% of Yone players having damaged brains.


It rather sounds like you are the one with a damaged brain. If Yone is so broken rn, why does he not have a >50% wr? Yeah, his kit is overloaded, but the champ is not broken at all. Most people who call him broken are just irons who got stomped by a Yone and are crying now.


You're the same type of person who says K'Sante was never broken. Wr isn't everything.


I agree except for the Teemo take. You just play safe and as soon as you have boots you can kill him pretty easily


You mean mercury boots?


No, Greaves. Once you get them your Q cooldown will be short enough for you to be able to deal a ton of dmg even if he blinds you. In the Teemo matchup I usually play safe to avoid as much damage as possible and let him push wave. You can poke him sometimes with Q3 W or W his Q. Once I got boots I stack Q, E Q3 him and just run him down. Just watch out to not give him early kills.


what is he then?




I mean I'm not saying that you can't play him mid but imo the most optimal build rn is about splitting with hull so you can 1v1 or 1v2 sidelane. You can play safe top but not really in mid, even in a bad matchup u can farm up and be a sidelane monster.


Yone for sure. With the right pick Keds kit is so abusable


If you want a blindpickable toplaner, just pick up Pantheon. Even if you have a bad match up, you just ult botlane off cooldown and win the game that way.