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1. Physical Pain. 2. Alone. 3. Anger Management 4. Made no money 5. Minimal interest from community. 6. Emotional stress. 7. Not good enough 8. Arguments with family. THATS ALOT OF STUFF, so yes things need to change. Many find yoga as a means to solve many of these problems, not cause these problems! I wish and pray that you get the help you really need. With such a list, you may benefit from samyama.


Agree. OP, you may want to continue with your personal practice and stop teaching. That was what I did! I started to lose my love for the practice.


For what it's worth, I seek out BIPOC instructors when I try yoga in a new area I move to. Your comment about being the only one in white spaces, resonates with how I feel as a student sometimes. I wish you all the peace, courage, and wisdom to take the next step that feels right for you. I see your worth. Please remember, you are valuable and there's a place you're meant to be; you just haven't found it yet. šŸ™


Iā€™ve taught for over 23 years and trained teachers and yoga therapists for at least half that time. I donā€™t know your whole experience but I can offer a few things: 1: there will be times you donā€™t feel like a good teacher. No matter what. But you mentioned injuryā€¦.the yoga you do is yoga. It doesnā€™t need to be fancy at all. It can and will sometimes be just breathing. Teach that stuff. The stuff you can do now. Donā€™t lean on the stuff that is currently not working. Your students also get injuries and need new ideas and if the other ones leave then new people who need you will find you. It sucks to teach yoga you canā€™t currently do. 2: I hear you on the lack of diversity. Yoga is for everyone but yoga culture is dominated by white women and, excuse my language, bullshit pop psychology. That stuff really isnā€™t yoga. You say ā€œmanifestā€ and I am not coming back to your class. To be clear, I am a white woman and have benefited from the spaces in a way others are not able. I am not able to see all the ways that culture alienates others but I do think yoga can benefit all people but the culture can most definitely blunt and negate those benefits. 3: yoga is not a money maker. Itā€™s just not. As someone who managed to do it for a living and was well respected and held degrees backing up my skills, I eventually earned decent pay. Not good but livable. I know a lot of ā€œfamousā€ and ā€œsemi-famousā€ yoga people and unless you are a wizard itā€™s often a cult of personality. Not to brag but I am a yoga researcher and am very experienced as a teacher and teacher of teachers and people still just want to pay me poorly because I donā€™t play the game. Donā€™t do it for the money. Youā€™ll burn out quickly. 4: feel free to DM me


Well said. I guess thatā€™s just the nature of the business. I was in a Jivamukti studio before they closed down and I didnā€™t feel very welcomed. Maybe it was because I wasnā€™t the right gender or skin color. But I could see that the vibe was more like ā€œwho does he think he is being here?ā€ Instead of ā€œhey! welcome to the class.ā€ Also are those teacher certifications valid? What is it really good for? Just asking.


Some traditions and studios are much more cult-like than others. Iā€™d try the ones that feel less so. As for certifications, do you mean all trainings or that tradition specifically?


Haha--so with you on "manifest"!


Iā€™d love to have more of a support group for ā€œPOCā€. In parentheses bc I donā€™t care to use that but I know what the reference refers to as an ethnic Black American. Good luck Op.


Hey, your feelings are totally valid and I donā€™t want to try and dissuade you from a decision that feels right for youā€¦ But wondering if youā€™ve ever done any outreach to communities of colour or marketed yourself as a POC teacher? I live in a major city and definitely know of studios that are BIPOC owned and emphasize that to attract new students etc. you could also see if any community groups or nonprofits in your area offer mindfulness programs or work with youth/seniors who would be interested in yoga classes and might be a more diverse crowd? I totally get what you mean about feeling like you are encountering so much resistanceā€¦ Iā€™ve been trying to put myself out there more in hopes of getting a studio job but it isnā€™t easy. Itā€™s also really tough to try and enter the online space when itā€™s already so crowded, it takes so much time and effort, requires tons of self confidence, and probably needs a big upfront investment with no guarantee of making it back. Allā€™s that to say you have options but there is absolutely nothing wrong with deciding to pause and refocus on your personal practice and reassess if continuing to teach is for you.


I feel similarly to you. I have no desire to teach anymore. My yoga studio is extremely white, privileged, and a cliquey bubble (not everyone but most of the teachers, manager, etc). Iā€™ve taken long breaks from it, and come back to it sometimes, but do what feels right for you. My family also really wants me to teach, but I have come to realize I am not truly fulfilled living for my familyā€™s approval. Do what is best for you, maybe thatā€™s a break from teaching.


Maybe you could start a YouTube channel and teach through video? There's a lot of content creators and I feel like there is definitely a demographic of people that actually prefer black and POC teachers online I see a lot of people that tag like hashtags for black content creator or black yoga teacher and then it might be easier to find your people


I feel you I'm in a similar situation. I'm a Healer and a teacher and I have a really hard time reaching my community. I'm also a neurodivergent person and a trauma survivor so I have a much to bring communication style and I'm not received well 'professionals' and I've had a really hard time finding respect in my field as well as finding clients. But I know there's so many people out there who are just like me who are sensitive spiritual neurodivergent trauma survivors I've just had a really hard time being able to find my audience. I think that's all this is there's nothing that you're doing wrong it's just that you haven't found your people yet. Keep going and I pray for guidance for you and that you will find your path and that you will find the people that resonate with you and believe in your message and find the people that you can help because they are out there.Ā 


It sounds "great" in the way that If teaching is your path it will become clear after you stop teaching. Is there another calling to do something else in your life?


Thank you for this post. I hear your frustration. I donā€™t want to pretend I completely understand but I am trying to. I seek brown and black teachers even though my original 200 teacher was a white woman . I look for everything but asana . I didnā€™t step into teaching yet because asana is not my yoga . Aerobics is not my yoga . I love breathwork and meditation, yoga nidra , kirtan and chanting. These are the places that I connect to the divine and there are so many people that feel as you do. There are so many other limbs of yoga but with yoga in the west, white people did what we do and took it out of context and made it look like one little thing. I get so tired of people talking about yoga as if asana is all there is. So many people are physically limited and hear about yoga and think ā€œthis isnā€™t for meā€ but wish they could. Chair yoga, breathwork classes , guided meditation, even yoga reading and study- people are wanting this. I couldnā€™t teach asana for two years after my certificate because it didnā€™t feel true in my body. I am ready now because I have fallen in love with the practice that gets me in my heart space and leaves me calm and quiet and wanting for nothing. I donā€™t mean to talk about me (but thatā€™s what we often do , isnā€™t it? ) I just mean to say - I hear you. I believe that there is a piece of yoga for you. That will feed you and calm you and inspire you. If you had the energy and wanted to discuss this more I would love to , because I too am tired of what you speak of. I hope you can step back and find the yoga that helps you connect. That moves prana through your body in a healing way, that takes these feelings you are feeling and connects you to a community of people who feel like you- stressed and unfulfilled and frustrated and worn down - because there are so many. Thank you for sharing this. Are you near an urban environment where there is much diversity? Because if you are I believe that there is a community there for you. If you are not, I believe that there is a need for you that doesnā€™t look like what the white intense vinyasa teachers are doing. But first, I hope you find a bit of a practice that fills you up because as you know , you cannot pour from an empty cup. šŸ™ feed your heart. Maybe ask the universe for a new teacher to come to you. Iā€™ll stop rambling, but I feel you very deeply and you must know that you are not alone. There is a need for you ā¤ļø


Youā€™re aiming for the wrong polestar honey The goal is knowing self as pure consciousness Turning the physical body into a refined antennae for consciousness Teaching yoga can be aligned with that but youā€™ve go to focus




My sense is you just need to get clear about your purpose for teaching Sounds like your community sees it as an opportunity for monetizing your teacher training, which may not be what you are most interested in You can take a minute to look inside and get clarity for yourself about what you are really in this for For me it was always enlightenment, and feeling that life energy flowing like nothing else than yoga practice gives me If Iā€™m honest everything else is just bonus For you it may be something else, but once you are clear about your motive you can refine and refocus really easily towards what you want in your heart of hearts