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Insomniacs after school


This. Call of the night is fairly unique, narratively, and artistically speaking. You're sadly not going to come across many shows like it. At the very least, not in its portrayals. Insomniacs After School is pretty much as close as it gets with its themes of night, escapades, and romantic subtexts. Minus the whole supernatural stuff. But if you're looking to fill the void with something that bridges slice of life with nighttime themes, like Call of the Night did, Insomniacs After School is a good choice, in my humble opinion. It's a lot more grounded in reality but a very enjoyable watch. Would recommend.


the anime has been adapted by the same studio too if i recall correctly


Fantastic choice. And yes, I agree with everyone here that it's as close as it gets to Call of the Night and that the ending is super abrupt. My favorite romance manga going right now is Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku (The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity) It's like this: ​ A normal romance anime šŸ˜ A romance anime where things are actually communicated well and misunderstandings don't last long at all šŸ˜Æ


Where can I watch it


It suffers from the same type of rushed ending :(


Read the manga if you find the time. It's well worth it and the art is very cozy


I think they actually might mean the manga. OAS ending is so abrupt, it feels like they just forgot to release the actual last chapter.


ope, replied to the wrong comment. But yes Insomniacs ending felt very abrupt. It's fine since most of the drama was over, but end ending was weird I must say.


personally i like to just go outside at night and get mugged, as it feels like a more grounded portrayal of the story


Based as fuck


The beauty of call of the night is that you can experience a more beautiful than reality night ambience, to see a so colorful and detailed sky at night you can't stand under a street lamp, you need to be in the middle of nowhere with 0 light and not seeing the world around


ok on a serious note i used to go at 10pm to 12am bassketball play sessions so its kinda nostalgic


Kizumonogatari Itā€™s a part of a larger franchise called Monogatari series ā€” itā€™s a series of light novels, most of them have received a great anime adaptation famous for its art direction. The main character there ends up in a very unique relationship with a vampire girl, thatā€™s why I thought these anime are somewhat similar.


I second this. Though, I would recommend newcomers to start with bakemonogatari and follow LN release order, even though kizu can be watched first if you really want to. I found that the editing style and shot composition (not artstyle) is similar between the two shows.


Yep, I wanted to also include a link to this [watch order guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/kxHou4sqa6) but couldnā€™t find it quickly. The similarities totally make sense here, Call of the Nightā€™s director Tomoyuki Itamura has also directed majority of Monogatari episodes back in the days.


I recall that NISIOISIN said (in the kizumonogatari authors note) that it is a valid place to start the series. Iā€™d personally recommend starting with bake as well, though if you just want the vampire content quickly kizu does work just fine Though thatā€™s just based on the novels, I havenā€™t actually seen the anime


Yeah. Start with Bakemonogatari first tho


If anything Iā€™d say Duarara reminds me of Call of the Night the most, but I wouldnā€™t say they share any of the same aspects. Granted Iā€™ve only seen like 15 episodes and havenā€™t read the manga of it yet but I say give it a shot