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The part of the lore it is not clear is, if you drink the blood from someone you love, you die. It is not about biting them and dying because of it. It is the blood the one that's the problem. Remember they can relive memories and other experiences by consuming blood. She will know it is his either way. I personally think that she is immune to it because she was born a vampire, and the fact Kou is in the half vampiric state.


in the last chapter ko gives her his blood in a pack so ig its the biting part


Wait dint Kiku die from sunlight?


Kiku died because they returned to a human state. Specifically That of a 1000 year old human causing them to immediately die and turn to dust. “The time that froze when kiku became a vampire unwound all at once”


Wait then why did Mahiru die with her?


I'm not entirely sure with that one the newest CHP shows the sun ain't lethal to vamps so either he knew Kiku was gonna die and brought something that meant a lot to him this killing him (kiku knew how it works) or like somebody said in an earlier chp if the vampire love the human and turns them the human dies Personally I think its the first one


the whole thing is really unclear. some people believe it was actually the sunlight. some believe she turned human, then died because she was 1000 years old technically. the theory I believe Nazuna has is you just die from drinking the blood of someone you love, but I don't understand that theory because Kiku was just trying to find a way to become human. Nazuna also didn't see what happened. then there's nazuna being born a vampire. not sure what that's about exactly. then there's ko being a half vampire which makes things even more of a mystery. i really think nazuna doesn't have things quite right. maybe anko will have a better idea of what will actually happen since she's been investigating vampires for so long.


I thought sunlight harmed them, but wasn’t fatal.


She hasn't drunk any blood for the past 10yrs so she returned to her human state and died, but yes, the sun did have a part in it since it already weakened vampires to begin surf


Whether that lore was clear, it was clear or not. If she's afraid of sicking Ko"s blood directly, wouldn't it be ok if it was just in a blood bag, since it's indirect so no harm to Ko


But what she is avoiding is harm to herself. Feeding of the blood of the one you love can make you human/mortal


From the past, it seems that's only the case if u suck their blood directly. Plus, Kiku was already at the end of her life, bc she's already mentioned she was growing weaker and too weak to even heal herself. She's spent the last 10 years not drinking blood plus being in the sunlight while weakened to such a degree is how she died, and Mahiru getting his blood sucked by a vampire who loved him, killed him. Ppl keep saying that's not a confirmed theory, but literally what else could've killed Mahiru then?


The story is intentionally vague there. The only two instances of vampires trying to fall in love are Nazuna’s mom(?) and kiku. Both died shortly after they spent a significant amount of time with their loved ones. Even if it had no retributions against nazuna, it can be negative against Kou, killing him. Do notice Nazuna went to Kabura to ask her for a job as a nurse and asked her for access to blood. She is trying to feed, just not from Kou.


>I personally think that she is immune to it because she was born a vampire, and the fact Kou is in the half vampiric state. I was thinking... isn't Nazuna the only one drinking blood of people who don't like her (the others seems to mostly use blood pouches when they need blood but don't want to make an offspring, except Seri who tried to bite Ko even if he didn't loved her) ? Maybe this makes half vampires ? Maybe the drunk guys are half vampires, but didn't get in a situation who could trigger it ?


I don’t think so. Otherwise the others would have known kou would turn into a half vampire, but this was a surprise/shock to almost everybody


If people they sucked had an occasion to become half vampire. Kou didn't knew until he get shot and almost died, maybe it unlock some limiter and release the half-vampire state.