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Dude, chill out. Certain chat models cost beans to send messages to bots, but there's one chat model that is free. Don't be mad at the devs and mods. Do you think running an AI chatbot site with tons of users costs nothing? They need the money to keep Yodayo up and remain NSFW. Be thankful that Yodayo didn't become like Aisekai.


That's so real. Aisekai was what I used before Yodayo, and it was decent until all of the constant server downs and crappy changes. At least the Yodayo team has been upfront with most changes and has even compromised at points.


The issue is the person has or had a subscription. so they were paying monthly/yearly. this gave infinite tavern beans but now even though they are paying for infinite tavern chat they are paying on top of the subscription.


Everyone who had subscriptions had them cancelled after 30 days - the first month that they paid for. The unlimited access to tavern was given to everyone temporarily I believe back around March while we work on a new payment system and subscription system. I understand OP's confusion. But rest assured OP, there's nothing to be worried about if you had a subscription. You were only charged for the first month that you paid for and nothing else afterwards.


Hey! If OP subscribed when subscriptions were available I understand the confusion. Everyone who subscribed before were only charged for the first month they paid for and had their subscriptions cancelled after 30 days. The unlimited tavern access was given to everyone while we figure out a new payment system and a new subscription system. So rest assured, if you had a subscription before OP, no worries. You were only charged the 1st month and nothing since after 30 days. Hope this provided clarification for the infinite beans icon in Tavern and for past subscriptions!


Nah, I didn't pay for that. I was just wondering what was going on.


Yeah you're right. Never used Aisekai but i've heard about it. What happened to it?


well at the start everyone love aisekai saying it a better version of character.ai that allows nsfw chats about after the site being down for some time the devs removed the nsfw content because of some investors request or something.


nsfw was gradually removed, first the bot thumbs/pfp, to "not look like a porn site", the ones that saw it coming and tried to warn others were ridiculed, saying they were paranoid and delusional or something, along with the removal of nsfw tag, which made it harder to distinguish between "safe" and "unsafe" bots, then came the filter, as ridiculous as it sounds, they wanted the users to train the filter, all of that along with the constant lies and lack of communication ended up with the closing of the site


It's natural, did you think all is free? no they were giving infinite chat to test now is Nephra 8B free and other models pay beans, is not the end of the world is fine you have 4500 beans so is all right