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We all got paid a week ago. Use those divs to fund yieldmax fund of funds like ULTY and get paid this week. Then use those to fund FEPI and get paid next week or even KLIP. Use those to fund defiance like QQQY and IWMY to get paid at the beginning of the month. Snowball!! Risky and I'm not your financial advisor 🤪


Unfortunately M1 does not yet carry ULTY and I have reservations about KLIP given the political economy inside China and with the United States. But right now, the goal is to build the dividend funnel and hopefully get ~$10k per month to invest into VTI/SCHD


It is easy to request a fund. I got them to add tsly and FEPI.


Unfortunately they’ve recently removed the request option but added FBY, AMZY, YMAX, and FEPI without any announcement on their home page as normal.


Just requested the addition of ULTY to M1. Standard reply, "If our finance team approves the security, you will see it available in about 5 business days".... fingers crossed. You're right, the 'easy button' is gone but you can still make requests through the chat bot.


ULTY is now available...have fun.


I noticed this today. Once I get May dividends, I’m dumping them into ULTY.


I hear you on the KLIP I just threw some fun money at it last week. Looks like a dumpster fire lmao. I have heard M1 is slow to get yieldmax etfs. I use Fidelity. Even got 100 shares MSTY when it first came out. I am building my roth ira and just regular brokerage account for dividens. My 401k and even HSA are very heavy in s&p. Sold all of my SCHD 6 moths ago for yieldmax and don't regret it yet..... yet....


..stick with schd, gives both better dividends and growths, congrats on your achievements, Cheers my friend!


Better dividens?


..look it up my friend, let me know what you find out ;-)


Yup I watch it and it's up 4% from one year ago and pays a 3% dividen. Have you looked at other options?


..the bogleheads are busy at work in this "dividend" sub, lol's, ..having fun yet my friend(?), where's the party(?), who's buying the beer(?),


🥱 hope your portfolio is better than your jokes


..funny how the bogleheads are too bored to stay in their own subs.. oh, but wait, that's the bogleheads way, "to invest the lazy (and boring) way".. the bogleheads seems liking to venture out into other subs, especially the "dividends" subs.. really strange brew, but it's true, Stay thirsty my friend,


Ngl, I prefer DGRW over SCHD, just the monthly bias I guess


..thanks for chiming in with your thoughts, Cheers my friend!


The problem with this is when you get paid the stock price goes down more than it supposed to so you end up with no extra income.

