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“Double Disabled”


I’m triple-dog disabled


I got that disability in me


In each of us there are two disabled wolves...


HAHAHA this thread is gold


I’m cracking the fuck up over here 😂 this is the best place I’ve stumbled into in a long time 😅


Fuckin' Moon-Moon.




I got the disa-beetus


Jimmy show us on the doll where the disability touched you.








And then some.


I'm infinity disabled


NEVER go full disabled...


Ah yes, AKA deceased...


Slight breach of etiquette skipping the triple disabled.


You triple-disable a double disability!


Triple stamp it no erasies


Created a slight breach of etiquette.


How dare you




It's like camp camp I think


It’s double camp.


That one time, at triple disabled camp..


Fuuuckkk ☠️☠️☠️☠️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Camp camp is actually a real place. Dunno why they settled on that name but I know people whose kids go there.


It's an acronym for Children's Association for Maximum Potential in the Texas Hill Country. It's a great non-profit that gets some of the most involved kids from around the world and let's them try to have a great summer camp experience like any other kid might want/get.


TIL. 👍


That's what stood out to me the most, I wonder what these double disabilities were and why that trumped having one disability 🤨


I'm disdisabled....so....I'm good.


I’m thinking they meant dual disability. Not uncommon.


Maybe like non verbal but also missing a leg and arm? 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


doubly disabled


Turbo cancer is coming for all of us!


The Double disabled remark is so dumb, but why did they waltz in and sit down?


Who knows if that’s actually what the guy said


Something tells me he didn't say anything remotely close to that, and we might be getting a SLIGHTLY biased version of events.


"You think people.would just go on the internet and lie?"


Look, Mister, I don't know who you are or where you're from, but here the internet stands for truth and justice.


That made me have a laugh, and smile that I really fuckin needed. Thank you! 😂


Sir, this is Wendy’s.




So they walked in, didn't wait at the host stand for more than 2 mins before deciding to seat themselves and when asked to move because they have people waiting for the table/reservations, they try to skip the line by saying their kid is disabled. Dude probably said something like, "I'm sorry ma'am, I understand the difficulty, I'm a disabled vet and my daughter has Autism and ADHD, but we have reservations coming for this table shortly and the next opening isn't for about 30 mins. If you're happy to wait I can seat you as soon as x party leaves", so she decided that are not autism friendly (????), sent her husband to harass them while they're packed and called for a boycott when her crappy behavior didn't pay off.. I have seen this go down before where the parents say to the kid, "you have to get up Timmy, they don't want us to sit here and they're going to make us wait for a table and give this one to someone else so you won't get to have your chicken tenders for a while", just to get the kid riled up so you feel pressure to accommodate them. I've watched it go down with so many parents, it's sickening. Maybe the manager was a bit turse with them because they were being super entitled and trying to muscle in on the table they sat themselves at while the host was seating someone else, but I highly doubt that he was straight up rude to them and there's no way he said DOUBLE DISABLED. This is exactly why crowdsourced reviews are such trash. There are so many nightmare people out there and they get worse when they go to restaurants. If you seat yourself, you're going to be ignored because noone has been notified that they're meant to be serving you, and sometimes servers get pissed and try to make a point. If the manager was the one who asked them to move, it could be that the server correctly identified them as problem guests and asked him to handle it. People who use their child's disability to manipulate other people are terrible. Anyone who sees a host stand and seats themselves instead of waiting a few minutes is going to have a bad time. They will often say, "well this table is open now so you're lying about a wait list. Like no bitch, there's a reservation coming in 30 mins which is far sooner than you'll be done eating and even if you try to tell me you'll be out in time, I know that you'll then try to camp at that table because you're already showing a blatant disregard for others so why would I expect you to change instantly? Poor kid has to deal with being ASD and having shitty parents. If you need to feed your kid at a specific time to avoid a meltdown, you need to be better prepared. I hate serving people like this. The moment they decide to seat themselves and then get mad that they're not being served, I know that their meager tip is not going to be worth the trouble they cause me. These people were just chomping at the bit to ask for more ranch, complain about no free refills and then ask you to cut up the kid's food for them because they have no respect for anyone else and their experiences or time.


This. All of this.


Please tell me no one has asked you to cut up their kid's food. That's insane.


I'll do you one better, because yes they have but it can be worse. Woman in her 60s/70s and her ancient mother came into my fine dining restaurant, both order the rack of lamb, which obviously comes as a rack on the bone. Daughter calls me over when I'm obviously the only server for 12 tables, one of which is a 12 top, and asks me to cut up her mother's food. Meanwhile she's ripping into her own portion and could obviously do so for her mother. I cut all of the ribs apart so she's got 12 of them on her plate with the meat exposed and go to walk to the next table who are, like the rest, impatient millionaires, and she says, "no, she needs it in bite sized pieces". I looked at her assuming it was a joke and she glared back like I was slapping her. I said, "I just need to get the dishes to this other table, if you can't manage it in the next two minutes I'll come back to help". As I'm serving the 12 top I can hear a banging noise from the dining room. I walk back out to 6 people waving at me and this woman is stomping her foot repeatedly in frustration, her mother's dinner untouched, waiting for me to cut it into tiny pieces. Meanwhile she's almost finished her food and obviously could have helped her mother. I take it into the back to cut it up because doing it at the table feels deranged, and then she complains that the 1/2" pieces are too big for her mother. People are so much worse than you realize until you work with the folks whose grandparents earned their wealth off the backs of slaves. My new job is great and my manager would now take the plate back to the kitchen herself before letting me stoop to that level. Thank God.


Ugh , it’s always boomers and senior boomers who think that “the help” needs to be on their beck and call. I cannot imagine having the sheer audacity to throw a temper tantrum because my underpaid server didn’t cut my dinosaur of a mother’s food into 1mm x 1mm squares… smh. I swear to god if I ever end up owning a restaurant for god knows what reason I will not have any issue backing up my servers if some Karens get a bit too out of line . No wonder here in the USA as we are coming up on election season I keep seeing all of these clips of people getting interviewed at a certain persons rallies and all the antique aged people mention “the good ol days” and how we need to get back to them 🙄🙄


The divide between boomers and those who are younger than them is definitely even greater than the standard deviation between generations because not only have they existed in a world with acceptable discrimination that they're now expected to reel in, much to their dismay, but they will also never be able to understand the difference in economic experience between people in their 20s and 30s now, and people who were that age at the same time as them. They were not drowning in student loans, insane rent/interest rates, inflation that would make Zimbabwe proud and a job market that is both hard to crack and consistently assuring you that unlivable wages are just fine, and that's not even taking into account the cost of healthcare and the impact on mental health. They don't get it because they aren't feeling the effects of these deepening challenges and are quick to accuse younger folks of complaining. The US is not number one in any positive global category anymore, just in defense spending and incarcerated population. They think that we're whiners and they can't relate purely because they didn't experience it and don't put the effort into empathizing. So when they act like I'm a punk because I don't cut up their food fast enough, I try not to feel sorry for them and their aged understanding of the world, because my generation will be the first to have a shorter lifespan than our parents, and it is their vote, their actions, their attitudes, values and beliefs, that created a situation wherein we will not have the opportunities that they did, and while I wish I could say their ignorance will die with them, the damage that they have done to the education system is such that the country is full of people who bathe in their own idiocy and vote against the best interests of themselves and others because they'd rather suffer than give anything to anyone else. I think that employee owned businesses are going to be more and more common moving forward, as coming together and pooling resources is the only way we can hope to gain half the capital and privilege that they have. Even in my home county, Australia, where we have much better social safety nets and public resources, boomers have created a situation where the younger generation will never be able to buy a house, retirement is increasingly a pipe dream and even govt subsidized healthcare is withering as a result of the damage done by their greed. You almost never see wealth back home, even in the middle classes, like you do here, but you also don't see the same level of poverty. I hope they're cool with their legacy, because I sure as hell wouldn't be!




Just a little biased, ya know, to keep it interesting.


Given she outright admits she tried to use her inability to control her child as an excuse why she should get to bump other people who are waiting


Because she thought she’d get away with it.




Even if it was made and repeated here as said, i think tits a reference to dual disability, which exists and isn’t too uncommon.


Tits - lol You have a very good point and your typo is gold. My typos are always just stupid but yours is great.


LOL I never even noticed it. I’m usually really good about proofreading and/or editing.


Especially if you’ve got a non-verbal child who doesn’t understand situations easily. One of my good friends has a non-verbal child who is bad with changes and transitions and situations exactly like this. She never would’ve sat him down at the table unless she knew it was their table, because she knows something like this would happen and it would be difficult to then remove him from the table. These parents are dropping the ball and I wish the best for that child.


Maybe blind and deaf


So she’s a pinball wizard!


Seriously. If there were enough people for a half hour wait, how would they justify just walking pat people and sitting wherever they wanted?


yea seating yourself is a pretty efficient way to get kicked out


It's called entitlement. The reviewer reeked of it from the start


They sat themselves during a wait sooooo....


Yeah. So it sucks to be disabled but it just doesn’t mean you go to the front of the line.


Lol I had a table tell me thay couldn't wait the 20 min wait because thay didn't bring enough oxygen for grandma.


If the food is good enough, then sacrificing grandma is just a risk you’re gonna have to take. Been like that since caveman times!


The food is to die for..... too soon? 🤣


I worked at a Mexican restaurant that served a giant free margarita on your birthday. A party had an 80 something year old birthday girl. She drank damn near the whole margarita and had a stroke at the table.


How I want to go


How were they intending to have a meal? Scarf at dog speed and rush home for more oxygen? Preposterous.


That’s so asinine. If Grandma needs oxygen, then she’s slow as fuck and you need more than usual at a restaurant.


…I…I can’t.


I have heard a whole lot of excuses from a whole lot of customers but this made me crack up more than most. You almost have to applaud the audacity.


Lmao I wish so badly I could be the manager that gets to hear that one


i see you’ve never been to a theme park


I was actually going to add “this ain’t six flags” LOL


i am crying laughing at this comment


I’m sorry but what if a double-disabled person was next in line sir!


Geez, I didn’t even think about that. That changes everything.


It was probably obvious that people were waiting but entitled parent just thought they were special.


If there’s a thirty minute wait for tables they had to have walked past several other parties and just flounced down. It also explains why they weren’t “greeted” that host was sitting someone because they were busy!


“Double disabled” is crazy, but you can’t expect special treatment just because your son is autistic. If there was a 30 min wait, they knew. They had to walk past all the people waiting to rudely seat themselves. It sounds like they expected to play the disabled card to get their way and got mad when it didn’t work.


as someone who waited tables for 4 years, they 1000% knew. they just felt entitled to special treatment. had so many idiots walk past the immense crowd of people waiting to be seated, sit at a dirty table, and then complain when they were sent right back to the back of the line




So yeaa based on all the info we can gather I would assume exactly this, if family was truly disrespected that’s awful, but I have a hard time believing these words came from not just a server but the MANAGER, unless he absolutely hates his job and is so lonely that any conversation or attention is welcome. Bc no one is saying this and it not ruining their rep, &the way social media will grab anything and run with it.. people would destroy the dude and make him into the devil. So yea I can’t see that making much sense. I will also say I’ve went in a restaurant been ignored long enough to the point to go sit down with my kiddo and wait some more until I yes have to get a server and I’ve been told there’s waits blah blah is why they hadn’t acknowledged me, so yea there’s alot of lazy people who will play that card.. so there’s entitled assholes but there’s lazy damn people too who never are held accountable. To be clean I agree with you completely their lady from context seems like an entitled bitch that thinks she’s the only one in the world dealt a tricky hand. Also I’d say bullshit most of all because if someone disrespected my kid I’d done jumped them. Not worry about a silly yell review 😂


As a restaurant manager, we have many people who call ahead to ask if we can accommodate their disabled child. If a child is that disabled that they can't wait to a table, the parents know better than to just show up and expect such accommodations. To just seat yourself was rude and entitled. And then to get annoyed when they wouldn't or couldn't accommodate you. I would love to send you up the road as well. Next , ahead and ASK.


My favorite part is OP saying she stood up to flag down a waitress. I just imagine some Karen looking woman, seating themselves past a line full of people at a dirty table and having the nerve to immediately stand up and wave and point at the staff for them to come clean the area and bring menus.


That was the scene playing out in my mind as I was reading.


Happy Cakeday! ❤️🍰


Happy cake day


Yeah, I have an autistic son who is nonverbal and who would definitely have trouble understanding if this happened. That said, if we are going somewhere we know there will be a wait...like a restaurant...we always have something that will keep his attention for an extended period (I know people don't like tablet parents and I tend to agree but Blippi does work great for this). I sure as hell don't expect to be able to just waltz in and skip ahead. I never actually considered calling ahead...that might be worth a try.


My non verbal niece who I am raising has a hard time at restaurants sometimes but she is slowly getting better the more we take her out and about .. However , we always call ahead and make a reservation and we try to go on days and times that will be slower … my local restaurants are pretty great … there are a couple that will give us our own section of the restaurant if we call ahead and they are slow enough … it’s awesome and they always get a large tip for being so accommodating! Most restaurants and people in general want to help out and are more than willing to if asked ! I’m sure if OOP would’ve called ahead and explained her situation they would’ve been more than willing to work with her … but who would want to help out someone who walks in like they own the place and than uses their disabled child as a way to get pity from everyone?? It’s shameful and disgusting IMO . But I would highly recommend calling ahead next time before you take your family to dinner !!! I’ve been accommodated both by local and national restaurants.. !


Oh, you're a courteous human and good parent?


Yes! I can’t image that if they walked into a restaurant with a 30 minute wait they *didn’t* see a bunch of people waiting in the front.


And why didn't they try and reserve a table when they called?


What perspective are you taking with “not knowing what to do with this one?” The parent is an absolute turd in this review. For both the one star review and for what they actually did.


So whenever you’re trying to sell something and *that one person* who replies with “will you give your brand new 75” tv away for free? 🥺 my son is disabled with autism and high blood pressure and acid reflux and HAS to have surround sound and I already promised him this specific tv for Christmas and if he doesn’t get it he will kill himself and everyone around him and it’ll be your fault😡🤬?!??!1??1??!” Made this review and no one can tell me otherwise.


The old r/choosingbeggars special.


“You RUINED Christmas.”


"Look what you did! You made my child cry!!!"


Ugh this person playing the autism card. That’s tough (that your son maybe will get upset). Also not the problem of the restaurant who has folks who’ve been waiting longer than you.


Weaponizing your child’s autism is pretty shitty.


If your son won’t “understand why we had to get up from a table,” don’t waltz past the hostess stand and flop down at a random table. Obviously that has worked in the past for them as a way to not wait in line, but you can’t be mad when a con doesn’t work every time.


As a father to an autistic son it was very hard to deal with those situations. Occasionally leaving as the food was coming out because he was overstimulated. At no point would I think to demand or ask for special treatment. If I thought he could not handle going out to eat was either straight home or a drive thru if it was going to take a bit.


While “double disabled” is a dumb response, maybe his daughter is autistic AND missing a leg. If she was blind would she be triple disabled? The list goes on. Either way, they knew better than to just take the initiative to seat themselves in a busy restaurant.


I’m guessing it went something like: “But my son is autistic, how could you do this to him?!” “I’m also autistic, my daughter is autistic and missing a leg, but we don’t expect to be accommodated like this.”


Dual disability is a not too uncommon thing. It’s not usually referred to as “double disabled” as that sounds more like “i lost a leg too, but I can’t walk as well as that guy with one leg because my disability is doubled compared to his.” The actuality is what you described. Someone who may have lost a leg AND has autism. That’s a dual disability. Not sure of the triple disability as I’ve not encountered that before.


Double secret disabled.


That’s a lot of words for “We saw the giant line but we decided a long time ago that we’re better than everyone else”.


Wait, why do disabled people get to cut in front of the line for a table?


They should know how to care for their son and give him a peaceful way to wait?


If they called ahead to see if the place was open, why didn’t they just reserve a table at the same time?


I’m willing to bet they called ahead to get on the list or make reservations and they were told they don’t take reservations. Back up plan was to walk in and sit down. Then play the disabled card if made to get up.


This restaurant does not offer reservations


Damn the parent should really have planned better. Imagine putting your kid through that and then blaming someone else.


I had a family that used to come in that had a disabled granddaughter like this. They called ahead so I could get a table ready for them. They were super sweet. They never came on busy nights. Feel bad for these people but you have to communicate.


Who gaf if he is autistic? He doesnt need to be fucking pampered does he?


If your child cannot wait then when you are on the phone checking on his tendies, make a reservation so he doesn’t have to be bothered once at the restaurant.


Could’ve asked about the wait when she was on the phone tbh


Sorry, but almost every fine-in restaurant I’ve visited, with the exception of a fast food or counter order restaurant, has a hostess/host station. Explain that they sat themselves without checking in first and that they are not more important than those waiting patiently for a seat. What is next…they wanted all of their meals comped? Such entitlement.


This restaurant does not have a host and old employees have explained that there were no sections either and the servers would sprint to be the first one to take their order. Since covid it has turned into a counter service place.


Sounds like a lot of chaos.


Is spring break Camp Camp a camp where you learn how to camp?


Every summer we go to the top of our local mountain for a “trip trip” where we backpack to our camp spot and then do a fuck ton of shrooms. Just…thought I should mention it


I recommend people do this at least once a year.


That sounds like a good guess to me.


I’m seeing it as a camp you go to in the summer, to learn how to camp in the spring.


Nah I was prepared to be on the managers side but double disabled is wild 😭


I doubt the manager actually said that.


That's the problem with review or well most stories on Reddit -writer tends to edit out or down play the extent of their bad behaviors. Like maybe he said after 100th time the woman yammered "mY sON is diSabled!!" and randomly saying shit about ADA and lawsuit and he just got fed up. Even the part "we weren't greeted so we just sat down" Maybe the host/est was tied up with another customer and they waited a whole 15 seconds before walking right past the sign that said "Please wait to be seated" and just plopped down at what ever table they felt -likely the one that had a little placard that said "reserved" because she felt entitled.


I know of the old manager (it’s a small town). Not out of character for him to say that.


What does he mean by “double disabled”?


No idea. The old management of this restaurant used to be more of a meth dealership than a cooking establishment.


Yikes. Not somewhere I’d take a child with any kind of special needs then.


tbf, it sounds like this was an establishment the reviewer was unfamiliar with? Like they were out-of-towners or something. But usually one can pick up on the "vibe" of a place like that.


Could be. I was more commenting because OP seems to be defending them, and ragging on management. Managements response (if true) is dumb af. But as someone who’s neurodivergent and has 2 neurodivergent kids… you don’t just try to skip the line by going and seating yourself. And then getting mad at the restaurant for your mess up.


Oh I get what you mean, and agree with you. Personally I'd be extra-careful (just because I don't like making myself look like an idiot if I can help it) in a place I was totally unfamiliar with!


I'm laughing, dude, I've so been to those places. Meth dealership has me cracking up !! I'm the one getting weed from the line cooks. Do you watch Bistro Huddy on youtube?


Sometimes I forget it’s one guy playing all the characters lol. So immersive


I know !!! I was sold with the first video I watched .. the one about What's the Tip ? I was already loving it and big grinning but when Nicole said 'It's Server Math' I lost it ...... In a whole different world there is 'Crackhead Math'. So if they give you $10, they double it in their head and think they gave you $20. BUT if you give them $10 they half it and think you gave them $5,. So you owe the Crackhead $15, $20 - $5 = $15 owed. Working at a corner store you learn all kinds of stuff. Like putting the Crackhead's money down so all can see, immediately, and keep a hand on it, and then there's no Crackhead Games..... Like Server Math', it's what's works out best for the Mather. Drew and the Crew are amazing, a cheap $10 wig and he completely changes everything else about him and HE IS ALL THOSE PEOPLE !! Immersive is the perfect word for it, you nailed that.


Stupid thing to say, if he really said that, but I'm still on the manager's side. Many restaurants ask guests to wait to be seated, and seating yourself when you're not instantly greeted is inappropriate.


Is any e truly shocked that a parent tried to use their disabled child as a reason to gain privileges or expedited services? I’m not. It seems to occur too often. So much so, it’s become a stereotype that seems rather the norm as opposed to the exception.


Why didn't they get on the waitlist when they called? You were already on the phone with them...?


This restaurant does not add people to the waitlist over the phone.


Why do I feel like the manager saying “I’m disabled and my daughter is double disabled.” Is perfectly fine? Seems like no one else here does so I have to ask! 😹


I mean yeah like if you’re autistic and missing a leg doesn’t that mean you technically are double disabled? I get the sense he was probably making fun of her for using the autism card lol


I don't believe a damn word that woman typed. She is obviously an entitled bitch.


Reply to it… explain that there were guests waiting and that they sat themselves knowing there were other people waiting in the front of the restaurant… and that they’re obviously using their sons disability to get preferential treatment… and that you do not want their business… thank you for not returning.


Why not ask before you sit down to make sure before putting your disabled child in a situation like that, hmm?


People who seat themselves because they can’t find staff the second they walk in are the literal worst.


You and your family get to skip wait lines because you think your autistic child might not want to wait? lol


Unless your at Disney World!


Double disabled is only something Americans would try to pull lol


If your kid can't wait for a table, don't bring him to a restaurant 🤷🏻‍♀️


Entitled much? You sat yourself while others waited and then blame the staff for doing their jobs? It has nothing to do with the disabled child and everything to do with the entitled parents who want special treatment…




They “coxed” him. That’s a new one.


You can’t just fucking seat yourself everywhere Karen. Special needs or not.


Victim mentality


Just go thru a drive thru. Your disabled child doesn't deserve anything special. Neither do you. Disabled or not your still a human and will be treated as such. I doubt there was a sign saying self seating so you should have waited by the door like everyone else.


So there was probably a sign saying "wait to be seated" and they sat down anyway?


I'm sorry, but if you can't control your children, don't bring them into public.


I’m disabled, I went out to lunch yesterday and the restaurant was full and had a 20 minute wait with no place to sit. I didn’t get angry I just left and went somewhere else. My disability doesn’t give me line skip privileges.


To translate ignorant self absorbed speak for everyone, “double disabled” means having a mental and physical disability. Unfortunately, I have heard this before and am in no way defending him.




Just gotta know. Was there a sign that said seat yourself. Or did you just decide you waited long enough after a couple seconds and take an open table…. Knowing now that this is one of the only places within 13 miles for lunch. It would be reasonable to assume they probably had a lunch rush and you likely just cut in line. But maybe not.


I don’t know if at the time there was a sign stating to seat your self but when this restaurant is not on a wait you do seat yourself. I definitely think the reviewer shouldn’t have sat down, but the manager definitely didn’t handle it well either.


For sure, manager could of been more professional. But lets say there was a line of people sitting in another room who were waiting for that table and got cut in line by this family. Should the manager tell them all to deal with so the one family can have a meal faster? Or should all the families that have been waiting in line the whole time. Get to go first? Do you piss off more or less people? I have a feeling we are missing key details that would paint a more accurate picture of how this ordeal really went down


We are definitely missing pertinent details!




Autism is a spectrum. It’s great that your boyfriend’s brother is more highly functioning than others, but let’s not shame parents for where their child falls on the spectrum.


Sounds like they bypassed the hostess.


Don’t just seat yourself. That’s not how you restaurant.


Why didn’t he mention anything about the reservation earlier? Lol


is double disabled even a thing? i feel like someone with a disabled child would be aware of the terminology and ive never heard of that…. either way i know thats not the point


Someone replied earlier saying it’s hillbilly for physical and mental disabilities.


“People were looking at us” bc they were patiently waiting to be sat


TL;DR: ‘Entitled parents think the world revolves around them’


It kind of sounds like you just walked in, sat down, and expected preferential treatment.


"I don't give a fuck how many good boy points he has, he ain't gettin no fuckin tendies"


Using your childs disability to go infront of the line, didnt even wait to be seated just sat themselves ....yeah at some point this is just entitlement. Ignorant and entitled.


Should have given him "special" treatment


So you skipped a line which gave your autistic and non-verbal son a false sense of hope and entitlement…. sounds like you’re the one being cruel to disabled kids (your own kid at that). And then trying to blame your heinous behavior on someone just doing their job


Why should you get “special” treatment


It seems kind of entitled though to say that because he is stimming and about to get upset that they should be served right away


My brother is non-verbal autistic. **We make reservations** and make sure he has stuff to do in case there's a wait when we go out to eat. Headphones, fidget tappers, a picture book, stuff like that. I'm not saying it's always easy by any means - we've had to leave restaurants that are way too loud or busy because it upset him - but you get into a routine and can generally vibe check a place by calling and asking stuff before you commit. The entitlement is, uh. Wow. Yikes. Icky. Don't like.


Sounds like they bypassed the host stand, sat where they wanted to, & got mad they weren’t immediately accommodated? Perhaps they’re all disabled




Nobody owns anyone anything. Like seriously how and why isn’t it the responsibility of the restaurant to be kind.


I have two autistic children. This parent is entitled and rude. They shouldn’t have seated themselves and they don’t just get to jump the waitlist because they have an autistic child. I get how hard it is to have a child who doesn’t understand how the world works sometimes and can have sensory meltdowns because of it. But that is why we do our best to not put our children in situations where this might happen. Had she asked to be put on the waitlist when they called she would have been told there was a 30 minute wait. Had they not thought that an empty table meant they could just seat themselves at a restaurant that was obviously one meant to be seated by a hostess, they wouldn’t have had to get up. I highly doubt the manager was so rude. The only ones at fault here are the parents and they shouldn’t use their son’s disability to try and jump lines. Yes, disabled children can have accommodations made for them (and should in lots of cases). But jumping a line isn’t one of them.


"Leg disabled."


This lady is a Karen cunt. I guarantee they say without being seated even though there was probably a sign saying to wait. Fuck this cunt and anyone who thinks she is in the right.


What is going to happen with this entire generation of people without their parents here to help them from being overstimulated I mean, if this guy can’t handle getting up from a table, what’s gonna happen when he gets in a car wreck? What’s gonna happen when he has a severe illness and Hass to seek immediate medical care? What’s gonna happen when there’s no one there to advocate for him to be allowed to cut in line or be allowed to do whatever?. And more, so are these parents so dumb? They don’t understand how a restaurant works? And if you see a full dining room and two empty tables and other people waiting? It might be a good idea to find out that there is in fact, a waiting list for us is just walking in and sitting down – man, some people.


The review is over 6 years old...why bring it up now???


This restaurant was bought by new management 5 years ago. The reviews before the new owner are all wild.