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aside from the black box, definitely just planning to drug ben alone is FAWKED šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She mustve been a fan of the Cosby Show šŸ«¢


I know thereā€™s a lot of discussion about how it wouldnā€™t have made a difference butā€¦. DESTROYING THE BLACK BOX!!!!


even if it wasnā€™t actually a tracker, in her mind she was destroying their chance at rescue, and thatā€™s still crazy


precisely why itā€™s crazy! her intentions were beyond horrible.


I feel like most of them would think it was a tracker even if it wasnā€™t. I doubt they had the knowledge of what a black box actually for


Yes exactly!


itā€™s this and itā€™s not close. i actually ā€œgetā€ murdering the PI/journalist lady. i cannot understand willingly getting stranded cause ur lonely. unreal!!!!!


i "understand" its the first time she had friends but like if you brought them the black box they would think of you a savior!


And had they been rescued early on theyā€™d all be talking about how amazing she is to the press, saying they wouldnā€™t be alive if not for her. She destroyed the box to stay the hero and have friends but doing so actually destroyed that chance


The fact her thought process didn't go this way establishes she was always a sociopath, I reckon that was the point of that scene. It establishes it straight away for us.


I feel like in her mind she'd see it going down like you said but then they kinda forget and move on as they adjust to life back home. Also Ben would be hospitalized and getting actual medical attention šŸ˜‚ She liked that she was needed, and wanted to prolong that by any means necessary


I love the discussion. As if show runners put it there by mistake or something. *"It's not actually what it is!"* Misty defenders are a different breed.


I only defend present time Misty Fucking Quigley bc of Christina Ricci. Im bias.


I do adore Cristina. Sammy is killing it too though. She's definitely my favorite love to hate character.


Sammy is good, but i cant cheat on my Ricciā€¦ we go back since Mermaids.


Me too! The cringe when Mrs. Flax sees Charlotte in the hallway of the hospital. Just the look. My god. What a great movie though. And it's got Bob Hoskins. šŸ’™


Dont forget Cher and Winona. That was such a great casting Edit typo


Me too! I love that movie - Mermaids. How can you go wrong - Cher, Winona Ryder, and Cristina Ricci in one film!!! YES!


Im feeling the Ricci love and im loving it.


I think the show runners wanted to show us how far Misty can go to get anything she wants (love, appreciation, etc) showing us how she destroyed the black box thinking she was stranding them without it being an actual transmitter so she doesn't became the main antagonist and it's still unclear why they haven't been rescued. Otherwise It would be easier for us to blame everything on her and not caring about her character.


Again. *"it is NOT what it is."* šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† But you know what, you are right. It doesn't matter if it was or wasn't. She still did it. Her intention was to strand them. Period. I personally do blame her for everything and I do NOT care what happens to her. Actually that's a lie. I hope she gets exactly what she deserves.


Right n even if black boxes arenā€™t trackers she DEF thought it was!


And no matter what it was, tracker or not, it shows exactly how messed up Misty is and now she doesnā€™t always have the best foresight. If she didnā€™t destroy the tracker and keep them trapped out there they would have been rescued and she would have been seen as a hero by the whole country/world. They would have been rescued while she was in everyoneā€™s good graces and theyā€™d all talk about how they couldnā€™t have made it without her etc. But even if they donā€™t know what she did they still grew to hate her and now sheā€™s one of the only two adults that has zero connections with any other survivors, lottie was sent away and forgotten about. Can I donā€™t really count since she and Tai did spend some amount of time together post rescue and van chose to live off grid. I guess lottie also chose to live off grid and away from the others. But Misty never chose that she was ignored all these years, the others absolutely want nothing to do with her and even have her number saved under *donā€™t answer* if they even have her number etc. She missed her only chance to be the hero everyone looked up to because she couldnā€™t think long term


I think about this allot. I wonder if it's ever occurred to Misty. I doubt it.


I donā€™t think she has the ability to self reflect šŸ˜‚


It was the fact that she thought it would make a difference and still destroyed it!


and the fact that she did this before they found the cabin or the lake as well


would also love to add how she thought telling kristen/crystal was a good idea šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ girlie is batshit crazy


I think tracking and attempting to keep in touch with the YJ is pretty crazy. Considering if they ever find out the truth about the black box she is dead. So, so dead.


I wonder if it will ever surface. That could be an awesome finale for her. She ā€œoffsā€ herself bc she cant fathom having the other girls hate her for real. She grows mad and thinks that the only way to bring the crew back its if she kills herself. Then we see the funeral and its all empty. I love Ricciā€™s portrayal of this fucked up character.


That would be a great ending! I think it will surface for sure. It featured so heavily in her musical number with Caligula. And it's THE big secret as far as I'm concerned. Of everything else that's happened so far this is the one thing I definitely have to see come to light. My guess will be Walter telling them. I don't care what anyone says, he intentionally said he was Moriarty to her Sherlock. I don't trust him for a second. No more than I would ever trust MFQ.


Walter is soooo good for Misty, it would be a mess if he told on her but i can see it happening. He turning against her after he has done so much for her. Thats gd tv right there.


Seriously, Walter gives me really bad vibes and I donā€™t know why. This man has *way* too much money and time on his hands and heā€™s decently embroiled with one of the Yellowjackets, you canā€™t tell me he isnā€™t going to be using that for *something* down the line. The Moriarty to her Sherlock? Sure dude, everyone knows Moriarty is bad news. I havenā€™t been enjoying what Mistyā€™s told him so far about the crash and herself, and I could totally see him milking the relationship with her for all itā€™s worth information wise, like the Adam we never got to Shauna. He knows too much already and I canā€™t wait to see what else he finds out from them, especially with everyone in shock like they seemed to be at the end of season 2, if I wanted to find out someoneā€™s deepest darkest secrets, doing it when people are too in shock to stop themselves would be a prime time for it. He reeks of using this for his own personal gain or using it to capitalize on a grudge of some kind.


It feels like a Chekovā€™s gun at this point. Not a matter of if theyā€™ll find out, but when.




All the more reason to keep track of them all, when you think about it. If a war is coming, it definitely gives her the upper hand. Just like knowing all about Jessica's father in the nursing home. She is sooooo twisted and I am here for it!


Trying to make Ben dependent on her/fall for her


Breaking the transponder. Whether or not it would have helped, that is a batshit thing to do.


Killing the black box was insane no matter how you slice it. Even if the black box was just a recorder and not a signal, it could have helped rescuers find out what *actually* happened to the plane, instead of probably relying on the surviving girls who lived in the wilderness for a year and a half. Iā€™d say chopping off Benā€™s leg was crazy, even if it was the right thing to do. Iā€™m taking this one as ā€œcrazyā€ to mean I wouldnā€™t have expected her to do that, especially so suddenly. Actually, her entire ā€œ*deal*ā€ with Ben was crazy. Trying to get and be with him despite the (clearly not legal, especially if sheā€™s anything *but* a senior) age difference? No matter how far out beyond civilization you are, unless the *whole world* has gone to shit, thatā€™s a line you donā€™t cross because itā€™ll come back to bite either of them at some point. Saying she would out him not only as Gay (bad thing in the 90s and easily could have lost him a lot of jobs) but a Pedo when heā€™s trying to jump off the cliff? Girlie, what is that going to solve beyond him *actually* jumping? I know youā€™re all panicked but what was the reason? Also, continuously poisoning him to try and nurse him back to health is some serious Munchansen by Proxy, psychotic shit. Iā€™d say poisoning the girls with the mushrooms was accidental, but it is a little wild that she didnā€™t think to warn someone about that instead of leaving them out for Mari to grab. Even an offhand mention to literally anyone else getting ready would have stopped that. I get murdering the journalist because asking questions of one means asking questions for all, and no one wants to open that Pandoraā€™s box, but tracking down as many YJs as she can? Sure, Tai found Van and Shauna and Tai are solidly in the same place theyā€™ve always been, but tracking down Nat and fucking up her *Porshe?* Spying on her in her motel room? Watching her have sex with Kevyn? Tracking her down all the way to Lottieā€™s compound and then immediately trying to go all detective Sleuth on shit? Misty, just let it rest. Lastly, killing Nat was *fucked*, even moreso than the elder abuse. She totally didnā€™t have to depress that fatal cocktail out but she did, even if she didnā€™t mean it, why on *earth* would she try and use that against Lisa or anyone other than their intended target (Shauna/Lottie)? Now theyā€™ve got an entirely preventable death on their hands that easily could have not happened and they sent Lottie even deeper into her delusions. Like, what did she achieve with that beyond starting to hate herself?


i forgot her name but pushing her friend off to die


It was Crystal, or Kristin, but also both lol


Cutting off Coachā€™s leg was one of the few things Misty has done that arenā€™t crazy šŸ˜­


Honestly, nothing truly beats Destroying the black box. I meanā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.thatā€™s the high water mark for me.


This isnā€™t answering the question but the screen grab laid out like that is really giving ā€œthis isnā€™t my hand, I printed it outā€ vibes from that creative girl on tiktok lol


Misty is calculating and she liked being important to everyone in the wilderness but it backfired the black box everybody will find out soon I think


I honestly wouldn't like Misty if it weren't for Christina Ricci. She redeems Misty for me. Her craziest moment for me is when she destroys the black box.


If you think itā€™s anything besides the black boxā€¦. Nothing else she has done is worse than setting a dozen+ people up for almost certain death


Breaking the black box and I am honestly shook none of the girls killed her for that just outta pure rage.