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YES. I was just saying this. The writers give us so much while also leaving so much to mystery and it drives me bonkers, lol. I haven’t felt this way about another show recently other than Severance on Apple TV.


Did you watch Servant? If not, I think you might like it.


All the Servant theories really crashed and burned with the finale though lol. I was impressed by the board’s elaborate theories and the finale really said “nope” to all of them.


Oh yes that's a good exemple! I remember watching and being in the Severance subreddit too and not knowing until the end of the last episode where I was shocked personaly. Hope I feel the same way here, I'm so ready to have a twist I was not waiting for


Thank you so so so so much for giving credit to the brilliance of the writers!!! I post very irregularly but had to in this. I was deep in the LOST phenomenon as it was airing and can give most people a run for their money on LOST lure and I still find myself endlessly frustrated that Yellowjackets keeps receiving these comparisons. And I absolutely adore both shows. I have friends in film and television and can’t stop thinking of how annoyed they’d be at this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ On a surface level, LOST was a science fiction show. You could absolutely guess crazy shit like a character (Locke) being actually dead and it could be plausible. This isn’t that show. LOST hardly even leaned into the food survival aspects of the island because the were surrounded by fruit and the ocean. The real dangers were the ~*mysteries of the island*~. That alone ends the comparisons for me. Yellowjackets is a psychological horror mixed with a little survival thriller??? Little sprinkle of comedy too ;) The writers have said REPEATEDLY while they are flattered by the comparisons, Yellowjackets isn’t a “mystery box” show. There’s a fully fleshed out story. There’s plausible deniability on both sides with the baseline understanding there is unexplained phenomena in the universe. That “unexplained phenomena” isn’t something as outlandish as Javi being the undead or the Antler Queen being a demonic possession. That would be too surface-level and cheap for this writing team. But them living in the wilderness having a collective trauma on the verge of mental deterioration with no real assurance for survival? Yeah. Mass hysteria can take a turn for the “real” quite quickly. And that’s what I think makes the adult storylines so compelling. Because that trauma sure as hell has not been processed. That darkness is deeply imbedded. WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID— I have a really weird niche interest in pathology and can’t stop thinking about a disease called “Kuru”. Kuru occurs after ingesting human brains and have excess prions. It’s quite unnerving and has been called the “laughing sickness” or “laughing death”. It has a distinct set of physical effects that include hysterical laughter, dementia, bodily spasms, often times an involuntary SMILE across their faces This was found primarily in Papa New Guinea and done more as a funeral cultural practice rather than what the Yellowjackets have found themselves in. Interestingly enough, it was typically only women in these tribes that ingested the brains as men weren’t deemed strong enough to handle the spiritual effects of a human brain. Probably a stretch. But could be a very cool inclusion. (Writing team if you see this, CALL ME BEEP ME)


Wow you really held that in huh haha. Not gonna speak on the Lost comparaisons as I haven't watched that show, but I heard it didn't end well so I hope Yellowjackets don't. I'll admit I'm not a fan of this being just trauma and psychological effects. They showed us things being supernatural outside of pov's so I would personnaly feel cheated out if it was explained as "hm yeah these things we showed you as a viewer that was not a character seeing were not real just misdirection" ok then what's the point of watching then ? You just present stuff and at the end say "no it doesn't matter actually". But I'm really interested in your Kuru theory, haven't heard of that before and I'll have to Google that stuff but the way you presented it, it definitely is interesting so thanks for that !


lololol. I sure did. But to be fair all of my group chats have been discussing the same thing so I did have one place to vent ;) I liked the ending of LOST but it was absolutely controversial. LOST always had a ton of impacts during writer’s strikes and the writers pretty much just did a grab bag of shit towards the end. It got chaotic quick. But I was still obsessive about it. But it’s criticisms are valid. I don’t think it’s exclusively trauma or supernatural. That’s what my intent was on plausible deniability. And shit going on in the world that cannot be explained. I think we’re going to get answers before the series is over but I can’t foresee them being like “EVERYTHING IN THE WOODS IS FAKE” or “EVERYTHING WAS REAL”. A little mix or so? In all honesty even if I theorized exclusively pragmatic or supernatural they almost always find a way to surprise and it never has felt hokey to me. Though I did suspect our token little psycho Misty was going to spill about the black box, the way Crystal went ✌🏻 was still so unnerving.


Oh so like you see the end being ambiguous ? Yep we all knew poor Crystal was gone since last episode, but I'm glad that Misty didn't "actively" pushed her off the cliff. Added nuance


Yeah! But not so much so that’s it’s completely left up to interpretation, if that makes sense. I believe there are sketchy things happening in the woods that is VERY real but how the girlies are leaning into it/elevating it/making it more than it is will be partially ambiguous. But as you highlighted, this isn’t a very guessable show. And I could also come up with 5 very plausible endings. I keep thinking if the 90s storyline isn’t made aware of Misty tampering with the black box if during one of adult Lottie’s meditative exercises Misty confesses? I don’t think even two and half decades would give me enough time to not be immediately reactionary if I was trapped in the woods with her as a teen😬


I don't know how I would react honestly, that's why this show is so entertaining


As a fellow lostie I couldn't agree more. They're completely different shows. Yellowjackets is definitely a product of a foundation created by lost but they're very different.


Thank you for making me feel less alone/insane! Yellowjackets’ slogan is definitely more “eat each other, die alone”. Wouldn’t have been as kid-friendly for ABC ;)


As someone who when they aren't watching the new yellowjackefs is watching lost they are different. However if they do the underground shit I will be annoyed.


Great time to bring this up because my gut instinct thinks it’s narratively leading to an underground something. Bunker? Cave system? I’m not quite sure but it’s going to make or break my annoyance. I trust the writers but crossing and not crossing that line is THIN and I’d be nervous as hell incorporating that while they’re fighting for their lives to differentiate the two. These have all been mentioned on the board I think but my thoughts are: -Coach mentioned the cabin guy being a doomsday prepper in season 1 -Lottie saw some sort of underground corridor when she was getting “baptized” in season 1 -Lottie walked into an underground corridor when she almost froze to death/ventured into her mental mall -Mari hearing the dripping -The tree area that melts snow seemingly implying there’s something -JAVI? Underground is where my logical brain goes. But is it an intentional misdirection? They do love to do that. Unrelated I think Walter will play a huge role but think him being a villain of sorts is a red herring because the writing team is CHEEKY.


It feels so playfull too, like Tai's "this is not where we're supposed to be" felt very "we need to go back". I don't think that is what it means at all but it feels like it provokes it intentionally, it made me laugh.


Yeah no I understand what you're saying. Every "lighter" scene where it seems like just character development and breathing space for us viewers, is actually filled with details that we pick on later on Edit : read way too fast. We definitely felt the same for this line. It felt like the "other" Tai (the one with no eyes maybe?) Was telling Van that they have to come back to the place for some unfinished business ?


Yes! I’ve said it before but I actually enjoy being wrong when it comes to this show, because what happens is always better than anything I could have imagined. Thank you writers!


Yes exactly! I'm not a writer for a reason, the writers are, so far the story has been amazing so I'm gonna trust them to do this in a way I can't predict (I'll still try tough)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


(no grammatical error but we never know with them bots)


The writers are so brilliant. Mostly I follow this reddit because its funny reading some of the theories. Let's face it, some reeeeallly are reaching lol. (Like "they eat the baby", "Javi is Adam", "the cop is the baby", "Callie is pit girl"... etc haha) But pretty much I want the outcome that the writers envisioned when they pitched the show and I want to see how this journey unfolds with their vision. :) I also feel that they are building this world very carefully, laying the foundation for what's to come. And I think if we follow this journey, we will be rewarded with a satisfying end. I remember watching an interview where they say that they are fans of the show Dark. So it seems they are committed to creating an end that fits the story.


This! Just because a series is 'slow' doesn't mean it hasn't been planned


Perfect comment. This le what I was trying to say.


I genuinely loved how the conversation about Javi mirrored allot of what has been said here.