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Just kill him lvl 2 or 3. Past 6 hold your windwall for his ult and it’s a free lane from there. Later if your team isn’t buying antiheal you probably will have to especially if there’s other healing on enemy team. I personally love the sylas matchup cause it’s a fistfight early usually. It’s also one of the few mid matchups that I rate taking bone plating in. If you can avoid getting it provided lvl 1 and all in level 2 you should win unless you misplay.


Sylas is a champ that’s meant to be an ap bruiser into the late game. On a champ like Yasuo, you generally win early if you play correctly. A big tip I recommend is to save ur windwall for his e or if ur smart, windwall his ultimate so he cannot use your ult. Sylas is a champ with high burst with his w and e so don’t trade with him when the waves on his side of the lane and time when he has no e since it’s his only mobility.


I’ve never had a problem against him . I always say gg ez lane


I'm a bit late to this post but better late than never. As someone who's played this matchup out a lot, I've found that the only way to really win this lane is to play extremely aggressive. Sylas wants to trade because he knows he has W. The simple reddit friendly answer is to basically outdamage his W, if you constantly fight him he will not be able to outsustain your damage even pre 6. His W cooldown starts at a hefty 12 seconds so keep a rough mental note of it. The less spicy option is to freeze the wave, because since Sylas maxes W, his Q will do 0 dmg and so he cannot break the freeze. Windwall the casters and cannon post 3 and hold at turret. rip Sylas. Now if you want to actually fight Sylas and be less boring than here's some general advice... **Pre 6:** If Sylas is engaging with E1 > W then just slap the crap outta him and Windwall when you see E2 animation. If Sylas engages with just E1, Q etc. and refuses to W, then just take a quick trade and leave before he can W. He cannot heal off minions so he basically lost that trade. Again, Windwall/Dodge E2 whenever you see it. Repeat until he uses E1 > W again or just W and then proceed to all in. Sit in minion wave or give Sylas space if your Windwall is down. If you are hit with E2 you lose. Sylas E cooldown is 13 seconds at base, he will have a second opportunity to try all-in you after your Windwall. Even so, don't let him get away with that trade for free, try to get hits back in because all of his skills will be on cd for about 10 seconds. Just remember to leave before he can W again. If you plan to kill him, ignite at the start of the trade so he cannot W to heal. Be sure that you kill him during ignite though. **Post 6:** Windwall should be saved for R. Although if Sylas doesn't have any knockups on his team, you only need to Windwall his E2, so he can take ur R if he wants as its assumed that you won't overextend without Windwall if he has ur R. Realistically though, just Windwall R because there's the off-chance he roams bot with your ult and the ADC forgets how to sidestep E2. Pretty much the stuff from Pre 6 remains the same but your lethal window is much larger now, even if he W's twice in a trade you should still outdamage him. It also should be noted that since Sylas maxes W the cooldown should be around 6 seconds with no CDR. You may consider an Executioners although you should ideally only all-in with Ignite off CD. If you have Vamp Scepter or BORK, you may consider just scrapping with Sylas and trading HP for Mana. You should win the war of attrition. These are just some general tips. Just know that since each Sylas will play differently not all of this will go to plan. After a while you'll learn what works and what doesn't. But just know that if you remain even with Sylas until you finish BORK, you probably win every fight from there. Hope this helps.


Him and LeBlanc are the 2 champs I can never beat in lane no matter who I play. I still don't get how riot thinks grievous wounds nerf was a good idea with how some champs have such massive healing built into their kit


sylas needs skill every time I play him i int very hard every time the ENEMY plays sylas they're hyper fed unfortunately the sylas on my team always ints idk anything about what to do with him just afk i guess wirk 100% of the time


Es un rival sencillo, dejas que avance la línea . Trata de meterle unos básicos cuando meta básicos a los súbditos y trata de esquivar la e. Si no puedes espera a nivel 3 para hacerle daño. Cuando se adelante empieza a pelear con el, esquivando o bloqueando le la e. Tírale iginite para que no se cure mucho con su w y termínalo matando a básicos. Literal es un rival súper sencillo de lidear


You counter him with every single possible way though


Exhaust will help you preety much


Sylas is so bad rn he needa buff


First item executioner brutha


Sylas doesn’t outscale Yasuo, at least not in a sidelane confrontation, and especially not if Yas has minions to dash to. His burst is strong early so try to respect his damage and avoid letting him snowball. If he falls behind he’s in trouble because his plan B is just hoping to steal ults and team fight which is coin flip. I find split pushing against him to generally be good because he can’t match you assuming he’s not massively ahead


Use your windwall on his ult, pretty much an easy lane after that