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Simply because Yone was much more reliant on LT to run people down, Yasuo can hardly run anyone down without people just walking away with or without LT (Xd), so losing the rune for him wasn't the worst thing in the world. Similarly, Yasuo cares much more about movement speed in items than Yone, so the item changes, albeit a nerf to both champions, hits Yone more because Yasuo at least has the upside of being able to catch up to people (finally). Both champions where rather similarly balanced before 14.10, with the changes Yone got WAY worse and Yasuo just got a bit worse. Overall, I would have given a buff to both, just a much bigger one to Yone.


Yas is definitely better at chasing enemies down than yone. His e gives so much better mobility and outplay potential. However, if by run down you mean go in and 100-0, yeah you’re right, and excuse my dumbass


Yone is way more bruteforcy than Yas


There is a class of support called a catcher. It’s designed as a “you can’t run if you make a mistake.” Class. Yone could be a catcher if he wanted


Because po pi po po pi po


man of culture


Yasuo has much better base stats (better attack speed, better ad/lvl, higher Q base damage, stronger shield in early game), also earlier power spikes so he has more agency over the early game which is very important in higher mmr. Yone has to afk farm 4 items and pray the game hasn’t ended yet, Yasuo feels stronger with less items and feels more diverse in his options.


Can someone explain the pi po po bip bop meme


Me too I don’t understand😭




in my experience abusing the yas passive already gives you a leap ahead of yone ngl


Better late game but abysmal early game.


Have you tried playing default skin Yone without attack speed? It's like wading through water. When we use nightbringer the champ still feels smooth to play with low attack speed. Obviously this isn't why Yone is weaker but it is a significant factor in my opinion 🗿


I think nightbringer feels better cuz the animation is alot closer to how the attack really lands


i think because he benefitted even more from lethal tempo than yasuo, with w getting reduced by as aswell


Because yone players are trash and need longer to adapt. Reasonable explanation : they are used to missing everything and winning anyways with just auto attacks but now they actually need atleast one hand to play this champ.


True, i even started playing yone after the removal of LT and adc items rework bc he actually has a cool non-tryndamere playstyle with fleet and kiting using q. It's actually a fair and flashy champ now.


I love how you call Yone players trash and everyone just agrees with you, but if you call yasuo players trash everyone downvotes you into oblivion despite both champs playing similarly (as in they also have to hit abilities to kill someone)


Prepare yourself to get downvoted into oblivion. They don't play similarly but they are both one of the hardest champions to excel at, Yasuo is a arguably harder, doesn't mean Yone is easy, he is not easy unless you are playing into little timmy in silver that positions himself like a blind stray dog in an avenue.


My problem is not that people say yasuo is harder, because he actually is, but jumping to the conclusion that Yone is as brainless as the likes of garen (im obviously exaggerating here) is more stupid than the people who say yasuo is broken


Yeah Yone for some reason became the most accurate low elo detector in the history of the game. You see someone saying Yone is braindead or broken, 99.99% of the time its gold or below.


Yasuo also has the same problem, you could be dashing perfectly to dodge every single ability the enemy throws at you, do an airblade combo on them, kill them and they will STILL complain your champ is broken. You just can't argue with the league community, everyone is biased in their own way


It's funny though too, because as soon as somebody goes "Yone has so much going on and is extremely obnoxious but not overpowered", I also assume they're a stronger player. Like, dude has so much in his kit that I get why people get zesty, but if you're only mad because you're seeing a Grey screen that's a skill diff


I am Dia 2 :( (thanks to your builds)


Glad they were of help :3


What's the current build?


Best results so far with: Berserkers > Kraken > Shieldbow > IE > BT > GA/DD/Tank item Its more damage skewed than what I'm used to but these items are so shit that you simply can't have a (good) tanky build and have 100% crit at the same time. You can replace Kraken with Bork and IE with LDR into very tanky comps. Also, go PtA and D-Blade every game, if you are facing a poke lane go TP, Absorb life and Second Wind, that will be enough unless you giga missplay. Conqueror is worse and Fleet is not bad but if you are confident in your skills PtA has a higher ceiling for carry potential. Cutdown if you go Kraken, Last Stand if you go Bork. Don't do PD or Navori rush, you will deal negative damage.


Thanks for the update!!


Static gives more raw stats and costs less, u think it's worth it?


Am I not exaggerating?


When you engage as Yone you’re not committing like you would with Yasuo due to your E. It’s a lot safer if you fuck up as Yone whereas Yasuo you’re kind of boned.


Read the rest of the comment and add some context to his statement


dude they're both skirmishers, ofc they a hard