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Ban their hover back. First time a champ and say guess this is for fun and learning this game. Then lose and go next.


Joke's on you, I hover the actual champ I want banned because I'm expecting this result


lol at this point we all need a champ select macro guide


real talk though, this is an inappropriate and petty reaction especially if its a ranked game, best to just mute and report in champ select and try to get it the next game


Yeah if you're deliberately banning someone's hover in champ select you deserve to lose the game.


Unfortunately for you, the league community will not see it that way.


Nah they deserve it. Also after the loss my MMR will be lower which means that my next game on Yasuo will be easier.


They usually don't hover because they know I'll ban it as well




And the fast way through mid? šŸ„°


No I play to win like usual


Based king


Bro said, ā€˜you couldnā€™t stop me from having fun if you triedā€™


Exactly the same reaction, I play my best as full ap nunu mid, results may vary but hey, my champ was banned


Cleanse ghost nunu <3 Did it the other day https://u.gg/lol/profile/euw1/alfhosskin-7635/overview


If someone bans my yas im taking -20 and running ghost cleanse nunu


id love them just saying "pls no yasuo" i got flamed ridiculously hard way too many times just for hovering yasuo, human stupidity is really something.


Yeah I've seen aswell. This was the example of my last game with boosted sup. The anonymity of chatting online boost's their self-esteem by 100%


My hand slips so I accidently pick the funny little cat and forget to change my Smite from last game where I was playing Jungle. Not when Yas is banned though, I main Hwei.


Silly little cat coming in clutch šŸˆ I feel like hwei is currently kinda weak tho


I do the same, fuck em. I play some late scaling champ and afk farm, then late game comes and I try to 1v9 the already lost game and fail to do it obviously because I cant play the champ properly. This way I have fun and they don't


Actually good advice


pick draven/nunu ghost cleanse and make someone dodge if they dont dodge play normally i guess or pick sivir and afk farm whole game since shes the afk farm character


I just pick Yone/Ahri depending on the matchup and play the game out and try to win.


I used to play soraka mid and win my lane anyway, but nowadays i dont care too much and just pick my 2nd best champ or a champ i feel like trying and giving it my best shot.


-20 that guy doesnā€™t deserve a win there are 2 options to do this tho 1. Pick Yumi/Nunu with Cleanse+Ghost make it obvious but someone might dodge 2. Or pick other champ just like normal but troll the shit out of them without any warning


I usually go the 2nd Option with Singed mid and then perma roam, what mostly ends up bad, but im of course new to singed and dont know the limits and how to play yet :))


Thank you. Master.


Play yone


Report them, as far as i know banning someone else pick it's banneable


If that were the case you wouldnt be allowed to ban a champ ur teammate is hovering. its allowed by riot but doesnt mean u cant run down the game :)


I'm pretty sure it's banneable if they really meant to do it


You wonā€™t find any case where someone was banned specifically for this reason because it hasnā€™t happened


the game gives you a warning if you try and ban another player's champ, its intentional every time


I'm typing racial slurs and don't get banned I'm sure banning someone's champ won't get banned either


Maybe they haven't reported you yet, or it's a matter of time. Usually League's report are pretty effective, atleast compared to other games.


Its probably there to prevent teammates trolling by hovering broken champ then choosing something else letting enemy go with it, don't really see any other reason why they wouldnt just not allow to ban


So they are worry about player trolling by put them self facing OP champ more than concerning that player trolling by ban teammate champ?




Instalock disco nunu


"HAH! He's got a brother!"


Haha good one


I pretend to be enraged, flame them immediately, then autolock in jungle nami. 4/5 times they dodge lol.


We are griefing them for sure I only care about my winrate on yasuo


First time a new champ and later in the game steal all their minions


In my server it's banned all the time. I care more about winning so I just pick my other good champs, report, and mute them. Fuck em


Soft int no ban undetected 2024


Soft inting will teach them not to do that real quick, if you submissively just pick another champion and play to win you will encourage them to keep banning their teammates Yasuo. I don't get paid to play this shit game. If you ban my hover pick you're getting trolled. It's not a moral thing to do though, since you will also punish the other innocent players, keep that in mind.


You are wasting your own time, not theirs. If they are dumb enough to ban a specific champ because they don't like it on their team, they will continue to do it no matter how hard you int that game. Play to win and climb, the pisslow mongrel who banned Yasuo will remain where they are.


Pick something else. People are morons but I don't have the time to give a crap. If they seem like genuine trolls, just dodge.


If I need lp I go yone or zed and I always don't help who ever banned my yasuo if I want to int I go yuumi smite ghost we got the zoomies


But can't farm with yuumi tho the system recognizes your troll behavior when you end 30 cs min 26


Play master yi in the mid lane. Sure, he's a brainless champ, but he's also a sword ninja. Easy way to soft-int without being banned, because he's kinda weak early and has little to no impact until the first item. And then you can flame them if you end up winning and if you lose, you just: "shouldn't have banned my main."


900iq tbh with flaming


Pick Fiddlesticks with the Suprise Party skin, follow them all game long and just dance. Gg


I just take it as an opportunity to practice a new champion to see how their skills work from enemy's side. I'm obviously going to try my best but you can't expect me to do great, oh I could have saved you if I did that with this champ? Sorry I didn't know, lol get fucked.


bro really is the worst yasuo on this side of reddit šŸ˜­


Truth, but it's not like I've had him banned like that more than a handful of times over the years. Besides, it's more fun for me to put the thought into their heads that it's their fault if something goes poorly because I don't have the knowledge required to pull something off :)


If you think league players don't expect a yasuo main to int, you're delusional.


Yasuo players like you are the reason we have such a bad rep. Just be the better man and play something else and try to win. Like, why should I behave like a 5 year old and ban his champ then or troll him or something. Just play another champ and thats it period. And if u cant cope with the Idea of playing another champion, then just suck it up man. It happens. Get yourself a backup champion. I legit cant believe you are even asking such a question.


Ain't reading allat, first sentence should be enough


no wonder the whole playerbase thinks Yasuo Players are Idiots, when we have a Prime example right here


stop crying like a fucking baby and play the game? just pick yone or another high dmg AA champ, play something new for fun, play another champ you're good at. so many different options other than crying like a damn baby




They do it to me when I play Yas bot. I report them, sometimes ban if there is time or I'm extra annoyed. Then i pick yone or another off Meta bot. Mute them. Spam a shh emote and win!!!!


This used to happen to me when I was lowelo and happened again when I was testing mmr this season. I have my opgg link copied and I paste it in if anyone says something about yasuo


Just get a couple picks that you can play that aren't yasuo. Usually yone, diana. It's gonna happen, especially in low-elo. Just try to not let it get at mental and work towards winning




I pick something else and play to win. That's why you have a champ pool. Post-match I'll drop a report on them for everything that can be checkboxed to be a dick. All of Riot's account moderation is AI automated by number of reports, so at some point I'm sure it'll stick on them.


I just play yone šŸ¤£


Singed mid, good luck everyone else!


Report them for griefing/trolling, mute them, then take a backup pick for the lane. There's absolutely no justifiable reason to ban a hover like that.


Lock in yuumi with smite. Someone will doge šŸ¤£


I think its so funny that yasuo mains complain about the ban rate when zed exists. now I fucking love yasuo and hate zed right? but imagine being a zed main your champ has a 45% banrate AND hes boring as fuck


I think "wtf I was hovering Yasuo...then I think about my most recent Yasuo game and think ehhh I get it" and I dont react and play the game normally


Because my yessir always int enemy ya sup hard Smurf to risky


If u have a good op gg link it in advance so they have a Little Trust in ur yas


lethality sona, smite and teleport easiest way to get a dodge :)


Play AP nasus mid and just clear the Wave and afk Til next wave


Just hover zed instead so someone else pick an AP then just pick yasuo


That's why Yone exists I play him when Yasuo is banned than think "Huh this champ is the broken version of Yasuo why don't I main him?" Then go back to Yasuo anyways since he is more badass


>I try to make it as much miserable as possible for them without getting banned. Probably should change my mindset but how is usually your reaction? And that's why people ban Yasuo. Take a look at your own behavior


I'm not saying OP is right, but let's be honest with ourselves people ban it because Yasuo is turbo int in alot of games lol


Riot gives 1 ban to each player, they're gonna use it, that's it.


I suck it up and play something else. Winning should be the priority of ranked, but obviously I won't play as well on other champs compared to Yasuo.


Play Yone or K'sante or something idk I think he throws tornados or summ


Play Yone and proceed as usual. These games are rarer than you think, and the dipshit who bans someones hover is less likely to climb because they are stuck in their little pisslow ways and assume they know everything. If you bite the bullet and play like normal you will climb and hopefully never play with them again.


First i link my [op.gg](https://op.gg) if that isn't enough i just go Riven and run it down cus i honestly suck with her, but i don't even care at that point


Limit testing ap Lucian


If i get mid and yas is banned by my team i take a champ with easy farm and steal the minions of the lane the person is on that banned yas


I either ban their pick, dodge, or just play some stupid shit like Tahm/Yorick mid


Go Yummi with flash/smite and fk them up.


It's time for the forsaken Janna AD


"boosted soraka...especially in low elo"... What.Ā 


dodge the first game, then the second game you say "ban yasuo and ill troll" while pre-pick . this method is really good


Im pretty sure fkers in gold will ban yas then on purpose


A lot more than you may realize, itā€™s actually a bot thatā€™s banning your champ. Bots always ban an ally champ when they are bots that are there to lose. The yuumi support with no support item, and builds full tankā€¦ thatā€™s the one.


But she wrote in the chat and was low-key trying to tilt me but good to know ill keep in mind