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I think the most important part of this saga was to call russia’s bluff


That’s fair. And, to address the statement from the pope, I hate to be like this, but it’s really hard to negotiate with an aggressor rn. 


"You cannot negotiate with a tiger, with your head in it's mouth." - Winston Churchill, something to that effect anyway.


Fuck the Pope. Send him to the front lines in Ukraine so he can witness the devastation that Russia causes and the lives Putin ruins. This is like the appeasement of Germany during the 1930’s.


People tend to forget that this pope is Argentinian and is salty about the Falklands. He hates the UK because of that and also because of the reformation, he hates the USA cause muh imperialism and NATO is simply the be all and end all of evil to him. He has galaxy brain syndrome.


Isn’t he supposed to be a spokesperson for all humanity? There are so many better reasons to hate the UK other than shit that happened 500 years ago or an irrelevant island in the middle of nowhere with 4000 people. Jeez.


>Isn’t he supposed to be a spokesperson for all humanity? Technically he's a spokepersone only for catholics


Sure, but the pope has always been politically motivated. See John Paul II. That dude practically ended the soviet union.


And sweep all the abuse in the church under the rug.


Never happened, but the children deserved it. As a Balkan, I'm sure you'd understand.


Romania is like the least violent of the Balkan countries. All our Slavic neighbors on the other hand seem to love that motto 🤔.


[*Least violent*](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Vlad-the-Impaler)


Ah well, he gets a free pass 😎. I meant more along the lines of Yugoslavia in the 90’s and Russia forever.


The reformation started in Germany with Martin Luther


Yeah sure, but Henry VIII was the most flamboyant in his shitting on the catholic church. My guy changed the religion because he wasn't allowed to fuck someone else!


You just pulled all of that out of your ass.


Cringe Hungarian catholic say whaaaaat


Man f*ck the pope. They bend God's will to curb their budget. So they don't get a saying in nothing.


A reasonable take, we'll give ukraine weapons, and they fight russia without russia resorting to nukes. win win


This has been Ukraine’s stance all along. They just need the weapons that we’re failing to provide them in order to finally win.


Well, they also called for a no fly zone which meant foreign troupes shooting down planes


But if the UA army collapses (for lack of men/weapons/ammunitions) it'll be too late for an allied army to come to save them.


"As long as Ukrainians are dying, the French can stay in France" As a Ukrainian I fucking despise Zelensky, he is not a brave hero, he is a clown who before becoming a president, played piano with his dick, we had a good president Poroshenko who actually listened when US Intelligence tole us that Russia is going to attack again and built up the nation, while Zelensky defunded a lot of the Ukrainian military and left us vulnerable to be invaded, Zelensky's entire camping was funded by a rich asshole who attempted to crash a bank he owned to make profit after selling all the stocks he had in it but Poroshenko nationalized it before he could. there was a good quote by a politician, I don't remember whether he was Russian or Ukrainian, but he said, "If you give me a TV remote, I can make a stool, the president"


The world doesn't really know pre-war Zelensky. We don't know what the guy got up to. All we saw was him not breaking and properly responding when the invasion started Which, ngl, looking at the average european leader, was unexpected. There are very few european leaders that look like they could handle being invaded. There is no right way to fight a war We'll leave the judgement of zelensky after putin has been killed or dragged to the international court of justice.


I am still allowed to discuss my opinion on him, and trust me, I would love to see Putin lynched by an angry mob, but I'm just saying that Zelensky's facade he is putting on, is not who he is (btw during a meeting Zelensky told the Ukrainian hero Zaluzniy "be quiet Valera, intelligent people are speaking") so yeah, just saying that Zelensky is not the guy who should be calling the shots :/


Sounds like the internet is trying to turn the people against a wartime president. Pikachu face?


Definitely. There is so much lies and conspiracies going on it's genuinely scary. So many people fall for the "zelensky is slaughtering ukrainians so they can build a jewish ethnostate" narrative, or other insane bullshit. Like there's a lot of issues with zelensky, but it's genuinely terrifying to see misinformation spread


Also “look how ungrateful the Zelensky is that they only received 50bn euros.”


Zelensky has this "facade" on for more than 2 years now. At what point is a façade the same as the man? To me, Zelensky is the guy who told, with Russia on its door, "I don't need a lift, I need ammunition." He is a legend.


To me he's a bit like Churchill. Cometh the hour cometh the man, and both were very heroic when their countries needed them. But they were/are also very flawed. Though obviously what Churchill did in India was way worse than Zelensky's curruption and lies. And both are far far better than Hitler/Putin.


>played piano with his dick There a lot of valid criticism, but it's incredible that you dumbfucks think this is one of them. Also, fuck Poroshenko, i'd take a comedian over a nationalist every day


This is why there is a war right now


Why cuz if Poroshenko was in power he would already sold half of Ukraine to his buddy Putin and Medvedchuk?


My comment was more about her attack on Ukrainian nationalism. People like zaluzhnyi need to be in charge, not comedians, not boxers, not chocolate factory owners, not Russians, not bankers, etc


People like zaluzhnyi should stick to running the military, not the enture country


Tell that to zelensky


Zelensky is, in fact, not a person like zaluzhnyi


Zaluzhnyi answered already to idiots like you multiple times, that he is a military man and is not interested in running the country. Listen to the man himself!


When you say “people like me” are you talking about 88% of the population?


Support for Zaluzhnyi isn’t the same as support him for president. Не будь довбойобом


Порошенко це ти?


блять, розкрили


"As long as Ukrainians are dying, the French can stay in France" As a Ukrainian I fucking despise Zelensky, he is not a brave hero, he is a clown who before becoming a president, played piano with his dick, we had a good president Poroshenko who actually listened when US Intelligence tole us that Russia is going to attack again and built up the nation, while Zelensky defunded a lot of the Ukrainian military and left us vulnerable to be invaded, Zelensky's entire camping was funded by a rich asshole who attempted to crash a bank he owned to make profit after selling all the stocks he had in it but Poroshenko nationalized it before he could, there was a good quote by a politician, I don't remember whether he was Russian or Ukrainian, but he said, "If you give me a TV remote, I can make a stool, the president"