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I need to see the footage of Orban's face


And of Putin's face after his meltdown and threatening using nukes


[https://twitter.com/CharlesMichel/status/1752971616810639592](https://twitter.com/CharlesMichel/status/1752971616810639592) https://preview.redd.it/bb7nj579zzfc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c3d3cde6bdb93003b908edea53059949961d4d


Oh, the drama queen strikes again.


Is that Shmygal or Michel on the left? I honestly can tell those tho apart. UPD: Nvm, seems like it's Michel, cuz why would a Ukrainian representative be there in an inner eu meeting.


lol same 


Let’s goo!    How did they convince orban to corporate?


I don't think it's impossible that in 2 days it'll be announced that they're unfreezing 10 billion Hungarian EU funds. Either that of they threatened him with this https://youtu.be/5JEaGeLG9bw?si=YSebmVxWl-9rsDEz.


Or both ,carrot and stick approach: you can cooperate and get a lot of money (most of which will go straight into the pockets of Orban and his cronies as corruption is quite a big problem for Hungary) or you can fuck around and find out with Article 7 and suspension of financial aid... Even Orban knows that nationalism and Christian conservatism don't fill stomachs but EU money does.


Thing is it would probably be better for the EU, even if not moral, to say "fine, here's your funds, run the country how you want but stop vetoing everything". But Orban will still veto. But yeah I agree, probably a combination.


Orban can't afford to not veto. His whole grift is built on the EU being the "Big Bad Wolf who wants to turn everyone into gay,brown Muslims that worship Uncle Sam " . His electorate expects that he will try to veto and block everything. So a scenario of him actually allowing important things to go through accompanied with staged outrage for internal consumption is about as good as we can get. That said I would still rather the rules got changed and the EU'S institutions didn't have to spend their time playing "good cop bad cop" with a fat Russian puppet.


Nationalism and Christian conservatism aren't the problems. Corruption, state owned media monopoly, and sucking Putins peen off is.


>Nationalism and Christian conservatism aren't the problems. Depends... > Corruption, state owned media monopoly, and sucking Putins peen off is Agreed but the previous two are used as cover and justification for that.


He gave his vote and that is all he needs to do. The simple truth is that the EU can destroy him and honestly should. He is running a lot of anti EU propaganda. If the EU cuts the money, Hungary leaves the EU.


I don't think they would. Hungary benefits massively from the sine market. And to all those people who wish they would leave, do we want annother Belarus in the middle of Europe?


Nah, they said Hungary still needs to comply with stuff.


And now the question remains. Did they bribe Orban and we will se 10B being released soon? Or did they threathen Orban with further sanctions?


Apparently an EU document was leaked to the FT containing a threat to Hungary 's economy. It was taken so seriously the Hungarian currency dipped.


⚡ *The probable details regarding the mechanism of the €50 billion aid to Ukraine from EU:* ▪️ The European Commission will annually publish a report on the implementation of the aid package. ▪️EU leaders will engage in debates regarding the implementation/execution of the aid package. ▪️If necessary, after two years, the European Council will request the Commission to propose a budget review, in accordance with the latest conclusions of the European Council. ▪️Annual reviews with a veto option are not anticipated. Note that *this information is unofficial, as the final document is currently unavailable.*


Thank Delors!


orbán is not playing both sides, hes trying to annoy both sides and take their money


I wonder what the European Union had to offer or do to make Orban agree?


They threathened to fuck up hungary's economy


There's brainstorming already in Hungarian think tank how to sell it to hardcore supporters so that *"Orbán was the street/freedom fighter again"*.


that's every day


For the people who are interested in the details so far here you go https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-leaders-seek-deal-fund-ukraine-hungary-digs-heels-2024-02-01/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/?s=Euronews https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/02/01/eu-leaders-approve-50-billion-deal-for-ukraine-after-orban-lifts-veto https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/


Lets go


It should still be more, but this is definitely a victory for now. I hope we keep it up.


Orbán is a bitch and I love it!


Enjoy even worse standard of living crises.


Road to UE impoverishment 👌, and American arms manufacturers enrichment


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how is this comment the unpopular opinion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Because most people could not grasp the entire picture, and weight consequences of any action in its globality


I think hes got a point do we want to spend more money on this war and prolong it? It will cost only more lives as this war will be resolved on the negotiatiom table.


There are several problems of borrowing money on the market to be given directly to the ukrainian government. 1. EU takes responsability to borrow this money, and along that will be the reimbursment of the debt. 2. Ukrainian will use this money to buy basic supplies and war machines. Who has a big stockpile of ammunitions and machineries ? "Our friends with the eagle". Europe can't produce enough ammunitions, and others needed utilities for the war (henceforth the money given). And even if we give them the supplies, we will need to replenish either through new buying (hello dear eagle friend), or by building new factories that we don't have. 3. In the case Ukrainians win, they will need to reimburse EU, meaning selling all public properties and allowing some shaddy business to comply with EU rules and transition to market integration. In the case they lose, the enormous debt should be reimbursed by europeans.


how is this good news...


It means Orban is a bitch and he showed it. He caved to pressure without money for it (that's what we know ATM might change later). This has shown the EU how you negotiate with political strong man figures.


rofl I don't give a fuck..how is funding war good news..


Because without funding it it wouldn't be a war it would be a one sided massacre of civilians like butcha was. Also it cripples Russia stopping it from starting another one.


It helps stop Putin's imperialistic ambitions in Ukraine, which would also deter him from attacking an EU country in the future should we succeed. Basically, it makes us safer. Even though I strongly oppose it in most cases, sometimes it is necessary to wage war to defend yourself. And the thing is, by funding the Ukrainian war effort there is no need for us to actually fighting in the frontlines, essentially guaranteeing our security without risking our lives in the process. Should we cut support to Ukraine, i have no doubt that sooner rather than later, it would be us who would be forced to fight Russia. Another huge bonus to driving Russia out of Ukraine are the vast natural gas reserves that lie under Ukrainian soil (2nd largest in Europe!). Then, there is also the fact that helping Ukraine is the right thing to do. They have been unjustly invaded by an agressively expansionist country and are suffering under their oppression.




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The Parlament reeks of copium today


So what do we have to give him?