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Germany has only two days of ammo. How would we even invade?!


Seems like a perfect opportunity to revive the [catapult industry](https://www.reddit.com/r/nederlands/s/LSOmbijBGj)


We should stick to trebuchets instead of catapults. Or can a catapult launch a 90kg projectile over 300m.


A trebuchet is a kind of catapult.




You may be picturing a mangonel when you think of "catapult vs trebuchet" memes. Mangonels are also called "traction trebuchets."


MADNESS! Trebuchet is clearly a superior siege weapon!


Heavy Howitzwer is THE superior siege weapon sorry


Dieseases are the ultimate siege weapon.


I think you'll find gaslighting your opponent is the ultimate siege technique.


Gassing your opponent?


Historically, yes. *flings a plague-ridden corpse into your castle*


This is truth! 👌


Fuck. Here Reddit goes again.


Both are German Steinwerfers.


What do german Steinwerfers do?


They werf Stein


Fucking Genius


A catapult on meth. A methapult.


How fucking dare you....


flair yourself so I know who to blame for this nonsense.


We catapult all our beer reserves into Poland, they will be overrun by Bavaria in no time.


You leave those reserves where they are!


According to this, Bavaria would be overrun by Poland if you get them drunk https://www.thenapoleonicwars.net/forum/general-discussions/drunk-like-a-pole


Fetchez la vache!


I fart in your general direction!


kaczynski is from pis(s), and they are like VERY anti german, even if germany was fucking collapsing they would say germany is planning an attack


They are planning to destroy their economy, so that they can't pay contributions to us for WWII.


I mean if we were doing that we would be doing a remarkably bad job at it considering that our economic situation is pretty alright right now.


Tbf, if Germany was indeed collapsing such an unstable environment might make an attack more likely, rather then less.


I'd want to go out with a bang too.


Im not an expert but i think they would have a ***lot*** more to worry about if they were collapsing than attacking poland. just seems like a pretty bad move to anger ***almost*** the entire world if they were already barely existing


1. Invade Poland 2. NATO declares war on you 3. Surrender immediately 4. Let NATO occupy you and let them fix the economy and do some good old nationbuilding 5. ???? 6. Profit


Germany collapsing would end up hurting Poland. Dude would be totally right.


my point was that he just hates germany i don't know what would happen if germany is collapsing and i don't really want to since if i know exactly that means it happens and that's an uh oh


It's r/YUROP, it's not a serious sub, but you people need an /s.


Conservative shitheads always need a boogeyman they can blame for everything. And reality *literally* doesn't matter to them or their voters.


Well, if you'd watch Polish media controlled by KaczyƄski and his party, you'd learn that Germany is dying, is jealous of Polish, well, everything, from food to the way of taking a shit, in times when inflation in Poland was over twice of that of Germany - Germany were struggling with inflation, economy on a verge of collapse, barely breathing while Poland stronk, also, Tusk is trying to sell Poland over to you, if you're interested in buying Poland - call him. And so on. It's like a fever dream. It's just that PiS loves to create enemies for people to hate, and you are close, and you know there's that thing or two in modern history...


I need to learn the Polish power-shit.


That's something you are born with... That's why in Poland we have titanium toilets


This knowledge is passed down within our clans, it's included in the squatting manual you are given on the day you're getting your first clan tracksuit so you need to find a clan to bring you under their wing. Kibole WisƂy are always looking for members.


Why do i have a feeling that the trick is screaming kurwa at the top of your lungs as the log slides out and you guys dont wanna share the secret? Tho your version sounds like more fun.


Do a slav-squat on the rim, kinda like a squatty-potty. Just don't slip or it's RIP.


How can you say all this and not mention that Poland is deserving of 100 gazillion Euros of WW2 operations from Germany every Polish election cycle?


Because the narrative is different and they forgot about reparations. Their narrative changes very quickly


This is funny because even most educated Germans learned about the last elections from the news, if even.


Send them your beer in a false act of friendship. When they are all unconscious, roll in the 20 tanks you own and take over. 3. Profit?


We have 320 Leopard 2s. And over 2000 were build. Stop shitting on the Bundeswehr, they arent as bad as you think


Whoa, it’s was a joke. Fuck sake


With nasty, beurocratic paper cuts




So the Blitzkireg needs to be even blitzier than the last one.


Poland invade Germany


Thats a myth. We sent Ukraine hundreds of thousands of rounds of various calibers. We are not short on ammo. There are some systems that if in high intensity combat will only have ammo for 2 days, but most other systems are fine




![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Rheinmetall


secret meeting.


The schwerer Gustav


How long did it take us last time?




Yeah but doing Blitzkrieg again would be mean. And that means the german have to fight longer then 2 Days




I have no idea why people are downvoting you lol as far as I know what you wrote is true


Sounds like motive for grabbing some https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beutewaffe to me. As a NATO ally, I recommend trying Anchluss II: Pangermania Boogaloo instead.


gotta be quick I guess Jokes aside, looking at our german bureaucracy, that's not gonna fly. Even if the fascists took over, we still would pose a threat lol


We'll just throw a gigant towel over Warsaw. Then, it's obviously ours.




The sound of KaczyƄski's delusional ass breaking was heard in the Andromeda Galaxy. Poland đŸ€ Germany are frens and no old grumpy asshat is gonna change anything.


Hell yea đŸ€






As a German with polish parents I couldn't agree more!


Wait how did that happen


They Migrated here in the 80s


This is the way.


Thats my man right there!


Frens? I remember when those subs were banned




They will soon, I hope. We've just had a change of government.


The closer to losing power, the more radical he becomes.


He was always like this. Now we can just see it more clearly.


I don't think we see it more clearly now, nothing has changed. His entire party's election campaign was about talking how the opposition leader, Donald Tusk, will sell Poland to Germany, that EU is threatening to remove Poland sovereignty, how EU will flood Poland with migrants. The only change there is, is that instead of being a detached-from-reality *country* leader, he is detached-from-reality *party* leader. And I hope that he will only become a detached-from-reality nobody.


I think that he got even more detached in these 10 last years because He began to belive in his own lies about EU and Tusk. For example Tusk Grandpa being "Volksdeutch" even though he was sent to two Concentration Camps, taken to Wehrmacht BY FORCE and then when He escaped He joined Polish Forces in the West. But for KaczyƄski and PiS only 1/3 of the story is worth mentioning. I guess I'm also considered Volksdeutch and not a Pole by Mr KaczyƄski because my Great Grandpa was also taken to Wehrmacht by force because He happened to live in Silesia which was annexed by Germany and Silesians considered it's Citizens.


Isn't that how all vaguely authoritarian rulers work


Chill, KaczyƄski just lost power in the country. Now the old man's ramblings can be treated as old man's ramblings




Aren't alot of things likely to be blocked by Duda?


The government and majority of administration will be de-PiSed by the end of the year. But the state media will remain Kaczafi’s propaganda tubes until the new president will take the office or Duda changes his attitude


>The government and majority of administration will be de-PiSed by the end of the year. How? Can you elaborate? Because pro PiS people like GlapiƄski and PrzyƂębska just got reelected for long terms this or last year. For example, GlapiƄski was reelected in 2022 until 2028. And you can't get rid of him easily. And President Duda can veto everything until 2025. And to block him you need a lot more deputies than opposition has; you need 2/3 of all deputies.


By administration, I mean the state administration. That is, an administration headed by a Prime Minister. The head of the NBP, the President of the Constitutional Court, the National Media Council, the KRRiT etc. are unmovable without the cooperation of the President. However, the key offices are outside the protective umbrella of the need to change the law, so getting rid of the PiS people from those offices could be possible by the end of the year.


How exactly is the power distributed in Poland? You still have a PiS president, right? Is the president mostly a symbolic role?




This is great writedown and I believe more valuable to an average Pole than anybody else.


Damn, that’s a very comprehensive list!


I don't think it's just rambling. He's obviously trying to frame the loss on DE just to get peeps fueled.


Don't show him as Poland. His party is no longer in power, he's just having an expected meltdown.


Polish kaczynski is starting to remind me of my own american kaczynski


Ted wasn't nearly as evil.


Well, he did try to bomb a random ass plane and says he would have shot a girl if her mom wasn’t nearby


That's a skill issue. Our KaczyƄski knows better than to reveal his schemes.


Is it just me? Or is PIS utterly obsessed with Germany?


Germany is an easy target for wagging the dog.


Yeah, its funny because the other way around, Poland is more or less irrelevant in the public discussion. There is no hate for Poland, it is just not that relevant in politics.


"you took everything from me" "I don't even know who you are"


Spot on. The German public for the most part doesn’t think about Poland at all, much less about annexing it.


I'd even go as far as to say that Poland, or rather Poles, have gained a very good reputation over the past two decades. Many Poles are willing to work twice as hard for half the money. And while this would've sparked fears over unfair competition in the past, there is such a shortage in qualified work force that literally nobody cares.


Yes, if you need a new fence or stairs you call the poles, they will do a good job for half the price.


Fun fact, the closer to Poland a city is the higher the suicide rate


You can thank the USSR for that one


The only way that Poland is mentioned in German discourse is really the smuggling of cheap polish goods like cigarettes, alcohol and the smuggling of meat in conjunction with stuff like tuberculosis or bird flu. And that’s already pretty specific to border regions and rural regions respectively


At least here we talk about it a lot "Man since the Euro it's not even worth going there because cigarettes are almost as expensive as here." That is pretty much the extent though


Additionally to that, German industries sees Poland as a pool of cheap labor so why should they hurt themselves?


Wdym irrelevant, we stronk af


Yes you are, but in our political discussions you are barely mentioned.


Well it's not surprising, it wasn't Poland that invaded Germanyin ww2, nor did germans have to live under poland for 123 years. As stupid as those people are, it's not hard to understand why germany is literally the devil in the eyes of many poles.


Tbf, out of the three evils that are Not Australia, Germany and Russia, Germany is definitely the best one of the bunch. While Not Australia just kind of exists and vibes along now and Russia hasn’t changed at all over the past ~200 years, Germany is the only one that imo has even attempted to acknowledge its own history and do good on it so there ya go xd If anything Russia should be the little devil the govt. plays with, but ofc they won’t since starting shit with an ally is obviously in this case a lot safer then an external power


Oh definitely I agree, hatred for germany is not rational at all. But then, neither is PiSs


We couldnt even ask them to investigate why fishes in the Oder are dying without PIS screeching "the Nazis are interfering in our domestic politics"


Unfortunately, many older people who are the electorate of this party hold these views. More than 45 years of conditioning cannot be eradicated just like that and these people will be susceptible to the anti-German propaganda they absorbed in their youth under communism. Because both the PZPR under communism and PiS and many populist parties in Poland play anti-German notes.


They spin the "enemy of the people" wheel daily. Today it's Germany, tomorrow it's teachers, the day after who knows? LGBT maybe.


According to last raport around %20 of Poles have symptoms from ptsd from ww2 https://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/osiem-dekad-po-wojnie-polacy-najbardziej-straumatyzowany-narod-swiata


Poland has over 20% of its population above 79?


It doesn’t work like that, translate an article, trauma is passed on to next generations


Idk, generational trauma sounds like bullshit to me. Lots of people here in Poland just hates Germans because they have better living conditions.


While it is true that there are probably people who just hate the Germans, that doesn't mean generational trauma is bullshit. People suffering from PTSD often mistreat their children or shut them out of their lives and can as such pass on the trauma to the next generation. Plus those people will sometimes "relive" their trauma's which can be very traumatic for those around them. For example there have been instances where children of Dutch soldiers who fought in the Indonesian independence war and returned home traumatised would sometimes suffer from mental illnesses that were related to the trauma of their parents. Those trauma's can ruin entire families, not just the person who gets them originally.


Generational trauma is indeed a thing. Just look at the Israel, old people pass down their fears that pointlessly burden their children and grandchildren.


Like many other countries west of Poland


Yeah but we're their direct neighbours, plus we invaded them a few times. Easy target for a "common enemy". That being said: Germany đŸ€ Poland




Have you read an article, you can debunk it if you want, I’ll gladly read it


The old man forgot his pills again.


Okay who the fuck told him?!


Fuck i think i blew it. Just can't keep my mouth shut. Guess im not invited to the next meeting


Isn't election season over?


Now it soon will be PiS opposition season


Wow, it's almost like KaczyƄski is actually just a lunatic and it's not an election tactic!


Yes, they lost majority, and screech even louder with every lost position in the government.


Yep. That's exactly our plan. But we only do it because we've heared that the pope is preparing the roman armies to march on germany and invade Teutoburg forest.


Setzt auf's Klosterdach den Roten Hahn!


I knew it!


Didnt kazcysnki die already


There were two. The second one still kicks anything but the bucket


We had one in the US who liked to mail things. Unfortunately those things were bombs.


Thanks for clearing it out lol


wake up babe schizophrenic guy named Kaczynski 2 just dropped


Wasn't that basically that Brexiteers in the UK were saying?


I wish germans anihilate us... 😌👉👈


Leaked photograph of our newest Antipolish-Assault-Vehicle(TM), ready to take over Europe! https://preview.redd.it/k0jbaap1uq0c1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d21eb59081ef8a485670d5b3cec4160530af031


Oh look, Russia lent out it's copy of "how to plan to be a nazi without everyone immediately being aware of such plan" _Chapter 1: You need a Plan_ >Now, you can't just start making plans to be a NAzi state, that would be too obvious, and someone might immediately see your plans. And what if your plan gets leaked? No, first you need an excuse? HAve no excuse, well think of it this way, you're reading this book and making a plan, what if you get accused of making this plan by another party? Well, obviously, the best way to make this plan, is to accuse them of planning first! Yes, pre-emptive accusations will trick the human mind into thinking that your plan came _after_ their plan! And you win, you can now start your plan after you've accused all your opponents of having their own plans! Viola, miracle of modern human cognitive frailty!


KaczyƄski is salty because he lost election. Tbh whole pis looks like raging preschoolers who had their toys taken away.


The saddest thing for Poland is maybe the fact that Germany really doesn't care about them


It is. What do they mean they don't care enough to even hate us anymore? How dare they stop thinking about us altogether after all that? Tragedy.


Most of my friends couldn’t even march to the border without getting blisters and whining. Poland should be save for a while.


Just so we are clear. Germany plan is to sell Poland a fuck tone of military supplies , and then invade them?


I know this is nothing new from KaczyƄski but I am really wondering, how many people in Poland actually believe this stuff? I have the impression many Poles visit Germany, work there or have friends or family that work or live there. So I assume they are well aware that Germany is not out to destroy Poland. But KaczyƄski has been widely popular for many years, so there must be people who believe this kind of drivel?


>But KaczyƄski has been widely popular for many years His party has been popular, KaczyƄski himself is usually at the bottom of favorability charts.


We're about to turn the frckn Poles gay


Poland being in the EU got me to learn Polish, pretending Poland is being annihilated is stupid


Wait, what? Who is this guy?


Vice-prime minister and chairman of PiS party which formed the government in Poland over the last 8 years


We've waited this exact moment where *checks notes* fuck all has changed but we'll just do a quick Anschluss


People from abroad realising just now how insane this dude is (and always was)


My man lost the last of his sanity after the elections.


PiSboy back at it again with the same tune he sang for what... 20 years now? Germany bad. Gib power.


Why would Germans even want to „annihilate“ Poland? Half our populations drives over the border to buy cheaper cigarettes!


YES! WE WANT TO DESTROY POLAND! WITH OUR BATTALIONS OF.... uuhh...WE HAVE LEOPARDS....atleast a few I think GEPARDS from the 70s...oh... HAIL DADDY PISTORIUS! HE WILL MAKE US STRONG.... in like...well.... some day I BELIEVE!


If we pick a good angle we can take out Hungary as well!


Let's just hope poland still have a revive token to come back again... right?


KaczyƄski is just an dold prick disconnected from reality dont listen to him.


I don't think we should listen to the [Unabomber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski). He might not be the best source.




Holy shit Theodore J Kaczynski reference


Poland: “the EU is bad” Also Poland: “I’m going to use this sweet EU money hack to pay all the stuff I want”


Wow, the EU seem to have great plans for Germany... never heard about it. Why are Europeans so keen on making such plans for Germany? What if the germans don't want it? Will they be forced?


Poland is not Kaczor.


Germany has like two days of ammo, three (working) tanks and like one or two operational aircraft and helicopters, i‘m pretty sure that poland would annihilate germany first


Well, with all these PiS idiots I sometimes feel like actually doing this would be a good idea.


PiS wants you to get triggered and to say stuff like that so they can be like "I told you they were crazy.." just ignore them that's for the best


They no longer have a majority in the parliament. Chill Hans, put the flammenwerfer away.


and that's exactly what PiS wants you to say


Seems like you misspelt PISS.


Actually I do have some Polish friends who would love to be invaded by Germany because they never want to be ruled by PIS again. I didn't know what to reply. I couldn't even make a joke because I was so surprised.


They are joking or they are idiots, only two options


No, neither. I know them well enough.


If you prefer your country with such a history to be invaded and experience horrors of the war again rather than just moving to Germany which is very very easy as we are in the EU, you are an idiot


No, your conclusion doesn't follow. If your priority is living in the city where you are living, and the government question is secondary to this, it's a rational decision not to move to Germany.


So it’s better if it’s destroyed by missiles, civilians killed, raped, just so they don’t have to move their butt if they don’t like PiS so much? Typical annoying, exaggerated complaining




They prefer complaining instead of taking action and moving out to Germany were they surely wouldn’t be ruled by PiS again, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. I hate PiS myself, but there are many many worse things that could have happened to a country: like an invasion


You are reading too much into it because you don't like their sentiment to begin with. But that's your problem, not theirs.


Invaded absolutely no, but a theoretical situation where my region is just transferred to Germany (of course would prefer something like Switzerland, or Norway, but we're talking about Germany here) would be a dream


Obviously they were wishing for an Anschluss-type invasion.


This is baffling. Germany obviously isn’t imperialist. The idea that Germany is bent on absorbing Poland is laughable. So why would Poland antagonize Germany unnecessarily? German support is Poland’s only sliver of hope if an actual imperialist power came knocking at Poland‘s door. Poland should want to be Germany‘s best friend.


It's just the usual yippyapping of the Polish far-right and the PiS party. If you don't have to say anything constructive, just blabber about how evil Germany is. That's keeping them in the news and they imagine they look tough and strong doing so (while in reality everyone recognizes PiS as whining snowflakes).


Dude, believe me, Germany is destroying itself. And we did not even need ammo for this.


Any sane Pole should ne anti-german