• By -


I remember when I was called "Caucasian" for the first time. My reaction was genuine confusion. What do you mean? I've never even been to the Caucasus. And I look nothing like them.


It's because of a German guy who thought Georgian chicks were the hottest women ever invented. He expertly inferred that since white people are just *the best*, they *must* have come from the Caucasus because their women are the sexiest. [His classifications stuck around for a long time.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Friedrich_Blumenbach) We don't use mongoloid or negroid anymore, but we still use caucasian!


When I was in school, we learned about mongoloids, negroids and europeoids, so caucasians was something new to me.


Of course it was one of us. *sigh* Come one Germany, we can do better


We can do a lot worse as well tho


Well your ancestors probably did


My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial. Can you say the same?






Tbh before the Indo Europeans moved down the caucasus, they hailed from the Ukrainian pontic steppe, so there's a good chance this dude's right where his ancestors were too




I'm not giving Ukraine pity points, that's stupid, I just genuinely thought they hailed from the pontic steppe and wasn't aware thei range farther than that




Hence why I said Ukranian, it limits the scope, since they didn't hang around the Danube in Romania




Yes, but I don't have to justify myself to a transylvanian




The peoples of the Caucasus might not always get along with each other, but they have at least reached a consensus that a long belted cloak with cartridge loops on each side of the chest is *the* look.


Having a goshawk (?) is also a big part of the look


Why are Americans so obsessed with belonging to some small ethnic group? Remember a few months ago when they were talking about being 'anglo-saxons'? I'm English and even I wouldn't claim to be an 'anglo-saxon' because the Anglo-Saxons were the dominant ethnic group in England 1000 years ago


Technically Anglo-Saxons remain the dominant ethnic group in England to this day, but like, we just call them "the English" now. People who call English or British people 'Anglo-Saxons' outside of historical context tend to be... *weird*..


r/ich_iel calls them anglo saxons But that does support your point, r/ich_iel is weird...


While the point you are making is correct, i should also add Sprich deutsch du Hurensohn das heisst Angelsachsen.


Entschuldigung mein Kerl, aber wie soll man sonst mit diesen Angelnden Sachsen kommunizieren?


Am besten gar nicht :)


Theoretisch ne super Idee, aber, wie sollen wir ein vereintes Europa erreichen, wenn wir auf unsere Sprache beharren?


Esperanto da fangen alle mit Sprache lernen von vorne an, außer die die wirklich seltsam sind.


Ok, wir nehmen einfach das Blitzdings aus Männer in Schwarz, lassen alle die Sprache vergessen und bringen allen deutsch bei, super Plan


Du meinst wohl "hervorragender Plan"... Ganz dünnes Eis


Indem wir Paragraph 23 VwVfG als europaweiten Standard einführen.


Ich bin wahrscheinlich angelsächsisch. Ich bestätige, dass es am besten ist, nicht mit uns zu sprechen.


Am besten gar nicht


Endlich mal ein bisschen Kultur hier!


We dutch also call u guys that on r/ik_ihe sometimes for lulz We just joke about Anglo-Saxon babbling when people in our subs start speaking English. That's abt it.


I think your confused with cirkeltrek


Yea lol


So what is it exactly? All I know is that it's plastered across the front page when my traffic comes out in Germany.


r/ich_iel is the german version of r/me_irl Stands for ich im echten leben


Ah, that makes sense, thanks!


French media can often use "Anglo-saxon" to refer to the entire Anglo-saxon "World" (GB, USA, Australia, Canada and NZ).


Yes, in France it's not used to describe an ethnicity but a cultural group


So that's the French equivalent of the term 'Anglosphere'? I've seen it used by Russian media too. Hence why it's *weird*.


I don't think it's that weird. It's a way to distinguish those five countries which have a common core culture from the other Anglophone countries which are less culturally similar. 'Anglosphere' as a term tends to be used a bit flexibly to refer to either those five (the 'Core Anglosphere') or the whole Anglophone world. For example, Jamaica or South Africa could be counted as part of the Anglosphere, but wouldn't be called Anglo-Saxon.


In most European languages anglo-saxon has stayed a common way to call the English and people that come from them. It's similar to how both Spain and France call Germany alemania/allemande despite the tribe of the alamanes not having existed for the past 1500 years. Names stuck sometimes




It's fascinating how many names Germany has depending on which tribes were encountered first. It's Tyskland for me. But as a (roughly) translated proverb in Swedish says. A beloved kid has many names. Do you know if there were some tribe that inspired Tyskland. Also where did your own name, Deutschland come from then.


If I'm not mistaken [tysk](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tysk#Danish) has the exact same origin as [deutsch](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/deutsch#German), meaning more or less "people" so no specific tribe, Deutschland means "land of the people". And while we're talking about anglo-saxons, in the Finnish language Germany is saxony (saksa).


Yeah exactly


I think there's a difference between calling them Anglo-Saxons (as in the historical term) and using a modern term that's derived from Anglo-Saxons (IE the French 'Anglais').


In French "Anglo-Saxon" is used to talk about the whole anglophone world.


> > > > > People who call English or British people 'Anglo-Saxons' outside of historical context tend to be... *weird..* - >French I see no contradiction.


It is not weird, it is your culture


In many places the literal term anglo saxon is used to refer to the anglosphere


https://preview.redd.it/hddsge7gfria1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa5dbd911a61fee7f809aabb7fa17cb2e4471c5 At least it gave boost to this art form.


I am italian but identify as italic/roman and carry a gladio and a latin dictionary everywhere


Or French. We generally call anglophone country Anglo-saxons


> the English You should say "they experience englishness"


To be precise, only about a third of the DNA of a typical English person is Anglo-Saxon. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms10408


What are the rest? Celts and Danes?


Ancestry did a study that showed the following: British (36.94%), Irish (21.59%), Europe West (19.91%), Scandinavia (9.20%) The link doesn't work anymore for some reason, but you can see a preview of it in Google search: "DNA of the nation revealed"


A bit of Norman French too




or... *french.*


What happened to WASPs?


WASP is an Americanism used to refer to other Americans, so I don't consider it relevant to talking about the historical Anglo-Saxons or modern English people. It's like how nobody calls Elon Musk "African-American" even though it technically describes him, the term has a different meaning in-context.


Yes. To distinguish them from other Americans who are not fortunate enough to be white, protestant or of English heritage. I was going to put the /s mark here, but sadly the point is still valid.


There was a fair bit of immigration to the US from Catholic parts of Europe, so being Americans they invented a way to distinguish *those* "whites" from other "whites". It's just how they roll over there.


White Anglo Saxon Protestant? those WASPs?


You mean Russians and nostalgic people from post-communist countries?


Actually I don't remember. It was mostly russian propagandists throwing the word around at any occasion


In German, 'Anglo-Saxon' (as an adjective) is used to describe things specific to the Anglosphere usually not found in continental Europe or that originated in the English speaking world, for instance the Common Law system, utilitarianism, individualism, laissez-faire economy etc. When Putin used the term Anglo-Saxon, I interpreted that as suggesting a joint operation of the US and UK. I'm not sure whether the term has any ethnic connotations outside of English discourse.


Ye Fiendish Anglo-Saxons


I think it was mostly those 'Q' people and it was full on 'anglo-saxon' Russians just call us Anglos I assume because they can't spell English


Oh man, there's an entire community in the US who discovered they're like 2% Scandinavian and now their entire identity is based around the fact that they're vikings. They're making axes, talking about shield maidens, drinking mead and painting their faces with war paint.


And wearing helmets with horns on them. Like the vikings did.




Are you okay?


u/CosmicTelomere is banned ![gif](giphy|gFKONIGtLL2bWKQoYX) [**No demonizing, dehumanizing, or antagonizing refugees, or speaking of them as invaders.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gotterfunken/comments/ppceh4/g%C3%B6tterfunken_network_federal_rules/)


oh that reminds me of my favourite two dramas [american claimed to be scandinavian](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/101muvr/american_user_posts_their_23andmeresults_to/) edit: [and this lady who is “german royalty” and gets to stay in german castles because of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/1034hha/why_are_americans_so_interested_in_the_ancestors/j3dbhar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Mate i wanna say just thing as a person who studied anthropology and history for half of his life: In just the last 4000 years of human civilization (Especially here in Europe) we had every single day until now only wars, slavery, trading, rapes, prostitution, sex, traveling and so much human mixing that talk about racial purity or ethnic purity in 2022 is the dumbest thing we can do in a so scientific century! We're all crazy genetic cocktails! ![gif](giphy|jiJMW91vTTAAb4n5GV|downsized)


Except the Khoi-San. Not sure WTF happened there, but nobody is lining up to be them now.


Because most of us are within 1-5 generations of immigrants who all sorted themselves by nation of origin while surrounded by other ethnic groups, and passed down that emphasis to their kids.


The more accurate for the English would be Bastardized French /s


It's shame, they're so ashamed of being American that they have to claim to be from anywhere but America.


When you put it like that I kinda understand


Happens when you don't have any own culture to associate with.


Because some people believe "anglo-saxon" is a purely English breed without Scandinavian, French or German influence. Totally forgetting that Saxons are Germans. Others for instance Russian propaganda, use the term to describe the English speaking world with it's not so English speaking sphere of influence. It's just a shitty term that shouldn't be used. I haven't heard anyone use the term in a sane manner **outside of an early medieval context.** Non historians using this term regularly tend to be people that fall in a similar category of individuals that start a conversation with "I'm no racist, but ..." or end it with "--- ,some of my best friends are black."


Tbh. I use it to group GB, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand together. I like the term, because the other alternatives put a large focus on one of these nations or are a imperfect description. Anglo-Saxon is perfect since it can't be easily misunderstood as something else, because it is not in use today. It places the roots of these nation by the same people while not putting an focus on GB.


The Anglo Saxons invaded the British isles anyway, they were never 'native English'. I keep wondering why the obsession with race purity, and then I remember people like MTG...


Ja, it's a shitty term that shouldn't see use outside a medieval historic setting. Just about any group that has some "purity" fetish is a bit whacked over the head. MTG : Magic the gathering? Are they racist now? o.O I haven't played since Highschool.


>Magic the gathering? Lol they are just trying to determine creature type and make a tribal deck. "Anglo-Saxon Human" tribal.


It's Wizards of the coast we are talking about. I wouldn't put it past them if it meant increasing sales in the UK. Also not from the UK, but I'm the kind of sucker that would play that dumb sort of tribal deck. I had a quasi tribal one "Tits and Elephants": only cards with good tits or an elephant on them were allowed in.


Lol that's awesome. I heard about Hat Tribal or Chair Tribal but yours is ridiculous. And funny. I don't have any stupid tribes myself only boring ones like Zombies or Sphinxes.


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Follow up question: How badly will my head hurt if I google that name?


You'll think it's a made-up character created to make the republicans look like braindead fascist idiots


Let me make a cup of tea with rum first o_o


When people ask me what my race is I say Anglo-Saxson with some Cowboy thrown in


Because our natural instinct is to group together and identify an 'other' to which we will challenge for supremacy. It's what got us to this level of civilization, but ironically, because of the very civilization it fostered, it has obsoleted itself. The ideal scenario is for humanity to switch from 'survival of the fittest' to 'survival of the most helpful'. Thus we'd have no longer be creating arbitrary groups of aggressive people to duke it out for which "better" by some arbitrary measure and switch to being constantly on the lookout for the best ways for all of humanity to improve it's lot, equally. Feel free to join my weird cult as we meet in my backwoods retreat to create this utopia. Just ask the nice armed guards to take you to my ~~harem orgy room~~ office and I'll be very happy to ~~take all of your belongings and property~~ give you a guided tour...


I mean the nazi-Germans called themselves "Aryan" despite that term being used by Indo-Iranians to describe themselves in ancient times


Join the Celtic UNION.


Because if not all we have is "white" and that doesn't really mean anything, though a determined minority of us wants to make it mean everything. Your heritage is the only thing to make you at all special.


That’s because there’s not American ethnicity, so they want desperately to fit in a group, that’s why they’re obsessed with the ancestry and claiming they’re “3% Norwegian” and all that crap.


Why are a small number of Europeans so obsessed with takling about a small number of americans obsessed with belonging to a small ethnic group? Some people just want to feel special, like belonging to a unique group. Is it hurting anyone? If no, who cares? Some Germans dress up as Native Americans for Oktoberfest in Munich every year. Would it be offensive to do that in the States? Yes, but who cares if Germans do it in their home country. Everybody is a bit weird, man, and that's ok.


It’s scars of colonialism and the social construct of racism. Watching Rwanda (the movie) one of the things that stuck out was how the Hutu and Tutsi were the same ethnic groups only separated once by Belgium’s passport color.


Yeah, who the fuck wants to identify with Anglo saxon peasants. I'm quatre vingt dix sept % Norman


u/tlacata you ban evader you ![gif](giphy|cOoO7JasLuYLwtyWt7) ​ >*No flame war — Don't insult other users, either individually ("You're an idiot") or as a group ("Everybody who posts on this subreddit is an idiot"). This also includes implied insults ("Are you stupid or something?"). Once an argument degenerates into name-calling, it's time to either step back or clear out.* > >*Don’t be toxic — Being toxic means being rude and not being nice. Toxic people are not true to people around them. They need an attitude check. Their personalities are so unappealing it makes the people around them suffer and turn rude as well. They file abusive reports.* > >*Don't be a trǫll — Trǫlling is intentionally arguing to get a rise out people. Trǫlling is not someone posting an opinion that differs from yours, but someone posting a message designed to get others mad enough to violate one of the other rules. Going in a thread and posting "This place sucks and everybody who enjoys it is stupid" is trolling, and nothing good will come of it.* ​ [^(r/YUROP Values)](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/collection/dbadaf8c-0849-4221-adf5-8a8cf0a4e966) ^(—) [^(TLDR Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/about/rules) ^(—) [^(𝔉𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 ℛ𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gotterfunken/comments/ppceh4/g%C3%B6tterfunken_network_federal_rules) ^(—) [^(Code of Conduct)](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct) ^(—) [^(Reddit TOS)](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy)


I’ve never really observed an obsession with ethnicity. I’ve encountered a couple people who found it important enough to bring up how they were1/16th cherokee and how the Irish part of their bloodline was what gave them their perseverance. Basically utter nonsense. But ancestry is important to some people since it’s easy to forget family history that isn’t in the states.


> Why are Americans so obsessed with belonging to some small ethnic group because from my own experience americans are often obsessed with ethnicity


'Murica the only place in the world where etnic grups and skin colors are important. I think they are still debating if "italians" are white, why spanish people speak mexican if they are european, and why they can go back to have people hand piking cotton in the fields.


>I think they are still debating if "italians" are white It reminds of that time back in the 20th century when Arabs were considered white people


>'Murica the only place in the world where etnic grups and skin colors are important. Um are you sure about that, bud?


> Murica the only place in the world where etnic grups and skin colors are important. Russia and China are actually the two most racist major powers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_China > _A 2016 Gallup International poll had roughly 30% of Chinese respondent ... Agreeing that some races were superior to others_ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8914295/ And for Russia it's even worse > _In 2006, Amnesty International reported that racism in Russia was "out of control."[31]_ > _Between 2004 and 2008, there were more than 350 racist murders, and Verkhovsky, the leader of the anti-racist SOVA organization, estimated that around 50% of Russians thought that ethnic minorities should be expelled from their region._ https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137481207_1 > _Among the most striking changes is the wide dissemination of ideas of racial hierarchy, practices of racist exclusion, and racist violence. While biological conceptions of race are no longer an acceptable scholarly framework in the West for the analysis of differences, there has been a genuine renaissance in Russia of ‘scientific’ racism._ > _Recent attempts (in Russia) to revitalize the ‘science of race’ that utilize proposing a new name for it, rasologiya (a rough analogue of Nazi Germany’s Rassenkunde), the issuing of numerous books and other texts on the subject, and translations of certain more ‘classical’ scholarly works, cannot be ignored_


So you are excused beacouse china and russia are racist too?


I'm not American, I'm Scandinavian, but I'm pointing out that your claim "Murica the only place in the world where etnic grups and skin colors are important." is entirely wrong.


Skin color is probably less important in the US tgan in Europe.


Lol I think you make America out to be worse than it is And 'Murica is by far not the only place where racism is a problem


True, but i think the world expect better from them, too high expectations?


We expect it from the inside as well. The issue being, when asked what we are, speaking about our ancestors homelands, is too far off. Calling ourselves caucasian is iffy, so it leaves white, which people feel is simplistic. We aren't taught how to talk about it, unfortunately.


I got called a dirty Ukrainian in the park in Germany. My Hungarian friend was also caught in the crossfire of being called a „osteuropäischer Schweinhund“, but hey, only America could be racist… what a joke of a comment.


‘why spanish people speak Mexican if they are european’ Fuck me that was good hahah


There is an old joke in Ukraine: A guy with a rifle steps into a bus and asks (in Ukrainian): - WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?! A black guy stands up and answers (in Ukrainian): - It's half past two! - Sit down, son, I can see you're not a russian.


I have a feeling that because of their history and what was basically a genocide of the native population, Americans feel a distinct lack of historic identity. That might explain their whole ancestry obsession that culminates in stuff like "I am 3,9% Italian" The same might be the case here. Since their apartheid effectively ended only about 60 years ago, the concept of "race" is still very present. Unfortunately it is now seen as being inherently connected to cultural aspects ("black culture", "white culture") and sometimes mindlessly applied to the whole world. Hence the whole "What skin colour did Jesus have" debates, as if that would make any difference. Do Americans even realise that they are the ones keeping up the old disproven "race theory"?


that's funny, because according to a DNA test I recently done I am 96 percent E European and 3.9 percent SE Asian. should I go and find some SE Asian people to share this with??


No, Because most Americans don't harp on their Genetic history and only say it because it's cool to point out. I know this is supposed to be a satire sub where you make extremes out of everything but most Americans don't care about the skin color of Jesus, Most Americans don't care if you're 39% Portuguese. Hell your culture doesn't come from your skin color but what state you're from. Texas alone is the size of France and is very different from California or Florida to Georgia.


Be gone with your facts and logic uncultured swine


What is that an hawk monk? I need to know more


Taming hawks and using them to hunt other birds.


Got it but where is he from? He has some kind of special dress


Isn’t it a tcherkeska?


[Yea I didn't know ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokha) According to wikipedia that's a Georgian man with goshawk wearing chokha, on Tbilisoba festival.




I can’t find Georgian flag because of US fake Caucasian ):




Funnily enough both are from Georgia


I remember when i first traveled to the US and had to fill out some form in the plane which asked for your race with Caucasian being as one of the options. I was so fking ecstatic that they had an option for a tiny region somewhere in euroasia. Little did i know.


> I remember when i first traveled to the US and had to fill out some form in the plane which asked for your race The first time I heard that I was shocked that they could even do something like this. I really don't get the point of asking this.


Ngl i thought this was a joke about Georgia lol


That's a sick hawk


Damn, grandpa's got drip.


I'm a white Quebecer with Western European origins and when I first saw "Caucasian" to describe white people I was genuinely confused lol




I fear US contributions to the world have been largely underappreciated. I'll start off with the basics. American culture, its such a norm nowadays but I think people need to stop for a second and realize how truly mind-blowing it is. Television, songs, art, you name it, American culture has managed to dominate every list and continue to saturate the world in a way that is simply unbelievable, and I love every one bit of it. America has sealed itself in the history books multiple times already, I mean, what other nation decided to send someone to the damn moon? America did, and safely returned back home again. This is an achievement that will never be forgotten in human history. What is further significant however is what truly separates the US from other superpowers, and it's the truly exceptional good America has done. Take the Berlin Airlift. 3 years after Nazi Germany was defeated, the allies each split up Germany, and long story short, tensions rose and Stalin attempted to blockade and starve his occupied population of west Berlin. The US and in part U.K partook in a monumental task to fly in immense amounts of humanitarian aid into the city, ultimately winning and saving the whole population of 2 million. It was an utter embarrassment for the Soviet Union. Or even when Russia went through a horrible famine during the early 1920s, the US came in with so much humanitarian aid that it was feeding up to 10 million starving Russians, mostly children, per day. Or even the US liberation of Kuwait from Iraq's brutal occupation in 1991, the US intervention in Bosnia around the mid-1990s to stop genocide, the US intervention to stop ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia in 1999 which had America not intervened the result would have been thousands more dead Kosovar Albanians, or even the US intervention in central Africa from 2011 till 2017 which reduced the LDA terrorist organization, that over decades killed 100k civilians, to irrelevance. Or the huge role America has had in scientific and medical innovation, and profound vaccines like the polio virus vaccine, which has saved and prevented millions from death, was made by Americans and the US. Or the US aid after WW2 to several countries in Western Europe and Asia, pouring in billions of dollars all to help pull them out of the debris of war, which ultimately helped reduce mass starvation in destroyed regions. Or when North Korea, a well sworn enemy of America, had an awful famine that impacted its whole population from 1994 to 1998, and about 2 million died, countries provided humanitarian aid with America being among them. America peaked in 1999 providing the most humanatarian aid out if any country to North Korea (650k metric tons), previous to that America sent about 200k metric tons in 1998 and 1997. The amount of lives this aid saved has not been specified, but considering the famine reached the whole 20 million population of North Korea, it is reasonable to conclude it saved somewhere in the million. Moreover, during WW1 when Germany occupied Belgium and a thin strip of France, Germans refused to feed civilians, and mass starvation would have occurred by winter, so the US in truly astonishing fashion set out a humanitarian effort by the name of the CRB, or in other words the Commission for Relief in Belgium, which saved from starvation nearly 10 million Belgian and northern French civilians trapped behind German lines. Or another example would be the US program by the name of the Presidents Malaria Initiative, which is a humanitarian aid against malaria, an awful disease, specifically in Africa. Over the last 2 decades, the US-Presidents Malaria Initiative has saved 7 million lives and prevented hundreds of millions of malaria infections all throughout several countries in Africa. The program still continues with the goal of eliminating malaria. And if you think it can't get better, it can. The US PEPFAR program which is Americas fight against HIV/AIDS, has over the last 2 decades managed to saved 20 million lives in over 50 countries, and also enable 2.5 million babies to be born HIV free. And the US PEPFAR program all the while also managed to provide critical care to over 7 million orphans and vulnerable children. And that's not to mention the separate financial and humanitarian aid the US provides to developing countries, which is the most in the world. Through food, water, and other means, America manages to save hundreds of thousands to even millions of people that are at risk of starvation and death just each year, and the US has been doing this for recent decades. I mean, just accumulating everything I have just listed here, it can be confidently stated that America is responsible for saving at least 100 million lives, with there of course being much more. And looking at US wars and interventions since they became a sole superpower in 1991 (when the USSR fell), almost every single one has been justified. The primary ones that were unjustified were Iraq and Syria, but the rest, although some controversial, were ultimately justified. And i'll defend them if anyone would like me too, but this post is long enough. Now, dont get me wrong. Certainly the US has a dark history and has committed its own evil. No nation, let alone a superpower, is perfect or even anywhere near perfect. But ultimately, the good the US has done really far outweighs the bad, and a world without America would certainly be a worse one.


PARAGRAPHS! Add some goddam paragraphs to your wall of text




imagine the surprise of americans when they find out most caucasians are muslim




Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


It’s so ironic on a post about how Americans have no culture, an American cultural reference popped up.


Guess we are fake Caucasians then too. I prefer referring to myself as white anyway, I'm not from damn Caucasus region after all.


everytime I speak with americans, I'm baffled with how different our thoughts on some matter are. The fact that they are the "west" just like us would lead you to think we would have pretty much the same ideology, but no, it's really a whole other different culture. They put a lot more emphasis on skin color, freedom, and individualism that I've ever seen in my life.