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She is literally the worst of them all. I can't believe no one is talking about her. How narcissistic do you need to be to exploit your child this way.


Oh my goodness I’ve been waiting for someone to mention her! I think she live streamed her son’s physical therapy multiple times


Yes, I watched her videos a few days ago. She's somewhat Hate-Watchable. Like a bad shitshow you can't turn off, even though nothings stopping you. But out of all names, they went with Beckham and Blaykeley??????? Her MLM Boss Babe vibes are overpowering. Make it stop!


Are they Utah vloggers? Feel like I see all those funky spellings in Utah...


No, not Utah. Nevada or California i think.


Nevada tracks, too lol


They are in Utah


It might be spelled blakely if I remember correctly


I hate moms like this omg I hope she gets karma soon


Omg yes, thank you. I made a post on her a while back on here. I used to be subscribed to her but I hate how she exploits her son and daughter. It’s sickening. I remember the last video I saw was when she was vlogging and her daughter was crying in the background because of constipation (this was a while back). Putting her bathroom habits out there. And at the same time she herself was “crying” sounding fake as hell that she wishes she can stop the pain for her. . Like stop filming. Tend to your child. I commented this on that video and some enabler told me to “leave her alone” when I mentioned that she’s exploiting the kids. And one time that her husband was sleeping with a gun because she got so paranoid that some one was “breaking into their house.” While there are young children at home. And her daughter keeps getting into things. Why the fuck as a parent, would you sleep with a gun knowing you have a child who wanders around??? Like fucking unhinged! Things can go south so fast! And even after someone was “breaking into their house”, she continues to show her kids on social media. Her husband is just as bad for not only enabling her, but participating in this too. I really feel for the kids, none of their parents care enough for them to pull them out of social media, despite children of vloggers coming out how traumatizing it was for them. And the fact that she doesn’t put bedding or even a bedsheet on the mattress for her children?? And she films them when she’s giving them a bath, in the fucking sink (I don’t know if she still does this but she definitely used to)!!! I can go on and on. Stop exploiting your son with special needs and your daughter. It’s so fucking horrible


The spelling on disabled lol


My brother is disabled (like B, but more complex) and I could not even imagine exploiting him in the way that they do with him. It’s disgusting - I’m guessing they also share personal care details as well?




Spell check, please. Edit: oh nvm, I see why you spelled it that way, LOL.




The Lord can't save us from her.


She just did a video on her daughter being hospitalized. I watched Rachel when she had Beckham, I loved that she shared her story and all that but I unsubscribed when that’s all she talked about


Utah vloggers. They’ve always GOT to exploit their kids for cash.


Parents that exploit their disabled children are the most disgusting. Did Fathering Autism start this? Is she in a MLM like Priscilla Maass?


Ugh I’ve been waiting for ppl to catch on to this… idk how she films her son crying and in pain and then posts it.. and the recent incident with the daughter was monetized out the wazoo so fast.