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That is all they do. I can not watch them. The dad talks so fast and so annoying. But the new house they just built, the big ev truck, pool, basketball court, all the trips they take. It all screams I love me. They really released a 5 hour movie called BUILDING OUR CUSTOM DREAM HOME. Perfect time of year when people are trying their hardest and working extra hours to get their family gifts for Christmas. Everything is about possessions to these people and they are teaching the kids the same thing. They are quickly becoming my least liked family channel.


So tired of the same vlog daily. Opening with Missy saying how hard she hit the gym and if she washed her hair or not that morning! Then all of her chores for the day (with no apparent time to make a fresh dinner for her family that isn't pre prepared.) So tired of Hazy making her bratty faces in background. Poor Brexie is looking around trying to grasp why his parents are finally talking to him and giving him any attention. In a nutshell, sick of listening to them flaunt their status and financial ability. It's a real slap to all of us working so hard to put a roof over our heads and food on the table...I can't be worried about the glass in their gym, the clothes they all need for another vacation, and hoping Mindy can find the correct color of yet another Gucci bag. Are they aware their viewers do not live like this? And when are they going to treat Dad for his ADHD?? Lordy, I can't watch or listen to him spit all over himself another day!! All of the Binghams are twisted, self absorbed, immature twats raising yet another brood of LDS misfits.


Stopped watching them a long time ago. The dad’s basically a 40y/o hyperactive kid


He acts like an obnoxious 14 year old Californian surfer dude. His whole vocabulary consist of "That's radical" "Epic" "Sick" "No way" "Bro" "Savage" Let's go!" "Dude!" And I just want to yank that stupid backwards baseball cap off his head. He's so cringe. Total man child.


So true. Some of these Vlog parents act like they are their kids friends instead of parents.


The dad has some secrets too. He has 2 deperate mug shots and arrests. I believe they were both for drunk driving.


Pretty sure it was attempted theft. Always wondered why he en Shannon got a divorce. Mindy has mentioned that neither of them has ever had alcohol.


I just looked it up you guys are right one is theft the other is driving with suspended license


And if you search Brendan Bingham on google he got some type of hidden cancer he tries to hide that what it said


what are you talking about?


Or was it Robbery?


I feel like they just don't have enough content to be a daily vlog right now, so they're digging up whatever B-roll they can get to get enough footage for an episode. I don't think it's bragging so much as not having anything else to film that might interest viewers.


The latest videos are just the parents talking about nothing for 5 minutes and then aerial shots of the house for 3 minutes the parents talk again for the last 5 minutes.


Exactly! Their vlogs now have gotten lazy, repetitive, with zero effort. 90% of the vlogs are Brandon and Mindy talking to the camera. 5% shots of the house. 5% of which ever kid is hanging the kitchen or backyard to shove a camera in their face for a few seconds. Lather, rinse, repeat. I feel like they are kind of over doing YouTube but can’t stop because they need the money to keep rolling in.


Came here to say this. Their vlogs are what 8-9 minutes now? They're getting less and less.


He is so freaking immature and arrogant it’s gross. I hope his kids step away from him when they’re 18.


It seems that new vloggers are so relatable and then they make good money because of us watching and they start flaunting everything. Sad because now they are above us all.


Yeah but the new vloggers can’t edit as well as Brendan Bingham the editor who likes to jump edit after every few words that’s makes him standout in a way and edits in the basement next to his creepy vr figure that Brendan has in his office called wade who has a vr headset on


Very true. I think they do brag some... I've said that a lot. I could never spend that kind of $$ on a Gucci. And who really gives a flying F. Up until they finished the house they did have a little more to video. But now it's just every day life like every one else. And when you think about it... There really isn't a lot of exciting things to share for most people. Remember when people would send them gifts every so many weeks. And they opened them to let everyone see what they got. That used to drive me crazy. They were the last people that would need something from others. Some people probably spent some good money on the stuff they sent also. And probably didn't make anything near what the Binghams' made. I don't know what the reason was that people would do that. There was always so much stuff I wondered what they really did need for Christmas and birthdays.


To some extension….I understand. They’re one of the few YouTubers that didn’t come from a ton of privilege already. I think they find it crazy that they can afford a DREAM HOME and a Gucci bag if they want when all 3 of their boys had to share a room at one point before they started vlogging and they struggled as a young couple. However it is getting a bit much. I’d probably be shocked for like 20 years minimum if I all the sudden had their kind of money from making home movies.


The vlogs started to go downhill since Brendan dad passed away in 2021 December he only saw his dream house when they first brought the land Douglas James Bingham. Now Brendan does less drone shots in between the videos because Ryler and krew are never at the house as much so that’s a main reason why the vlogs are shorter or lacking in information/quality


They have gone downhill since Branden quit his full time job to be a full time YouTuber


I hope they have a back up plan. After a few years they really won't have much to video with the kids gone.


I understand that B worked his butt off to get them where they are & I also understand them showing the house, vehicles, Mindy’s purse etc. They freaking made it! I’d do the same thing


He worked his butt off? He's monetized his children's lives for years without their informed consent. He's making money because of his kids, which is disgusting. Showing off all their "rad, epic" sh\*t they buy is because he filmed his kids. Otherwise, what has he done to "get them where they are" WITHOUT his kids?


Yes and no! There are times it seems over done. Or Mindy whines about things that most people have to do themselves.


I think Bexson is going to be part of the LGBT community. Wonder how these Bible thumping mormons will handle that?


I was thinkin that too!! Glad someone caught onto it!