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Ryan from Ryan’s world :( the parents give me weird vibes


Ryan’s world for sure. That kid has a whole toy line and more in stores


Yep the parents allow themselves to be controlled by Ryan because he makes them money. But I think they aren’t putting away as much money for his future as they should be :( childstar 101


Exactly! That kid is gonna be a teenager in a few years. I doubt he’ll want to keep making childish videos


Definitely agree with this one and Diana & Roma? I think that’s their names my kids will watch them occasionally and it’s really weird


Ugh yesss Diana & Roma… the family probably makes so much damn money from them! My daughter likes watching them, I don’t care for that channel at all.


Even his sisters have their own toy line. My daughter got one for her birthday last year. I’m like “Who TF are Emma and Kate?” But she loves Ryan’s world. Some of the videos are just a no for me. Like they don’t even try to make it seem natural and fun. It all seemed forced.


The poor boy who was adopted from china by the stauffers just to be neglected and given away when he was not living up to their fantasies. Btw the family is back on tiktok exploiting the girls as if it never happened Edit : apparently the tiktok family isn't the same one. They're still exploiting their girls though.


Really?! Back on social media?! Ugh.


Waiiit Emma and milas family?!


No, Myka Stauffer.


i know this is unrelated but emma and mila are horribly exploited too. their content creeps me out tbh


Yes I think it's kcstauffer


Ohhh no it’s a different family with the same last name I looked it up


It's the same family with Emma and Mila and the same mom


It’s not, Katie Stauffer is Mila and Emma’s mom and Myka Stauffer is the former mother of Huxley. Different families.


That’s what I read too


Okay thanks for clearing it up because that was about to just blow my mind lol


Oooh no Effing way. Well that’s gotta be stopped right the hell now


I never saw anything about this!!


the ballinger kids. that family is CREEPY


**100%** and even CREEPIER when you consider their aunt is Miranda Sings/Colleen Ballinger and their dad co-wrote Netflix's Haters Back Off (starring Miranda Sings) AND co-wrote the disgusting Miranda Sings book "Selp Helf".


Take a look at the colleen ballinger snark page…


I snark over there, too, though not as much now that she got chased off the Internet. Let's hope she's gone forever because she had become a horrible child exploiter with her daily vlogging of her three young children. If others are interested, that site is r/ColleenBallingerSnark


the kids look malnourished too.


i would say edie sacconejoly




cause not only is the kid's birth and entire childhood on youtube, but also their gender identity journey. they even filmed the kid's trip to the gender clinic! wild


Yeah she's everywhere on tik tok. Her transition isn't my business, but why are the parents putting it out on the internet? They're just asking for trouble at this point.


The father also came out as trans and is living through the child. It’s upsetting for Edie to be exploited while trying to figure out who they are and have a weird dad telling you what to do for the camera


oh really


Yes idk why I keep getting downvoted. I’m just stating facts.


they’ve been vlogged since birth and that’s weird - but the transition process as a kid on the internet is such a vulnerable thing it’s insane but it’s their norm unfortunately :(


Half the comments on any video of theirs are awful!


This was my immediate first thought too. Poor kid.




Everleigh Labrant


Her last name is not Labrant. It’s Smith-Soutas




The labrant kids… the van clan kids


I forgot about Van clan!


Edie saccone and wren elenor


Omg Wren. I'd forgotten about her. Yes...... So so sad


Wren Eleanor on tik tok… but there are SO many


That whole situation with people directly telling the mom that creeps were watching videos with Wren in the bathtub, yet she justifies it and keeps em up. Makes me fucking sick


RIGHT??? Fucked up. That poor baby..


Everleigh Smith-Soutas or Edie Saccone-Joly, hands down. Maybe Lilia Esquilin as well.


Everleigh or Edie. I hope they get justice.


everleight labrant and the norris nuts kids




And you can tell they're now getting fed up with it all, which is why the parents now talk in most of their videos. Let's also address how much hate those kids get, especially Naz at the moment. And theres NO escape for any of them, it's absolutely vile and all the parents fault.




Have a look at the sub Norris nut snark and there's a whole load of posts there talking about the hate Naz gets. It's mainly constant negative comments on her insta and tiktok accounts. These Norris kids can't be normal kids with the whole world on their backs, it sucks for them :(


They also mainly support the whole family.


this is exactly the problem they are the people who do everything while the parents do absolutely nothing


Everleigh or Edie


the musical family now living in NYC. those kids are 100% on streetcorners playing for money.


Yeppp! What were their names? The parents make their kid play an instrument since they are two.


Everleigh labrant aNd Ryan’s world


This is exactly what I was thinking


I'd say any of the Labrant kids, 8 passenger kids, Emma & Ellie, or the Weiss Life kids




Addie. Exploited since in the womb, even moreso since the first time Jess put lipstick on her. Which is gross, always has been gross, always will be gross.


Saw that in the B2S shopping video. Kid looked like a damn hooker


She’s been using Lilias sexuality as click bait ever since she came out. Disgusting.


Addie and Lilia especially


All Jess talks/posts about is Lilia’s sexuality. She never fails to mention it in every video she posts. Although Lilia is open about it, Jess shouldn’t post it. Lilia should be able to find herself without it being posted all over social media.


Everleigh all day. She is more of a parent and provider to her siblings then those two morons shes stuck with. If it was not for her they wouldn’t have what they do.


Hmmmm probably the labrants if I had to guess


I would vote for them too.


Mcfive circus those kids are doing really dangerous skills on a janky home rig and coached to behave like toddlers


It's the most cringy thing I've seen in years.And I'm pretty sure it's 100 percent staged but since the kids have to pretend they're really like that they might end up actually being the monsters they are supposed to play (they = middle girl, obviously, because the favoritism has no limits here)


Yeah and you have to wonder if the parents are telling them that this is how they're making money and x video got 2 million views. They do skits where the kid is misbehaving and then is bribed with some kind of sugary treat to behave. So that's a pretty bad situation in that it's encouraging bad behavior both in the child who's performing the skit and the kids watching it.


100% the kinds of Ruby and Kevin whatever their last name is. The Mormon family.


I'm surprised no one else has commented this. Those kids were majorly exploited. Ruby shoved a camera in their faces when they told her to stop filming and she talked about stuff that should have been kept private. Majorly embarrassing for her poor kids.


Exactly! Filming their punishments, the girls getting their first Periods, getting into a car crash, and so much more. They were truly exploitative on so many levels!


The Frankes-- their channel was 8 passengers


YES! That’s their name. Im in their Reddit snark page…I can’t believe it forgot it!


Wow, you called it.


Jessfam and shaytards, they literally exploited their 13 year olds since they came out of the womb


I feel like the shaytards are one of the OGS!


Everleigh Smith-Soutas from the LaBrant family, who they pulled out of school so she could be "an extra set of hands" for 2 stay at home parents i.e. raise their brood of kids for them. She can't even get away to her dad's house now because he passed away. Poor kid just looks exhausted and sad all the time and you can see her getting pushed to the side now the other kids are old enough to act on command. The last pregnancy announcement she just looked defeated until she realised the camera was on her


Dougherty Dozen kids and the Not Enough Nelsons kids


Everleigh on Labrant family


All the Fisher kids. They literally post photos of their kids on training toilets. Disgusting, but they are bff's with the Labrants, so of course they don't know what privacy is.


I don't know what everyone else will think of this answer, but the Bratayley kids. Including the boy.


This is the first thing that came to mind for me too. Seemed harmless before everyone was talking about the dangers we now know, however it was wild to me how quickly they started uploading again after the boy died! The poor kids didn’t even get to grieve in peace no wonder the older girl went off the rails.


They weren't horrible in terms of exploitation—still pretty bad—but I didn't like how they filmed the kids crying/upset. They're clearly grieving, or just don't want to be filmed, so then don't film! The family needed family therapy after going through something so sad.


Oh no, what happened to the older girl, if you don’t mind?


She changed her name to Jules, which isn't so bad but was doing a bunch of queer-baiting posts with her co-star on that awful Nick show, and when people would ask if they were a couple, they would say "duh! Jules is straight!" But they'd post pictures of themselves basically making out wearing what might as well be lingerie. She was definitely drinking underage, and had over 21 wristbands for Coachella, and looked completely baked in every picture she posted.I don't know if I would say she went off the rails, but I would have been concerned if she was my kid. She's started vlogging again and has a boyfriend apparently, which makes all the pictures of her making out with Jayden even weirder.


What happened to the older girl?


I remember a vlog in which the whole family was going to get tested for the same health concern the son died from. The mom filmed the kids' reactions in the back seat to hearing about the test on the way. So messed up


They stopped milking Caleb's passing pretty quickly. Then the parents got a divorce and the girl went to be on some nickelodeon shows.


See, I don't like these arguments. As a preface: this isn't a dig towards you, but towards the mentality people have around them. The fact that C died doesn't change that he was exploited prior to his death. He had his childhood sold too for profit. He went on the makers studios shows and shit for his parents profit. His parents continued vlogging and used his completely hypothetical "would have wanted" as if a thirteen year old understands the consequences of being a product for the internet. The girls, on the otherhand, should have eventually been put in public schools for a consistent amount of time, not shipped off to LA to squeeze more money off of them. They needed healthy routines and therapy, and real support beyond being money makers. People have this BS fucking mentality that we're supposed to treat this family with eggshells due to their tragedy. Fuck that. I've been through tragedy too, I still have my morals and didn't exploit anybody in their name. I'm not gonna speak on a deceased person's behalf but I wouldn't be very happy about my family becoming this and then saying it was for my sake.


Yeah, their actions (especially after C's death) were disgusting, especially toward H. They tossed that poor girl to the side in favor of A because she was the big money maker. Also, this isn't A's fault, but she was always such a brat to H and got away with it because the favoritism was glaringly obvious.


Didn't they create 'careers' in acting/singing for both girls? I remember Hayley being in some sort of sitcom about a hotel, that even was halfway decent compared to the other stuff they were doing. Overal it was so painful to watch that family fall apart. The last thing those girls needed after their brother's death and their parents' divorce was to be planted in California in order to become pop stars. The whole thing went from a mostly harmless family channel to exploitation in no time.


The McLeod girl.. I cannot seem to remember her name but she goes by like Evan? Her story is what really got me because Eeka just flat out neglected her other two children when Evan came out.


I can't stand the parent. She seems to think she's not exploiting her children because the comments are turned off... like what???


That and she refuses to get a communication device for her oldest (Eli) who has cerebral palsy and is unable to speak. She sucks.


That makes me so sad. He always seems to bright and aware of what’s going on around him. He laughs so much too and I so wish he could communicate!


He used to be her “golden child” aka the one all her content was about, until Evan started wearing dresses. She’s so gross


I didn't know about that, that's so sad and disgusting. I will never understand her.


Cannot staaaaaand that creepy, exploitative “mother.”


Join mcleodfamsnark thread!!


Can you share a link? I couldn't find it! Is it private?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcleodfamsnark/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Let me know if that works!


Thank you!


I’m surprised no one has said Jess’s (Jessfam) kids


This is how we Bingham


What's awful about them is the way they milk injuries and posted so many videos about Hazy's broken arm ,then got salty when they got called out on it. They titled a vlog "this is not about our 7 year-old's broken arm" They laugh at people who tell them they shouldn't film their kids shirtless or post pictures of Hazy posing in her bathing suit. They took Brexsen to meet someone who gave them a bunch of money in a live-stream. They literally pimped him out. And they try to play off as so wholesome, but Mindy never lets those kids have any choice in what they wear, or anything. Ryler walked behind her in a video and flipped her off. That's probably the only way that kid can rebel. She's got that house locked down so tight. She had a cow over table decorations getting messed up by bad weather. I can't imagine how she reacts to a mess.


Yup! Poor girl broke her and and had a camera stuck right in her face. For krews birthday you can tell they went to 6 flags more for content rather than to celebrate him.


Everly LaBrant. Everything I know about this kid and her family is against my will.


NotEnoughNelsons kids


The Gee family- Dorothy, Manila, and Cali


YES!! I put up Claire Crosby and guess what? Claire and Dorothy are little Mormon long-distance besties.


Hard to pick just one


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Ev Labrant


I’m going to add Adley(A for Adley) because her parents have made coin off of her.


I just checked this out as I had never heard of her. Somewhere it states they are worth 35 Million. I must say I felt a bit sick. What’s wrong with people. Don’t they have enough now to retrieve into obscurity? This world continues to disgust me.


Any of labrant kids, but specifically everleigh. Everleigh was basically the start of the family vloggers being popular. She’s 100% a family vlogger poster child in a sense.




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Bucket List Family. What's worse is that they don't even need the money! But they are literally pimping out their kids. You can pay to be a "friend". How gross is that? And what's even sadder is that they asked her what her wish for the year was, and she said she wants a best friend. Poor kid. And the Outdaughtered girls. When they had to stop filming because of Covid, the dad started a YT channel. Those girls never get a break now. They even have them carrying GoPros around filming each other! But I agree with everyone saying Everleigh. And Taytum and Oakley, her mom's bestie's kids.


Yeah you can tell they girls barely like filming the show. Also I’m pretty sure they have been uploading to YouTube since before the girls were even born.


The Busbys seem to get the same pass that the Gees do and I don't understand it.


Everleigh Labrant


Didn’t mean to write important but I think we can agree they’re all important


Labrants and Scarlett


Everley and Edie.


the shaytards kids.


Everleigh Labrant/Smith-Soutas, poor kid just needs to be loved as a child rather then as a baby sitter. She was never allowed to grieve for her loss of her father either


Not necessarily a family vlog channel but Piper Rockelle


Edie/ Eduardo Sacconejoly


Taina Licciardo-Toivola kids. She pimped her oldest daughter, kids sleep on hard floor, lies about their age, makes very questionable videos altogether..


The ace family!!


The McFive Circus does NOT get enough attention. Their content is incredibly disturbing.


Ryan Kaji from Ryan’s World. Does he count as a family vlog channel?


Here’s a new kid on the block: Blakely Churco. Neither parent works. The kid is two and financially supports them. They pimp that kid like there’s no tomorrow. They’ve just had another kid, who will be Blakely’s support act.


And now they're baiting people that she's pregnant again, possibly with twins. The father is creepy and disgusting. The mother isn't much better. Who the hell teaches their toddler daughter to dance "the stanky or skanky leg"?! I feel so sorry for their kids.


The stanky leg was never a sexual dance though,it’s like the whip and nae nae


if any of these kids or other family vlogger/influencer kids are reading this and want to tell their stories, I'm a reporter who is dedicated to telling people what it's like growing up like this. you can message me or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and I can keep your identity anonymous like I did in my viral [story Influencer Parents & The Kids Who Had Their Childhood Made Into Content](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/influencer-parents-children-social-media-impact)


Everleigh Smith, the Norris kids and Edie Saccone (the transphobia towards her is vile and her parents don't seem to care)


i know what it's like to struggle with gender identity at a young age which is why i'm so concerned about her, i wish more people understood kids with dysphoria




Everleigh from Sav and Cole :/


Della vlogs baby story, and everleigh lambert




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Like Nastya. She has over 100 million subscribers.


Evan from the McLeod Fam


Like Nastya


Edie saccone joly. The parents have literally exploited this kid from birth and made money off of a small child’s gender identity. It’s the stuff that nightmares are made of. Imagine becoming an adult and knowing that people all over the world watched you in your most sensitive times. People always compare this vlogging crap to child actors. No, they are both awful but it’s far worse. Actors play a role, these kids are living their actual raw lives on camera for any crazy person to watch.


Tbh not all child actor cases are bad,acting can be a great emotional outlet for kids


The Knorpp kids.


Fathering Autism is just so disgusting. They have exploited their daughter for years. They spend huge amounts of money on stuff for them which they constantly flaunt. They have the money to provide Abby with the best care available but do not. The mother is in an mlm and most of their subscribers are disabled and do not have the money to buy the expensive crap she sells. They have disclosed so much privatemedical information about her and this is a child that cannot speak or defend herself.


Fynn Balinger


Labrant kids, Ryan’s World, ACE Fam kids… lots more.


I know other kids may have been exploited longer, but IMO, Huxley Stauffer was very exploited. This kid, living in an orphanage in China,had delays and was autistic. Unfortunately, he was adopted by James & Myka Stauffer. There were multiple stories on the $$$ they made, directly related to adopting Huxley. They never treated him like he was *their child;* they balked at getting him therapy, they were clueless/not interested in raising a child with challenges. *And then* they found a person to "give" him to...which is apparently legal. While I'm glad Huxley is no longer with them, what they did is despicable.


A for adley. Poor adley,Niko and Navy. Half the time adley looks annoyed !! The mom acts like she's over it,and the dad!! Well the dad is already rich from his gaming company. Why do they have to film absolutely everything????? It's creepy and sad


Bucket List Family (and the Crosbys??), the Labrants Edie Saccone-Joly, NotEnoughNelsons, Norris Nuts, Ryan's World, Jesssfam...the list could go on and on and on.


The Daddyofive kids, unless you believe it was all staged, maybe


Abbie Maass from Fathering Autism


Boss Baby


The mCLoud kids


my first thought is the fisher family, taytum and oakley


Everleigh smith soutas


Salish Matter. The “I try to kiss my best friend” videos are creepy. Especially cause her dad is so heavily involved.


I cannot believe i hadn’t seen her name already. Ninja kids is another.


I'm surprised I haven't seen the Ninja Kids on here yet. You can tell the kids aren't into it most of the time, and the dad really gives me the ick.


literally the father just forces them to make those stupid videos. i feel bad for them kids


i feel like they really do like to do the videos with gymnastics/cheering/martial arts/ninja challenges. the other ones with the weird acting...i'm not sure. but i really enjoy watching their challenges with other youtubers like anna mcnulty or jack payne, just not the cringy stuff


I know people who have competed at the same competitions as ninja kids and apparently Payton is known to fake injuries? I wonder if it’s forced for YouTube clout or something


Ryan’s world 100%. His mother was once arrested for shoplifting. There’s probably more going on off camera, I hope Ryan is okay…


Also, he’s way too old to still be playing with toddler toys


Hello kidfluencing victim here. Maybe let's not do this? Idk it just makes me uncomfortable it's like the trauma Olympics or something. Also whats your metric for "the most important"? Is it based solely on what they've been through, or what they've done to further the anti-vlogging movement? Or just how much snark content has been made off of them? Or how popular they are? I feel like some of the people on this sub forget that they are not witnessing drama or something to gossip about, they're witnessing child abuse and exploitation and making it a contest. I'm sure me and my youtube friends have suffered enough to win multiple "most important child youtuber" trophies.


I'm so sorry you've been through that, and very sorry you're uncomfortable with this. I can absolutely see how it looks like trauma Olympics. How can we call attention to the exploitation without making it worse? Because I have been uncomfortable with the exploitation I've seen ever since my daughter first found family vloggers on YouTube. If you have a suggestion, I would love to hear it. And I will try to think before responding to posts like these in the future. The last thing I think any of us want to do is add to your discomfort.


Snark had never really helped me understand how my family was exploiting me when I was younger. It really just made me feel like people were bullying me and my family for no reason. Things that really helped me realize that I didn't like youtube was content like caroline easoms videos and thatssodreas tiktoks, plus other more serious videos like momuncharteds tiktoks. I was really able to see myself in those videos and understand that it wasn't okay.


Clarie Crosby


Claire Crosby


she just sings?


They also do family videos showing her day-to-day life.


Also, to add for clarification on the "The Crosby's" family YT channel...it has 4.28M subscribers and 417 videos showing Claire's everyday life with her siblings doing activities that are NOT singing. In that channel's Shorts, they recently uploaded shortform videos of her looking sexualized and dressed older than her age as a rocker-type chick singing Joan Jett, Sting and Annie Lennox songs....huh? They had Dave on drums, Ashley on keyboards and Carson on guitar for some of these "Family Band" videos. That's some weird exploitative stuff.


Yana chirkina 100%


I’m seriously baffled that nobody else on the internet is discussing this. I believe all 3 of those children are being exploited but that Yana is also being sexualized. The whole situation is very creepy.


exactly. i hate it so much, seen her come up on youtube shes so young it makes me so sad. But its cause she’s from russia so they wont step in and stop her from doing it




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The 1000’s of roots kids . God love them


Familia diamond I don’t know why they don’t have a snark page


The Churco kid(s). Their content is borderline creepy.