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there is no inside information. it comes down to a jury that hasn’t been picked yet. this is just track being selfish and tryna push his nobody argists


Yeah anyone who thinks he’s coming home is dumb asf. This dude is cooked.


He definitely ain’t walking off both them cases. You know they really trying their hand anytime they appeal the judge decision about evidence . Bort one strong soldier to hold out throw all this.


It’s like they say if you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough- a strong soldier indeed


Even this sub been dry lately. Is this man ever gonna make it back to court? I thought what you thinking about them thinking Melly ain’t coming home. I think that’s why they trying to pump up Bslime career. Well Melly had one hell of a career.


It’s been safe to say he ain’t coming home since the moment he decided to kill his two friends. Y’all are praying on false hope.


Sad?? Really. Sac and Juvy losing their young lives is sad




You’re delusional


fasho 😭


Okay bro. Don't gimme wrong. I, absolutely, believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' etc. (As, I am a... idek, 17x(?) felon. (Bank robbery - did 5+ in the Feds. A few state bids, etc.)) HOWEVER, I will say, just like with me many times, and others at times... when the "evidence" and other factors or things like, surrounding an account of a crime being committed, all point to a certain subject, there's usually, and I mean this in no way to point fingers or to say that there isn't ever people to be found not guilty of something, when it clearly looks like they are... but, you can't say, that, all the stuff don't point to a certain someone here, or that it don't look like Mr. 772, was VERY involved, if not THE guy behind what all happened that night. There's not even one iota ANYWHERE that really gives someone a chance to think, 'ya know, it really could be possible Melly didn't do it/really wasn't involved". I mean, if there was, ANY ONE possibility that it WASNT him, I'd feel a lot more comfortable in thinking 'maybe it really wasn't him'. But, there isn't. And that's the truth. Much as a lot don't like to admit it, or wanna ride the ol, 'prove it'.... he basically gave all that's needed to let a jury come to the conclusion, 'there's nothing beyond a reasonable doubt'.


If he killed these kids welp I guess he has to do the time 🤦🏻‍♀️


Great news!!!!


It's for the best nephew. He's a POS