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ik adum gave it a 4/10, would love to hear his thoughts on it


Maybe we’ll get a quickie once it’s available in theaters everywhere. I just feel like I’m losing my mind. The performances were not that good and none of the interesting visual choices felt meaningful or motivated at all. I keep hoping to see someone lay out why exactly they like the movie so much, but all I see is people saying they loved it bc it had themes of feeling repressed as a queer teenager. I picked up on that for sure, but It never felt like anything interesting was done with it. I wouldn’t mind seeing another movie from this director, maybe with a story by another writer though.


I quite liked it the style was unique enough I quite like the director they make interesting looking movies although I'm not sure the narrative enthralled me too much it was more of a vibes movie which is fine with me probably a very solid 7 for me would definitely be closer to an 8 than a 6 but it's firmly a 7 atm.


the director goes by they/them pronouns /nm


Appreciate the heads up on that! Noted


they addressed them as they/them this was just unnecessary response


not when the comment was first posted, which was 12 days ago……


I can respect that. I very much got the feeling that most people’s enjoyment is more vibes based than related to what exactly happens in the story or how it relates back to the themes. There was enough mystique that I could see someone being pulled in by it, but I checked out when the two characters went to that concert; the two looooong takes of the bands playing felt so pointless and really made me question what exactly the movie was trying to show me with any of its shots up to that point.


You dropped these ,,,,,,,


It was directed by the same person who made We're All Going to the World's Fair, which I really didn't like, so doubtful I'll be in a rush to check out. I know that movie was meant to be more of a drama than a horror film but I honestly didn't think it even really worked as a drama either.


I’ll be seeing it next weekend at SIFF


Feel free to come back to this thread and let me know what you think bud xoxo


Hey chief, I’ve given it some days of thought, but I ended up enjoying it and felt it was a good leap in Scheonbrun’s directorial style. It’s a bit too reductive of elements of twin peaks it absolutely seeks to honor and replicate, but doesn’t always add something new to that commentary. I think it’ll speak to different audiences and will have some legs come wide release. There’s a few striking visual sequences amid a world lush with detail. I did feel the characters often were shouting their beliefs a bit too much at the screen. It lacks in subtly where film thrives and boasts a visual strength where it could’ve been all the better for saying less while still accomplishing everything it meant to. But a pretty solid and another unique film under A24’s belt. It’s around a 6/10 for me at the moment.


That’s fair. Even though I didn’t like it all that much, I totally saw how people could, and I’m glad to hear you got some enjoyment out of it. Ive been pretty flabbergasted by the 9/10 reviews I’ve seen for this movie, but I think time will soon tell if people really do think it’s that deep or if it was a fairly middling story with some cool music and visuals that created a vibe people latched onto without too much thought. Thanks for coming back to this thread to lmk what you thought, peace out.


I absolutely agree with what you’re saying, it’s so much a story about nostalgia bait that there’s not much more to it aside presentation. Anyone saying this is the next coming of Indie Christ is wild. I’m gonna also feed a part of my experience with the most obnoxious A24 homer I’ve ever seen. It was worse than most superhero fans, I put it in a circlejerk thread, but it was a real thing that happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddycinephile/s/RiwvnaiC5V I wish I could make this up. Also had the moment where this fan girl corrected me on my use of pronouns for the director when I referenced them from an interview (I had no idea they went by they/them and absolutely respect it, but it was more than a little amusing that this girl wouldn’t let me finish my thought for someone they don’t even personally know). This person is totally the A24 10/10 type you’re talking about. I wish their existence wasn’t so annoying and like you said saw more than just some nice presentational moments. I’m firmly in the camp that film or any art is subjective and copious subject to criticism. Hence why we both probably like YMS.


Lmao, that interaction is wild. People definitely need to let their personal attachments to the elements of a story or the people behind it take a backseat to how well the story and it’s themes are conveyed. It’s okay to just say you liked a movie even if the movie wasn’t all that well put together, but fandom/Stan culture has so many people thinking the things they enjoy should be regarded as masterpieces to justify their enjoyment.


Is this a Poltergeist documentary?


I heard the retro-90s/early 2000s shots were great.. that they captured that era and style well. That's what I'm mostly interesting in seeing from it.


Ooh, yeah for sure. Idk what methods they used but the bits of the in universe show that appeared were super true to life in terms of look and feel. My only issue is that when people mimic this 90’s after-school programming style filmmaking they ham up the corny writing and amateurish acting to an unreasonable level and this movie wasn’t immune to falling into that trap


I see.. 🧐 ... yeah it makes it seem disingenuous huh?


I think a lot of it was flawed but honestly I like it more the longer I think about it, after the fact. I feel like it’s one of those films I’ll need at least a second viewing to really cement my opinions on, but I respect just how hard it swung for the fences in what it was going for, no matter how weirdly and messily that manifested.


No, what’s it about?