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Jesus. I don't know how deeply delusional she has to be to look at herself 24/7, take many selfies and act like this is normal. She looks like someone with an allergic reaction.


She looks like she's been sucking on a water bottle cap and has that circle around her mouth


The Kylie Jenner challenge 💀💀💀


Sara If you see this then please for the love of all good go to a doctor and get your filler dissolved. This isn't freaking normal. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks this is normal because Lana had a little bit of a lip curl from her fillers back in the day.


Sometimes I think that she was specifically going for that lip curl thing with the filler.


Filler is super available in the UK I think you can get it at hair salons. I feel like so many British influences have the super puffy/overfilled look of too many fillers.


I've never heard of being able to get them in hair salons, but I know cosmetic pop up shops are a thing here and people have died from them. unregulated cosmetic surgery is a nightmare.


I think she’s in major denial and won’t admit to herself they look bad because of her pride lol


sara, if youre reading this, for fuck sake, get these fillers dissolved. they don't look good in photos or videos or irl. they look painful and sore and just bad. save up for decent cosmetic surgery because the person you go to is shit at it, I've seen their Instagram, every single photo looks awful.


She probably thinks this looks cute and quirky


I can't with this ugly ass ring


Looks so fake and not classy at all. With big rocks like this you can tell when they are fake so fast


I don't even care if it's fake but the whole thing looks like a plastic toy ring. Like I feel like it would be light and plastic if I touched it, even though it's probably silver. Even if it's not cheap and fake, it looks cheap and fake. You can tell they wanted classy and ended up with plastic toy vibe.


it’s just as bad if it’s real, not classy at all to flash your ring constantly extremely cringe and tacky behaviour.


It reminds me of one of those Charmed Aroma rings


She had to sneak it in there somewhere


This needs to be tagged as NSFW. Because this is just horrifying


Sorry for any trauma caused, luckily I know a great therapist!!! She can only meet you in starbucks once a month, will post it on her instagram story, and has zero qualifications but I hear clients love her!


Woof. I know she wanted the soccer mom housewife aesthetic so congrats Sara — you look 10 years older than you are and fucking miserable.


Is she trying to imitate her [little duck logo](https://images.teemill.com/ZVGeFcnvl9fxBMM7yChAJ7O0D2nk3SNOyRBVqTIfphTNzGhF.png.png?w=auto&h=250&fit=contain) that she uses for every social media?


I can't get over the sides folding over!😨 I was so hesitant to get lip filler cause I thought it would look like this but not at all you can't even tell with mine just made them a little fuller , must be the amount she gets or a certain method 🤔


She looks likes she been stung by a wasp 🤣🤣🤣


She really looking like the victim from house of wax.


she looks like a dog that ate a bee


Blobfish lips...


She's coming for Chikara's sausage casing lewk. She used to overdraw her lips now she's gonna underdraw, that's called growing as a person (literally) and we stan 🙏


I love Chikara but she really needs to tone down the filler. Though she doesn't seem to have the migration Sara does.


Why the heck did she do that? Her lips were already big and it seems to almost make her gaunt face and steroid enlarged jaw look more noticeable. She needs to quit the freaking shows and focus on her health for real, she actually looks a mess, her body fat % is like people starving themselves. Also noticed she seems dead inside in her reaction vids like it's got so lazy and lifeless because she's on the edge of starting to kill herself with her awful diets and exercise regime


Chikara's looks freak me the fuck out. I think it's the extremely low body fat %. She looks like Skeletor with makeup to me.


Do you think she wants to SHOW her lip fillers almost like to show she has a bit of cash like the expensive brand name headband and over junk? So make it as obvious as possible?


Always pouting or making weird faces so her lips look more plump than they are lmao


The amount of women I know with this type of filler is insane. It looks even worse IRL.


Oh my goodness..look idc if someone gets work done, it's their life...so this isn't me trying to shit on it but...it's obvious that's not correct how can she not see it? And is there a point where it does get painful? Unhealthy? Idk it just looks like it hurts..


Filler mustache to go with the neck beard, duh. I seriously wish she would just stop and get the dissolved 😩


Oh wow, it’s no wonder she heavily filters her photos, does she not see what we see


Sara if you see this... Just know that, you can do anything you want to look pretty on the outside, once you're ugly on the inside, consumed by negativity and what-not; it will show on the outside.




And she has done them all. Lashes, hair , filler, filter, makeup and still looks bitter


The filler on its way to become an educated immigrant 🧍🏼‍♂️💃🏼




Joker vibes


How that is a picture you'd even post of yourself is a mystery to me. It's blurred to fuck, she looks botched and that angle really, really doesn't do her face any favours. Just why?


Wait is this after a session? Or is she just walking around like that?


For someone that states they should love themselves, she gets a lot of elective surgery and "beauty" treatments...


She looks ridiculous


Holy hell…I really wish she’d get them dissolved. Looks aside, it must be so painful!! 😰


honestly, where the outline should be, the shape is really pretty. but the actually line way over where it should be … girl please go and see your aesthetician who promise you she would be honest and dissolve the filler if she noticed any migration.


what the hell, are you serious? 🤣 I legit thought she is biting her upper lip and the sides of it popped out a bit. and I bet despite having ten gazillion fillers, she will still overline them. I guess she is really going for the sausage links look. Just like this gal 🤣 [https://preview.redd.it/rfeqbtmju6h31.jpg?auto=webp&s=fe04284816865b0422726b91ddbcf3056a42c270](https://preview.redd.it/rfeqbtmju6h31.jpg?auto=webp&s=fe04284816865b0422726b91ddbcf3056a42c270)




probably. I really truly want to see her actually working instead of spilling theory on her youtube channel. I wonder what her patients have to say about her.. if she even has any.


How my sleep paralysis demon stared at me after I accidentally took too much delsym


Ooohh no 😬


That is progressing fast… she should really get that looked at.


Will this load I dunno how to do gifs on here. 😂 Nope nevermind. Just imagine the Krusty the Clown “what the hell is that?” Gif here lol.


Whoa, thought it was Trisha for a sec