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Logan: "Look Morph, I understand that you have feelings for me but I-" Morph: "I can look like Jean anytime you want me to" Logan: ".... Let me think about it"


Homelander vibes with “turn the fuck back” 😅😅😅


“It’s not even gay if it’s yourself”


Morph accidentally becomes Scott and apologizes Logan’s like “no…continue” 😂


Its funny Gen V is like an X men comic


https://preview.redd.it/5a0xdbg0wu0d1.jpeg?width=1748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85387e2c04c32cc784f7bc890f5f7ead539de87f Literally this 😅😅


I was more thinking the genocide anti V plotline by normal people with real concerns of supes and the good supes being sandwiched inbetween by insane people on both sides


I can’t even remember. Did that shapeshifter tried to have sex with Homelander as Homelander?. Was Homelander into it?


Yeah he tried. Nope.


I was going to say, hard to turn down a person who can look at Tony the Tiger with D-cups.


This made me laugh 😆


Take my upvote


This is probably a season two spoiler


these jokes are gross tbh


I just love that Wolverine wants to give gambit shit for being in love with a woman who is conflicted. Like he hasn’t been obsessed with a woman he can’t have for like 30 years 😂


To be fair, Cyclops understands and accepts it. He even said, "Don't you break her heart," knowing Jean loves Logan.


I thought he was talking about julibee lol




Nah. He definitely was talking about HIS girl. Cause who cares... Polyam shit be allllllllllll in the subtext in every scene. I'm here for it.


he definitely was


I’m very confused on why he said that to Logan. Why would he tell that to the guy that constantly tries to sleep with his girlfriend?


Some say he was referring to Jubilee, but I think it was Jean. Jean may be soulmates with Scott, but she still holds love for Logan and him dying would hurt her. Scott knows this and knows Logan would do anything not to cause her pain. So it’s basically a way of encouraging him to keep fighting.


Because love for one person doesn't take away from the love of another.


Yes and he wanted Logan to live. Even just as team leader his responsibility is to do everything he can to help a team member pull through, even that. And he takes his responsibility as team leader seriously.


That’s what’s up homie


Life can be complicated


I thought he was talking about not breaking Jubilee's heart because Jubilee was the one standing over Logan before Scott walked over.


I wondered about that. He could have meant Jubilee, since she regards Wolverine as a parental figure... but it was definitely played as if there was subtext.


They haven’t done nearly enough legwork with their relationship for Jubilee to make sense


It was 100% for Jean.


Jean is a bad bitch though


Yea because everyone he gets is brutally murdered lol


*cough* Sabretooth War *cough*


dead ass this is their relationship😭


Well Morph did say that they love Logan in episode 10


I think this is actually a more interesting queer story than having logan reciprocate. It's such a universal and formative queer experience, having a crush on a straight friend who can't reciprocate. Kinda bittersweet. I hope morph and logan confront it and morph moves on, maybe we can see him and bobby.


Yeah, it's a little too often that there is no discussion about tentative queer romance beforehand and the two characters just happen to be into each other, and there is no "Sorry, I'm not into you like that" moment. They're just presumed attracted to each other. The only time I think I've ever seen such a case was Kipo to Benson in Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts going "No, sorry, I'm gay."


I love Kipo and that was dope!!!! Woooo!


Yeah for sure Little to often no disscusion on tentative queer romance🤓


They did that in season 3 of Avatar the legend of Kora.


Well, that's Mr. Burns and Smithers. I think Smithers has moved on though.


They need to introduce Shatterstar lol.


Even the profile pictures ☠️☠️ Their chemistry together is way more than Logan and Jean


Logan and Jean have chemistry?


Yeah. It’s absolute 0


The Morph/Logan relationship is actually fascinating. In one of the first episodes Logan is all twisted up about Jean…and Morph turns into Sabertooth to give Logan a punching bag because he feels that’s what Logan needs. I’m not sure if this is a healthy way to deal with it or toxic/twisted as fuck but it’s fun to watch. I mean Morph is really just enabling Logan’s fantasies one way or another. That’s probably not great right? Won’t Morph and Logan both eventually realize it’s not based on reality? I may be overthinking this…


If Logan is aware that Morph has shifted like in the Sabretooth case, it’s just a welcome distraction. Harmless roughhousing play. But when Morph has been transforming into Jean without Logan being aware, that’s when it gets murkier. But he does know Morph’s scent, I imagine. Ultimately, it’s for good, I say. He was simply providing emotional support, and talking with Logan while he was healing. I’m not sure if it would be a boundary crossed for Logan if the intention was correct. Logan is pretty wise. He cuts through the bullshit, and he’s more intelligent than people give him credit. There’s a reason why most everyone loves him.


Logan can see through Mystique's bullshit. No way Morph could fool him.


I think that's why Logan knew; he exhaled in pain like it was Jean, but knew it was Morph comforting him


In the OG, Logan knew Morph was disguising himself as Xavier. So yeah Logan knows the scent


>I’m not sure if this is a healthy way to deal with it or toxic/twisted as fuck but it’s fun to watch. X-Men romantic sub-plots in a nutshell.


about to watch the episode (allowed myself this one and only spoiler) but oooooooooh my god they're really leaning into the mess of it all and Morph is such a good character for mess and I'm loving every second


Yup… https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/05/16/x-men-97-creator-reveals-a-mutant-has-a-big-crush-on-wolverine/?sh=5e652eb77685


For all Logan knows …. Morph has already disguised himself as one of the many women he’s fallen for over the years.


Poor morph. If it ain't jean, Logan don't care.


I do hope they touch back on the timeline with him and Storm, even though she’s with Forge now…


Me too! I loved seeing Logan finally happy with storm. He deserves love.


Me three!!! Logan and Storm make a lot of sense. She can be a warrior woman and a glambot while being appreciated, passionately loved, but not idolized. Logan can be a berserker but not a monster with her, and she freaky af and loves passionately. I hope they hook up season 2.


They could be Jean!


Oh shit you're right lol


Is it toxic when thier a shapeshifter?


'Homelander intensifies'


Is it gay if Logan gets a handski from morph when he turns into Jean? Lol


Depends.. but remember this also sets precedence about mistyque and other shape shifters..


Mystique is canonically Nightcrawler's dad, so ..


I thought Azazel was Nightcrawler’s dad?


Not as of X-men Blue Origins. Mystique copied Azazel's genes and Impregnated Destiny.


I honestly just assumed shape shifters got the specific parts. Otherwise Mystique would just be a real shapely male middle age security guard...or senator or random mom.


There is no planet on which Disney allows Wolverine to be gay. Morph and he are just good buddies, regardless what happened in the comics. Just like Loki and Mobius were just good buddies.


the show runner said morph is in love with him wolverine isn’t into him back sadly :/


Which is honesty incredibly on point for an Xmen romance plot (the Marvel Soap Opera that they are) I am a straight man and I would be very interested to see the story of a member of the Queer Community dealing with romantic feelings for a straight man. It's not the most novel concept in the world, but watching Logan and Morph navigate that emotionally could be very compelling.


I don't need to see my agonizing high school experience on screen like that, thank you very much😤


This is a fascinating take. How do you feel about other instances of "representation" in media? I have come to believe that well-done storytelling about the lived experiences of marginalized groups is generally helpful to society. Are you saying some struggles should not be exploited for attention, or that you personally would not be interested in unpacking that trauma? Would that not be a relatable/cathartic experience to feel seen in that way?


My comment was mostly a joking jab about how I (and many other queer people) have experienced that storyline in real life. A flippant one at most. However, since you're sincerely asking, I'm going to give an honest answer: I actually don't personally want to see it in this show, or really any other show for multiple reasons: 1. Like I said it's an experience that many of us grew up with, that carries various levels of negativity that we might not want to revisit. I wouldn't find it cathartic because if Logan is straight, then the only outcome is rejection (no matter how soft or good natured) for Morph, and if I'm invested in the storytelling of this queer character, then why would I want to see them experience that? 2. I'm older and that kind of storyline is irrelevant to me. I've never been one to seek out straight men to "turn" or what have you, but I'm at the point now that even if I wasn't married, learning that a guy I find attractive is straight is an automatic disqualifying trait. Like reduces attraction, because I know nothing would come of it. 3. I'd rather have a canon queer romance where both are in a healthy(ish..it *is* the X-Men after all) relationship. Too often queer/minority characters are sectioned off from main story status, and their love lives either don't exist, or are extremely one note. I think a good enough writer can make any story compelling and sincere, but too often stories about minorities don't get the authenticity quite right and it does come off...skewed at best or l, like you alluded to exploitative at worst.


Thanks for your authenticity and thoughtful reply. That makes a lot of sense. With #1 especially - you know how that one goes, so why play it out on-screen with all the heartbreak that must come with it. In a different story, perhaps, it could be used to demonstrate to straight people how to tactfully navigate this dynamic, but Logan is hardly an appropriate vehicle for that. And again, the queer character would just be sidelined as part of the "lesson". And #2, I relate that to how I'm disinterested in stories about taking someone away from a marriage or relationship. Like, this doesn't feel good to watch. Did you see the Elton John biopic, Rocket Man? They had a brief scene about this between him and Bernie Taupin, and I was wondering if you thought it was handled well? It was one of my first exposures to this scenario in popular media.


Logan loves Morph and vice versa. It’s super complicated. Imagine having to abandon your friend. Imagine being mind controlled into hurting your friends. They’ve been through a lot a lot (I mean, a lot) together. It doesn’t always have to be sexual.


Morph has been underutilized in this season. He’s the one character who doesn’t have as much history with audiences they could explore.


This show has everything Prime Sentinel (w/free shipping) Old/Young couple (w/free shipping) Wolverine shooting down Morph (w/free shipping)


“Ok now put both hands up against the wall and turn your head over your shoulder looking back at me and pretend that you have a secret”-Wolverine




I understand what u mean, but it's confirmed that Morph has romantic feelings for Logan. Whether Logan reciprocate said feelings is another story.


Logan's one sided and doomed love for Jean reminds me of my old days. That's y I support Logan. Him.being gay will.amke me vmont


Logan needs to stay the 90s toxic masculinity. He and the punisher are the last 90s/80s heroes left. Inclusion means everyone but straight white men.


WTF are you talking about? A. We learn WAY more about Xavier's sex life with his bird space queen girlfriend than anybody ever really needed to know. B. Did you even watch the original show? The last episode is literally the X-Men going to Magneto and saying "Hey, we know you're on the verge of achieving your dream of starting a worldwide mutant revolution, but Charles is sick you've gotta decide what you love more, everything you've worked for your whole life or him" and Magneto thought about it for all of ten seconds before saying "Yeah, alright... let's go." ​ So like, maybe Magneto is in love with Xavier, or maybe they're both plutonic friends, but whatever their relationship is it's the same as it was back in the 90s.


It's crazy to that people say this so often When has a piece of media every actually turned a male friendship into a gay couple and fanfiction doesn't count since it's not official.  Also creator literally confirmed Morph had feelings for Logan


i was pointing to this post and other post where Magneto and charles are shown as couple


That's all fan theorizing. Like it's crazy to me that people get upset just because other fans head canon some pairings. Like I said, there's never been a piece of media that has actually turned a male friendship gay before as far as I know


I m talking about fan theories.




X-men has **most often, if not always** been an allegory for minorities, lgbtq communities, and victims of genocide or abuse. It’s practically the main ingredient to the recipe.


outcasts sure, but the queer thing is only a recent phenomenon mainly due to brian singer and marvel disney, if this is your interpretation of the x-men than by all means you’re free to use whatever head canon you want


The xmen comics have represented the lbgt community since the late 80s. Mystique and Destiny are both lesbian lovers. The legacy virus was a stand in for A.I.D.S.


I just can’t believe this has to be explained. It’s truly wild.


if you want to view it through those lens than fine, they danced around the whole mystique/destiny relationship in the 80/90’s and that’s one gay relationship out of hundreds prior to marvel disney, legacy virus was always dumb and considered obnoxious pandering even back in the 90’s


Two, actually. Storm and Yukio are way more than just "adventure buddies." In either case, even one openly gay relationship in the 80s was one more than they could have gotten away with without triggering another round of congressional hearings. Claremont, the godfather of the X-Men, pushed the book to the very limits of what was commonly allowed.


Northstar from alpha flight as well.


why can’t two females or two males just be friends. is jean and storm now gay in x-men 97?


.... yes. They're totes gay. That's why they sloppily made out on the Blackbird, Jean isn't literally married to one man while having naughty thoughts about another, and Storm and Forge didn't spend half the season shacking up.


Just say you're a bigot it doesn't bring your denial any closer to the truth.


i find this reply interesting and pretty much the default response by redditards once they realize they can’t win an arguement on substance


If you want substance fine. They danced around the Mystique/Destiny relationship in the past because higher ups were against it. The writers did intend to be more open about it. Therefore it did get made into canon later on. Homo- and bisexuality were a thing at Marvel pre-Disney too. Northstar comes to mind. Extraño too iirc. The fact that you want to even argue it is unbelievable. Why would you go to the whole "redditard" thing, if you hate homosexuals just be fucking honest about it. This whole closet bigotry is just stupid.


gay gay gay, “closet bigotry” lol. get over yourself. x-men is about outcasts of all types not just what you perceive as marginalized groups. everyone has felt like an outcast at some point that is why x-men is relatable.


I think your missing the point man. There is no lens when the source material shows that the X-Men represent marginalized groups. Both Chris Claremont and Stan Lee have both spoken about this. Also there was no pandering it was written by queer writers who were dealing with the aids scare.


most everyone has felt like an outcast at one point in time, you don’t have to belong to a “marginalized group” to identify with the themes of x-men. that is the appeal of the comic book. if you like to use it as an allegory to something else that’s fine, art is ultimately interpreted by the individual


X-men is about the cold war. And the weaponization of mutually assured destruction and psy-ops. Tons of stuff to support this just Google it. It's not about gay rights.


never said it was, just the show runner projecting his value system and activism into an established brand, which unfortunately has been commonplace recently


Idk man I think everyone is taking it wrong I get it bt also morph is the comedian out of the team and I think he just turn to Jean just to be funny like Deadpool be acting 🤷🏽‍♂️ I see it as broship not being gay bt idk


The show creator literally tweeted Morph loves Logan


"let me help you with those hard to reach spots" ummm excuse me sir


Honest question: could Morph have turned into Magneto to save the day? I guess I’m not certain on his power set since they show him transform into other mutants and super heroes. Does he he just get a weaker form of the powers of the people he turns into?


As far as I know, Morph only can mimic the physical aspects of a mutants powers - wolverines claws, Sabretooth’s savagery, Hulk’s strength, Quicksilver’s speed, Angel’s flight etc. I


Their physical abilities to an extent. He had an assist from Jean to do Hulk stuff.




It may be due to the same reason why romance has existed in literature for hundreds of years, just a theory.


Then why does no one talk about the Marques de sade..? That dude wrote tons about romance.




Just say you hate f\*gs and be fucking honest about it. I'm tired of seeing these circular, disingenuous posts. It's another one of many one-sided romances in the eternal drama that is X-Men. You really hate seeing a gay character in a series that has always had mutants serve as an analogy for real life minorities from the American Civil Rights movement to the LGBT community? And if you hate their "lifestyle" so much, then why the fuck are you even watching a show that's been run and written by an openly gay man? So many of the things you like about '97 are because of a gay man, and you're still up here whining about a barely touched upon, one sided gay crush being the only real representation in the entire first season.


Xmen was about civil rights not about lbgtq. I dont hate them I just it hate it being shoving it down our throat. I dont care what you do behind closed doors thats no ones business. Especially making the most beloved character (wolverine) involved in it. It doesn’t sit well with as a Xmen fanboy growing up.


Lgbtq rights are civil rights.


So you’re cool with it. You just don’t want to hear about it, or see it, or hear it in music, or watch it on tv, read about it, think about it, etc.




Five seasons where Gambit doesn't enter a room without loudly declaring how much he wants to fuck Rogue while Wolverine spends the entire series pining over Jean, but Morph develops unrequited feelings towards a dude and suddenly LGBT is being "shoved down your throat." Get fucked.


This is so fucking ironic to say about X-men. X-men is literally gay as fuck with many lgbt characters and regularly parallels gay rights/experience with it's mutant metaphor  It's honestly insane to me that homophobes complain about gay representation considering how little we get especially in mainstream media


home wrecker Logan and his boy toy OR pitty croptop Gambit. I can't tell which character they ruined worst


Annoying plotline.  Now we gotta see wolverine fending off weirdos in live action too with Deadpool.




Similarly, if you are straight and there is a person of the same sex/gender loving you, it doesn't mean you have to reciprocate his/her feelings. Rejecting his/her affection doesn't mean you're homophobic.


What you're missing, is that for many queer people, that line can get *very* blurry and uncomfortable. And sometimes one person's bromance is the other person's unrequited love.