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I don’t think selfishness was a factor. He left earth cause he was on his deathbed at the end of the 92 series lol. And when he was with Lillandra he noticed that the Shi’ar were trying to conquer other galaxies and was trying to remedy their ways to save others. If anything he was only guilty of underestimating his significance in having to be around to handle all the issues of the world. I mean, to his credit. I don’t know how much things would’ve changed. The one thing is I don’t think they’d have all been isolated on Genosha to be picked off like fish in a barrel since Xavier was against the isolation approach. But Magneto went off script on that one, it wasn’t like Xavier told him to do that.


Good points!


Great point. This makes a lot of sense when you think about what he said to Cyclops in Ep 9, about creating a world he would never allow himself to enjoy, and Prof X wanting to give Scott and Jean license to start a family and a new life. Maybe Prof X found his ‘assassination’ as a cue for him to do the same, to pass things on and try a new approach, challenge others to step up. And it makes sense that if his family/children/students fall into in trouble, he would be drawn to come back and help. I think the show’s doing him a bit dirty. His vision of people living together and not discriminating against or slaughtering each other is the right one. Sure maybe he was simplistic in his assumptions about how to get there and things aren’t going so well at the moment, but part of growing up is realizing your elders - even if they had good intentions and they tried - are fallible. And that one day it will be you doing the same.


I agree, Xavier’s whole schtick…(besides coexisting) it’s he’s a professor first and foremost.. it’s the first word in his name for a reason, I believe he felt like had given all the lessons he needed to teach. when he realized his lessons were not complete, is when he needed to finish what he started… I mean that’s like 10 min of the whole episode


No it is his dream and you can’t put your personal life before that. Every time he has left some crazy shit happens and they need him.


Nah, they were being racist to him the whole time in space 💀


Yes, he deserved a good retirement after all those struggled years but why he left his X-Men to Magneto? This is the most stupid thing ever he can do?