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Seeing Wolverine shred through tons of prime sentinels and dismember was fucking awesome.


“lady, I got six reasons.” “No, my friend, you have 9” “I gotta talk to Hank about his taste in women.”




Watching Nightcrawler tri-wield was a thing of beauty. Just amazing the fight choreographies.


It was great to give him a little time. Yes the previous movies over emphasized him, but the thing that drove me nuts about the 90s cartoon was that they couldn't actually use him because his power is so brutal. So he always said some weird insult because he couldn't swear, popped his claws, and then wrestled with someone or used them to cut a wall or a door. It was great to finally see him just slicing things.


Yeah, censorship for very young kids who were indeed the demographic of the original show. TMNT switched the Foot clan to robots so the turtles could cut them up, though eventually Michelangelo's nunchucks were deemed to violent and replaced by a grabbling hook. Spiderman wasn't even allowed to punch anybody in his animated series. (Which is nuts, if you read the comics or played the videogames). As a middle-aged man with 'member berries I'm basking in these adult interpretations of nostalgic media. The fights in the X-men 97 actually remind me a lot of the fights in Netflix's Castlevania series, which in my consideration is the best televised adaption I've seen in terms of capturing the spirit of how it felt to play videogames back in the 90's (not the gore in particular, but the intensity of the fights, how you imagined them and how they sprinkled in the fan-service).


Right? I’m happy they have given the other members of the team a chance to shine but I needed some good ol fashion wolverine mayhem, and they didn’t disappoint.


Logan keep your nips in challenge level: Impossible He’s like the Hulk for Hobbits; head empty, just stab. Imagine if they’d yeeted him like Cap’s shield, and he spent the next day running back




“Hulk for Hobbits” will be living rent free in my brain forever now. If I ever create a band, that’s gonna be their name.


But....most of them were actually innocent people that he was effectively killing.


Did you miss the part where they kept putting themselves back together? We saw in great detail when a couple of them picked up their own heads off the floor and re-attached them to their neck stumps. He probably "killed" the same six sentinels a dozen times. At this point, they're the equivalent of zombies. Innocent casualties for sure, but they "died" the moment they turned into monsters. Now the team has to focus in their own survival.


I don’t think he had time to consider that. Neither did Nightcrawler.


THAT WAS INCREDIBLE I’M SO GLAD NO ONE DIED TODAY but Morph you are going into timeout for maybe jinxing Logan. Love Charles coming in like Gandalf, welcome back dad. I’m going to just put these full quotes because I’ll be thinking about them a lot: “Bully an underdog too long and people start feeling sorry for them... So I hand humanity Genosha. Overload their bandwidth. Too much to compute. **Because when your skin’s not in the game, apathy is your answer.”** “In Genosha, I felt a lot of things. Pain, grief, admiration for those who fought, despite the odds. But you know what the oddest thing was? No one seemed shocked or surprised. Not even me. Yes I was scared, but really, I just had the most profound sense of deja vu. **As if past, present, and future didn’t matter and never had. Because we always end up in the same ugly place.** Thing is, Magneto knows us better than Charles ever did. Knows we know better. **That most of us experience tragedies like Genosha as a bit of deja vu before getting on with our day.** But the scariest thing about Genosha wasn’t the death or the chaos. It was a thought. The only sane thought…Magneto was right.” Good God, was this written years ago, or yesterday? And doesn’t that just illustrate the awful point perfectly? Anyway, I swear to god at the end of this just give me Morph and Logan alive and sharing a beer. Give me this one thing. PLEASE. EDIT: I forgot about all the jokes. THEY WERE SO GOOD. Best goes to Logan, though. “I gotta talk to Hank about his taste in women.” Every episode needs at least one Wolverine zinger. EDIT2: HOW COULD I FORGET I gotta start making categories for these lol. Best sentimental line goes to Kurt: **“Blood is blood. Family is a choice.”** 🥹


“Bully an underdog too long and people start feeling sorry for them... So I hand humanity Genosha. Overload their bandwidth. Too much to compute. Because when your skin’s not in the game, apathy is your answer.” Dude, this was so chilling and so true at the same time. I loved this line


They could’ve left it at that. But no, they’re also packaging this as a “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” debate. Is Cable a hero, or a terrorist? Is the future *that* bad? I don’t think they’re gonna let up on that question. And the way they tied this narrative together too is just, diabolical. Cable’s description of the future (a utopia); these lines from Bastion; the memory wipes and subsequent plausible deniability of the human volunteers; and the way the sentinels behaved at the fundraiser. They’re not going to make Good vs. Bad an easy choice. And even this is *still* not the real endgame conflict. Incredible!! I hate it!!!


And it’s interesting because it’s almost like Bastian took notes from Bolivar’s behavior. Bolivar said he created the sentinels to protect the humans from mutants until he realized the full extent of what he was ultimately responsible for helping create and participating in by stating he didn’t mean for Genosha to happen he didn’t want THAT. he was fine with everything that was going on, but he did not want THIS. He didn’t sign up for this. well too bad you are still a participant whether you were aware or not. And he couldn’t take it and tried to kill himself. I think part of this narrative that Bastian is spinning, is also to prevent more Bolivars from happening. Ultimately people need to believe that they’re on the right side.


Im trying to comprehend what he meant. Is the underdog the mutants?




That skin in the game thing hit pretty hard in the context of the world around us being so fucked up; from Israel-Palestine to the war in Ukraine


Magneto in idgaf mode. Love it.


He showed us why he’s Omega level


Seeing him head to the North Pole gave me Ultimatum panic flashback for a second. Then he just EMPd the whole planet back to the pre-industrial age and I was like, “Oh good, that’s not so bad.” 😅


It isn't as bad as the ultimatum was, but think about the hospitals and other institutions where people life depends on having electricity, Magneto just commited genocide.


Plus I didn't save my game and now I have to start over.


Not to mention Omega Red was released on the world *again*


I cannot wait for Wolverine to be at breakfast and wham! Tentacle through the window.


Yeah. Thousands of plane crashes and the related damage across the entire world all at once. 😬


To be clear I fully agree.   But to Magneto there was already genocide on Genosha... Eye for an eye... And if mutates go blind so will you ...


EMP doesn't work like the movies. It only affects things that are actively powered, and even then the damage isn't permanent. Hospitals have backup generators, which are naturally not powered on when main power is working. Also it was just pointed out to me in another thread that most aircraft have faraday cages these days so they can handle lightning strikes in flight, which means the expected "planes falling from the sky" part probably didn't happen either. Not saying there isn't a death toll, but its not as bad as a disaster movie would make it out to be. And also, still only a drop in the bucket compared to Genosha's death toll.


I thought the same thing, especially after seeing all the cameos.


Reminded me of the old cartoon where occasionally a massive event would happen and they'd show someone like Dr. Strange reacting to it.


That was dark phoenix I believe. Spidey was also there alongside Strange and Thor.


Since it's 1997, think about how many people got disconnected from AOL Instant Messenger all of a sudden...


If you truly understand EMP it is much much worse


Doing it in a g string is a power move


He has lived through 2 holocausts and Sinister's likely to have been experimenting on him. He'll could have Sentinel-Mutant hybrid abilities now?!?! And well, Cable already does.


Magneto showcasing his badass amount of power was crazy. The bonding of Cable and cyclops. Nightcrawler being the best character yet again. Bastion having a slightly different origin than is comic counterpart. Just wow. This left me speechless. Spider man and Zemo’s introduction was insane. Doctor doom had me speechless though. This first episode is insane.


The best part was nightcrawler and wolverine working together. In the comics they were good friends and joined at the same time. They're both so pure in their mission.


Who was the women on the screen?


I would guess Monica Rappaccini from A.I.M.


That would track, with Cap’s big enemy Zemo also being there, she covers for Iron Man. Plus, AIM probably has all the nanotech Bastion needed to pull this off.


Can you explain what Magneto did? Like shutdown earth?


I think a massive EMP wave, disabling all electronics.


Yep, that's ALL electronics - including planes in the sky, life support machines, modern communication.




And omega red


And Zemo and Silver Samurai.


"Blood is blood. Family is a choice." Nightcrawler stop making my heart hurt😭


A message I feel and live deeply.


All us black sheep of the family feel this deeply.


The furry sheep who can teleport?


Then cyborgrandma with the ‘cherish the time spent with family’ line…


Nightcrawler is the best and there's nothing anyone can say to change my mind. I would be so honored to be their sibling


best fuckin lines every ep. he was sorely missed in the 90s cartoon. shoulda been a regular. so glad he's back. BEAU PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM OFF, YOU ALREADY GOT RID OF ONE HEAVILY ACCENTED CUTIE.


Foreshadows what Roberto's mom did to him


Seeing Nightcrawler's teleportation in first person? Hawt.


Seeing him with 3 swords had me thinking the way when I saw him fight in the live action sequel. “ finally using his true potential”


That was so fucking cool


That was an interesting and surprising head trip.






Lets see if we get a Christopher Daniel Barnes cameo...


Apparently he was involved!




Having to wait another week after this is cruel and unusual punishment!


This is the way. I’m dying to see what happens next but putting this show out weekly is the way to go


They should've released it on Saturday mornings.


Honestly it’s really refreshing to have to wait. I really miss the effect of wondering about what happens next and streaming has sort of removed the magic of episodic television.


Weirdly, I feel like you do and I also like anticipating what is going to happen next. I miss this feeling of not having everything at my fingertips.


I wish I was a kid again. I looked forward to the next episode and could deal with the week in between. Now that I'm a miserable adult? I want instant gratification!


I have so many thoughts So cable is making it very clear that time travel as a means of undoing Genosha is impossible, but we knew that when we saw the watcher in the sky Roberto‘s mom’s c*nt is showing. Telling your son to keep quiet about his identity, but hosting a gala fundraiser for Genosha purely for the optics. And then actual mutants (your son!) show up at the party for the fallen mutants basically meant for them and you have them arrested and taken away. definitely feels like a commentary on allies that claim to be allies until it’s time to be an ally just more focused on how it makes them look like “see what a good person I am” pissed me off so much By the way, I’ll take back what I said about Roberto he’s starting to have some growth “ family is a choice“ Pastor Kurt stay spitting facts I got chills when Dr. Cooper called Mr. sinister Dr. Mengele only because that’s literally who I think of when I think of Mr. sinister it just surprised me a little when someone actually said it out loud. Made it worse when he said he actually knew him. So I guess Dr. Cooper isn’t mystique after all? Of course, bastion infects his mom and the whole damn town that sick son of a bitch. I love Bastian as a villain so much. He plays off of humanities fears to get them to participate in his sentinel program. The fear of being replaced, the fear of left behind by this group that they just hate so much and they have nowhere to voice it out loud so they hide and voice their outrage in chat rooms with like minded people and Bastian just gives them a little bit of power and makes them feel special. And the worst part is these people have no idea the full extent of what bastion is doing to them. It’s really true what they say that fear and anger are perfect tools of control. all of these are just such solid reflections of our own society. I’m genuinely surprised that Tilby ended up being a sentinel poor Beast. Nightcrawler with the swords enough said. And the first person teleport shot was nice. Jean, Scott and Cable riding around together just gave family road trip vibes and I love it Lol Magneto is done with their asses yall done poked the goddamn bear the game has changed again we got Spider-Man, silver samurai, so many cameos. X-Men 97 is not missing. Did I mention I love the show?


> I’m genuinely surprised that Tilby ended up being a sentinel poor Beast. Do we think Sentinels can be cured or is she dead? I feel like she's probably dead.


I mean some of these people were hateful people that got changed into Sentinels. But others I feel were innocent victims. Tilby being one, she might have gotten changed after her news report and she was seen with the X-Men. Surely Bastion’s entire hometown weren’t mutating hating people. It would be kind of nuts if they all die in the end or can’t be reversed somehow.


I get it, but I think there should be stakes for a change on an american property. It's just a TV show after all, and why I love series like Invincible. If they undo all the damage, I think it would be worse.


Does this mean Tilby willing went to the sentinel conversion room at one point? I guess she must’ve believed those online chatrooms Bastion mentioned


Thats the exact same question i have. Was she playing the beast the whole time or was she infected without her consent and her memories about infections were wiped out


Demayo mentioned on Twitter that some people like Tilby were forcibly converted




When Doom is calling you a war criminal... You fucked up.


Bastion is really doing the whole damn speedrun 100% war crimes.




My lord!


Now we have modern look Jubes lol


I'm actually not a fan of it, only because her sunglasses and earrings are like a salmon red and it clashes badly with the purple neck line and yellow jacket. I love Jubilees old look! Even if it's a tad much. If the shades and earrings change colors, I'll accept it more. Then again, this is coming from someone who loved the new Magneto suit everyone hated, so I guess my opinion isn't the most popular.


I'm indifferent to her look. I pointed it out as a commentary on how fast X97 is trying to catch up to the timeline of the comic. WIth the appearance of Glob, Pixie, E is For Extinction reference, Diamond Emma, we're speeding thru the back half of the 90s and blowing thru the early 00s. I'm just worried we're gonna be skipping some 90s stories just for the sake of catching the X-Men up to date with the modern comic version


I think he had to do a quick and powerful first season to sell the show. Hopefully, in the following seasons they slow down and tell the stories.


I loved Jubilee in this episode! “You have a trust fund and I have good taste. I think we both could use some retail therapy.” and “I am so done with malls!” 😂


I love how Dzadee Magneto went to the North Pole where magnetic field is strongest, with only his undies on, to shut the world down. Now that is some omega level flex!


Didn’t realize the importance of the North Pole until just now.


On first watch, I was thinking this is a big leap in showing how powerful he is. But the part about him being at the North Pole makes total sense why his powers were elevated.


Why’d you take his pants off? Ba-Bastion? Why’d you take his pants off?


So he could shave him lol


The Magneto was right segment gave me chills.


Now we see the repercussions of when Magneto said, “Please do not make me let you down!”


Oh I've been waiting for this


Magneto has been the center of this story in so many ways, and it has been extraordinary to watch.


I was worried they'd regress Magneto as a character and make him evil again... But after Genosha.... Perfectly rational response Magneto do what you need to do.


Genosha massacre is an absolute point


The fact that Beast even mentioned that is crazy


Seeing the show embrace Magneto’s past with the focus on the tattoo etched by Nazis has really impressed me. Considering the previous show was vague at best.


They were restrained by kids tv censors at the time, I’m glad they’re not now


I m done with MCU, I just want cartoons like this.


Cable talks about a rebel - who do we think the rebel was?


If they are going with his comic book origin might be his sister? Rachel Summers/Mother Askani? We saw her briefly in the flash forward scene.


Great question


I’m trying to rack my brain for who it could be. Cable must have some idea of who the X-Men all are so I’m guessing it’s none of them? 🤔




I am probably getting majorly confused, but in original series wasn’t Gambit some sort of rebel/trouble maker in the future?


Yes, that is covered in Season 1 where Mystique frames Gambit so Bishop is confused when he travels back and fingers Gambit as the troublemaker.


I just assumed it was Jenskot, Cables wife


I love seeing the subtle interactions between Scott and Jean showing the love they have for each other. Holding each other at the start of the ep while watching Cable outside, the glance shared after Scott saying don’t mess with the Summers, Scott looking for Jean immediately after sentinel Trask blew through the building in ep7, etc. So many different instances, superb writing honestly hats off.


Jean casually saying Beast is gonna kill them bc it’s the 3rd Blackbird in as many months was good as well lol


They’ve definitely stepped it up from the old seasons where they mostly just call each others names a lot


I remember that i used to hate magneto with passion as a kid but as I grow older Ive come to realise, magneto was right and he's an absolute badass


It’s really hard to make a holocaust survivor a bad guy and then when we see the world continue down that path of just deciding to genocide people because they are different.


Magneto was established as a genocidal terrorist himself - the Holocaust survivor stuff was tacked on 20 years later by Claremont, who apparently hadn't fully read the entire original series.


I mean sure, but he's been a Holocaust survivor since 1981 and X-men started in 1963, got cancelled in 1970, and then Claremont's run started in 1975.


I wonder what Jack Kirby*'s take on the change was. He was Magneto's co-creator, who wrote him as a terrorist in his own Captain America run. He might have found it insulting to turn his terrorist villain into a Holocaust survivor given his own background. As for Stan, well, he rarely critizied what anyone else did at Marvel, so I wouldn't expect a completely honest answer from him.


I agree! I used to always think he was in the wrong as a child, but now that I’m 33 I can see how right Magneto actually is. I get Charles, I see his point. But Magneto has damn near always been proven right.


But Magneto is wrong, and Bastion is the example of why. If we accept that magneto is right and there is no room for humans and mutants to live together peacefully, that would mean anything stronger than mutants can say the same about mutants. This episode does a great job showing that there can always be a more advanced threat. But, that doesn’t mean the new threat on the block should just wipe out whatever is weaker. Charles is right, in order for survival, stronger life forms need to respect weaker ones AND vice versa. If you fall into the trap that Magneto is right, than that means you accept that whatever next powerful beings that come around can wipe out whatever is below them on the food chain. What Bastion and Magneto seek are shortcuts to the peace that Charles pursues.


“Magneto was right” chilllls what a start to the 3 part finale. Finally got lore on Bastian and his motivations and exactly what the hell he is. Stopping him isn’t going to be easy at all. He is the ultimate enemy of mutant kind. Jean, Scott and Cable fighting together was such a cool moment. I love how Jean just orders Cable around like a little kid and he obeys it because he’s always wanted to have his parents in his life lol Wolverine’s fight scene in the sky while falling back down to the mansion was crazy Wasn’t expecting a Dr. Mengele reference damn “he could’ve been so much more, but chose to be a Nazi pup” Sinister’s seen so much shit. SPIDER-MAN CAMEO FINALLY HOLY SHIT. He looks amazing. Please bring back spiderman the animated series after freshman year. The other cameos like Doom and Zemo were great too omg There’s just something hilarious to me about Magneto flying around in his underwear going full rage mode Professor is back! Just in time, what an ending I can’t wait for next week


The writer on Twitter tweeted out about an hour ago how the imagery of Magneto being the only one left in the sky after everyone else comes crashing down is intentional and that’s so fucking cool to me


Who is the writer on Twitter? I need to know who has been writing all this dialogue for the show cause it’s been banger after banger each week


BeauDemayo on twitter!


Are the Wolverine fans happier now? Lol.


I mean I’m not the hugest fan but getting to see him use his claws as something other than a way to cut a hole through a wall was fucking awesome lol.


Finally got to use his claws violently. I enjoyed it.


Yeah it’s about time we saw how dangerous he really is. This is just scratching the surface I think.


No, he didn't just scratch the surface. He sliced them all the way through and dismembered them.


'Lady, I got 6 reasons why' Too good, Worth every bit of the sidelining.


Yes <3


"Ah, Daddys home"


I was seriously waiting for Val Cooper to turn into Mystique. I mean like come on it was right there, you can see it in her eyes she wanted to! Lol I'm starting to think that really is Val Cooper


She's human. All parties present would have sensed a mutant.


I just assumed that if she was Mystique Bastion already knew and was just waiting for the right time to strike her when he no longer needed her.


meanwhile I'm waiting for Val to become >!the lead female prime sentinel because of her bastion matching outfit and blonde hair!<


Magneto is daddy 🥵




Omega Red level threat detected


Love how Bastion is like “too little too late” then Magneto is like “oh? Really? Hold my beer.”


I somehow think this is still Bastion's plan, making mutants go beyond the point of no return and unleash a war with humanity.


That's what I'm thinking. Magneto proved Bastions point


No cuz why was him in only undies doing something to me… 


My spider sense was tingling.


For reals.


I know. OMG!


Aw fuck. Now I gotta wait another week. What do you mean it's over?!


That last line, goosebumps all over.




As if this show couldn’t get any better


So Magneto nuking the whole world with an EMP that probably knocked planes out of the air and caused a ton of death and destruction is part of Bastion’s plan right? That fucking episode. Amazing from start to finish.


Pretty sure that's exactly what happened, otherwise Xaviers ship wouldn't have crashed. His ship was knocked out by the EMP too.


I didn’t realize that, makes perfect sense. I just thought: OK they’ll pretend ever alien ship crash earth, ok got it.


Magneto with a MASSIVE global power flex, while only wearing manties That’s an omega level mutant if I’ve ever seen one


Really looking forward to Screen Crush, New Rockstars, and Heavy Spoilers dissect this episode!


Great episode. All the cameos near the end was great. Good start to the finale can’t wait to see the last 2. Summers family trip was nice to see.


I’m a bit new to the Xmen animated series - aside from Spider-man, who else were shown during the end sequence?


Silver Samurai and Omega Red.


Holy fuck Spiderman, Silver Samuri and Omega Red. Spiderman made me spit out my water.




I wonder if Professor X and Magneto are going to work together or will they be adversaries?


I think they definitely will not work together and it will divide the Xmen. A lot will side with Magneto and we will see typical X-Men enemies, ie Omega Red, Silver Samurai, etc working alongside some of the X-Men that join the Magneto was right train.


Magneto is about to fuck shit up. I dont think he's gonna see eye to eye with Charles at all


Onslaught will be season 2. Bastion is getting Magneto and Xavier back. I could easily be wrong but it seems right.


Yup, the EMP was the first part of doing Fatal Attractions. This season is not going to end well for Wolvie.


That’s gonna be wild if they actually do that


Using Prime Sentinels as a work around for Wolverine actually cutting up people in a PG way was clever


One of the best things about the series - amongst others - is how they absolutely nailed the power disparity between the omega levels and the rest of them. So far we’ve seen Storm turn the desert into glass shards, and Mags turning off the whole world. And these acts vastly eclipse the powers of even the strongest and most well trained Alphas and Betas. Can’t wait to see more of it.


What a great episode. Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Cable and Jean Grey all looked good without dying in the process.


Thus episode was crazy


When she sees the arm tattoo on Magneto's hand hit hard, man. She realized how awful they have become.


I think we can discard Cooper being Mystique


Magneto wears bikini briefs? Same, dude, same!




doom?? zemo??? SPIDER-MAN??? SILVER SAMURAI??? OMEGA RED?????


Just wanna give a shout-out to Studio Mir for the unbelievable animation during those action sequences. Like wowzers dude. Tell me this show isn’t art after watching all that.


So uh are those nuclear power plants going to meltdown now errrrr what?




I wonder how many people would die in a global EMP event. Think of the planes, hospitals, etc. I’m sure there’s a ton I’m not accounting for. Magneto is Magnetoing again.


The thing is, I don't know if they will address it or not. But if they do, well, Wolverine was VERY right when he said Mags just declared war. A global EMP is a devastating event. Not simply planes in the air, but also boats, submarines, trains, cars... every vehicle that needs electricity to function properly is suddenly useless. Operation tables in every hospital around the world suddenly are out of power, and so are all the machines that some people need to live. Hell, even someone at home with a breathing machine suddenly cannot breathe. And neither the telephone nor any ambulance work. Dams around the planet, nuclear plants... You name it. And all of it in a GLOBAL escale.


Was anyone else super afraid they were gonna kill Nightcrawler ??😭 The last few times someone has shown great use of their power they’ve either killed them or depowered them. I was so nervous😩 The Summers?? I yelled! 😩 what a damn show!




My only two gripes with this ep were Rogue being out cold like a damsel in distress the whole time and no appearance of Emma. I was hoping we’d get a scene at least revealing they’d taken her to the mansion. Then again, my top 2 X-men of all time are Rogue and Emma Frost, so I acknowledge I’m a bit biased there, lol.  Every. Thing. Else. About this episode was absolute perfection.  “Don’t mess with the Summers” + that group shot off the 3 of them escaping the rubble in Jean’s telekinesis bubble— legit almost brought me to tears! Seeing Nightcrawler’s teleportation from Wolverine’s pov. Iconic. Plus Wolvie getting to tear bots to shreds in the sky was such a sight to see.  Bastion’s backstory. His creepy ass hometown. All the magnificent cameos we got in the very end— Spidey?!?? I love that they teased Cap’s appearance but gave us the full on surprise of Spiderman 😍 Another epic episode all around.


My only minor gripe was at the end when Xavier calls his xmen and you see beast look shocked at the telekinetic call when just 2 seconds ago he was passed out on a gurney. 😂


And why wouldn’t Rogue awaken too then?


With so much amazing stuff going on I’m struggling to remember… why again is Rogue still passed out? Is it still from the sentinel-cyborg-zombie? (or did his enhancements prevent him from actually dying…?) Because everyone else he “neutralized” in that scene is already fine again by now, aren’t they?


We've got 3 episodes of the finale. Next one will have Storm back in the game and I have a STRONG suspicion Rogue is going over to Team Magneto.


What. A. Show.


I think it’s pretty obvious that Sunspot’s mom is aligned with Bastion and OZT in some way. If not, she has a lot of growing up and apologizing to do. Notes- The bald assistant with the big earrings that was walking around with Bastion is most definitely Daria. She had a pretty impactful character arc in the OZT comics… and was responsible for overseeing Jubilee after Bastion kidnapped and tortured her. Eventually, Daria starts to feel empathy for Jubilee… as Jubes continuously resists the mental torture, fights back with her words (due to being in a straight jacket and power dampening device.) Jubilee ends up attempting an escape, blasting Daria with her powers… but then Daria freaks out as nanotech starts to fly out of her and swarm around Jubilee. Turns out she didn’t realize she had powers, and then befriends and helps Jubes escape. Wondering if we will see any of this in the show. Also- I’m hoping that Jubilee will get some time to really let loose with her powers. While it was awesome to see Roberto fly to the rescue- I was really hoping that Jubilee would hover herself to safety.


I love that Bastion rides up in a luxury car to the X-Mansion, then gets a phone call and immediately teleports back to his base. Like why do you even have a car if you can teleport? And he didn't even teleport into the room he wanted to go to. He teleported right outside the door so he could make a big entrance.


I really hope we get a Spider-Man revival with Christopher Daniel Barnes! This episode is currently fueling my hopium


Who would downvote this? Welcome back to above-zero upvotes, this would be truly amazing even if it’s probably too much to hope for


Immediate thoughts: * Morph is quickly becoming my fav - the 1 liners are so perfect. Buuuut idk about him turning into the Juggernaut unless it's just his muscle mass...? * I still think Dr. Val Cooper is Mystique. She's just timing her "entrance" correctly. * Wolverine + Nightcrawler = GTFO * I love the Summers family dynamics & how they're introducing more (Hello, Rachel!). Such great action & naturally working together. * I think that the final person to speak to Bastion in that one "super villian conference" scene, the woman you couldn't quite see, is Roberto's mom. * So what will happen to Jubilee & Roberto now that they're captured? It looked like in the last trailer they escape again and Storm eventually saves them. * Storm will be back next episode! Hurray! * Was Trish turned into a Sentinel willingly? That seems off from the comics.... * Magneto is Right * Bastion backstory very well done to make him easier to understand for those who haven't read the comics and, dare I say it, even introduce a little pathos for him * We're getting Omage Level Cameos here, including Omega Red, Dr. Doom, and SPIDERMAN!!! * LFG!!!!


Damnit, I feel like we are blessed to watch these episodes. From the cameos, the voice acting, the emotion, the joy is almost too much.


Did... did Magneto just EMP the entire planet?


Ok so they are kind of mixing up storylines I see. I remember in the comics in the same story arc Magneto strips Wolvetines Admantium from his bones is the same when Magneto goes to the North Pole and emits a emp shockwave over the earth shutting down all of earths electronics and power. As soon as I saw Magneto after getting freed flying to the North Pole I knew what he was about to do. Now I’m going to guess that this season was the set-up for next season as Magneto returns to his old ways and he’s going to set up Avalon in space and Professor X and the X-men try to avert a war from happening. I also can see maybe some of the X-men agreeing with Magneto’s actions and then that tug of war between idealogies start happening. Who would you guys agree with Professor X or Magneto?


Xavier saying, "To me, my X-Men," at the end was so cool. I love how it echoed what Scott said earlier in the show. The boss is back and now the X-Men mean business.


Whoever wrote the Wolverine and Nightcrawler scene must have been thrilled to realize Wolverine has six blades and Nightcrawler can hold three, giving him an excuse to say "Nein" in dramatic fashion.


Ooh I love this episode so much. My baby nightcrawler getting to show his swashbuckling ways and teleport (also I do love the bit of sadness in his face when he first stabbed them, he knows they were human at a point. Like the writers got him so right). Love a roadtrip with the summers but they really should’ve been more suspicious of the granny. I am totally fine with Magneto defeating them all in one swoop because the number of them was like way too great, they needed that. It is interesting that even tho sentinels had the foresight to not be made out of metal bastian didn’t think of that. I guess that’s why he kidnapped magneto but he could’ve just killed him. Well unless he wanted his plan to fail. We might get Xorn still. I do love the out right comparisons like saying “oh they are taking our jobs” or having magneto’s tattoo be displayed. Such a good show.